SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
By the way, I want to raise something else to further clarify how Genesis doesn't have... Jenova cells in the sense of actual pure alien cellular matter or Sephiroth's own cells.

This is important when you consider this in relation to Hojo's cockamamie scheme to turn himself into a jinchuriki host for Omega.

Weiss the Immaculate was capable of hosting Omega and it's awesome power because he was pure. His spirit energy and body were free of the taint of Geostigma. Jenova. Darkness. That's why he was chosen. Weiss is a Tsviet, and if he had actual Jenova cells in his body he would be incapable of being a sufficient subject for Hojo's final experiment. So clearly... Genesis' genetic make up is not on the same level or equivalent to the likes of Sephiroth or a normal member of SOLDIER. Because if it were, Weiss by definition would have been incapable of being Omega.
We've all had that discussion before:



The Tsviets had the "Genesis element" mapped onto their genetic structure, but the wording for that is distinct from the wording used for cells.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
*reads that thread*

No wonder this discussion feels familiar....

Oh lovely... Deepground might just need gene sequences (a data set) rather than actual genetic material to play around with genetics. As in... it's entirely possible to get the genetic sequence of something from some other project (looks at Project G) without having any genetic material itself on hand.

Oh... dang... I think I just realized why Deepground would have used Genesis' gene sequence on the Tsivets instead of oh... Sephrioth's or Angeal's. Genesis is the only surviving Project J specimen that was created using gene mapping in the first place. Project G would have had to have Genesis' Gene Sequence to even do the experiment that made him. Meanwhile, Angeal and Sephrioth were the result of women getting pregnant naturally. And I can't see Hojo letting Sephrioth's gene sequence get out... While Angeal would have been declared a failure at birth... so they might not even know of his.

I did not need anymore science horror ideas to think about in regards to Deepground experiments...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Oh... dang... I think I just realized why Deepground would have used Genesis' gene sequence on the Tsivets instead of oh... Sephrioth's or Angeal's. Genesis is the only surviving Project J specimen that was created using gene mapping in the first place. Project G would have had to have Genesis' Gene Sequence to even do the experiment that made him. Meanwhile, Angeal and Sephrioth were the result of women getting pregnant naturally. And I can't see Hojo letting Sephrioth's gene sequence get out... While Angeal would have been declared a failure at birth... so they might not even know of his.
That does make sense.

To be entirely honest, I'm not entirely sure how to make sense of the cells vs. gene editing situation with Genesis. Unless someone misspoke, we appear to have been told he had Gillian's genome mapped to his fetal form, but the description offered for G-Type SOLDIERs' degradation (i.e. the issue with the lack of proper integration of Jenova's cells) should presumably apply to the poster boy for G-Type SOLDIERs ...?

Unless it doesn't. lol


That does make sense.

To be entirely honest, I'm not entirely sure how to make sense of the cells vs. gene editing situation with Genesis. Unless someone misspoke, we appear to have been told he had Gillian's genome mapped to his fetal form, but the description offered for G-Type SOLDIERs' degradation (i.e. the issue with the lack of proper integration of Jenova's cells) should presumably apply to the poster boy for G-Type SOLDIERs ...?

Unless it doesn't. lol

Genesis didn't start degrading until he got injured in training and received a blood transfusion from Angeal. Which do bear a version of Jenova's cells.

I'm not sure the differences betweens cells and genes and genomes mapped on at the fetal stage are all the same in Japanese (I'd frankly be surprised if it was), but that situation has an out.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, they're definitely different words in Japanese. And you're right that there may be an elegant solution there with the blood transfusion.

The only potential problem I see with it is that Genesis supposedly required the blood transfusion to begin with because his degradation had begun and he wasn't healing -- but that information also came by way of Hollander, who obviously lied to Angeal and Sephiroth about mako seeping into the wound/making it worse ... and who pointedly wanted Angeal rather than Sephiroth to provide the transfusion for some reason ... and it was this incident which Hollander utilized to get Genesis under his thumb so as to begin his revenge on Shin-Ra ...

You know what? Let's go with it. :monster:


Fire and Blood
Coming back to where part 2 will stop, I was discussing with @odekopeko about it and she pointed out that recent interview where the devs stated that we should expect a lot of changes. So I've been thinking, with Aerith taking upon Sephiroth herself, would the party even have a reason to ask Cloud about him? I happen to think that the flashback would be a really great way to start part 2, but isn't it something they could push way further back? Like this, they could skip Kalm altogether and save strength on assets. Because in the Remake, why would they be going to Kalm exactly? Why not Junon directly?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
It would certainly fit the pattern where "strains" of Jenova-augmented Cells are stable on their own or with actual Jenova Cells... but start doing really weird things if some other "strain" of Jenova-augmented Cells get added to the mix. The two different "strains" don't play nicely with each other. See what happens to the Genesis Copy when it eats Zack's hair and goes through even more monster transformations...

