I guess anything's possible with a boner for Aeris & a complete disregard for the story.
did you rly just respond to
aki with this
honey you just went full retard
Black Mage said:
Oh and don't forget that up until the Lifestream sequence, Cloud did not even remember killing Sephiroth. His story in Kalm ends before they ever clash, with him having no idea how he even survived.
But that's exactly why Aeris is just a huge motivator -- because at this point in the story, we still don't know Cloud's deal. There's the question of whether or not he's even real. When Aeris died he displays some pretty raw emotion that confirms even in his muddled state, he's not a puppet and still has emotions separate from Jenova/Zack and two, is something undoubtedly real and personal to cling to. He even says, once he realized what Aeris was doing, that they were going to try and finish what she started and "above all, unfreeze her smile".
Not to mention, as I said, it also gives the audience a personal reason to want to kill Sephiroth -- and Cloud is supposed to be our avatar in the game, so it's not a stretch to comment on how personal it was to him too. We're supposed to feel what he's feeling. Other wise, well, there's
kind of no point.
In a way, I think Cloud projected his mother onto Aerith. She's described as a mother figure to him and the planet, and he even calls her 'mother', right? By witnessing her death, and failing to protect her, he sees his own failure to save his mother in the situation, and so feels that way.
I'm sorry but this mother argument is just. so. stupid. Tifa is motherly and calls Cloud a big kid, but clearly that's not a deterrent in their romantic life, right? So why should that be said of Aeris? It's confirmed
both girls are motherly, Tifa in a literal sense, Aeris in an earth mother sense. He's reacting to the feel of her presence which is warm and comforting and yes, motherly, but I doubt if you asked him about his relationship with her that'd be something he'd seriously consider.
Tifa also has jealous feelings over the "world" the built together which is distinctly...unmotherly.