So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
OH sorry didn't see you. She was someone from who posted a bunch of Clerith stuff from, and I pointed her to TLS's homepage, the Ultimanias and SoS's essay and ... she stopped. She says CxT is canon and she won't debate for CxA anymore. So she's a very smart Clerith who sees logic and ... stuff. ^_^

Here's the page BTW:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Or she's one of you guys having a little fun. :monster:
... no seriously, did I just get trolled? I mean I was thinking that was possible... but... if it was one of you just tell me. I'll give you your trolling props. It was a good prank :lol:


Your Mom
btw I'm sick outa my mind so I apologize is anything I said today was bloody incoherent. I have cotton balls in my head.

... Why does Cali have to be fucking everywhere? That's all I have to say. :lol:

Reading her post is what started my author =/= narrator wtf jibberish. I just want to sit the poor thing down and explain to her how marketing depts work. Imagine the lawsuits flying every which way if every piece of advertising were expected to be accurate. D:


Reading her post is what started my author =/= narrator wtf jibberish. I just want to sit the poor thing down and explain to her how marketing depts work. Imagine the lawsuits flying every which way if every piece of advertising were expected to be accurate. D:

It does tend to boggle the mind that someone can see a commercial as some sort of proof of true love. Yet basically ignore C/T living and raising children together. Claiming that it is some common everyday occurrence between a couple of buddies.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I finished my koibito page... I mean I might to back and make a couple edits here and there but:
there it is if anyone is curious.

Special thanks to Isabella for that link and the example of "Is Cloud someone to be protected to everyone or just Aerith?"... don't worry you'll all get credit for helping. I'm going to make a special thanks page to go along with this. The only one I'm not sure of is argument 6... I'm not sure if I'm getting my point across and I guess you could argue that because Tifa is an ally in battle she also has the traits of one... I dunno lemme know what you think :monster:

Also does anyone know what happened to Hito? It sucks, he was awesome, and I haven't seen him around at all :(
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Assuming it's not simply a throwaway line, ask yourself

What is important to Aerith.

What is Cloud a symbol of otherwise?

Not saying Zack is the only answer, but HEY, Glorious overlap there.


Your Mom
I'm not sure I agree that he's a symbol of Zack, or at least not Zack exclusively anyway. But I do think that phrase is key to understanding the sentence as a whole. I'm not sure we should be taking any of the sentence literally.


Reading her post is what started my author =/= narrator wtf jibberish. I just want to sit the poor thing down and explain to her how marketing depts work. Imagine the lawsuits flying every which way if every piece of advertising were expected to be accurate. D:

People don't realize this!? What the heck's being taught in these English classes these days?

*only graduated a year ago and should probably know the answer*

Anyways, I finally decided to shirk my responsibilities for a while and finally play Dissidia. I just went through most of Cloud's part (just to get a clue as to what everyone's talking about), and spoiled the end for myself months ago, and I don't really get how all this shippy-controversy came to be. The only thing that remotely references the LTD is maybe the "wish upon a star" line, but even that just seemed more like a reference they just threw in for reference-sake. How everything FF7-involved becomes LTD themed is beyond me.


Higher Further Faster
To be fair, HS english was more about writing papers than creative writing. And things like literary analysis was something honors kids did. There was a lot of babying, where they break all the info down for you so you don't have to think all that much on the material. And it screwed over quite a few people I knew when our class hit college, from what I read on their facebook walls. At least, that's how it was when I was in HS.

That's not how it was when I was in high school. Everyone had to take at least one class that dealt with literary analysis. My high school had three different classes on it, one of which was mandatory for everyone I do believe. Either that or you were required to choose one out of two of them, with the third being optional to take later.

Or maybe two were required with the third being optional. I can't remember. All I know is that I indeed took all three, even the third optional one. In fact, the third class was called "Satire & Irony," and my teacher made us listen to the radio throughout the entire class time on 9/11 as demonstration. Probably the only person I knew of that was excited about it because it gave him good material for his class. That was the most depressing class ever.

And now I'm digressing. Bleh.

Is Cloud "someone to be protected" to Aerith, or is it a universal truth?

And here, this link does a good job of explaining why author and narrator shouldn't be confused. If anyone besides me cares. :),7325,506117-,00.html

I do!
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm not sure I agree that he's a symbol of Zack, or at least not Zack exclusively anyway. But I do think that phrase is key to understanding the sentence as a whole. I'm not sure we should be taking any of the sentence literally.

I certainly doubt it actually just means Zack, I was simply being snarky. Really, Cloud is just that- the symbol of EVERYTHING important to Aerith up on the surface, just as Aerith herself was the symbol of Cloud's failure of everyone he ever feels he failed, ever.

