So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And his smile is different than when he looked over there.

It goes like this
*happy Cloud looks at Tifa*
*Tifa sends a clear signal*
*Cloud knows he wont be alone that night*AKA*Cloud tries not to get a boner*

haha he's surrounded by all those kids too. Yep bad time for a boner :monster:
Maybe Aerith made it go away cause she's teh ebil :awesome: /end rapid Cloti


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Que on youtube said:
BUT Tifa was shown second and two's a bigger number than one!


hey if you're arguments are full of shit, mine can be too.
I think that sums up my feelings.


Your Mom
She sounds like a kid and she barely speaks English. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over this one. Or over anyone at YT.

Why don't you invite her here? :)

Edit: OK, I can't resist. This is just a big old WTF

Ok, let me tell you something. 1st, most of spirits in lifestream sleep all nights and days, Zack,too. But Aerith is a Centra had a strong will, she is stronger than her mother and because of that, she didn't become one with the planet like others. 2nd, In "Case of lifestream :white", there's no scene for Zack, what Aerith worried about is Cloud &Sephiroth's awaken. So it's not like" happy life with Zack in lifestream".
Finally, Cloud met Aerith in the "real ending" of FFVIIAC- The "Calling"
Aerith is stronger than her mother? Happy life with Zack in Lifestream? (Of course not, they're both dead.) "Real ending"? I don't know where to begin with just this post, even.

Seriously, invite her here for a little chat.
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Another thing that gets me. "The family" is constantly stated as Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel.

Yet I still see pinkers when family is brought up include Barret nearly every time. And all of AVALANCHE some of the time.

Why are they so threatened with Cloud's "family" if they insist that A: they are more like his collage roommates and B: That it can't possibly mean anything romantic between Cloud a Tifa. Because she is his mother/sister.

Why attack it and add parts to it if it is so damn meaningless?


Your Mom
If his family is all of AVALANCHE, then when SE refers to his family and friends, who are the friends they're referring to? I didn't realize Cloud was such a social butterfly.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Wife, sister, brother, friend.. it's all the same thing in the end:

the rain, guys Aerith was on Fraggle Rock and I didn't even know it :monster:
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Aerith is everywhere! :reptar: She's here right now, getting our classes canceled for being too strong. :awesome:

If his family is all of AVALANCHE, then when SE refers to his family and friends, who are the friends they're referring to? I didn't realize Cloud was such a social butterfly.

Cloud is popular, did u not know. Or maybe friends refer to Zack, and they just made a typo. Or, you know, the family is actually him, Denzel, Marlene, and Tifa. :monster:


Oh this is funny. Because it's true.

"One True Pairing"
Shipping gone fanatical......Canon and logic do not necessarily apply,
"Cloud always and still loves Aerith and they made love to each other in the flower field at the end of the movie"
In general, holding their preferred characters to completely different standards than the official pairing is an excellent mark of OTP shippers. If someone argues that you need to show that X and Y got married to prove they're in love, and the rings on their fingers don't count, but they know that X and Z love each other because of 'chemistry', they're definitely defending their OTP.

Did one of you write that page? :awesome:
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Fire and Blood
LOL XD Not me [I don't bother with these kind of sites XD].

Anyway, second sentence of Case of Barret:
Barret said:
After helping Tifa and Cloud build their home[...][/url]

He's part of the family but he helped them build THEIR home? XD

Also, 3 people voted for Aerith in this poll, I'd appreciate if they joined this discussion instead of voting without participating. And tell us how Cloud loves Aerith, give us some proof,e tc :awesome:

PS: for the lulz, a clerith posted the first part of the interview in some Bleach FCs, asking if it was good or not for the pairing [without telling the names]. Lulzy, aside the 'UH, WTH are you talking about?', people saw it as good for the pairing. I wonder why, jeebus :monster: [aside from the other clerith who replied and knew what this was about :awesome:]
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh this is funny. Because it's true.

