Mass Effect Series

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Oooooooh, shiny new Normandy :D

I just completed the Freedom's Progress mission and now I've to do all that craic for recruiting new team members. Also, yes!!! Joker! :monster:

I let Veetor go back with Tali(<3 Tali). Kinda bummed that none of the old gang can be recruited yet, but something to hope for I suppose.

Mass Effect 2 kicks off much faster than the original, there's already tons of missions and sidequest type things, I think I'm going to enjoy this :awesome:


We have come to terms
Honestly, in ME2 the only classes that just aren't worth your time are Soldier and Engineer. Soldier just shoots stuff and slows down time IN ORDER TO SHOOT STUFF (yawn), and Engineer uses powers constantly and spawns a weak combat drone to draw aggro (meh).


-Vanguard. Lol. Just lol. Biotic Charge, shotguns, a dash of melee...a great close range class (sniper training recommended later!)

-Adept. If you're playing on Normal, then throwing people around (off buildings ahahaha) is a blast. Singularity is fun, as is Stasis, and then there's Warp detonations! (assault rifle training recommended, or shotgun)

-Sentinel. This is a tanky goddamn class my lord. It's still got plenty of fun packed in with its other powers, and is surprisingly good on Insanity. Lots of fun, and definitely more fun than its ME3 version (sad face). (shotgun training recommended, or assault rifle)

-Infiltrator. My first class for the entirety of the series, it's all about dat tactical cloak and blasting the ever loving shit out of people with a big fucking gun (WIDOW). It's also nice to have a damage power in Incinerate. Lots of fun here, making it my favored class after Vanguard (I's pretty much neck and neck). (if you don't take sniper training something is wrong with you because the widow is fucking insane)

This changes in ME3, where Vanguard is 10000000000000% the most fun and possibly most broken class in the game, with Adept being a close second. Infiltrator is still a lot of fun, though. Avoid Soldier and Engineer like the plague, and Sentinel, too.

I'm interested to see how your playthrough goes...ahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Sweet Jaysus, even game shops in space rip you off on trade-ins. Two credits towards a new game, feck sake.

Also, is that Quinton Flynn I hear doing some Salarian voices?

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Sheesh, a Reaper attack, everything Shephard's been claiming vindicated, and the Council still don't believe they're real >_>

EDIT: And that poor bastard's still looking for his refund on the Citadel :lol:
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I kicked ass with soldier. And also had the Widow. So :monster:

Then again, I liked the Mako so I'm obviously on a different wavelength here :D


The mako needs to die in a fire but I admittedly had fun with it trying to flip it over, trying to pretend it's not a fridge on wheels (thanks Yahtzee for that description :D) and climbing vertical slopes.

I liked soldier the first time I played through ME2, but I didn't know any better. Soldier is the default option so a lot of people (including me) go for it without knowing that there are better alternatives. Powers are what makes the combat in this game so much fun and soldier lacks any of the good ones. Because the games are so good people fool themselves into thinking that Soldier is as good as the other classes, but it just flat out isn't.

I would just encourage you to try out the other classes if you haven't already. If soldier was called something else like "tank" and wasn't the default option then very few people would use it. There's a reason people hate on it so much. There are people who maintain that they've tried every single class in every single game but I'll only ever believe that when I watch a livestream of them playing all the classes properly, and if they still prefer soldier I'll either recommend the loony bin or accuse them of being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate.

There is so much more to the combat in this game that every other class - even engineer ffs - offers that Soldier doesn't. Engineer might be the next most shitty but it at least has powers. If you don't like being restricted to certain weapons, pick the weapons you use the most and go with the class that uses them but for the love of marauder shields don't go soldier, at least don't on your next playthrough.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
The mako needs to die in a fire but I admittedly had fun with it trying to flip it over, trying to pretend it's not a fridge on wheels (thanks Yahtzee for that description :D) and climbing vertical slopes.

I really enjoyed the challenge of driving it. Genuinely.

I liked soldier the first time I played through ME2, but I didn't know any better. Soldier is the default option so a lot of people (including me) go for it without knowing that there are better alternatives. Powers are what makes the combat in this game so much fun and soldier lacks any of the good ones. Because the games are so good people fool themselves into thinking that Soldier is as good as the other classes, but it just flat out isn't.

