So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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reality is a prison
Mako Eyes said:
(which of course is biased Cloti rubbish according to Anastar)
I don't think anyone is too much on that, until it got to the "koibito" that was translated as beloved rather than lover. It means pretty much the same damn thing so whats the problem?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Frankly I liked Hito's idea of using sweetheart. Mainly because I can see Aerith using that word. Beloved doesn't seem like her so much. Plus I don't think anyone would have argued against it. ... but I guess that's not really the point.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fairheartstrife, I didn't think it was possible for your sigs to get any snarkier. Thank you so much for proving me wrong. :monster:

I don't think any April Fool's joke we pull will ever top our first one sadly. That had the perfect combination of circumstance, creative minds, and Compilation material being released to truly be a legendary prank. But that won't stop us from trying. :awesome:

By the way, I saw this, and felt it deserves special addressing:

By the way, if a Clourith over their at TLS forums made an essay supporting Clourith would they post it on the front page like they did for the Cloti essay, or would they ignore it? You should ask them that.

If they could write an essay that cites numerous creator commentary sources that state Cloud had a romantic relationship with Aerith and has feelings for her now, while giving a point by point explanation as to how these sources refute the ones in Squall_of_SeeD's article. Sure. If they're confident that their interpretation is the one that matches up the creators I'd be more than happy to host it. But if it's the same old stuff, then they're gonna have to do better than that.


Pro Adventurer
I don't think anyone is too much on that, until it got to the "koibito" that was translated as beloved rather than lover. It means pretty much the same damn thing so whats the problem?

Since the essays on their own website still claim koibito doesn't mean either beloved or lover they have no right to complain.

Do these people not realize how blatantly obvious it is the way they flip-flop between polar opposite interpretations in an instant when it suits them? They are basically admitting that all of their koibito essays and interviews are a made up lie.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Frankly I liked Hito's idea of using sweetheart. Mainly because I can see Aerith using that word. Beloved doesn't seem like her so much. Plus I don't think anyone would have argued against it. ... but I guess that's not really the point.

If rabid shippers argue over a word that has clearly more romantic and emotional context than sweetheart, yes, they would argue over it. Don't be naive. If "sweetheart" was chosen, then they'd have bitched and wanted us to use "lover."

Anyone with any experience or eye for literature knows the connotations of the word "beloved." It's not something you use freely talking about a friend or "sweetheart" that you don't have feelings for. It's a word meant for someone close to your heart, probably someone you'd have a romantic interest in. If they can't accept a word like that, then that already shows they're too rabid and frothy at the mouth to care for anything that doesn't fit their idealized agenda and interpretation that puts their ship above all else.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Fairheartstrife, I didn't think it was possible for your sigs to get any snarkier. Thank you so much for proving me wrong. :monster:

Anytime. :salute:

Y'know, I really hate that Squall_of_Seed's essay is being seen as a "Cloti" essay. It's NOT. It's an intelligent, comprehensive look at the fucking MATERIAL given to us throughout compilation. There is not ONE PLACE where I read, "This is why Cloti is better" NOT FUCKING ONE!

And as for his assertion that he prefers Tifa to Aerith, well, that doesn't make him Cloti, that makes him a Tifa fan. They are separable. In fact, I know a ton of Tifa fans that can't stand Cloud, and hate Cloti. The mentality that if you prefer Tifa over Aerith automatically makes you Cloti is staggering in it's single-minded implication.

Of course, you can't really blame SoS... even Cloud prefers Tifa to Aerith.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
If they could write an essay that cites numerous creator commentary sources that state Cloud had a romantic relationship with Aerith and has feelings for her now, while giving a point by point explanation as to how these sources refute the ones in Squall_of_SeeD's article. Sure. If they're confident that their interpretation is the one that matches up the creators I'd be more than happy to host it. But if it's the same old stuff, then they're gonna have to do better than that.
In other words, no because I'm fairly certain that's what you'd get.

And isn't a Clerith site :rage: you tricked me

Of course, you can't really blame SoS... even Cloud prefers Tifa to Aerith.
As do I :monster:
and if anyone is reading this it's NOT because of the boobs
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reality is a prison
Fighter said:
Do these people not realize how blatantly obvious it is the way they flip-flop between polar opposite interpretations in an instant when it suits them?

Maybe they are Liberals? :awesome:

Mako Eyes said:
I don't think any April Fool's joke we pull will ever top our first one sadly.

Sounds good, may I have a link? :3

It's a word meant for someone close to your heart, probably someone you'd have a romantic interest in.
Nice definition Mako and I agree. ^_^ Personally, I think beloved is the best word for the moment it sounds romantic and flowing like hito said, yes? Aerith loves Cloud and "could" be mutual (note the could not is guys) and the sentence works so wth? It evens out the Tifa koibito line now so there is nothing to worry about anymore, lets all be neutral hurray!

Of course, you can't really blame SoS... even Cloud prefers Tifa to Aerith.
Yuh, but Zack likes Aerith more. D:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
In other words, no because I'm fairly certain that's what you'd get.


If they can present the facts as they are, then they can. But this isn't going to be their shipper proving ground. Squall_of_SeeD's isn't a Cloti essay, as Fairheartstrife said. It's an essay on the Compilation in regards to Cloud's feelings and who he's starting a relationship with. There's a factual conclusion based on the evidence in there. Not just a bunch of jumping through hoops and "interpretation" of a bunch of unrelated shit to make it fit some shipper ideal.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Sounds good, may I have a link? :3

You don't know of our April Fools joke regarding ACC?

