So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have a hypothetical for Cloud and Aerith people.

What if, hypothetically in the next installment, it portrayed Cloud and Tifa sharing a kiss, and more than once? And what if after that, all of the main writers stated that they're most definitely, certainly a couple and Aerith never will be in the equation ever again?

How would you take that?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'd be like "well DUH!" :monster:

They damn well better kiss in the next installment :rage:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I have a hypothetical for Cloud and Aerith people.

What if, hypothetically in the next installment, it portrayed Cloud and Tifa sharing a kiss, and more than once? And what if after that, all of the main writers stated that they're most definitely, certainly a couple and Aerith never will be in the equation ever again?

How would you take that?

I'm not even a Clerith and I can see the argument. It would be along the lines of "Well, Aerith is dead, so we can't expect Cloud to be alone the rest of his life... but he doesn't love Tifa, not the same way he loved Aerith, and IF SHE HAD LIVED THEY WOULD HAVE [insert long dreamy perfect romance here]..."

So, even seeing Tifa and Cloud kissing, confirmed romantic, it wouldn't alter much in terms of "'shipping", and the arguments would only shift on their axis to accommodate the new obstacle. I mean, just look at how they treat ZACK. The CONFIRMED love interest of Aerith...

So, yeah, good question, but I don't see much of a change.


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
What if, hypothetically in the next installment, it portrayed Cloud and Tifa sharing a kiss, and more than once? And what if after that, all of the main writers stated that they're most definitely, certainly a couple and Aerith never will be in the equation ever again?

How would you take that?

I'd be cool. I'd still enjoy the interaction that Cloud and Aerith had in the game. That's really what I base my enjoyment of the pairing on anyway. Then again, I'm also fond of/am not blind to the obviousness that is Cloud/Tifa throughout the Compilation.

I can picture some of the responses from a number of more hardcore Cloud/Aerith fans being along the lines of, "It doesn't matter that he married her, had children with her, and clearly expressed his deep, undying affection for her in both word and action! Aerith is still number one in his heart, and Tifa could never hope to be half as important as she is!" Or the less zealous, "Okay, he loves Tifa, but he loves Aerith more!"

Kind of reminds me of the Kenshin fandom. Not to imply that Aerith = Cloud's Tomoe or anything, but I imagine the fan war arguments being similar.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
I have a hypothetical for Cloud and Aerith people.

What if, hypothetically in the next installment, it portrayed Cloud and Tifa sharing a kiss, and more than once? And what if after that, all of the main writers stated that they're most definitely, certainly a couple and Aerith never will be in the equation ever again?

How would you take that?
Most of them probably wouldn't care and just ship whatever they continue to wish. Just because there are rabids in youtube and that clerith pinker forum, doesn't mean all fans react so meanly/obsessively/loudly. They just say "Oh ok, neat." and just go on with life.

And some would just ignore the compilation in general. Some clerith fans are just FFVII originals and they don't like the games attached to the first game. They just ignore it and go with what they liked in 7. Believe it or not, some people just don't care about the compilation (like books and extra games and such. They basically CBA and hate it, saying how THEY RUINED THE ORIGINAL! THEY FUCKING SUUUUUCK! THEY ARE MILKING THIS COW FOR FAR TO LOOOOOONG)! :awesome:
And that's not just clerith fans, that's some fans in general.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I appreciate the compilation though. If not for a compilation entry like Advent Children, I probably won't even bother knowing about FFVII. I guess the cameos in KH helped too, but Advent Children is what caught my interest. And Clerith. Clerith brought me into the FFVII fandom.


Kind of reminds me of the Kenshin fandom

I haven't seen much arguments about that, but I really like Tomoe a lot better. I love the whole tragic love angle. :awesome:

I mean, just look at how they treat ZACK. The CONFIRMED love interest of Aerith...

So true... :sadpanda: Comfort me, FHS. Hold me lovingly against your bossom and never let go. Make the Zack-maltreatment go away!

NO RITE 2 DA SMEX BBY! :excited:

.....That's more their style.

NTRLY :wacky: I imagine them more cuddly-wubbly and carp. Unless, of course, they're going to jump into another crater to confront some shirtless maniac...

Tifa could do so much better than Cloud. I mean, he's stuck in a dead-end job. Rufus is still available.