There's also the fact that Jenvoa Cells do respond to the will of whoever they are in at the moment. And that response probably isn't going to do good stuff if the person with Jenova Cells is obessing over the fact that they are now a monster... and has ideas about what monsters look like. Jenova Cells *are* shape-shifters after all...
To be entirely honest, I'm not entirely sure how to make sense of the cells vs. gene editing situation with Genesis. Unless someone misspoke, we appear to have been told he had Gillian's genome mapped to his fetal form, but the description offered for G-Type SOLDIERs' degradation (i.e. the issue with the lack of proper integration of Jenova's cells) should presumably apply to the poster boy for G-Type SOLDIERs ...?
My understanding is that the degradation stems from Genesis' ability to shapeshift (partially) and pass on his Genes to other people... but that he doesn't have *all* the Jenova genes needed to make that process work correctly. Particularly when it comes to reversing/reconstructing the way that process changes his own cells. So Genes can shpeshift to something else or pass his own Genes on... but then doesn't have the right genes to change back (really, fix his own cells afterwards). It's like he's missing a "copy from backup Master Gene Sequence" mechanism after he fiddles with his Genes in some way.

It feels like this is an issue because Genesis never got Jenova Cells that could... keep changing/developing his Genes after he got them. Whatever he got from Gillian, was what he was stuck with. While Angeal was in Gillian herself who has Jenova Cells... and would have had them growing up. So he would have had a lot longer to get any "bugs" fixed.

Sephrioth having stable Cells has less to do with him having *all* of Jenova's abilities and more to do with him simply not being able to pass his own genes on at all (or shapeshift). So he never needed the ability to reverse/reconstruct himself after doing so either. So Sephrioth never runs the risk of developing degredation. All the Sephrioth Clones we see were made by Hojo... rather than Sephrioth making them like Genesis and Angeal do...

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
So...If the blood transfusion was going to trigger degradation...what caused Angeal to grow his wing?

The thing about Weiss is that Nero, his brother, is too corrupt to host Omega. If the same process was applied to both of them in utero, why was one corrupt and the other not? I know they're not twins, but they both were subject to the same gene mapping process, right?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
That has nothing to do with Genesis and everything to do withe Deepground running different experiments on both of them. Weiss wasn't exposed to Chaos' mako... Nero was. And Chaos' mako was not in the Lifestream itself... it was in Lucrecia's cave where it's cut off from the rest of the Lifestream... Nero joining with Weiss makes Weiss too corupt to host Omega because Nero is already linked to another Weapon himself. Jenova wasn't a factor there.

Weiss is unusual in that the only thing going on with him is... tons of mako exposure (which he isn't physically dependent on), Genesis genes mapped to his and... nothing else as far as we know. And he still manages to be more powerful than everyone in Deepground and can do all the crazy stuff the other Tsivets can do (which required a lot more experimentation for them to develop). And he's relatively sane on top of all that. Weiss is a freak of nature even in the context of Shinra's experiments because... not very much was done to him to make him that powerful. There's reasons he's locked up most of the time and it's not because he isn't effective. He's too good at what he was designed for and too smart and Shinra has good reason to be worried about what Weiss would do if he ever slipped his leash.

Weiss is an example of what is possible to get from... mainly mako with barley any Jenova in the mix. And the result is... somewhere up near Sephroth's level in CC at least. He's living proof that Jenova isn't needed to make monsters...


Pro Adventurer
It makes sense the (soon to be) Tsviets grabbed Genesis once he surfaced at the end of CC. Being of the original 3 and probably superior to most other SOLDIERs running around, I could see why Deepground would use his genes. Though to be clear, I'm not sure when DG started using his Genes. I suppose this whole statement is predicated on them doing so just before the events of OG and that's probably wildly inaccurate. Honestly, I have no idea when Genesis Genes were used to make Tsviets. o.O

I think to bring these conversations full circle back to Part 2.

The creators made a point to include S-type and G-type soldiers in Hojo's dialog in Part 1. I do expect, and hope, that we'll see more about all these folks in Part 2. Heck, if Sephiroth is starting to threaten the planet, maybe alive-Zack will go and seek him out, asking him to help. We could have a concurrent journey in FFVII Part 2 with Zack seeking out the Tsviets and Genesis beneath Midgar to recruit them. Bringing in characters like this could have them re-conclude the entire FFVII compilation/saga without straying too far from the OG story. Zack and other characters would be going adventuring while the main party is going adventuring and everyone shows up together for the final scene. I dunno, just partially spitballing here. Regardless, I hope they dig back into the Jenova Project during the encounter with Sephiroth in Nibelheim to make some of this a lot clearer. Getting into the journals left by Gast, Hollander, Hojo, and Lucretia would be fantastic.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Soon to be?

