So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
And yes, you're misremembering. Marlene says specifically. "So that's why you left? To find a cure?"

He left to go *find* a cure.


Higher Further Faster
You know, as far as the bed thing goes, maybe the office is where Cloud slept before Barret left and they just haven't gotten rid of the bed yet? Because we know that Marlene slept with Tifa before he left, and maybe even until Denzel came along. Maybe they kept it around for when Barret comes back as an extra, or just in case they might need it (because come on if Shelke is living with them after DoC they'll need it!).

Also I've seen couples IRL that live together but don't share a room. Not that it really means anything here but just something to think about.

Cloud a stalker? Send him my way will you ;)

I wouldn't mind being stalked by Cloud, so long as he doesn't Omnislash me. :awesome:


Cloud's money goes into his appearance, everybody associated with him is required to wear Cloudy Fox bling. He has engineers to make sure he has the best motorcycle on the planet, on doubtably money went into a tailor made custom SOLDIER outfit for him, Put a tall order in on the Weapons Shop for the Fusions Sword, off course his room is a dump. That he managed to suck enough money for all the stuff we've seen out of the Strife Delivery Service and Seventh Heaven is impressive enough.

Celes Chere

So what prompted him to leave?

I still think that's why he left, Geostigma combined with other things. (Afraid of hurting his family, finding a cure, past regrets) I just think it took him some time to reach the decision that he was going to leave. Unless... it says somewhere that he left right away. What did the end of CoT say, because I forgot. X_x

I haven't looked at it like that before. It's hardly a punishment if that's where he is usually. Although, do they necessarily need to share a bed to be having a lot of time together? But then again if he's often doing deliveries and she's working at the bar in the evenings, then night time probably would be one of the only times they have together.

That's true. They don't need to sleep in the same bed or even the same room to be close to one another, I just thought it'd make more sense to send him to his own room if they did in fact share a room, that's all. ^^; It would be a I suppose, punishment if you normally sleep with your partner, and then they tell you to get out. Because well, you'd be sad you weren't with them.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
He didn't leave because of Geostigma. He left to find a cure for Denzel and got it while searching for it. Gb2/ACC.

He didn't come back and isolated himself because of Geostigma.


Higher Further Faster
CoT made it sound like everything between Cloud and Tifa had been mended, then a couple days later he just suddenly left.


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
I still think that's why he left, Geostigma combined with other things. (Afraid of hurting his family, finding a cure, past regrets) I just think it took him some time to reach the decision that he was going to leave. Unless... it says somewhere that he left right away. What did the end of CoT say, because I forgot. X_x

I think in that new scene between Marlene and Cloud it's establish that Cloud getting Geostigma was the last straw because he didn't feel he could do anything for his family anymore. That's when Marlene does that hilarious Barrett impression.

CoT made it sound like everything between Cloud and Tifa had been mended, then a couple days later he just suddenly left.

I don't know, the end of Case of Tifa left me feeling like everything was still very raw but Tifa had resolved to keep positive. Then of course Cloud leaves and it just leaves a very depressing note at the end.

In fact I doubt I'll ever read CoT fully again because it was so depressing.


The Wanderer of Time
where the fuck are you people pulling this from? Cloud in-game demanded money. LOTS of money for his services. Cloud in-game dressed himself up as a SOLDIER because that was what he ASPIRED to be.

I thought that was Zack he was mimicing, and Zack who dressed him up.

Where is it stated that it was a new phone? Maybe it was the same PHS from the original game.

drives an expensive (meals for the rest of the persons life at 7th) super fabricated motorbike, carries bad-ass, top of the line swords, and did I mention fucking FENRIR.
Transportation and weaponry. You except him to walk around fighting with long sticks? Not to mention he's embarrassed over Fenrir, and we aren't told how he got the Fusion Sword. CoT gave me the impression Fenrir is that "one thing" that's his, that one material item he wants and looks after.

