So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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The Wanderer of Time
Hm, that sucks...

Here, just because I'm bored. Some of it make not be apt, but I just did this for lawls so it doesn't have to be:

Lawful Clerith - Cleriths who staunchly believe Cloud and Aerith love each other, but are able to discuss Cloti evidence rationally, and perhaps admit Cloti has evidence in its favor, though they disagree with it.
Neutral Clerith - Fans who believe Cloti is canon but support Clerith in spite of this. They are capable of discussing the LTD rationally, but recognize their opinion may or may not be representative of the truth. A rare but not unheard of classification.
Chaotic Clerith - Cleriths who believe Cloud and Aerith love each other, and fiercely reject any evidence to the contrary. They take great lengths to demonstrate Cloti is an illusion and Cloud is devoted to Aerith.

Lawful Neutral - Fans who believe Cloud loves both Aerith and Tifa equally and they both love him back. The LT is an undecided factor in their mind - there are many answers, none of them more true than the others.
True Neutral - Fans who widely reject the LT itself and refuse to discuss it or even acknowledge it. One may convert to "True Neutral" after years of debating and thereby getting sick of it.
Chaotic Neutral - Fans who believe Cloud may or may not love Aerith or Tifa. He may love both, one or neither, they are unsure. To them, the LT is not meant to be solved, simply discussed. There is no answer either way.

Lawful Cloti - Clotis who staunchly believe Cloud and Tifa love each other, but are able to discuss Clerith evidence rationally, and perhaps admit Clerith has evidence in its favor, though they disagree with it.
Neutral Cloti - Fans who believe Clerith is canon but support Cloti in spite of this. They are capable of discussing the LTD rationally, but recognize their opinion may or may not be representative of the truth. A rare but not unheard of classification.
Chaotic Cloti - Clotis who believe Cloud and Tifa love each other, and fiercely reject any evidence to the contrary. They take great lengths to demonstrate Clerith is an illusion and Cloud is devoted to Tifa.

Just don't expect me to explain how Yaoi fans fit into that. :monster:


unsavory tart
Chaotic Neutral - Fans who believe Cloud may or may not love Aerith or Tifa. He may love both, one or neither, they are unsure. To them, the LT is not meant to be solved, simply discussed. There is no answer either way.
Hello me, you are looking fabulous today.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It's oppression is what it is. They reek of it in that forum. Interwebz powerwhores with too much time and not enough control in the real world. That just about sums up any forum "dictators" I've run across.

Definitely invite HC here, Quexi. None of us, so far as I know, have a problem with people enjoying the Clerith pairing. I'd be a complete hypocrite considering how much I love Tifa x Zack. However, the distinction remains with KNOWING when one is fanning/shipping and what canon is. Not now or ever within compilation does "fack" have a leg to stand on, and you will NEVER EVER see me argue otherwise, despite its steadfast position as my second favorite pairing.

Being a Clerith doesn't make you unwelcome. Being a belligerent troll with no regard for compilation, logic, creator statements, common sense, and the overall narrative makes you unwelcome--or at the very least stone-worthy. ;)


The Wanderer of Time
Heaven's Cloud said:
Sometimes I do just sit at home and think about it. Why is Clerith so widely criticised? It's not that farfetched in the slightest, so why are we treated this way? I honestly do not get it. I think sometimes it is because of the way this forum is sometimes, and well I put myself further off posting.

Oh and I love how mature this forum can be. Creating a "News" forum and tearing apart TresDias' article, with the same arguments that you're tired of repeating.. cos it's not opinion, just news. Genius, just genius. It's not like there's a LTD debate forum here already, or a place to post FF7 "news" in. Great work. That'll pee off those pesky lifestreamers, though they shouldn't be cos they started it, nyah!

I think the lightbulb went on. HC, if you're read this, if there's one thing TLS' memberbase has taught me, it's not that the Clerith pairing is so widely hated and criticized - it's some of the people who support it that are villified. Conduct yourself calmly and rationally, and you'll be accepted here as I have. Cleriths *are* welcome here - as long as, as said above, you're "sane".


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Mako Eyes: Lawful Cloti

Isabella: Lawful Cloti

Ryushikaze: Lawful Cloti

Quexinos: Lawful Cloti

Vendel: Chaotic Cloti x2

Fairheartstrife: Lawful Cloti but also bounces towards Chaotic at times :monster:

DrakeClawfang: Neutral Clerith

I think those classifications fit so far :monster:


You're insane.

The neutrals confuse the hell out of me the most. At least with the Chaotic Cleriths you know why they don't see the truth. But how the hell does one not see ANYTHING for either side?!


The Wanderer of Time
The neutrals confuse the hell out of me the most. At least with the Chaotic Cleriths you know why they don't see the truth. But how the hell does one not see ANYTHING for either side?!

Oh, they see evidence for both sides, they just haven't decided which evidence they believe in yet. They see the two sides but are of neither.

I'm more wondering if there is such a thing as "Neutral Cloti" under my definition....


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
But they aren't equal!!!! :rage:

It's so bizarre, you have to find one as having more credence than the other!

You've got one side saying something happened at WacDonalds, and the other quoting a book. I mean, c'mon! People need to pick sides damnit. Dirty neutrals piss me off the most.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't see it as an all or nothing kind of thing. Like, as soon as there's a +1 on someone's side, they're totally absolutely canon, there will never be a Cloud/Aerith hint ever.