They were Tsviets. What are you implying?

And why the hell would the Tsviets of Deepground listen to anything Zack had to say? Nevermind the Restrictors being there and if anything, they'd want Zack dead becasue he's a fugitive of Shinra (if they even knew that in the first place). Why would the Tsviets who have no regard for human life or connection with Zack be interested in hearing him out, let alone letting him live if he managed to get down there?

Wait, how would Zack even know about Deepground in the first place? :huh:


Pro Adventurer
I don't think I'm implying anything, Mako. I said it right in the post. It's not clear to me when the Tsviets got the Genesis genes. Those characters are incredibly inconsistent.

We see the bodies of Weiss and Nero in CC at the end, yes? Yet none of the abyss powers surrounding Nero seem to be the case.

I suppose they collect Genesis in order to recruit him, but I'm not clear if they get the Genesis genes before or after this. If Hojo has anything to do with Deepground, it makes no sense why he would use a failed experiment like Genesis's genes over his prized Sephiroth to up the power of the DG SOLDIERs. I get they couldn't be Tsviets without the Genesis Genes, that's part of what makes them them, and maybe that has to do with the unique experiments surrounding Rosso, but the only reason I could see of Hojo signing off on using Genesis Genes over Sephiroth's would be lack of access to Sephiroth. It just doesn't make sense with the rest of the canon or the stuff discussed here.

Sooo, to the bit about Zack and the Tsviets. Luckily I'm not the writer, but I do see a certain issue with using the OG FF7 to cap off the compilation and serve as an end to the whole of FF7 Saga/Series/Compilation: namely, we know the whole DG army is lying in wait. It'd be very strange for Nomura and co. to end the series definitively with those characters and that material just sitting around after all the work they've put into it. I don't really expect Remake to extend past the end of OG FF7. Maybe by AC at most, but I don't think we'll get like.. Remake Part VI: Dirge Again or something. So, it would make sense to somehow wrap up the whole Tsviets/DG stuff in the background of FF7.

Zack is coming straight from Banora if I recall. While he's not searching for Genesis, bringing him, whether Genesis goes to him or he goes to Genesis would be a way of telling Zack-still-lives stories while not directly interfering with the OG events and letting those events play out. Whatever that meant, getting some new allies, defeating Deepground, etc. In some ways, Zack is a great candidate for the type of dudes that DG tends to drag into their depths, isn't he? I don't really expect they'd create the whole the Tsviets and Genesis again just to make it a side story where Zack kills them and moves on, but they also have very little reason to join Jenova/Sephiroth and Genesis as this weird knight of the planet thing would even possibly oppose him.

Giving us a quest of Zack battling through DG, recruiting a character or two, to reach Genesis to ask him to help fight Sephiroth would be a way of addressing those events in a shifted timeline.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I don't think I'm implying anything, Mako. I said it right in the post. It's not clear to me when the Tsviets got the Genesis genes. Those characters are incredibly inconsistent.
It's less inconsistent then you think it is. It's just that the timeline isn't spelled out clearly. However, there's really only one rough outline that fits given what we know. Several events are linked to each other... no one just spells it right out anywhere.

The really useful things to keep in mind is that the reason Deepground was turned into Deepground was because they got a hold of Genesis' Genetic Code. And that happened before Wiess, Rosso and Nero were born (all of them were born in Deepground). Wiess and Nero call Genesis their "brother" at the end of CC because they know they have some of his genetics from long ago.


astray ay-ay-ay
So...If the blood transfusion was going to trigger degradation...what caused Angeal to grow his wing?
The wing is a symbol of monstrosity, and it is believed to appear only after the wing carrier realizes that he possesses the said monstrous nature. There were some lengthy discussions on that matter here and here on the forum.

It's also mentioned that Nero wasn't so much born as his mother was simply sucked off his infant form into his void. :monster:
How gross is that :mon:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't think I'm implying anything, Mako. I said it right in the post. It's not clear to me when the Tsviets got the Genesis genes. Those characters are incredibly inconsistent.

You're making it sound like they weren't Tsviets when they went and picked up Genesis. They most certainly were. They were simply incognito and on assignment.

Nero's darkness was under control because he was under control and disguise. And honestly I wouldn't take their appearance at face value too much. Their models there were simply altered models of Zack and Angeal because they put zero effort giving them proper cameos lol

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Nero's darkness was under control because he was under control and disguise
I strongly suspect Nero purposely cultivated the idea that he didn't have control of his darkness while he was in Deepground. In DoC, his arms aren't bound any more either and he has rock-solid control over what his darkness consumes.