Okay, not to be a complete ass, but....That can't be overstated. Not want much?!? What Cloud are you people fan-ficcing, because silent guy, sure. Moody guy, sure. Guilt-ridden-fucked-in-the-head guy, yup, I'm with you. Bare-bones essentials guy? NO. Just fucking no. :rage:
Not complete, no not quite.

The furnishings in his office and the church show he doesn't need much to live. His room is devoid of luxuries. All he has is a cot, a table for phone and paperwork and books, a couple tires and some random boxes. If he's so concerned with material things, you'd think he'd have a computer or a TV or a real desk. Hell, even a dresser. But no, he has none of that. This room Cloud has been living with for the better part of two years has very little actually in it.

Also, his room can't be a workspace for Fenrir. Yeah, that *would* explain the tires, but what explains how Cloud hauls that thing up to the second floor? "Cloud, what have I told you about riding your bike up the stairs?"

If a motorcycle and a wolf emblem mean Cloud is obsessed with material things, then what does that say for the kids and Tifa who sleep in fully furnished bedrooms with pictures, dressers, pretty wallpaper, trickets and fluffy bedding? THAT's why Cloud left, he couldn't afford to support the upper-class lifestyle Tifa demanded he pay for.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

Listen to the dialogue, please.

Cloud ACC Dengeki Profile said:
The man who 2 years ago defeated Sephiroth, and held back the threat of Meteor. In the end he became a hero who saved the life of the planet, but what he lost during that battle took a heavy toll, and Cloud’s heart continued to be tormented by a deep sense of regret and blame towards himself. It was during this that he met Denzel, a boy inflicted by “Geostigma,” a mysterious illness believed to be caused by Meteor. And so Cloud leaves and struggles to find a cure for this illness. However, he finds himself infected by Geostigma, and as if fleeing he removes himself from the presence of his friends.

That's about as clear as it gets. He didn't get Geostigma until AFTER he left and THEN he removed himself from the presence of everyone else.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
He was researching it and then he finally got off his ass to find a cure, and thus got infected. It ain't like some hard to get plot hole or somethin'. C'mon :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Why? Thats what the translated text says.

Cloud left the company of his friends and family because of Geostigma. He isolated himself due to it. That's not wrong at all. That timeline was made before ACC.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well thats what happens when new material comes out. It's why we have the Dengeki profiles and stuff that talk about it :monster:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Okay, not to be a complete ass, but where the fuck are you people pulling this from? Cloud in-game demanded money. LOTS of money for his services. Cloud in-game dressed himself up as a SOLDIER because that was what he ASPIRED to be. Cloud in ACC wears a WOLF EMBLEM on EVERYTHING--including his STATE OF THE ART CELL PHONE, drives an expensive (meals for the rest of the persons life at 7th) super fabricated motorbike, carries bad-ass, top of the line swords, and did I mention fucking FENRIR. That can't be overstated. Not want much?!? What Cloud are you people fan-ficcing, because silent guy, sure. Moody guy, sure. Guilt-ridden-fucked-in-the-head guy, yup, I'm with you. Bare-bones essentials guy? NO. Just fucking no.

It's completely possible for a person to be bare bones in one aspect and not in the other. Hell, it's completely possible for a person to be barebones in every aspect but one. For a minor example, I've been told that my bedroom looks not too dissimilar to a jail cell, but on the flip side that doesn't translate into say...the way I dress, which is for your information, FRESH TO DEATH. My father is the same way.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I thought that was Zack he was mimicing, and Zack who dressed him up.

He kept the clothes, didn't he? And Cloud pulled his personality from Tifa's head and fashioned an ideal version of can assume to impress her. But that's beside the point.

Where is it stated that it was a new phone? Maybe it was the same PHS from the original game.

Sure. It could be--not likely, but hey, I'm flexible-- but it's still state of the art and more advanced than what half of Edge is carrying around. Point?