Well I'm open to the fact that on disc 1, there was slight flirting and interest between the two, and there was potential for them to get close to each other and all. But again, that's just potential and flirting. No where near the same thing as...raising a family with someone :awesome:

That's you, alright. :@


Your Mom
I consider it a fear of commitment.

"Do I really want to eat meat and potatoes for the rest of my life? Some days I feel like COTTON CANDY!"


unsavory tart
That's you, alright. :@
I'm staying strong against the angry waves of oppression that everyone knows lifestream is known for.

Besides if it weren't for me, you'd guys would only have to talk about CxA forums, which is all well and good but I have a far superior range of obscure gifs and pictures of cats in hilarious positions.
Well I'm open to the fact that on disc 1, there was slight flirting and interest between the two, and there was potential for them to get close to each other and all. But again, that's just potential and flirting. No where near the same thing as...raising a family with someone :awesome:
But I'm also open that Cloud's bond with Aerith is deliberately repeated and never been fully defined. Yes, it's a bit of spiritual guide, and bit of friendship, and a lot of guilt, but it's always been "something more." The creators want to leave that "something more" open to the audience to give us something to talk about. That's why even in the AU's, it's not defined there either.
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it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
There were rabid Clotis, rabid Clerii and now there're rabid Neutrals too?...
This world is going to hell... and Im so not joining the soon to be reopened NC.
Im not going to argue whether or not Tifa is Cloud's light for the 100th time (when Nomura said so himself), thank you very much.

But I'm also open that Cloud's bond with Aerith is deliberately repeated and never been fully defined. Yes, it's a bit of spiritual guide, and bit of friendship, and a lot of guilt, but it's always been "something more." The creators want to leave that "something more" open to the audience to give us something to talk about. That's why even in the AU's, it's not defined there either.

SE could be more clear about it. If not in the movie then books.
But all we get is that Cloud goes as far as to call Aerith "mother" and SE mentioning that her presence in the movie is similar to a loving mother.
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The Wanderer of Time
I know how we can solve the LT! Clotis and Cleriths band together and board a plane to Japan, at which point they kidnap Nomura, tie him down and force him to reveal which pairing is canon by way of Cloti and Clerith fans offering various ways to torture him if he doesn't agree with them. The most creative sadists win! The losers are relieved of their pants and sent marching into downtown Tokyo.


Your Mom
But I'm also open that Cloud's bond with Aerith is deliberately repeated and never been fully defined. Yes, it's a bit of spiritual guide, and bit of friendship, and a lot of guilt, but it's always been "something more." The creators want to leave that "something more" open to the audience to give us something to talk about. That's why even in the AU's, it's not defined there either.
But that doesn't mean he's not in a relationship with Tifa and that he can't love her. Even if that "undefined thing" has romantic leanings, it's separate from what he has with Tifa.

Not to get too personal, but my fiance died several years ago, and I'll always carry around love and regret. But that doesn't in any way invalidate current and future relationships. They can co-exist quite easily.

In other words, wonder what he felt for Aerith all you like (as I've said a thousand times in this thread, I think the game allows that freedom), but not to the extent that you think CloudxTifa isn't real.

EDIT: Drake and FHS, what you don't seem to realize is ... I AM Nojima ...


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
SE could be more clear about it. If not in the movie then books.

Yeah, they could at least tell us he feels the same towards one of them...or establish some prior set of emotions for Cloud to build on...or have him do something that demonstrates commitment, like, I don't know, have kids, live together with one of them...or someone from SE could at least make commentary about it--give us an inkling as to whether the relationships can be paralleled to love and marriage...or come on, how hard would it be for them to come right out and say that for certain Cloud would be together with one of them.

GAWD, SE quit being so VAGUE. :awesome:


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
Yeah, they could at least tell us he feels the same towards one of them...or establish some prior set of emotions for Cloud to build on...or have him do something that demonstrates commitment, like, I don't know, have kids, live together with one of them...or someone from SE could at least make commentary about it--give us an inkling as to whether the relationships can be paralleled to love and marriage...or come on, how hard would it be for them to come right out and say that for certain Cloud would be together with one of them.

GAWD, SE quit being so VAGUE. :awesome:

I think SE simply enjoy seeing fans suffering over it. Damn sadists.


unsavory tart
But that doesn't mean he's not in a relationship with Tifa and that he can't love her. Even if that "undefined thing" has romantic leanings, it's separate from what he has with Tifa.
I didn't say that it would. Or that Cloud/Tifa aren't real. Hell, I'm not even saying that the couples have equal amounts of evidence. What I am saying is that there have been purposeful, deliberate hints for Cloud/Aerith and Cloud/Tifa that is meant to stir fandom discussion. And for that reason, they refuse to close the book on either couple.

EDIT: Drake and FHS, what you don't seem to realize is ... I AM Nojima ...
I knew it.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Some of the members at CxA aren't THAT mean. I know there's no way to say, "Get out of here, you're not wanted." nicer but geez... I felt really, really bad about it even if it wasn't directed at me. I'm glad HC found a more accepting forum for him/her.

And lol, what's wrong with being neutral? It could be INTERPRETED (You can kill me after I finish this cup of coffee.) as you ship both or you don't ship both. So I guess yaoi fangirls (I've never seen one try to debate their ship as canon) could be considered "neutral".


Your Mom
My definition of "neutral" has always been that you don't have an emotional stake in the outcome. You review the evidence in a detached sort of way and formulate what is the most logical explanation.
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