So I might have the headcanon that the Deepground Soldiers really don't like the scientists (shocker) and get their kicks where they can by making sure the scientists get as non-accurate data on the Soldiers... And that the sicentists think Nero *still* having no control over his Darkness is one of the longest running cons the Tsivets have managed to get away with...


Pro Adventurer
I know we've derailed the convo quite a bit and I appreciate everyone tackling this topic regardless.

My understanding is that Hojo, ultimately, had oversight of Deepground. Maybe this is a flawed understanding and someone like Estes-D (?) actually was in charge. If the Genesis-Gene infusion was happening at birth (which explains Rosso's experimentation), why use Genesis Genes rather than Sephiroth genes? What am I missing?

Genesis was considered largely a failure, no? He and Angeal were somewhat shunted off to Banora, unlike Sephiroth who was raised, presumably, in Midgar/with the lab stuff. Why did they choose a failure's genes? What's special enough about Genesis?

Was there something more malleable about his genes? Was the experiment used in Deepground to make folks like Rosso the basis of Hojo's "Sephiroth Copy" project and the tech that would eventually make Genesis Copies? If so, we could be seeing the same tech/science being developed:

Initial Stage: Jenova Project -> Jenova derived entities
Second Stage: Replication of Jenova Project Beings
2.5 Stage: Rosso and other DG with Genesis Genes
3: After perfecting process, SOLDIER with Jenova Genes similar to what happened with Lucrecia and/or Gillian?
4: Genesis Copies Stage: Further using 2.5 but full on Genesis copies (seem to be mentally linked? None rebel/act independently)
5: Sephiroth Copies/Nibelheim: Hojo perfects Hollander tech to make Seph Copies that Seph later controls

I know those links are spelled out necessarily in any of the maeterials, but I'm trying to understand the processes here of what we're dealing with. I'm also stuck as to why Genesis Genes were at all superior to Sephiroth Genes for Deepground. The only solution I could think of for this is that the Gene collection happened after Sephiroth and Angeal were lost, so that Genesis was the only option. While DG had experiments, the Genesis Genes would have been used on DG specimens *after* the Nibelheim incident. I do understand this isn't the correct timeline now, but that just brings me to why Genesis....

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I know we've derailed the convo quite a bit and I appreciate everyone tackling this topic regardless.
People asking us about this stuff is what causes us to go look up our sources again and go, "We really sythesised everything we can on this topic given everything we know from canon right?" And it's nice to have something a little different than the Remake itself to research.
My understanding is that Hojo, ultimately, had oversight of Deepground. Maybe this is a flawed understanding and someone like Estes-D (?) actually was in charge. If the Genesis-Gene infusion was happening at birth (which explains Rosso's experimentation), why use Genesis Genes rather than Sephiroth genes? What am I missing?
Hojo seems to have had control over Deepground in name only... like he has control over the entire Science Department. And yet we se a lot of scientists with their own science projects that he doesn't care anything about.

Hojo is obsessed with Jenova (and Seprhioth). Anything that doesn't have have to do with her is... not really something he's interested in. And Deepground has nothing to do with Jenova. The scientists in Deepground are mainly experimenting with the effect mako has on people... and not much else.
Genesis was considered largely a failure, no? He and Angeal were somewhat shunted off to Banora, unlike Sephiroth who was raised, presumably, in Midgar/with the lab stuff. Why did they choose a failure's genes? What's special enough about Genesis?

Was there something more malleable about his genes?
We have missing information between when Genesis was considered a failure and when Deepground was started up as Deepground. However, we do know it was not long after Genesis was born that Deepground started experimenting with loads of mako and Genesis' Gene Sequence and (most importantly) no real oversight from just about anyone in Shinra. It was a mad scientists' playground. Unlike Hojo's Science Department where they at least had to keep some things looking right for everyone else in Shinra and the board of directors and the public.

There is a very short list of people outside of Deepground that knows it exists and... that's pretty much... President Shinra, Scarlett, Heiddegar and Hojo. Everyone else who knows about Deepground is in Deepground itself and seemingly doesn't go top-side much.

My current *guess* for why Genesis's Gene Sequence was used in Deepground is that he is the only surviving member of Project G to make use of Gene Sequencing/Mapping to create. All the others died and Angeal was the result of Gillian getting pregnant. There would also have been a slight delay between Genesis being born and Genesis being declared a failure and someone working in Deepground could have easily grabbed his Gene Sequence for whatever reason.