NTRLY. Rufus has Rude and Reno. :wackymonster:

I think Tifa can as well. I guess this my love for Tifa's character, but yes, she can do so much better, while Cloud is undeserving of a woman such as her, especially if he's really the type of guy who would turn away from the first love he promised a beautiful promise in the past just to pine over a dead woman who's together with her first love.

Man, Cloud sucks Zack's, I mean, he just really sucks. :@

Isn't it kind of cruel to condemn a young man with as many emotional issues as Cloud to being in love with a dead woman for the rest of his life?

Nah. It's okay. He's already heavily damaged emotionally, pining over a dead woman is nothing new. Heck, it probably won't even faze him. :awesome:


NTRLY :wacky: I imagine them more cuddly-wubbly and carp. Unless, of course, they're going to jump into another crater to confront some shirtless maniac...

Says the one who believe in sex under the Highwind? :monster:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
And some would just ignore the compilation in general. Some clerith fans are just FFVII originals and they don't like the games attached to the first game. They just ignore it and go with what they liked in 7. Believe it or not, some people just don't care about the compilation (like books and extra games and such. They basically CBA and hate it, saying how THEY RUINED THE ORIGINAL! THEY FUCKING SUUUUUCK! THEY ARE MILKING THIS COW FOR FAR TO LOOOOOONG)!
And that's not just clerith fans, that's some fans in general.

The Compilation is sort of irrelevant to my hypothetical, though.

My question more or less asks if the creators said "yeah even during the original game Cloud and Aerith wasn't apossibility and Cloud loves and will always love Tifa all the way even if the Compilation never existed".

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Says the one who believe in sex under the Highwind? :monster:

They thought they were going to die! They didn't think they'd live afterward to have more time to do it! There's more to expressing feelings than with just words! It was a first-and-last thing for them!

I mean, I figured they would take it slower this time around, as, well, you know, they actually are. :awesome:

I mean, it's better than claiming Cloud and Aerith had sex in the Gondola. That would have been the quickest quickie I've ever heard of. Intimate, passionate, canon love-making in under 30-60 seconds?


And Zack loves it!


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
I have a hypothetical for Cloud and Aerith people.

What if, hypothetically in the next installment, it portrayed Cloud and Tifa sharing a kiss, and more than once? And what if after that, all of the main writers stated that they're most definitely, certainly a couple and Aerith never will be in the equation ever again?

How would you take that?
I saw that and that's compilation in general to everybody. :monster: That's why I wrote about it.
The Compilation is sort of irrelevant to my hypothetical, though.

My question more or less asks if the creators said "yeah even during the original game Cloud and Aerith wasn't apossibility and Cloud loves and will always love Tifa all the way even if the Compilation never existed".
And like I said, most of the fans just wouldn't care that much. And some would probably say "Since they didn't say it or show it in the actual game, then it doesn't count as canon.". Don't think people won't say that because it happens. Unless they see Cloti hard in the remake, they won't say this...unless they are really hardcore and mean the ORIGINAL original. There's just no pleasing people. You can make people happy or sad. That's life ya'll! :monster:

Overall, most people won't care, but some will but if they are that upset they just need a new hobby or just stay in their dream (fictionwork) land. Whatever makes you happy.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Considering this is one of the most viewed and posted topics in this entire forums history, including ACF, I doubt that.

Exactly. They'd care. And they'd piss blood and vomit rage.

Go look at the front page article. There are still people literally closing their eyes and ears to the direct evidence to the contrary. It's "Die for our Ship" at its best. It's *almost* as bad as the delusional Harry/Hermione shippers from Harry Potter.


Your Mom
I agree with FHS that the response would be either "SE caved in to fan pressure" or "Cloud will never love Tifa the way he loved Aerith, even if they have a long, happy life together." Probably both. But there will always be that belief that their interpretation of the game is correct, that the 2 weeks Cloud and Aerith spent together was enough to create a love that Cloud will never experience again. And eh, more power to 'em. If their enjoyment of the game is dependent on that belief, then let them have it.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
It's *almost* as bad as the delusional Harry/Hermione shippers from Harry Potter.

Hardly, the fanwankery of rabid H/Hr shippers won't ever be bested unless there comes along a media more popular and famous than HP.

