So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Canonically, during any part of the original FF7 game, was there any love triangle to begin with?
Both Aerith and Tifa had a thing for Cloud, so the simple answer is yes. The long answer would be maybe not if you consider that Aerith's feelings were more confusion than anything, and she dies before she really figured him out.


Your Mom
Canonically, during any part of the original FF7 game, was there any love triangle to begin with?
Is this a trick question?
Aerith interested in Cloud + Tifa interested in Cloud = Love Triangle


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Nah bro I just speak English.

Also you should note that you seem to equate sobbing with crying, as Drake posted that he thought Cloud cried and you responded with "But again, that dialogue and its coherency doesn't indicate one going through a sobbing fit..."

However earlier you said,

"Crying =/= sobbing. I'm sure he cried a little, but he didn't go into full blown sobbing. It was rage. Tear filled rage."

So what's the deal there sir?

Good job stupidly taking the piss. You're a winner! Care to actually reply with something of your own or are you just gonna keep being juvenile? No point addressing posts that aren't even meant for you in the first place.


wangxian married
Good job stupidly taking the piss. You're a winner! Care to actually reply with something of your own or are you just gonna keep being juvenile? No point addressing posts that aren't even meant for you in the first place.

lol y so serious

I'm asking you a question about your stance since there's a contradiction there. There's no harm in admitting you made a mistake in your posts, it happens. C:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
lol y so serious

I'm asking you a question about your stance since there's a contradiction there. There's no harm in admitting you made a mistake in your posts, it happens. C:

Maybe if you took care of that selective reading problem, you'd have seen where I said,

No one's saying he didn't cry, but crying =/= sobbing. Cloud didn't sob when his village burned down, his mother was killed, and Tifa was nearly killed. He didn't cry, he got mad. Very mad. Him melting into a puddle of sobs is not in his character. Him acting out in rage however, is.

The fact I replied to Drake and clarified for him how while he probably did cry that its still not sobbing, is not a mistake nor a contradiction. Nice try though.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Is this a trick question?
Aerith interested in Cloud + Tifa interested in Cloud = Love Triangle

I know jack dilly squat about the LTD except for Cloud ends up banging Tifa. So I've heard everything from Aerith never really was interested in Cloud but loved Zack and all that shit.


wangxian married
The fact I replied to Drake and clarified for him how while he probably did cry that its still not sobbing, is not a mistake nor a contradiction. Nice try though.

lol, you can take the tin foil hat off, I'm not trying to catch you with your pants down, I was asking a question because I'm tired and I can miss things. C:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
lol, you can take the tin foil hat off, I'm not trying to catch you with your pants down, I was asking a question because I'm tired and I can miss things. C:

Yeah, okay chief.


Your Mom
I know jack dilly squat about the LTD except for Cloud ends up banging Tifa. So I've heard everything from Aerith never really was interested in Cloud but loved Zack and all that shit.

Aerith was interested in Cloud. We can argue till we're blue about WHY she was interested, but it doesn't change the fact she was.

Despite its name, I don't think a love triangle requires genuine, selfless love, it just requires two people to have the hots for a third.

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Just saying - don't simplify it by saying "Cloud saw someone special dying in front of him - is he not supposed to cry?"

She wasn't on her deathbed. She didn't just die. She was murdered. And the criminal was standing. Right. There.

In such a case, it's understandable that the primary emotion that runs through someone is anger, especially when the idiot criminal is spouting nonsense. And if you examine Cloud's dialog, it points more towards him being angry than sad at that moment.

Tingling fingers? Sounds like raised blood pressure to me; dry mouth? Adrenaline. Not sadness. Anger, and the desire to fight.

Just saying... :D


wangxian married
Tingling fingers? Sounds like raised blood pressure to me; dry mouth? Adrenaline. Not sadness. Anger, and the desire to fight.

And burning eyes usually happen when tears start stinging them.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Your eyes can burn from being dry, too. Like when you are dehydrated.

Dude needed some water is all. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I believe he said it would be hard emotionally for HIM -- Nomura.
YES, that's what he said you're right. Thanks.

And as far as I'm concerned if Cleriths need to site Aerith's death to prove Cloud loved her... Clerith is in bigger trouble than I thought.


Great Old One
Why does it matter if Cloud was crying or not?

And to address the situation with Cloud not 'crying' when he thought Tifa was a goner - he was furious with Sephiroth. He destroyed the memories of his hometown; his family; Zack; Tifa. Instead of sitting there like a bozo and angsting, he took initiative and attacked Sephiroth.


Why the fuck do I always miss the good shit?
That is still an "if" statement, though.
No it is not. By your logic, then Sephiroth's status is rendered unknown as well and we have been repeatedly told both in-game and out that he IS the darkness. THERE IS NO IF.
IF SEPHIROTH IS DARKNESS (fact--he is), Tifa is light. Nothing to freely interpret there, except what follows: is she human?

Cloud was looking for Aerith.

The thought of him going to Hades for help was a throwback to the movie Hercules, where Meg did the SAME THING.
Nomura says he was looking for Sephiroth.
Aeris says he was looking for Sephrioth.
Cloud says he was looking for Sephiroth.
Ultimania says he was looking for Sephiroth.

Cloud in KH2 is STILL looking for/chasing after that someone. He even alerts Sora to it, saying he wants Sora et al. to let him know if they see the big bad Seph.

What exactly do we have that indicates it was Aeris? Anytime now.

it's that she doesn't seem to know where Cloud is, whereas Sephiroth, being a part of Cloud, can
Also, Zee, why are you making up abilities of Sephiroth/Tifa?