Deepground is nowhere near as picky as Hojo is when it comes to experimenting with what "works". The point of experiments is figuring out what works *after* experimenting on stuff and Deepground takes that mentality to the extreme conclusion of "test everything to death". Them experimenting with what everyone else sees as a failure isn't out of character for Deepground at all. Who knows, maybe they'll find something useful all the big wigs up in the Science Department missed...
Was the experiment used in Deepground to make folks like Rosso the basis of Hojo's "Sephiroth Copy" project and the tech that would eventually make Genesis Copies? If so, we could be seeing the same tech/science being developed:
No it was not. "Copies" are very different from what the Tsivets are when it comes to... just about everything about them. So the effects are widely different. Not even all copies are made the same way.
Initial Stage: Jenova Project -> Jenova derived entities
Second Stage: Replication of Jenova Project Beings
5: Sephiroth Copies/Nibelheim: Hojo perfects Hollander tech to make Seph Copies that Seph later controls
These are the only three that really go together. And the first two stages are really one and the same. Gast was originally the one overseeing all of this before he left Shinra. Hojo was over Project S that made Sephiroth. Hollander and Gillian were over Project G (which stands for Gillian, not Genesis). Project S was thought to be a success and was folded into the normal SOLDIER creation process. Project G was a failure (to Hojo at least) and Genesis and Angeal (and Gillian) all got to grow up as normal people as a result!

The Sephiroth Copies are made by Hojo. Sephrioth himself can't make them, since he doesn't have the right Jenova abilities to do so. But he can control them. Hojo also didn't just make the Sephrioth Copies just for kicks. They were specificly made to test out Jenova's Reunion Theory, that is, how all of Jenova's Cells will want to come together. It is unknown if Hojo got this idea having seen the Genesis Copies. Remake makes it sound like he's been making them over a very long period of time though. Maybe even as far back as the original Project J.
2.5 Stage: Rosso and other DG with Genesis Genes
This would have happened after Project G and S were ended. Deepground has no real oversight, so no one cares what they do. It should be noted Genesis' Gene Sequence is not the same thing as Genesis' Cells. One is just the data of what genes show up in someone's DNA. The other is actual biological material. And Deepground seems to have only had the former, not the later. Which means none of the Tsivets actually have Genesis' Cells in them (or Jenova's Cells for that matter). And that is what all the degradation issues are linked back too. Hojo is also not involved with experimenting with this personally and this is not how Copies are made. The Tsivets are not Genesis Copies. They're just people who have had their DNA shuffled around a bit to be like someone else's in certain ways and that is not what is going on with the Copies elsewhere.
3: After perfecting process, SOLDIER with Jenova Genes similar to what happened with Lucrecia and/or Gillian?
Gillian and Angeal and Genesis all got to go live in Banora as... normal people. Genesis was adobpted by the mayor and his wife and it's canonical he came across LOVELESS in their study (and got obessed with it as a kid). His parents let him grow up as a normal kid and didn't send him to anything related to Shinra's military school... until Genesis himself wanted to go out to become a SOLDIER as a teenager due to Shinra's propaganda. Which was when he left home.

Gillian remarried to someone who seems to have been a really good dad to Angeal and Angeal had a happy childhood. Gillian did not want Angeal to have anything to do with Shinra, but Genesis was Angeal's best friend and when Genesis went out for SOLDIDER, Angeal went with him. This was when his dad gave him the Buster Sword. Gillian would commit suicide in Crisis Core when she realized what kind of problems her experiments were causing Genesis and Angeal... who are... basically her kids geneticly.

Banora itself is a town for... essentially Shinra retirees... to make sure they don't talk about stuff they shouldn't. So if anything *really* weird would have happened with Genesis and Angeal, Shinra would have found out about it most likley... but nothing did happen. Which was just more proof to Shinra that Project G hadn't worked. It is... very likely that Genesis and Angeal would have been left alone indefinitely if they didn't go out for SOLDIER, but just stayed in Banora.

After Lucrecia put Chaos in Vincent to hopefully fix him, she left Shinra behind. She tried killing herself, but the Jenova Cells she got while pregnant with Sephrioth didn't let her die. So she went to the cave where she found Chaos' mako pool and... kinda put herself into a mako crystal... She's not dead, but she is in stasis. And seeing visions of Sephrioth destroying the world. Given how well she knows Hojo, I kinda can't blame her for wanting to make sure he never found out she can't really die due to Jenova...
4: Genesis Copies Stage: Further using 2.5 but full on Genesis copies (seem to be mentally linked? None rebel/act independently)
There is no link back to how the Tsivets are made for the Genesis Copies. Copies in general need to have the actual cells of whoever they are a copy of in them and the Tsivets don't have that. And Copies need to have Jenova Cells in them. The Genesis Copies all used to be SOLDIERs... and Hojo puts Jenova Cells in the Sephrioth Copies while making them. And the Tsivets don't have Jenova Cells in them at all.