To answer your hypothetical question: if SE tells me CloudxTifa is canon and always had since they first shared a screen together, my world won't end. I'm used to having several of my preferred pairings end up in the fanon shelf. If it stops my flow of fanwork, I probably will be miffed but it doesn't seem to be the case here, with the compilations reviving the fandom.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Guys, the secret's out. Squall_of_SeeD is just another one of my puppets.

I've been feeding him rubbish and Cloti lies and that's how he reached his conclusion. Clearly he didn't do this research all on his own and make a concise, and logical argument regarding the storyline via its context and creator commentary. His sources were obviously biased by me. And hito too. There's no other reason he'd write such a thing!

Anastar saw through my evil plan. Fiddlesticks.
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I have a theory I want to float out there.

About why many rabid Cleriths don't want FFVII remade. They make claims like "they will ruin the original etc etc etc".

But considering their POV on all things FFVII. I think this stems from a deep seeded fear of SE making things painfully clear in certain areas.

Imagine a FF7 remake with more flashbacks of Zack. And even Zack & Aerith. Clearer interactions between Cloud & Tifa. A better distinction made between Cloud before and after the Lifestream event.

Why it is enough to send a shiver up any pinkers spine.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Drake, man, they're calling you out! LMAO

Quoted from the land of pink and delusions: "Not quite, SoS. No Clerith tries to argue that Cloti is canon."


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Exactly. You're not a real Clerith unless you think its canon and the one true pairing of all. Period.

And I love how they say they "debunked" it. Yet they can't even post a coherent, and logical comment in the article as a refutation. Closing your ears and eyes and going "LALALALALA" real loud, doesn't count as a refutation. Someone should tell them that.
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Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Considering this is one of the most viewed and posted topics in this entire forums history, including ACF, I doubt that.

Exactly. They'd care. And they'd piss blood and vomit rage.

Go look at the front page article. There are still people literally closing their eyes and ears to the direct evidence to the contrary. It's "Die for our Ship" at its best. It's *almost* as bad as the delusional Harry/Hermione shippers from Harry Potter.
Well then, fuck em, I don't care.

And it's funny how you say Harry/Hermione cause I was one of those shippers but I didn't cry tears of blood when it didn't become canon. I did, however, stopped caring about the HP universe since it fucked all my favorite characters big time. I recognize the canon, but I could care less.
I did laugh at all the wank from people that hates us shippers, but it really sucks how everybody groups us together like we are all delusional. Haters can choke on a dick and die. :monster: And that's what I do too when I go into the LTD. Laugh at the ~*srs bsns*~ wank.

Oh well, at least I brought my opinion about. I'm not saying squat. I will laugh though. :wacky:

Edit: And now I'm lol'ing at the front page wank and pinker forum. This is fun entertainment! I also agree with what Vendel said. I was trying to say that but I guess I suck at describing. Thank you vendel dear! You always manage to bring me lulz and logic in topics of srs bsns! <3
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Exactly. You're not a real Clerith unless you think its canon and the one true pairing of all. Period.

I don't get this... because several of them have said there isn't a canon couple. They just feel the evidence is in Aerith's favor... I think. But we'll see what happens if Cloud and Tifa ever :kiss:

But since you guys can't go over there and they don't want to come over here... looks like they're wont' be any actual debating like I was hoping for :( Except some stuff on the main page :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't get it either. LOL @ them saying they wished Clerith were canon and then saying its the only way a Clerith believes. Good ole' hypocrisy.

And I love how they just now talk about how Squall_of_SeeD used our website as a source (which of course is biased Cloti rubbish according to Anastar) when he gives a thanks to me, when I guess they missed all of the citations to our translations littered all throughout the analysis.'s so ridiculous. That's pretty sad.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I don't get it either. LOL @ them saying they wished Clerith were canon and then saying its the only way a Clerith believes. Good ole' hypocrisy.

And I love how they just now talk about how Squall_of_SeeD used our website as a source (which of course is biased Cloti rubbish according to Anastar) when he gives a thanks to me, when I guess they missed all of the citations to our translations littered all throughout the analysis.'s so ridiculous. That's pretty sad.

Don't you know that TLS is totally bullshit biased--UNLESS they are in support of Aerith... like... Which was GOLDEN until proven to be a prank...

**wipes eyes** Man, I love you guys.
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