Nice definition Mako and I agree. ^_^ Personally, I think beloved is the best word for the moment it sounds romantic and flowing like hito said, yes? Aerith loves Cloud and "could" be mutual (note the could not is guys) and the sentence works so wth? It evens out the Tifa koibito line now so there is nothing to worry about anymore, lets all be neutral hurray!

Glad you agree with the word choice but I think you're missing the entire point or you didn't read the article carefully. The statement doesn't "even out" anything. They're two entirely different quotes with different context. Since when does an in-universe declaration equate to a creator's statement on a character?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You don't know of our April Fools joke regarding ACC?
I remember that, at first I was pissed thinking they were going to give Aerith more screentime. I thought it'd ruin her character, then I was like "Oh good Nanaki has more lines...wait... funny lines? WTF?" then I was like "Wait what? Cloud dies... OOOOOOOOOHHHHhhhh.... I get it."

and I dunno Mako, I think the April Fools idea I gave you could top this one. It'd at least be more fun ^_^


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, that idea you gave might, but it won't be nearly as wide spread since not everyone would be able to get the joke. :monster:


reality is a prison
Mako Eyes said:
You don't know of our April Fools joke regarding ACC?
N/m yes I have, I thought you were talking about something else. XD

Glad you agree with the word choice but I think you're missing the entire point or you didn't read the article carefully. The statement doesn't "even out" anything.

Okay sorry, TO ME, it evens out because Tifa's doesn't refer to anyone while Aerith's does. You could interpret Tifa is Cloud's koibito and you can interpret that Aerith's feelings to Cloud are mutual, so I think neither are clear enough for one to be better.

Quexinos said:
and I dunno Mako, I think the April Fools idea I gave you could top this one. It'd at least be more fun ^_^
lulzlulzlulz pm me. XD


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
KissTheRain; said:
Okay sorry, TO ME, it evens out because Tifa's doesn't refer to anyone while Aerith's does. You could interpret Tifa is Cloud's koibito and you can interpret that Aerith's feelings to Cloud are mutual, so I think neither are clear enough for one to be better.

The article talks about that. Who else would Nomura be talking about in regards to Tifa being a lover? Johnny? Are you seriously gonna tell me...out of all of the information and facts we know of FFVII...that Johnny is as likely a candidate as Cloud in terms of being Tifa's lover and her having feelings for him?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think the most important line in the essay is this:
While it can certainly be argued that Nojima’s comments don’t offer a promise that Cloud and Tifa will stay together, that’s really not important. The Love Triangle Debate was never about who would Cloud be more likely to have a fairy tale romance with. It was about establishing who Cloud had an interest in being in a romance with.
so even if Cloud and Tifa do have problems... well they're in a relationship are they not? End LTD right there :monster:


You look like you need a monkey
... it's a compound word why would you change the second part?

Well, I assumed that when he broke the word into its separate components, he meant looking at the original words that made the compound, which in this case would be "koi" and "hito".

(And also because saying "koi" and "bito" gives me bad flashbacks of the "koi bito" pinker claim.)


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
its obvious cloud loves yuffie.

If it wasn't funny the first time why the hell would it be funny now?

Well, I assumed that when he broke the word into its separate components, he meant looking at the original words that made the compound, which in this case would be "koi" and "hito".
Point taken, I guess i thought bito meant person but you're right, it's hito that does... my bad.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You have to go through some serious cognitive contortions to try and say that there's anyone else but Cloud Nomura could be talking to, in regards to stating she's a lover. It makes no sense. Why do people's common sense and contextual understanding just fly out the window regarding this? It's like a +9999 modifier on the Burden of Proof integer requirement is added whenever the LTD is discussed, especially in regards to proving Cloud and Tifa are just..together.

Fans: Cloud and Aerith are walking together in a Monopoly game done by S-E! SO KAWAII~ THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!!

Fans: Cloud and Tifa are raising kids together....Oh..we'll that's nice. They're just friends.


EDIT: Also deleted the non-important stupid spam.


You look like you need a monkey
It's the Clerithvision goggles. They work like beer goggles, except you see pink romance instead of pink elephants.

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
Tifa's koibito doesn't need to be in the same sentence with Cloud's name. It's describing her role in the movie, saying that in Advent Children one of Tifa's roles is that of a lover.

Johnny's out right off the bat because they don't even interact at all in Advent. Who's left? Rude, Reno, Vincent, Cid, and Barret. there anything left to say? There's only one guy in Advent Children that Tifa's interactions with could be reasonably perceived as loverly.

And that's
Sephiroth, clearly.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Cloud has 5 letters in his name/ Aeris has 5 letters in her (Original English) name.

Tifa has 4 letters in her name/ Zack has 4 letters in his name.

ZOMG! I figured out the secret coded canon!! Do I get a prize now?!?!


reality is a prison
No silly it's Barret! :lol: *typical Clerith candiate to eliminate Tifa*

JK. No, I know it's pretty damn obvious it's Cloud, but isn't exactly.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No silly it's Barret! :lol: *typical Clerith candiate to eliminate Tifa*

JK. No, I know it's pretty damn obvious it's Cloud, but isn't exactly.

C'mon. Just say it's "damn obvious it's Cloud", it's okay! Just step over the line! You can do it :monster:

You and I know it's no one else! Just c'mon. Say it. XD


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Spirit smex.

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