So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
On a random note, if I could, I'd totally thank/re the posts belonging to Quexinos and Drake over at the pink forum in the SoS thread.

And Winter too, although I have no clue who she is. :monster:

I'm glad someone's able to call out the BS when they see it. You three are my heroes.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Well thanks guys, this is the most activity I've seen in the CxA forums since... a long while. 21 people at the forums? Leik, whoa. And nice try being peacemakers you other CxA members. I'm done posting in that thread. I'd rather be your cheerleader. 'specially you Que. :p


reality is a prison
"Love Triangle Analysis From Squall Of Seed

Oh I remember that thread now, but I ditched I just ignored it because I dislike miles of text and forums calling out members which is just playing rude and bashing imo.

I don't think i'll post in it only because I don't wanna get lots of texts about blah and neh, idk i'm lazy. =.=;


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well, I don't *want* to take sides in this little mini-flamewar, but being neutral about it isn't easy. When I went over there and saw the thread titled "Love Triangle Analysis From Squall Of Seed, um whoever the hell that is", I just facepalmed because I knew once I opened the thread it would only get worse.


To be honest I wouldn't really call it a mini-flame war. More like a...small conflict, perhaps? :monster:

See, I don't give a shit what they do in their pink twilight zone safe haven, but when they start insulting our hard work and staff members, that they leech off us, I see red. It's bullshit, and I didn't just face palm. My head met the desk.

And yes, KisstheRain we know you're lazy. That much is apparent, you lazy slacker. :@


Yeah, because we totally oppress the Clerii! We ban Clerith avatars and sigs, and any sort of Clerith fanart! And we only allow people to think that Cloti is canon and if they say the opposite we ban them.

Oh wait....that's....


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, Like Vines, I tip my hat off to you ma'am. :monster:

You made a cool post over there too, Zee. Props to you as well.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Want some tea, Zelda? It helps a lot. :)


reality is a prison
Haha, Mako sorry we can't all be supreme dictators admins..O: LOL

I don't know why they insult hito, he is one of the nicest least biased person on this site, imo. Beloved, lover, sweetheart, fuck buddy, who cares really?

Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
I feel no pleasure whatsoever in stating this but when you have an opening statment in a thread with such disrespect and disregard by a person's hard work like in the thread from link Drake just posted, it pretty much says it all, IMO. I did applaud SoS for his work not because it was Cloti/Clerith/whatever biased but because it was a compilation of official material (aka quotes and other official references/sources) and wasn't simply the typical fan interpretation, which, as we know, can be twisted to the moon and back. In this case, however, we don't have a fan's interpretation about scenes or the characters themselves. No, what you have is an analysis that organizes and presents solely official quotes and references from official sources so, yes, even if some people apparently try to "downgrade" what SoS has done, please stop a moment to think because this is hardly the same as many of the so called "essays" written out there (not saying those other works aren't to be given credit... I'll leave that to the opinion of whoever reads them but there's a difference between opinion/interpretation alone and the providing of "cold", plain facts/evidence from official resources).

Although I find it a tad sad (since I am a FF7 above everything else and it saddens me to see how far some are willing to take something that is fictional, hence, something that should provide us with entertainment and enjoyment), I suppose its hard to go against factual evidence without getting worked up and brings things to a personal (and completely unnecessary, IMHO) level. Pardon my bluntness, but I believe that when things reach that point, its pretty much the hint that you need to chill out and step down a bit since there's no way that's healthy at all... There should be limits to everything and I say that with all the respect in the world to the people involved.

Still, do I think this analysis will change anything? No, saddly I don't think so. But I would also like to point out that there is one thing called acceptance and that usually is concerned to the side who has more facts/evidence backing them up. It's not simply a matter of interpretation anymore. There's a definitive answer from the creators and its there, in the Compilation, for all to see. Plus, just because Cloud and Tifa are the official FF7 pairing, doesn't mean you need to drop your OTP or anything like that, far from it. I personally find the whole Cloud/Aerith pairing quite lovely myself and I like both Tifa and Aerith equally (I do think Aerith is, IMHO, the heroine of FF7), but that doesn't mean I can't see where the Compilation points us at when you look at the LT picture. I thought Cloud and Tifa belonged together ever since I first played FF7 and that has only became more and more evident with each released Compilation title, not to mention all the creator and official comments that surfaced in meantime.

