So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Well, hell, there goes my self-esteem. It's all shot to shit. How will I get up in the morning? How will I go on living if you don't think I'm pretty?!? :wacky:


But seriously...:hohum: That's what you got? Pussy.


Higher Further Faster
Dude, that pic is the best thing I've ever seen. :O

Any way since you guys decided to spam up the thread to another page I'll quote what I said so that others may read it without having to go back (since I know half of you are lazy like that).

You know, to touch on the topic of how Tifa treated Cloud when they were kids, she really wasn't unkind to him at all, was she? People think she was a bitch for ignoring him but really, what was she supposed to do? Here was a kid who was quiet and never really did anything as far as going out of his way to try to talk to her and be friends with her. All he did was get into fights with the other boys.

Tifa was supposed to know he liked her how?

But when Cloud finally did the smart thing and talk to Tifa, as in ask her out to the water tower and tell her his plans, she responded very strongly to his words and spent the next two years obsessing over him and checking the paper (since I'm sure that was their only news source) every day for word of him.

Now lets ponder these actions for a bit...


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Sorry, Tennyo.

I'm all done flirting with insulting Dacon anyway. Gotta go to bed. Ugly chicks need waaaaaaaaaay more sleep than the rest of you forum trolls. :P

Good points, btw. And good night!


Fire and Blood
AC prologue said:
He [Cloud] is her ideal love and his existence is also like a prince who promised to come to her rescue when she is in trouble.

Damn it. And here I thought Tifa only had motherly feelings for him. Lies, lies!
Oh trust us when we say we've used that quote to throw all the motherly love/her koibito could be anyone crap right back at them. As always, simple sentence structure doesn't work with them.

Funny part about that new quote the Clerii are twisting... I actually witnessed the fear, doubt, then stupid thinking "wait how can we make this sound Clerii", all in agreement of their new found "logic", now celebration. It's entertaining to watch actually. Wish I had popcorn.


I want to attack this from a slightly different perspective.

What about Aerith's actions in ACC or CoLW are romantic?

Let's start with CoLW. Aerith is floating around the lifestream. She thinks it's a bit early to diffuse. Then she finds "him". "She finds out he is planing on exerting his will on the surface world. And he is also thinking heavily about Cloud. She thinks that she has to do something to protect Cloud who was important to her.

So she doesn't even think about Cloud till she finds Sephy obsessing about him and planning something bad.

Later when she is trying to fight sephy in the LS she figures she has to do something on the surface. And wonders if Cloud could help her. But she doesn't want to hurt him by showing up.

So once again. She is busy doing her thing and thinks Cloud could help her but hesitates because it might mess him up. She is worried about him. But not longing for him.

When she thinks about how to confront him her "mind" begins to go through all the things she didn't think about since her death. As she said "It had been a while since she had worried".

So what can we glean from this? Simple. Aerith does not think about Cloud until he is brought to her attention. He is not her focus. She is not trying to reach him from beyond the grave. That is until she has to because of "him".

Are these the actions/motivations of someone in tru wuv?

My ACC stuff later. (didn't think that was going to be so long)


Right now I'm dealing with someone on YT... But I will not replay. She/He just keeps twisting it, and doesn't care about what the creators said. She/He probably thinks it can see the canon by herself. And Tifa's "sad eyes" at the end, said it all. :O Well, I can see the canon by myself too, but that obviously isn't Clerith.

Tifa never really gets a good romantic hook-up in the story because of the whole Aeris-Cloud thing. I wonder who she ends up with? Prob the old guy who floats around in Red XIII's hometown. lol Or maybe Yuffie? Thats how my dreams always end.

My answer was...

What about the Highwind scene then?
Tifa ends up with Cloud.

"Cloud and Tifa came to realize their feelings for eachother in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DoC."
-FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania

And Cloud and Aerith's relationship was fake because of the Zack!Cloud. And it was a plot-twist.

And I got this...

Were the the new story lines done by the same writers though? They don't count in my book if so. I think they were put together simply because the new story lines left them without Aeris as part of the story, were as the original wanted to emphasize the pain of loss. I prefer Tifa, but if Aeris wasn't killed, hmmm. Tough one.

Wait, I meant the new story lines don't count if they are NOT written by the original authors.

And I wrote...

Why would it be different thought? They don't change the game. They can't come up with... what they want. That's just an excuse. I don't wanna start a big debate here, so this is my last post.

CLOTI IS CANON. How much evidence do you need? Tifa is even mentioned as a 'koibito' wich is girlfriend/lover by Nomura himself. And no, it doesn't mean anything else. That's desperate twisting. And obviously Aerith wasn't over Zack. Everything she did with Cloud, had been done with her and Zack.

And the replay was...

I'm not trying to upset anyone, merely dicuss the issue maturely, but I disagree with the idea of canon. To imply that a painting done by a student is as valued as a true Picasso merely because Picasso retired and prob not caring said it was ok, doesn't work for me. I cannot vouch for the original writers thoughts, but the ending of FF7 with Cloud looking into the life stream and Tifa's sad face says it all for me about what they intended originally.

God, I got so pissed off. The reason why I posted was to clear it up for others and her/he. But it seems like it is a Clerith, who says is likes Cloti and etc. You know the thing. And likes to twist it, and is ignoring TRUE FACTS.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And Cloud and Aerith's relationship was fake because of the Zack!Cloud. And it was a plot-twist.
Their relationship wasn't fake dude. It was real, they were good friends who cared about each other. Whether or not there was anything romantic is... what people debate.

Also show them the interview where it confirms Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship... how is THAT not canon?


Their relationship wasn't fake dude. It was real, they were good friends who cared about each other. Whether or not there was anything romantic is... what people debate.