1. Sephiroth can sense where Cloud is, that doesn't mean he never has to look for Cloud.

Here's some dialogue to refresh your memory in case trying to fit the story into your Cleris mold has somehow confused you:

Cloud: Finally, We meet...
Sephiroth: I was searching for you as well.

he was an outcast and instigated fights because he didn't fit in
Wrong. He says he started fights so that everyone would see him as strong, like Sephiroth, and then TIFA would notice him :awesome:

What part of his speech makes you think he's in a rage?

"Ha, ha, ha...... Stop acting as if you were sad."
"There's no need to act as though you're angry either."

Regardless of "inconclusive" proof, though, I don't think it's a horrible stretch to say he cried, or was crying, during the time of her death.
Right. Maybe he was.
But Zee, why are you asking people to show you where it was that Cloud displayed anger, and then when we do you turn around and go "dude, gaiz, relax why you making big deal out of this? you can get angry AND cry, no need to act threatened."
It that an evasion tactic you employ when people call you out? Transparent, dudette. Just sayin'

The "angry" pointers only came at you because you asked people to show you where it was that Cloud displayed anger, as if it wasn't fuckign obvious and wasn't stated.
People aren't really overreacting. They're providing what you asked.Soemthign you yourself aren't accustomed to, but we do what we can.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Sooooo after being gone for 10 hours, I have to say the only posts I liked were the so cash one and the one meme I can't remember.

But, uh, I would like to say sometimes I cry in rage. I get so mad I just clench my teeth and the tears just flow. So I didn't see Cloud's reaction as weird. *shrug*


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I guess the expression "tremble with rage" means nothing to you, then. **eyeroll**

Apparently not.

"Holding Aertih in his arms to prevent her collapsed body from falling, Cloud can do nothing but crying out."
I believe this is from the Ultimania and says he was "crying out", but that could be just his convo with Sephiroth not literally crying.

"Crying out" means to vocalize in this case. It does not refer to tears.

I'm sorry, but imo that Yuna in KH represented her quite as she was in FFX-2 and she would most likely act according to that way not near like FFX because she is with YRP. Just my opinion though so you can scratch it.

The point is, KH2 YRP are a shallow one note version of their real selves, played for laughs. The are caricatures of the originals.

What part of his speech makes you think he's in a rage?

Nevermind, you're buying into fanfic!Cloud rather than the person he's portrayed to be. cuz he's so crawwwwliiin in my skiiiinn

Zee, strawman = bad fallacy.

Where is this "fact", please.


"My fingers are tingling.
My mouth is dry.
My eyes are burning!"

Have you seriously never cried before in your whole life? You'd think you'd know it when it was described to you.

I have. My mouth was never dry, my eyes never burned, and as for fingers tingling, that tends to happen most when I'm doing nothing at all. Contrarywise, when I was genuinedly pissed off, symptoms similar to those expressed themselves.


SIR, what is a FACT and is it TASTY and DIGESTIBLE? I do not have one in my possession and is it MANDATORY? Also for how many USD?

A fact is a mammal, yes, yes, yes, and $50.

It's happened to me before, actually, in a state of shock when crying. Your eyes usually burn when you try to force back your tears, you body starts to tingle and shake. That's not just a baww I'm crying, it's more like a full oh OHGODSOOOOOOOBB

also i just saw this

Wow you're right, sobbing over someone you cared about dying in front of you is so whimpy, Cloud would be a faggot if he did that gawdz

Again, Strawman= bad.

Okay seriously my eyes have never burned in anger. It's the sensation of tears forming, I believe.

I'd like to point out Cloud says the same things upon his appearance in Ivalice, and blames Sephiroth being in his head for these effects. So it's either rage or a general reaction to Sephiroth's control.

I have a question.

Canonically, during any part of the original FF7 game, was there any love triangle to begin with?

A type 3.

Sooooo after being gone for 10 hours, I have to say the only posts I liked were the so cash one and the one meme I can't remember.

But, uh, I would like to say sometimes I cry in rage. I get so mad I just clench my teeth and the tears just flow. So I didn't see Cloud's reaction as weird. *shrug*

We're not saying he might not have shed a few tears. It's this 'sobbing' thing that's absurd. His demeanour and words don't suggest it, nor does Sephy's. He didn't even Sob at Zack's death, despite the tears and the scream. Sobbing is not what the boy does.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm not gonna say where I saw it but:
there is no time in canon when Cloud's feelings for Tifa are ever made terribly explicit, definitely not to the point where someone playing the Game or watching the Movie can say without any question that he loves her;


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
This is... weird this is kinda the opposite of how it usually goes. Usually the Cleriths throw stuff at Clotis showing Cloud loved Aerith and Clotis say, "Yeah but Cloud was messed up then, he wasn't himself." this is the first time I've shown someone that Cloud loved Tifa and had THEM say, "Well Cloud was messed up then, he wasn't himself."

I was like, "NO WAI!"
And I pointed out the highwind scene AFTER he found himself and how he went off to join soldier because of her and so on... he wasn't messed up at those points.

And I'm saying that once the Game is released, the degree to which the Creators' words mean anything is questionable, IMO. They can say the idea is for Cloud and Tifa to be canon, but that does not make it so if individual interpreation still finds what the story offers insufficient to draw that conclusion.
I guess this person didn't know when the Ultimania's were released :P
Maybe I'm being unfair, this isn't a Final Fantasy board so this guy doesn't know as much... but still blah, Ultimanias were released after the game...
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