TresDias said:
Honestly, from my discussions with Anastar and FF Goddess, I can see how a Clerith perspective can be supported.
I can't. Not without doing the characters a great disservice.
Agreed, but I don't know if that's the Cloti in me talking or the researcher.
Isabella said:
At most, I can see where they left room for Cloud to have been developing feelings for Aerith. And maybe he'll always carry around the remnants of those feelings, and have a small sense of regret and/or thoughts of "what if."
Yeah, I can see that too.
Isabella said:
But what I can't see room for is denial that Cloud and Tifa are together.
Agreed. Wholeheartedly.
Ryushikaze said:
Given that 'realize their feelings for each other' was said in regards to Cloud and Tifa, among everything else, that's gotta be some very very tight room to fit in.
Given that the phrases used within the CC Ultimania ("communicate their feelings") and the FFVII Ultimania Omega ("disclose their feelings for each other") tend to be used the same way in Japanese that "realize their feelings for each other" is used in English, I agree.
Vendel said:
The LTD. The gift that keeps on giving.
Who would want it to end?
Vendel said:
Of course it can. If you go in with a Clerith PoV (or at the very least an anti-Tifa PoV). And also ignore or downplay every possible connection Cloud has with Tifa (or Zack for that matter). Also downplay any effect Zack had on Aerith. And then amplify anything and everything that has to do with Cloud and Aerith.
I agree that it requires downplaying stuff between Cloud and Tifa. Furthermore, while I would say that it doesn't require things be put together in isolation on the Cloud/Aerith side of things, it does require a frequently isolated view of matters on the Cloud/Tifa side.
As for Zack, I accept that she got over him and genuinely loved Cloud.
Vendel said:
Or maybe people just look into way to much. Also did you ever ask them why they have changed from "CLERITH IS TTLY CANON" to "There is no canon pairing"?
Some still believe that the "koibito" line from Case of Lifestream White is to be taken as an indicator of canon.
Quexinos said:
You have to go to A LOT of trouble and jump through a lot of hoops to disprove things like "realize their feelings for each other," Tifa being someone's beloved in AC/C, Cloud and Tifa raising a family (sleeping in the same room or not) and Nojima bring up love, marriage and family in context to Cloud and Tifa.
Not that I disagree, but I am willing to concede that if you're looking for it, it's possible to find those hoops to leap through. But possible doesn't equal plausible, so I'm not putting it in the same echelon as Cloti.
Quexinos said:
What's more, what I really want to know is, why does Clerith require so many essays? Why does it need to be explained? Why do they need to get real Japanese people in to tell us what this and that means? Why does everything have to be squinted at and hinted at and require so much depth to it and effort to prove it... where as you have C and T living together raising a family after they realized their feelings for one another.
Well, there's where I bring up "it defies the most simple of explanations" and "possible doesn't equal plausible." XD
Quexinos said:
Nojima and Nomura are not these riddle masterminds who insert tiny little hints and puzzle pieces into their interviews and writings. They flat out said "CLOUD AND TIFA BELONG TOGETHER!" "TIFA HAS A LOVER IN ACC" "CLOUD AND TIFA REALIZED THEIR FEELINGS FOR ONE ANOTHER!" (not in those exact words mind you)
... I mean really... what do you need?
"Riddle masterminds" made me laugh. XD
But turn on some Marvin Gaye and chillax, Que. It's going to be okay. Promise.
I'm still with ya.
Quexinos said:
And Tres, TBH, I'd rather you not change you essay just to please the Cleriths. Their gift to you was opening up TNC for you... and it didn't really look like any of them showed up really except Shroudy... I'm glad everything came out peacefully, but your essay is fine the way it is. I'd really like to see you keep it.
Thanks Que. But there are a few things in it that I genuinely need to address that I haven't so far. Some of it bolsters the Cloti side of things. Some of it's me giving readers a better understanding of the Clerith perspective. That's only fair.
Tennyo said:
ou guys I just watched an HD version of Aerith's death and it looks like her ribbon has flat ends again even in that scene...
Vendel said:
Oh fuck. You just blew this whole thing open.
Tennyo said:
Were any of us really paying close enough attention to know? But it's got to be big news.
Isabella said:
LOL, I think that's the most frustrated I've ever seen Quex.
Indeed. I'm sorry, Que. XD
Quexinos said:
And before anyone says anything, no I'm not bashing anyone or hating on anyone in particular. I just really don't like some of their arguments, especially when you have to squint so damn hard. And frankly, I have the same problem with a lot of religions. So it's the arguments I don't like, not the people....
"Hate the sin, not the sinner"?
Can it - forgive the question - but can it be rationally supported?
Well, it's not so much a matter of "rationality" as it is a matter of "rationale," if you feel me.
Neutron Ronnie said:
If by "Clerith" perspective, you mean "As of now (following the events of Dirge of Cerberus), Aerith loves Cloud romantically, Cloud loves Aerith romantically, and loves Tifa not at all romantically," then I am completely unsure how a Clerith perspective can be supported at all. Especially if, as you say, it defies the most simple of explanations and is refuted by Nojima's statement about Case of Tifa.
I can't claim to have done an in-depth study of the movie and games, but from what I can tell, a Clerith perspective (as defined above), can only be supported if parts of the Compilation are considered, and others disregarded. If we talk about whether the Clerith perspective is supported, shouldn't we consider the Compilation as a whole?
Ah, well there's the rub. XD
Again, possible, not plausible. Feels like I'm debating "Rinoa=Ultimecia" again every time I say that. D:
Vendel said:
Well the way the essay went on about the two new scenes added in ACC and how they are all about Aerith. And that must mean it is about C/A.
Nope. Nothing to do with Zack here. Not his grave site, nor his sword in her church.
Don't you get that
Cloud's sword piercing the floorboards of Aerith's church is a symbol of -- "petting the flowers"? Come on, Vendel! I know you're sharper on the uptake than that!
The movie wasn't about "Cloti" or "Clerith" (ugh, I've always hated pairing names) so him rushing into anyone's arms is a big ol' WTF to me. It's about Cloud seeking closure and peace. I see Cloud doing what he loves -- riding his motorcycle -- around a beautiful landscape as about as peaceful as we'll ever see him.
Agreed. Absolutely 100% agreed.
Quexinos said:
The argument is that if they wanted to show a Cloti ending why didn't they show Cloud returning to Tifa's arms... well if they wanted to show a Clerith ending, why didn't they show Cloud running to Aerith's arms? And why does the Ultimania say that Cloud did, in fact, return to his family?
he did!
The very final scene in AC shows his desk at SH with the new picture on it.
Good points, both. I always just responded to that, though, with the point Isabella made.