So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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~The Other Side of Fear~
So which is it? Did it say "Cloud will be there" or "Cloud will come back"? Because one makes it sound like he was transported while the other is that he got there by himself.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
So which is it? Did it say "Cloud will be there" or "Cloud will come back"? Because one makes it sound like he was transported while the other is that he got there by himself.

"It's like she said: Wait here and Cloud will come back."


~The Other Side of Fear~
well then if he got there of his own accord, why did he find himself in a pool of water, looking up at people? What did he walk there, collaspe and wake up when they arrived?

...Now there's another theory. ;P


Your Mom
I'm not sure how "Cloud will come back" = he got there of his own accord. I took it as, "Cloud will come back (to be amongst the living.)"

My half-assed theory: The explosion blew his bits into the Lifestream, but Aerith and Zack said, "nuh uh, we want some alone time," so they sent him back through a place where there's a Lifestream "exit," the pool of water.
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Higher Further Faster
That's the same as my theory. And then you confused me. D:

Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, then. >_<


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
That's the same as my theory. And then you confused me. D:

Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, then. >_<

*headdesk* It's basically what a lot of us were already saying. We just didn't impose a lifestream exit... :awesome:

**ahem** Annnyway, what does this have to do with the LT again?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Fuck I'm not reading 8 fucking pages and I'm in a pissy mood. Did I miss anything?

Celes Chere

I was reading the Game Informer I just got in the mail, and there were comments from fans and what they wanted in the FFVII re-make. One person had said that the relationship between Cloud and Aerith felt forced, and that they wanted more focus on the love triangle and making the choices more like what the player wanted, instead of the game choosing for you. So I suppose that person is technically a Clerith, since they basically said CloudxAerith wasn't optional. Then again, they said the pairing was forced, so... :awesome:

GI seemed to be Cloti, but now it seems that they've been Clerithy lately. Though, lately they've been shit too. They said some pretty stupid stuff about FFIV in the back of the mag. >_>


Higher Further Faster
I was reading the Game Informer I just got in the mail, and there were comments from fans and what they wanted in the FFVII re-make. One person had said that the relationship between Cloud and Aerith felt forced, and that they wanted more focus on the love triangle and making the choices more like what the player wanted, instead of the game choosing for you. So I suppose that person is technically a Clerith, since they basically said CloudxAerith wasn't optional. Then again, they said the pairing was forced, so... :awesome:

GI seemed to be Cloti, but now it seems that they've been Clerithy lately. Though, lately they've been shit too. They said some pretty stupid stuff about FFIV in the back of the mag. >_>

The current issue that's out? I knew I should have picked up a copy the other day. My subscription has been up for a good year now so I miss out on GI. :(

But they've always seemed Clerith to me. Well actually, GI seems to really not be fond of FFVII as much, and not at all with the Compilation. Or so that's the vibe I've gotten.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Okay finally read all this:
What I love is how Clerith's over at the pink place see Nojima's quote on Cloud/Tifa in "Case of Tifa" as Clerith when it literally is saying that they are in a relationship as clear as day.

It's fucking amazing. The Nojima quote screams Clerith...while confirming Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship.
But it didn't work out, amirite? :awesome:

Oh wait CoD proves they're still living together... whooops :monster:

Or she just used a phoenix down on him. "At least I remember I have one when you die Cloud".

LOL I think his promised land is his family and friends. :monster:
This also backs the, "I'm not alone, not anymore."
Cloud was feeling alone, because he shut himself off. He opened himself up, and found his true promised land was with his family and friends. THE FUCKING END!

I swear to god I'm going to somehow contact Nomura and Nojima myself just to end this... not that it'd ever work... and if it did... well I don't know if I wanna be the one responsible for ruining so many dreams >_>

haha all you fagots reading the topic at CxA seem to have crashed it.
NM back up.
Oh hey here's something:

We can just use this program to figure out Cloud and who he loves XD
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Your Mom
This also backs the, "I'm not alone, not anymore."
Cloud was feeling alone, because he shut himself off. He opened himself up, and found his true promised land was with his family and friends. THE FUCKING END!
I agree. One thing to keep in mind is that Cloud doesn't say "not anymore" in the original Japanese version. Who knows why they added it in; possibly for pacing. (For Cloud to take that long simply to say "I'm not alone" might sound strange to English-speakers' ears.)