Transportation and weaponry. You except him to walk around fighting with long sticks?

No. But the excessiveness of that transportation and weaponry is notable to say the very least. I EXPECT Cloud to walk around with badass toys. You, apparently, expect him to live with bare essentials and not need or want much. Which, again, is ridiculous given the aforementioned examples.

Not to mention he's embarrassed over Fenrir, and we aren't told how he got the Fusion Sword.

He's not embarrassed over Fenrir. Where does it say that? He's hesitant to have Tifa pay for the fucking thing, sure--and make no mistake, Cloudy-boy ain't the one prepping free meals--but i don't recall his being embarrassed by it... I could be misremembering. In either case, he DOES want it. He has wants. Which directly goes against your earlier assessment that he doesn't...

The furnishings in his office and the church show he doesn't need much to live.

Can we possibly leave the damn church out of this? It makes no sense--NONE at all--to compare his "habitat" there with his "home".

His room is devoid of luxuries. All he has is a cot, a table for phone and paperwork and books, a couple tires and some random boxes.

His office is devoid of luxuries. We haven't seen his and Tifa's room. :awesome:

If he's so concerned with material things, you'd think he'd have a computer or a TV or a real desk. Hell, even a dresser. But no, he has none of that. This room Cloud has been living with for the better part of two years has very little actually in it.

I never said he was soooo concerned with material things. I said to state he had no desire for them was retarded. And they are rebuilding their lives from scratch, so of course amenities take time to acquire. However, he does manage to grab himself a killer ride, custom clothes, some bling, and hair gel...

Also, his room can't be a workspace for Fenrir. Yeah, that *would* explain the tires, but what explains how Cloud hauls that thing up to the second floor? "Cloud, what have I told you about riding your bike up the stairs?"

It absolutely can be. Boosters, tires, framework, parts, all can be removed and lugged to the office for tinkering. There's also what appears to be oil cans in the corner, but, wtf do I know...

If a motorcycle and a wolf emblem mean Cloud is obsessed with material things, then what does that say for the kids and Tifa who sleep in fully furnished bedrooms with pictures, dressers, pretty wallpaper, trickets and fluffy bedding? THAT's why Cloud left, he couldn't afford to support the upper-class lifestyle Tifa demanded he pay for.

How the hell do you know what Tifa's room looks like? As I said earlier we've not seen their bedroom. For all you know Cloudy-boy has it decked out with wolf heads and porn motorcycle magazines.

And as for Tifa demanding he pay for it...look above to where she's paying for Fenrir.

I'm not saying Cloud's a material whore, but he isn't exactly Mr. Bare Bones, which, again, is indicative that the room in question is his OFFICE and not his bedroom.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It's completely possible for a person to be bare bones in one aspect and not in the other. Hell, it's completely possible for a person to be barebones in every aspect but one. For a minor example, I've been told that my bedroom looks not too dissimilar to a jail cell, but on the flip side that doesn't translate into say...the way I dress, which is for your information, FRESH TO DEATH. My father is the same way.

True enough, but this:

Same here, Cloud's the guy who doesn't need or want much.

goes against even that.

Which is what I'm addressing.

I think the room is his office, and I think it's intentionally stark to show abandonment, and I agree that even when Cloud was there it probably wasn't teched out to the nine's, but it's not "in-character" to claim he doesn't have wants and needs, because he clearly does.

Also, sidenote, speaking of abandoned... Wasn't there a quote where Nomura stated that they wanted Tifa to be portrayed as a woman left by a man or something like that? But not all weepy...If that's the case, then there is no debate that can counter that. She's not a friend left by a friend. A woman left by a man has only ONE connotation. :geek:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Cloud's ACC phone looks nothing like this :monster:


It's a new phone. Not the PHS.


You look like you need a monkey
The furnishings in his office and the church show he doesn't need much to live.