It's not a matter of preference, people... Its a matter of respecting what the creators and official sources (ultimanias, etc, etc) intended and already have told us... and that is that Cloud and Tifa are the official pairing of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm done posting in that thread. I'd rather be your cheerleader. 'specially you Que. :p
^_^ thanks

Uhn... but if you could back me up I'd love you forever... even if it's just "Uh yeah WTF guys, there's no such thing as a WcDonalds" or something XD Cause when FFG sees that I shat all over her interview (at least I Think she posted it) and site, she's gonna be mad...


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Wow, Like Vines, I tip my hat off to you ma'am. :monster:

You made a cool post over there too, Zee. Props to you as well.

oops I accidentally thanked that post when I meant to reply ahaha

Thank you. :desu:

I love the Clerith forums, I do, but I have NEVER been okay with the shit that went down with Hito. This goes for outside of fandom -- you don't turn on someone who's done huge favors for you.


wangxian married
Cause when FFG sees that I shat all over her interview (at least I Think she posted it) and site, she's gonna be mad...

lol she can't get mad at you because a place doesn't exist!

also QFT:
like vines:
watch we'll wake up tomorrow and not be Cetra

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I think anyone who says the LT isn't that important an aspect of FFVII's Compilation is living in state of denial. When their own official books have numerous discussions regarding the LT, and of course Cloud and Tifa being listed as its own unique article, then yeah...I think the creators are telling us that the dynamics of the relationship between these two/three people is pretty important and popular regarding their work of media.

Anyways, again. This is all part of the series. And it seems pretty stupid to not talk about/discuss the giant rhinoceros in the room, that is the LT.

No doubt its important, it just seems sort of...played out I guess. Especially considering that its not really an ongoing thing. Aeris is dead, Cloud and Tifa are together, the end. Of course, that's not the end of development for Cloud and Tifa, but there is no present love triangle to speak of. Of course, I was never interested in this sort of thing to begin with, so I understand I'm being a bit biased. But like I said, I wish the interest and activity displayed for the LT was spread out over other aspects of the plot, theme, and setting.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
^_^ thanks

Uhn... but if you could back me up I'd love you forever... even if it's just "Uh yeah WTF guys, there's no such thing as a WcDonalds" or something XD Cause when FFG sees that I shat all over her interview (at least I Think she posted it) and site, she's gonna be mad...

lol Que, I'd totally post the "Uh yeah WTF guys, there's no such thing as a WcDonalds" too, if it didn't classify the post as spam.

Hmm, not a bad idea. I just made cookies, too.

Chocolate chip? If so, I'll trade you some of my eggrolls. Which were not bought at Panda.


Your Mom
Hmm. I don't have much to say, really. I guess I've hit max capacity on LTD stuff, finally. :lol:

But one thing that struck me in the CA thread is the repetition of the idea that Cloud and Tifa have communication issues, therefore they can't be the official couple. How are these two thoughts connected? Does a couple have to be without issues to hold the mantle of "official Final Fantasy Couple"? For a lot of us, the argument has never been that Cloud and Tifa are soulmates and a pairing without flaw. We've just been arguing that they ARE, for better or worse, because that's where the story went. I believe SoS even said that in his essay. If people want to believe Cloud would've found trouble-free bliss with Aerith had she lived, be my guest. But that's not what this debate has been about, at least as far as I'm aware.

Vines said:
I love the Clerith forums, I do, but I have NEVER been okay with the shit that went down with Hito. This goes for outside of fandom -- you don't turn on someone who's done huge favors for you.
I only have an outsider's perspective of what went down, but from my understanding it was rather ugly and completely unwarranted. "Shooting the messenger" taken to the extreme.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
But one thing that struck me in the CA thread is the repetition of the idea that Cloud and Tifa have communication issues, therefore they can't be the official couple. How are these two thoughts connected? Does a couple have to be without issues to hold the mantle of "official Final Fantasy Couple"?

People who think this are the same people who have never been in a real relationship, are often locked in their rooms, and the closest thing they ever have been is a yaoi pairing or something, and have deluded expectations of what an actual adult relationship is.

People like that are not to be taken seriously on matters of relationships.
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