But I agree with you about Cloud feeling alone because he shut everyone out. It sounds counter-intuitive -- like, why the hell would you shut people out and then feel lonely? But remember that Cloud grew up a loner, and he draws inward when he's troubled rather than reaching outward. He thinks his problems are his alone. So his new realization is that he's not alone, that family and friends DO care and he CAN let them in and allow them to help him.

That Ultimania quote says that Zack and Aerith are going back to the Lifestream where they belong. Cloud saying, "I'm not alone anymore (because I have Aerith and Za ... oh wait, they're going away never to return)" doesn't make a whole lot of sense. He means that he's learned people love him and will be there for him.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm not sure how "Cloud will come back" = he got there of his own accord. I took it as, "Cloud will come back (to be amongst the living.)"

My half-assed theory: The explosion blew his bits into the Lifestream, but Aerith and Zack said, "nuh uh, we want some alone time," so they sent him back through a place where there's a Lifestream "exit," the pool of water.

Except for the 'bite the bucket' aspect, I think that's the case. Cloud was stated in critical condition, not dead, in RF.
Of course, WERE he dead, that's even more LTD over, but patching the boy up and sending him home where he belongs is more than enough.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
One thing to keep in mind is that Cloud doesn't say "not anymore" in the original Japanese version.
Yeah what does he say again?

.... oh yeah some idiot messed with the subs :awesomonster:

That Ultimania quote says that Zack and Aerith are going back to the Lifestream where they belong. Cloud saying, "I'm not alone anymore (because I have Aerith and Za ... oh wait, they're going away never to return)" doesn't make a whole lot of sense. He means that he's learned people love him and will be there for him.
Also, why do some Cleriths say that Cloud didn't smile at Tifa in the end? I just watched the scene... and...


We have a smile from Cloud

And a Tifa smiling back

And look, he's still smiling at her for a brief moment.

Seems pretty clear to me.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

It's selective blindness.

And in JP, all he said is 'I'm... not alone', or rather the JP equivalent thereof which is basically one person /am not.


Your Mom
I guess they think he only looks at her for that brief moment we're looking at him. They overlook the fact that when the camera zooms in on her, that's us looking through his eyes. So he's smiling at her the whole time she's smiling at him. I think the script says he shyly looks away. He knows what her look means and gets all sheepish. I'm not really a Cloti shipper, but I admit I find that moment kinda cute. Cloud: "whoa!" *blush blush*


He's got two souls residing in his body! That's it, we lose. lol

Celes Chere

The current issue that's out? I knew I should have picked up a copy the other day. My subscription has been up for a good year now so I miss out on GI.

But they've always seemed Clerith to me. Well actually, GI seems to really not be fond of FFVII as much, and not at all with the Compilation. Or so that's the vibe I've gotten.

Yeah! I flipped through it at Gamestop, but I just got it to read today. XD They've seemed Cloti in the other issues, since they praised Tifa a lot, and bashed on Aerith. And their blurbs about Crisis Core kept calling her Zack's girlfriend, so... MIXED MESSAGES.


And look, he's still smiling at her for a brief moment.

Seems pretty clear to me.

And his smile is different than when he looked over there.

It goes like this
*happy Cloud looks at Tifa*
*Tifa sends a clear signal*
*Cloud knows he wont be alone that night*AKA*Cloud tries not to get a boner*

EDIT: As has been pointed out. It only takes three little screen shots to completely shoot down "Doesn't smile at Tifa" or "His smile for her is the same as for the Children".

Well which is it? Either way I guess it couldn't possiblely be a CloTi signal. Talk about fucking pink glasses.

These are the same people who say that Cloud smiles at Aerith in the end. WTF?
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*Cloud knows he wont be alone that night*AKA*Cloud tries not to get a boner*
If he's actually able to keep it down after getting that look from Tifa the boy needs a medal or something. Or a kick in the pants... not sure which would be more appropriate.
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