The Genesis Copies are... rather freaky... in how Genesis' Cells interact with them. It's not some surgical procedure per say... as much as it Jenova's abilities. That Genesis's Cells have. Where those cells will copy parts of themselves onto that other person's cells. Copies in general are... essentially when other cells try to make the body they are in into a copy of the body they are from. Whether that be Jenova's body, Sephrioth's body, Genesis' body, Angeal's body, Gillian's body... that's what makes a Copy a Copy. And that... also includes includes how people think. Saying that Genesis can control his Copies is both right and wrong... it's more like the Copies start thinking like him... because Genesis' Cells are making them into Genesis. Or at least trying to. The same thing is happening with the Sephrioth copies. In... addition to whatever mental orders they are getting from Sephrioth. So yeah, Jenvoa is freaky because her cells can turn other beings into something like what she is.... and some of those beings can do the same thing to other people...
I know those links are spelled out necessarily in any of the maeterials, but I'm trying to understand the processes here of what we're dealing with. I'm also stuck as to why Genesis Genes were at all superior to Sephiroth Genes for Deepground. The only solution I could think of for this is that the Gene collection happened after Sephiroth and Angeal were lost, so that Genesis was the only option. While DG had experiments, the Genesis Genes would have been used on DG specimens *after* the Nibelheim incident. I do understand this isn't the correct timeline now, but that just brings me to why Genesis....
Good luck trying to get Hojo to stop obsessing over Sephrioth. We know he's been censoring stuff about the S Project for ages and I wouldn't be surprised if that included what Sephrioth's Genetic Sequence was. As it is, Sepiroth never needed his genes sequenced as part of his creation process. He was the kid Lucrecia got pregnant with via Hojo and was then injected with a bunch of Jenova Cells that started changing what Sephrioth's own cells were like while Sephrioth was still in the womb. Angeal is *almost* the same thing. But he didn't get Jenova Cells injected in him... instead his mother, Gillian had them herself from an earlier experiment.

The thing to know about Deepground at the end of the day is that it really doesn't care if it's experiments work or not. It just like experimenting for the sake of experimenting. And you can't know if something is really a failure until you do a lot of experimentation on it....

The shocking thing to me about Project Jenova in general is how fast the thing went. We still have no idea *what Cetra traits exactly* Gast and Co. were looking for when they declared Genesis and Angeal failures and Sehprioth a success. We do know it happened when they were all babies. That's... not a lot of time to go do a bunch of testing to figure out if the Cetra traits you were trying to... cultivate.... copied over or not. Or if they'll show up later in life.

Hojo is... ironically really bad at science in general. He has conclusions he wants to be right about certain things and then goes and designs experiments that he thinks will get him the conclusions that he wants. That is... really bad science all the way around. Deepground's approach of "experiment on anything and everything even if you think it doesn't work" is a way better mentality to have (and yes, I know they go horribly overboard). But from the looks of it... Deepground doesn't have a conclusion about anything they are doing before they do it. Instead it's just "what if x happens if we do this?" No wonder Deepground figured out Genesis' Gene Sequence actually had something in it long before Hojo's Science Department did; they have a way better head for that kind of thing.

FFVII is... honestly about how very bad scientific method doomed the world. Hojo is a horrible scientist for a lot of reasons and not all of those reasons are just his lack of a moral compass. When it comes to doing good scientifically sound research... most of the named scientists aren't. Often times because Shinra really wants them to find out certain things as fast as possible instead of in a scientifically robust way... and that's when corner cutting when it comes to research often starts.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
But Genesis doesn't care about being a monster at all, he thinks he's a hero.

Hollander regarded Angeal as perfect, but Genesis as a failure. What was the difference?

Genesis copies thinking like Genesis would surely make them more likely to rebel against him? Gen does not appreciate being an unwilling experiment or an expendable pawn.

The lack of darkness in CC is just pragmatic writing, they don't want a player of CC being distracted by 'what's that stuff?'

How did they get Chaos' mako, doesn't Vincent have it in him by the time Nero is born?

DG seems like a logical extension of the SOLDIER programme, instead of carefully selecting candidates, they try to mass produce them. For every surviving Tsviet, hundreds of test subjects died. And they didn't get anything useful out of it. Most of the subjects are either insane or mako dependent, and of those few that aren't are impossible to control.

By contrast, Hojo's SOLDIER program actually works.


Pro Adventurer
Can we clarify the Lucrecia's relationship with Jenova Cells? I get her fetus/Sephiroth was injected, but she has the cells too, right? Does that mean she has Mako as well? It seems like she's a prototype for SOLDIER in some unofficial ways, if nothing else, accidentally.

Gillian seems very much the same but with Genes rather than Cells.

I bet you mean stagnant Lifestream energy (terra corrupt...?).
I think fandom sort of mixed "stagnant Lifestream Energy", Terra Corrupt, Chaos' Mako, and Genesis's element/genes all together in the term "G Substance" shortly after DoC first came out. Some of that misinformation and confusion lingers.