I know I'm repeating what FHS has been saying, but I too don't think that we should use Cloud's campsite at the church as a yardstick to show how affluent Cloud's normal lifestyle is (or isn't). He's in the church and living like that because it's an extraordinary set of circumstances he's in at that point. No deserving of the happiness with his family; no forgiveness earned; and to top it off, a fatal disease that's taken away any hope of a future. He's there with only the bare essentials because he feels that his life is over. So taking the conditions there as an indication of his normal habits is quite a stretch, IMO.


Aerina, Elle
Wow, that's the first time i've actually seen the PHS, i'd always just assumed it was a flip phone like in AC for some reason. Funky colour scheme :monster:

As for the Tifa being left behind quote, I saved it a while back to use in an old LTD because it was one of the main quotes that struck me as "Wow, that makes things pretty obvious. I can't see another way around that."

"Although there's a lot to Tifa's character, she's actually very much like any other woman who's been left behind by a man. The director, Nomura, said he wanted to make sure she wasn't a clingy woman, but to portray her as though she's been hurt emotionally in a way that others around her cannot easily detect. But Tifa has expressed her feelings plainly to Cloud a number of times." Nojima; Reunion Files


The Wanderer of Time
He kept the clothes, didn't he? And Cloud pulled his personality from Tifa's head and fashioned an ideal version of can assume to impress her. But that's beside the point.

It would have shown him as materialistic if he *didn't* keep the clothes. "Ew, a uniform, I better find something else to wear". After Zack died Cloud thought he *was* a SOLDIER, why not keep the uniform?

Sure. It could be--not likely, but hey, I'm flexible-- but it's still state of the art and more advanced than what half of Edge is carrying around. Point?

We're not shown that either. In fact, Marlene's exclamation to Vincent would imply that cellphones are commonplace.

No. But the excessiveness of that transportation and weaponry is notable to say the very least. I EXPECT Cloud to walk around with badass toys. You, apparently, expect him to live with bare essentials and not need or want much. Which, again, is ridiculous given the aforementioned examples.

No I don't *expect* him to, but him doing so doesn't surprise me.

He's not embarrassed over Fenrir. Where does it say that? He's hesitant to have Tifa pay for the fucking thing, sure--and make no mistake, Cloudy-boy ain't the one prepping free meals--but i don't recall his being embarrassed by it... I could be misremembering. In either case, he DOES want it. He has wants. Which directly goes against your earlier assessment that he doesn't...

Apologies, my memory failed me. It was the deliveries he was embarrassed about, not the bike.

His office is devoid of luxuries. We haven't seen his and Tifa's room. :awesome:

Impressive house of cards you've got there.

I never said he was soooo concerned with material things. I said to state he had no desire for them was retarded. And they are rebuilding their lives from scratch, so of course amenities take time to acquire. However, he does manage to grab himself a killer ride, custom clothes, some bling, and hair gel...

Well, is it Cloud that gets the rings, or Tifa? Custom clothes, he's got shirt, pants, a piece of cloth to cover up his Geostigma, armor and straps, and some sort of...half-skirt thing over his leg. The last bit aside, doesn't seem all that grand to me.

And hair gel, just....:monster:

It absolutely can be. Boosters, tires, framework, parts, all can be removed and lugged to the office for tinkering. There's also what appears to be oil cans in the corner, but, wtf do I know...

Fair enough.

How the hell do you know what Tifa's room looks like? As I said earlier we've not seen their bedroom. For all you know Cloudy-boy has it decked out with wolf heads and porn motorcycle magazines.


And as for Tifa demanding he pay for it...look above to where she's paying for Fenrir.

I'm not saying Cloud's a material whore, but he isn't exactly Mr. Bare Bones, which, again, is indicative that the room in question is his OFFICE and not his bedroom.

He isn't a material whore either, as you just said.

I'm just not making the connection you guys are I guess. I've been directly shown Cloud has his own room with a bed, and have no reason to think he would share a separate room with Tifa. If he were, why would he have a bed in his office?
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