"One True Pairing"

Did one of you write that page? :awesome:
My question is, how did you find that? I think you don't have enough to do :monster:

And yeah, come on Cleriths, please, I wanna deebbbaaattteee!
I'm this close || to opening up my own debate forum and inviting a bunch of Cleriths from youtube. At least that'll stop people from clogging up people's videos with debates :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh you rapid you :awesome:

oh wait I thought you added that part just now with the...

okay ITT, Que learns to read.
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Anyway, second sentence of Case of Barret:
After helping Tifa and Cloud build their home

Yea little things like that can get lost in the lulzshuffle. But this along with his discussion with Cid. Not to mention leaving his beloved daughter with them goes to show that Barret sees C/T as canon. :awesome:

He's part of the family but he helped them build THEIR home? XD

I had one uncle build a house for another. We are all family. But when someone ask about family it is normally Parents/children and siblings. Sometimes grand parents. Uncles and cousins are secondary.

Also, 3 people voted for Aerith in this poll, I'd appreciate if they joined this discussion instead of voting without participating. And tell us how Cloud loves Aerith, give us some proof,e tc :awesome:

Well it's so obvious they shouldn't have to amirite?

Ryushikaze said:

But I did edit it.

I am so gonna post more bewbs 4 u.


back to Aeris being the Almighty for a second:

A) Summoning Holy is not a sign of great power. All Ancients can do it and all it takes is one praying. In fact, the call for Holy was too late and as we know, resulted in Holy having the opposite effect.

B) Sephiroth held Aeris at bay by sheer willpower alone in the game, so you ca judge power levels right there.

C) It was the Planet itself that rose against the threat of Meteor. Aeris may have tried calling it (as Maiden shows, but Maiden's iffy so..), but she in no way snaps her fingers and directs the Lifestream around. Unless there was some major case of retcon i am not aware of.

Also, I'm not sure where it says Aeris does not diffuse into the Lifestream because fo ehr great power. As far as i know, they can retain themselves, but after a while they do become one with the Planet. I guess that could be voluntary, or something that eventually happens after some time regardless. The cetra are born of the Planet and return to the Planet. Aeris is not there to perch on people's shoulders. She just had unfinished business.


AI Researcher
All the votes for Aerith are just Mako trolling.

No, actually, Mako, I don't. All I got linked to was some fantransalation, which to me, is useless, as I'd rather have it form the source themselves.
I'm going back many pages to say


and that that CC quote about them realising their feelings used in the English guidebook for CC as well, if that counts as official. I haven't seen it myself, but from the sounds of Tifa's profile they seem to have traslated (at least in part) the CC Ultimania for it.

PS: for the lulz, a clerith posted the first part of the interview in some Bleach FCs, asking if it was good or not for the pairing [without telling the names]. Lulzy, aside the 'UH, WTH are you talking about?', people saw it as good for the pairing. I wonder why, jeebus :monster: [aside from the other clerith who replied and knew what this was about :awesome:]
When I was looking for stuff on that 'undying feelings' thing in Japanese, I think most of the links I found were from a Bleach site (there was more from that site than there was from actual Japanese sites). It seemed like a C/A was asking them about pretty much every C/A quote. I'm wondering now if it isn't the same person :awesome:

The trouble seems to be that people have the idea that 'couple = no problems at all', and if there are problems then there must be something wrong and they can't actually be a couple. I worry about the state of English classes if they aren't teaching people that good stories usually have some kind of conflict, even romance.

Even bloody Twilight has its couple not always getting along (from what I've read about it, anyway :monster: ). If fact, it has Edward pissing off to die or something, to protect Bella. But they still love each other.

And if Twilight fans can get it... :awesome:

But I guess if you are in it because you like the couple, then you might want every thing to be flowers and lens flares between them. But maybe that desire shouldn't extend to just dismissing everything else if there's the slightest hint of drama.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
As an aside, looking at the troper tales page for OTP...

Final Fantasy VIII: Squall/Rinoa. I know, it wasn't all that well-developed in the game, but with a bit of reading between the lines they dovetail so beautifully.

BUH? The game hit you over the head with them. Unless they mean 'was expressed poorly and with the subtletly of a freight train'..,.

And yes, C/T is a flawed couple. WELCOME TO REAL LIFE, CHILDREN.