Ah but you see, you're making subjective judgement out to be objective fact. The FACT is that I enjoy the gameplay style of the Soldier. I had fun with it, in the whole context of Mass Effect and all it's wonderful physics. There are ways to use the Soldier that take full advantage of that, if you know what to do.

I would just encourage you to try out the other classes if you haven't already. If soldier was called something else like "tank" and wasn't the default option then very few people would use it. There's a reason people hate on it so much. There are people who maintain that they've tried every single class in every single game but I'll only ever believe that when I watch a livestream of them playing all the classes properly, and if they still prefer soldier I'll either recommend the loony bin or accuse them of being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate.

Then you may have to call me obstinate or call me crazy. But you don't seem to realize how seriously I take my RPG's. I never see anything as default. I took Soldier after reading through every class very carefully. I have played other character types, and I still had fun with them, but I had MORE fun with Soldier. I took Soldier, among other things, because I read it as "tank". And I love playing tanks. I'm actually busy replaying (well, I say busy but it's on the back burner because too many good games) the whole game with a vanguard, and sure, it is fun. But it isn't as much fun, for me.

Saying that I'm crazy for that, is like saying I'm crazy because I prefer beef over chicken, or because I don't like brussel sprouts, or because I prefer any one subjective thing over any other subjective thing. All the people who hate on Soldier are welcome to, but don't tell me not to love it. :monster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I think Soldier can be just as kickass, and all it takes is a Fun Gun to make it fun as hell.

Vanilla single-player, the Revenant and an Armor Piercing mod will do the trick. Because hardcore dakka, what's not to love :monster: Re-enact your favourite scene from Predator and just sweep slowly across the chest-high cover.

Also, Soldier powers in Multiplayer are fuckin' cash. Probably my best-performing class.


Joe, Arcana
From a lore perspective I feel like Soldier is the only real choice. There's a good reason it's the default class. You can go through the entire series as a biotic and be able to count the number of references to that fact on one hand. Shep's military training and history is constantly referenced.
Not to mention the amount of cutscenes that make no sense if Shephard were to have biotic charge (insert chase scene here).

I enjoy Soldier, mostly because of assault rifles. That, and, sometimes there's such a thing as too much ragdolling before it feels silly.

Adept is my life though. Number 1 for battlefield control and manipulation.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I'm so very happy they kept the Galaxy map music theme. The new Galaxy Map format takes some getting used to, mind.

I recruited Kasumi on the Citadel, got the Mess Hall Sergeant his ingredients and got plastered in the bar on the Citadel, and then went and got plastered with Dr. Chakwas.

I can see what the folks in the Skype call meant when they said there's a lot more irreverent humour in ME2 :monster:

Off to recruit Zaeed and the rest of them now


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Assault rifles are <3 for Soldier. I'm going through my Insanity run for ME3 and actually finding I'm sailing smoothly because I'm so used to it. As Darth said, I like it for being the "tank" role and if you know me, you know I'm more of a tank than anything (look me up in FFXIV). I'm best when I'm shooting at stuff and leaving the biotics/tech stuff to my teammates (which I'll use if I'm facing a particular kind of enemy).

Soldier may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's mine (and Darth's, you just got so many awesome points in my book! :D) and it's not because it's the default option, either. I've tried all the other classes and honestly, Soldier just fit with my playing style. If I did choose a class that wasn't Soldier, then I'd have to go with Adept.


Joe, Arcana
Can you people stop calling 'Soldier' the 'Tank'

When not referring to a literal Tank, the word is used in gaming to describe something with the most defensive properties and is thus hard to take down. In Mass Effect, this is 'Sentinel'.


Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Ehhhh...Fornax, I think it was called, and I think the thing on the front had tentacles?

No cookie monster pose though, decidedly not Yop-like



Mr. Thou
I'm so very happy they kept the Galaxy map music theme. The new Galaxy Map format takes some getting used to, mind.

Flying the little Normandy around is fun, but whichever developer thought paying for gas was a good idea (or needing gas at all) needs to be kicked in the quad.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The whole fuel management thing was always kind of nonsense and filler, tbh, especially when it didn't really tie into any of the other meta other than... credits management? Though resource management in general is kind of weak in Mass Effect 2 when you can easily buy/obtain everything imaginable and still have plenty of space dollars and space minerals to spare

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