DG seems like a logical extension of the SOLDIER programme, instead of carefully selecting candidates, they try to mass produce them.
I really don't think of DG as any sort of mass produced SOLDIER army. I really see it as any soldiers or SOLDIERs that needed medical treatment from the Shinra Army ended up in DG, thinking they were going to a hospital. Instead, they were just experimented on to see what would happen, since they broke why not fix them? It's funny though, we don't really see anyone in DG being wounded SOLDIERs for sure (Which I believe was the original consideration). One of the ways DG members test up to being Tsviets, the proper production out of DG, is by constantly fighting, which creates a possible army that Weiss unifies....

All that said, it really makes sense to me that President Shinra hoped to replace a simple Jenova-based SOLDIER army with "Tsviets" once Neo-Midgar was reached. We see the Restrictors with mind control chips, the Patricia computer system and much more that hints, to me, that there's a much more sinister intention behind DG. Knowing that Hojo uses specific tech to "upload" a digital copy of his mind, I wouldn't be surprised if this was being designed for the President to somehow live forever, it just wasn't finished by the time he died. [head canon]

Hojo is... ironically really bad at science in general.
He'd be so upset you said that. He'd start an angry fanclub, pose as a female member, and send you hate mail! Honestly, it makes sense to me that Hojo was the weak member of the Jenova Project Team (Gast, Hollander, Hojo, Lucrecia, Gillian? and maybe more) and murdered, lied, betrayed, and cajoled his way to the top. When does he inject himself with Jenova Cells? Is this right at the boss fight in OG or long before?

It's been head canon since my very first playthrough that Hojo had a telepathic communication/link with Jenova... knew much more about it than the others knew, and pushed for its victory. Sort of like... Jenova was Hojo's true love. Since FF7 was expanded upon, that was never really the case, but it makes sense that this crooked, pervy scientist loved this weird mummified thing and served it.

The Genesis Copies are... rather freaky... in how Genesis' Cells interact with them. It's not some surgical procedure per say... as much as it Jenova's abilities. That Genesis's Cells have. Where those cells will copy parts of themselves onto that other person's cells. Copies in general are... essentially when other cells try to make the body they are in into a copy of the body they are from. Whether that be Jenova's body, Sephrioth's body, Genesis' body, Angeal's body, Gillian's body... that's what makes a Copy a Copy. And that... also includes includes how people think. Saying that Genesis can control his Copies is both right and wrong... it's more like the Copies start thinking like him... because Genesis' Cells are making them into Genesis. Or at least trying to. The same thing is happening with the Sephrioth copies. In... addition to whatever mental orders they are getting from Sephrioth. So yeah, Jenvoa is freaky because her cells can turn other beings into something like what she is.... and some of those beings can do the same thing to other people...
Hmm, there's a lot for me to think about here with Jenova and how that thing works and these copies. This was a great paragraph and one of the best things I've read on these forums!

It strikes me though that we keep seeing copies forming and something about that is not only just important to Jenova but the overall theme of FF7. It still makes sense that the Tsviets were early prototypes of trying to "copy" Genesis, or at least rely on a gene-mimetic ability to give other people his powers. It's strange the genetic stuff is similar but so unrelated.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
How did they get Chaos' mako, doesn't Vincent have it in him by the time Nero is born?
I bet you mean stagnant Lifestream energy (terra corrupt...?).
These are all different terms for the same thing: the mako from the cave Lucrecia is in in the OG. Which... just so happens to *not* be connected to the Lifestream itself even though it is mako. It also has biological stuff in it that interacts with people in very odd ways.

Deepground seemingly makes a habit of stealing research and samples from other scientists. Lucrecia and Girmore took some of the mako from Chaos' Cave with them for actual research (which is why Lucrecia knows so much about it). Lucrecia used it to fix Vincent (or at least make what Hojo did to him not as bad) and then left it behind when she went back to Chaos' Cave for good. That happened before Nero was ever born. Sometime after Lucrecia left, Deepground got a hold of her research including the Chaos Mako sample.
By contrast, Hojo's SOLDIER program actually works.
It works the same way Deepground's research does work and Project G didn't (at least at first)... by accident. There's no go reason Hojo's experiments on Sephrioth worked and Hollanders's experiments on Gillian didn't. It was completely up to chance.