Guess what Final Fantasy has NEVER BEEN. That's right, children, it's never been a fucking magical fairie tale. It's merely a story set in a fantastic setting. The people are just as human as you or I. More you. The point is, they screw up, they make mistakes, and they have to work at relationships. And that's the point. Post AC/C, Cloud and Tifa ARE, with help from the kids. It's not that they're not interested in each other that they have problems, it's because they're people and very emotionally damaged ones at that.

They. Are. COMPELLING Like that. Because they are a realistic depiction of a couple. Often hurt, often confused. Occasionally jealous. Sometimes doing the wrong thing. And then working it out together.

And anyone who thinks differently is in for a shitty life of short relationships, let me tell you.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And yes, C/T is a flawed couple. WELCOME TO REAL LIFE, CHILDREN.
Wow, that... that is an odd thing to say... very odd thing to say...

But I applaud your post none the less, especially this part:
They. Are. COMPELLING Like that. Because they are a realistic depiction of a couple. Often hurt, often confused. Occasionally jealous. Sometimes doing the wrong thing. And then working it out together.
I just wish my parents had listened and not divorced ...
... yeah sorry your post hit home :P

But yeah me and Rob aren't perfect but we try to work things out. Sometimes we make bad decisions but we're always there for each other. One time I was really sick, and it was upsetting to him, he told me he had the urge to just go stay at a hotel until I got better :monster:
Obviously he didn't, we stood by each other and stuck it out. But there's an example none the less.


Your Mom
*shrugs* Realistic couple with struggles, but still together in CoD, which means 4 years together. And the way fiction works, you assume the status quo until told otherwise, which means unless there's a sequel that splits them up they'll remain together.

A couple that overcomes adversity together is stronger than a couple that never faces it. And yes, it makes for a much better story. :) Some of these people criticizing C/T were probably raised on Disney fairy tales. Problem with those fairy tales is they don't show what happens after the heroine captures the prince.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
A couple that overcomes adversity together is stronger than a couple that never faces it. And yes, it makes for a much better story. :) Some of these people criticizing C/T were probably raised on Disney fairy tales. Problem with those fairy tales is they don't show what happens after the heroine captures the prince.
Actually, they do... sort of. Disney has those direct-to-video sequels, don't they? "Return to Jafar" shows Aladdin & Jasmine having ~trust issues~ or some such. I also assumed that they got married at the end of "Aladdin." Actually, I think that they were supposed to be, but they (Disney peeps) changed it afterwards, so that they can make MOAR SEQUELZ and MONIES.

Hey, that seems somehow familiar...

Anyway, "Return of Jafar" just has Aladdin & Jasmine just dating, I think.

+ agreed & WORD to the "A couple that overcomes adversity together is stronger than a couple that never faces it. And yes, it makes for a much better story" part. I always thought that the more traumatized a couple is, the more popular they are. Or at least, that's how it seems to work in soap operas and cheesy primetime TV series (FRIENDS comes to mind)...
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AI Researcher
I was going to mention Return of Jafar (being the only Disney sequel I've ever seen, which I thought had some kind of trouble between Aladdin and Jasmine but I really don't remember what happened in it now beyond "Jafar returns".

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
I was going to mention Return of Jafar (being the only Disney sequel I've ever seen, which I thought had some kind of trouble between Aladdin and Jasmine but I really don't remember what happened in it now beyond "Jafar returns".
It's the only sequel I've ever seen too. Iago returns first, and goes to Aladdin. Aladdin helps hide him, and lies to Jasmine & Sultan about it. Jasmine get's po-ed, and is all "OMG, moar secrets and lies? I thought you changed, blah, blah!" *storms off*

They make up in the end though, and seem to be on their way to living happily ever after... and then a third part/sequel was released. I've not seen that one though.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I can understand liking a pairing, even preferring it, but... to wear such thick blinders, especially in the face of creator statement--it makes no sense. I'm a bit in awe of how they managed to twist that quote to imply Clerith. I mean--WHAT?!? He wakes in the church--in the water--and THAT'S his Promised Land because it reminds him of Aerith? Guess what? He was JUST WITH HER. If his Promised Land was, you know, WITH her, then he'd fucking BE there! **throws hands up** There is some stupidity that is beyond reach.
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