And well, we did debate about a romantic relationship. And how can it be real if they were friends, and not if they were lovers? :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well you just said relationship and well friendship is a kind of relationship. I don't think it's right to say that Cloud and Aerith weren't even friends, I mean Cloud cared enough about her to mourn her death and what not.

I mean really, do we need to disprove their FRIENDSHIP now?

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Were the the new story lines done by the same writers though? They don't count in my book if so. I think they were put together simply because the new story lines left them without Aeris as part of the story, were as the original wanted to emphasize the pain of loss. I prefer Tifa, but if Aeris wasn't killed, hmmm. Tough one.

Wait, I meant the new story lines don't count if they are NOT written by the original authors.

Someone doesn't know their FFVII. :awesome:


Well you just said relationship and well friendship is a kind of relationship. I don't think it's right to say that Cloud and Aerith weren't even friends, I mean Cloud cared enough about her to mourn her death and what not.

I mean really, do we need to disprove their FRIENDSHIP now?

LOL. Chill, plz. :awesome: Well, EXCUSE ME for saying relationship instead of 'romantic' relationship. I thought it was kind of obvious what kind of relationship I meant when we debated about the LT. I'm so sorry, I wasn't trying to disprove their friendship, or any of their "proofs" they got. It wasn't my intention. I was trying to explain it short and simple in a YT comment just. And I like that friendship they got, and as a pairing too.

Of course I know Cloud can remember and have her as a friend. Gawd...

Someone doesn't know their FFVII. :awesome:


I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I'm just wondering about all those Youtube commenters. Why do they have to type things they don't know anything about? :awesome:

And you two are too rabid. :monster:


I'm just wondering about all those Youtube commenters. Why do they have to type things they don't know anything about? :awesome:

And you two are too rabid. :monster:

YAH RLY. They don't know anything, and when little fangirls like u Mei see THEIR comment, they think Clerith is canon and blah. And that... MAKES MEH MAD. :@ (Did I just turn into the Hulk?)

Quex is the rabid one. She's overanalyzing stuff :awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
YAH RLY. They don't know anything, and when little fangirls like u Mei see THEIR comment, they think Clerith is canon and blah. And that... MAKES MEH MAD. :@ (Did I just turn into the Hulk?)

The Hulk needs his pants ripped too. :awesome:

That's why I never made a youtube account. :monster: I'll get too annoyed at stupid comments that make it so obvious that people just don't have any idea what they're talking about. So right now, I'm just rofling, because I don't have the means to deal with them. :awesome:

There are some who comment about Cloti being canon, but know nothing about FFVII. It's sad how they get pwnd by moar misinformed fangirls, even though they were right the first time. :awesome:

It's up to the knowledgable people of the internets (aka the overinformed fangeeks) like us to get them on the right track. :monster:


The Hulk needs his pants ripped too. :awesome:

Wat. *rips them off* OMG. :monster:

That's why I never made a youtube account. :monster: I'll get too annoyed at stupid comments that make it so obvious that people just don't have any idea what they're talking about. So right now, I'm just rofling, because I don't have the means to deal with them. :awesome:

There are some who comment about Cloti being canon, but know nothing about FFVII. It's sad how they get pwnd by moar misinformed fangirls, even though they were right the first time. :awesome:

It's up to the knowledgable people of the internets (aka the overinformed fangeeks) like us to get them on the right track. :monster:

Exactly. It's your responsibility to set things right too, so go and create a YT account nao! :awesome: So we can destroy the YTards out there. :reptar:


Continued from my last post.....

Alright so we are in ACC now. So the first time we see Aerith is when Cloud is rushing off to save the children. (my memory is a bit fuzzy ATM so bear with me, flashbacks and all).

So she ask him why he is there. He says something about being forgiven (which he was trying to do by saving the children btw not meet her fucking spirit...but anyways). Now Cloud is wangsting and she basically teases him in a "c'mon don't be silly" sort of way.

But that is not her main purpose. She mainly helps Cloud in his battle. And heals the geostigma. That is it.

Until the end. Where she does...something and he ends up back in the church. Acting very familiar with Zack all the while. And being confused for a couple peoples mother. She then says "everything's fine now" and leaves WITH ZACk. Back to where THEY BELONG.

Her interactions with Cloud consist of "get over it" , "save the planet" and "goodbye". Not once does she act in anyway like someone trying to connect with a lover (nor does Cloud for that matter).

As I said to a youtard. Aerith is not going to be making social calls to Cloud after ACC.

She was perfectly content in the LS before AC. She pops up mainly to save the plant. Then to help Cloud. Afterwords she (and Zack) head back to the LS. Where she will stay until she (and Zack) decide they are done floating around in the goo and diffuse. Or until SE makes another sequel where she has to pop up for some reason.

It sounds like the youtard doesn't understand that all this extra material IS written by the original people who wrote the game. That's the argument they are making, so if you have any interest in continuing that, that's all I'd say.

"The writers who wrote the original FFVII have said that Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship." (remember short and simple for the youtards :P) If they want quotes after that, supply them.

One good point about Tifa's "sad face" at the end is remind the person that Cloud is talking about how they might die and go see ALL their dead friends, and Tifa's just saying, "Ya, if we die, we'll go see them." If anything it's a bit of a bitter sweet smile. Why would Tifa want to die? But if she has to, it'll be nice to reunite with people she's lost if nothing else good comes from it.


So is anyone going to discuss why they voted for Aerith, or were those charity votes? :monster:

You know, like they felt sorry for her not getting any from Cloud votes.
I have three times now. I saw there was a new LTD thread with a poll, put on my pink shades for lulz, and voting for Aerith happened at some point. The other two I don't know, I believe they've been to shy to come forward.

I mean, if you really want a Clerii to debate with I could throw the shades back on. :P
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