Human genetics is... very, very randomized on a lot of different levels. Some gene expressions are simple, others are very complex. You would need to do what Hojo did with Sephrioth... several hundred times to figure out what is actually happening to make it... predictable. How Jenova interacts with human cells is very randomized as well and the Jenova traits different people have are all over the place. So you have *at least* two very complex systems (human genetics and Jenova genetics) playing with each other and not enough research going on for anyone to really know what is going on in detail. And that's not even bringing in how mako *also* interacts with both of those and how that feels rather random too...
I really don't think of DG as any sort of mass produced SOLDIER army. I really see it as any soldiers or SOLDIERs that needed medical treatment from the Shinra Army ended up in DG, thinking they were going to a hospital. Instead, they were just experimented on to see what would happen, since they broke why not fix them?
Deepground really *was* a hospital for SOLDIER... that actually functioned as one... when Midgar was first built. And it wasn't doing any experimentation at that time. It was only *after* Genesis was born that it went completely haywire.

It's worth pointing out that SOLDIER pre-dates the Jenova Project. And it seems like it was using mako to make SODLIERs stronger than normal SOLDIERs. From there it... seemingly splits once the Jenova Project comes through. The SOLDIERs as we know them made use of Project S's research into Jenova Cells. Those SODLIERs are also... "Jack of all trades" when it comes to skills. They are supposed to be good at everything.

Deepground kept mainly using mako and it's goal was to produce "specialized" SOLDIERs. Weiss is unusual because he is good at *everything*. The rest of the Tsivets all have one thing they can do really well... at the expense of other things. And one of the most common things that was "expendable" was their sanity...
Hmm, there's a lot for me to think about here with Jenova and how that thing works and these copies. This was a great paragraph and one of the best things I've read on these forums!

It strikes me though that we keep seeing copies forming and something about that is not only just important to Jenova but the overall theme of FF7.
The idea of passing a legacy on is really important in Crisis Core at least. Whether that legacy is genetic or just in terms of general values. Zack (and Cloud) might not be Angeal Copies in the genetic sense, but both of them can trace back their ideals for what their strength should be used for to him. Angeal and Gensis outright reject the genetic legacy they get from Jenova in the end. Sephrioth embraces it hard. Crisis Core comes down very solidly on the side of genetics not defining who people are... but rather that their ideals and values do.
It still makes sense that the Tsviets were early prototypes of trying to "copy" Genesis, or at least rely on a gene-mimetic ability to give other people his powers.
I don't think they were trying to "copy" Genesis at all. No one would have know that Genesis had any abilities when the Tsivets would have gotten Genesis' genes. It just seems like another case of "maybe we can do this genetic mapping thing with whatever genetic sequence we have on hand" kind of like how Nero is a case of "lets see what happens when we introduce this mako+biogical material matter into a fetus". And where they get that genetic sequence or mako+biological material isn't really all that important...

I do think they noticed *something* when they mapped Genesis Genes verse when they didn't. But... I don't think they necessarily associated it with Genesis himself or even the Genesis Copies given the timing of when Weiss, Rosso and Nero would have had it done. It would have been before Genesis ever activated his Jenova abilities...
It's strange the genetic stuff is similar but so unrelated.
Tell me about it... I've probably learned more about actual genetic biochemistry by looking up IRL genetic stuff to figure out what the heck is going on with Jenova than for any other reason. The big take-away from it all that matters is that Cells *always* have Genes/DNA in them... while it is possible to get Genes/DNA without it being in a cell (especially when fantasy biochemistry is involved).

I have found a great rule of thumb to use in FFVII is to see if actual *cells* are involved in the process in any way. If they are, then the thing being produced is probably some kind of Copy (and all the associated links back to the "source" of the cells). If cells aren't involved, then the thing being produced is not a Copy. And the Tsivets are a case of the latter.
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Pro Adventurer
It's worth pointing out that SOLDIER pre-dates the Jenova Project. And it seems like it was using mako to make SODLIERs stronger than normal SOLDIERs. From there it... seemingly splits once the Jenova Project comes through. The SOLDIERs as we know them made use of Project S's research into Jenova Cells. Those SODLIERs are also... "Jack of all trades" when it comes to skills. They are supposed to be good at everything.
Yeah, Pre-Sephiroth SOLDIER is totes confusing with no clear canon answers. My comment about DG=Hospital is that it strikes me that DG may have remained as a hospital in which wounded vets from the war were set, they just weren't really healed. Instead they were experimented on. This means kidnapping was only probably being used in rare cases of special folks like Shelke that'd benefit DG.

I have found a great rule of thumb to use in FFVII is to see if actual *cells* are involved in the process in any way. If they are, then the thing being produced is probably some kind of Copy (and all the associated links back to the "source" of the cells). If cells aren't involved, then the thing being produced is not a Copy. And the Tsivets are a case of the latter.
Oh this is great! Copy = Cells. I like that, a lot. It seems consistent with everything said here.

You know, I'm curious about Genesis and why his genes were so important. I get we don't have too clear of answers. I wonder if he'll be a Cetra. Trying to understand why DG wanted his Genes for the Tsviets is something very curious to me.
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