Celes Chere

And things like literary analysis was something honors kids did. There was a lot of babying, where they break all the info down for you so you don't have to think all that much on the material. And it screwed over quite a few people I knew when our class hit college, from what I read on their facebook walls. At least, that's how it was when I was in HS.

That's how it was in my school, Mira. I had to take honors classes, or else I was stuck in a class where the English teacher would read stories to us, and basically say "Good job! You wrote a whole paragraph and spelled everything right!"... I mean for Gods sake, they had us do nouns, verbs, adverbs, and punctuation... that's all elementary school level crap. They really did baby you in normal level English classes- at least at my High school. I don't know if it ever changed... since I went into honors English after 9th grade. We also didn't do much creative writing, just essays. There was a separate class for creative writing, which was hella fun. ^_^


Higher Further Faster
Wow wow wow! How many high schools are not teaching this stuff to their students? Why do they think only honors students can handle this stuff? Let me tell you I was definitely not an honor student. Or at least, I hardly ever did homework so I didn't get into any of those classes. :wacky: I only took classes that were open to everyone. :/

I never would have thought that I'd be glad I graduated from where I did but I kind of am now. Not to be mean but I feel kind of bad for the kids that are shafted out of learning this stuff. It all seems so basic to me. :/


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Seriously. I remember my Sophomore English class was getting into a Hamlet Unit and the teacher gave us a synopsis of the story to read, and some passages from the direct source. Then, we watched a movie because she thought reading the whole and actual thing would be "too hard for us" and that "she hoped it would make more sense".:quote: This is the same woman who had a journal prompt along the lines of, "What would life be like if you were a goldfish swimming in a bowl for three days?" And I remember thinking to myself, how the HELL am I going to write ten fucking lines on this!? I switched to AP after that year. 8'D

And I'm not sure, but I know that for Arizona it's probably a high number. Because my ENG 101 prof had to define "context" to my peers. Oh yeah, and the public schools aren't as well funded as other states.


Higher Further Faster
That's so horrible! >_<* Poor Mira! *bear hug* Glad you got out and into an AP class so that you actually learned something. That teacher sounds like an idiot.

I mean, like, my freshman year in English when we covered Shakespear we read Sonnets then had to write our own, and also we READ ROMEO & JULIET with assigned parts even, then watched the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Clair Danes and had a big discussion on how it was interpreted and why the movie makers made the choices that they did and how it affects the story.

Also, peeps tell me what you all think of this:
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it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser

I'll say that just the fact that lens flare formed Aerith's ribbon floating in the air, unintentionally from the creators, means a great deal. It's a sign! Aerith is watching over Cloud as he rides around the Gaia, making deliveries.
She then follows him to the flower field and... :awesome:

I mean, like, my freshman year in English when we covered Shakespear we read Sonnets then had to write our own, and also we READ ROMEO & JULIET with assigned parts even, then watched the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Clair Danes and had a big discussion on how it was interpreted and why the movie makers made the choices that they did and how it affects the story.

Romeo + Juliet was a fun movie, but I much prefer Zeffirelli's film.


Higher Further Faster
I'll say that just the fact that lens flare formed Aerith's ribbon floating in the air, unintentionally from the creators, means a great deal. It's a sign! Aerith is watching over Cloud as he rides around the Gaia, making deliveries.
She then follows him to the flower field and... :awesome:


Romeo + Juliet was a fun movie, but I much prefer Zeffirelli's film.

Never saw that version. I think we watched the one we did because first of all, I think she let the class choose, second of all, it allowed her to go on a huge tangent about how the fight scene between Romeo and Paris was cut. It may have been a long time ago but I remember her passion. :monster:

I think it's... a topic on a forum :awesome:
It sounds good to me but don't be surprised if no one replies.

Yeah I'm not expecting anyone to.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
Never saw that version. I think we watched the one we did because first of all, I think she let the class choose, second of all, it allowed her to go on a huge tangent about how the fight scene between Romeo and Paris was cut. It may have been a long time ago but I remember her passion. :monster:

Zeffirelli's a classic version and may be a little boring for some people to watch (I'm not a fan of old classic movies myself :whistle:), but if you really like Shakespear and the novel, I'd recommend you to watch the movie. xd;

Yeah I'm not expecting anyone to.

I was actually thinking about the ribbon that she wears in her afterlife. Is that the same that Zack bought her? :awesome:

Celes Chere

I was actually thinking about the ribbon that she wears in her afterlife. Is that the same that Zack bought her?

It's the curse of Zack! We all saw how the ribbon fell out of Aerith's hair and YET after the cut scene, it's back in. Then, when Cloud puts her to rest, it's out again. Then... it's in when she's dead.

She has to be with Zack. THE RIBBON COMMANDS IT.
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