Again with the interpretation speak. Please, we're here to deal with CANON FACTS THE CREATORS THEMSELVES HAVE MADE CLEAR TIME AND TIME AGAIN and
Is it so much to ask for everyone to just debate with the proper sources (preferably what they say in the Ultimania or phone calls with Nomura and Nojima) and not bring up interpretations every time? It's great that you have interpretation powers and all, but there's not much interpretation to debate of if the canon source already made it clear where everything else is pointing to.
For example, we don't misinterpret Cloud as a woman. Why is that? Because it's OBVIOUS.
We don't misinterpret that Tifa is a man. Why? Because it's OBVIOUS. Have you seen those jugs?
And these things aren't even stated in any canon source yet. It's just OBVIOUS.
We don't misinterpret that the family in AC/C isn't Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel. Why? Because it's OBVIOUS. No one can possibly misinterpret Cloud and Marlene as the mother and father of this family unit because 1) it's not LOGICAL, 2) it wasn't stated by the CREATORS anywhere, 3) let's not be ridiculous, 4)
We don't misinterpret the canon pairing of FFVII. Why? Because it's OBVIOUS.
Note how many times I used the word 'interpret'.
The inability of some to realize that Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship while at the same time claiming that Cloud and Aerith are and forever will be in one baffles my young, developing brain. I know the Cloud/Aerith romance is good and awesome, and the tragedy is boo-hoo tearjerky and totally snotworthy but SHE'S DEAD and TIFA'S ALIVE and EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET OVER IT.
Read: Cloud and Aerith never had a proper relationship.
Before we can claim that they ever had a relationship, let's examine when and where this so-called relationship could have started. If you're going to say behind-the-game-camera-where-it-could-have-possibly-happened-but-just-wasn't-shown-for-screwy-reasons then first ask yourself how relevant your pairing could really be if they didn't even emphasize such a vital plot point. As for me, I'll go with the Gold Saucer date. Let's assume the Aerith date scenario, which is hinted to be the canon one, if I'm not mistaken.
Here, Aerith confessed her feelings--about Zack, and Cloud's creepy semblance to him. She asked if she could meet Cloud, which did NOT mean she wanted to get in his pants, but rather get to know the Cloud beneath the shadow of her first love. This, people, is where a romantic relationship between Cloud and Aerith could have started. Aerith finally decided to let go of her image of the black-haired hottie, and go for the blond-haired blondie. We can also assume at this point in time that Cloud finally got it and understood that Aerith didn't only want him to be her bodyguard, she also wanted to be a guard for his body, if you get what I mean. Yes, folks. CloudxAerith is finally being set in motion, PRESUMABLY. Whoop-dee-doo.
But alas! Remember that scene where some dude with gay silver hair came down on Aerith and pierced her with his heavily sexual, overcompensating sword? Yeah, that one. She DIED there. Hmm, kind of a disadvantageous position there, being dead and all. While Cloud is sick in the head, he's not sick enough to want to continue a
presumably budding romantic relationship with a dead woman he buried in a lake. Besides, he had other things to take care of, like Sephiroth and his flunkies, and getting his screwed-up head fixed. Tifa, who is alive and steaming hot, was the one who fixed his head right up, in case some people missed that. Oh yeah, it was also revealed that Cloud totally wanted to do her since they were kids and that he joined SOLDIER to be noticed by her, who is not Aerith, but TIFA. Might I mention that they exchanged mutual feelings and did some
touching under the stars? If that's not romantic, I don't know what is.
This means that while Cloud and Aerith weren't able to start a relationship, Cloud and Tifa were able to and continued to have it until DoC and presumably beyond.
I'm just gonna ask. Did all these sound like an interpretation of FFVII events, or a cracked-up (yet quite accurate) summary of
actual events that happened within the Compilation?
Sorry, YTards are annoying me.
This thread has become pretty repetitive, with the same things being argued all the time. There's really nothing new now. It's kind of sad.
Either way, I find this topic to be my favorite in TLS, because intelligence and nerdiness blatantly manifest itself in almost every post.
PS: Long, aggravated post is long and aggravated.
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