So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
I'm like... already there. :awesome:

some pinker said:
Yeah, Tifa's very clingy. I liked that she wanted to figure Cloud out, but the way she went about it was terrible. I mean, she could've done so many different things. I'm really sad that she's just fanservice though.

In AC and ACC they should've shown her doing something not Cloud related.

Like running a bar?
Taking care of her kids?
Fighting Loz?
Fighting shadowcreepers?



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, Tifa's very clingy.

Because Clingy is defined by wanting to be near a man they don't want her to be near.

I liked that she wanted to figure Cloud out, but the way she went about it was terrible. I mean, she could've done so many different things.

Yeah. How dare she only do the one that worked. BOOO.

I'm really sad that she's just fanservice though.

Because when I think just fanservice, I think 'directly responsible for setting the hero's broken mind correct and providing a catalyst for the main hero, and generally being relevant to his story.' Doesn't everyone?

In AC and ACC they should've shown her doing something not Cloud related.

And in DoC, they should've shown her doing something not Vincent related. How DARE the supporting cast act in ways relevant to the hero!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Anything with a pair of tits is fanservice you fanboyfag.

Open your goddamn eyes already.


Because Clingy is defined by wanting to be near a man they don't want her to be near.

I somehow picture a rabid Clerith gritting her teeth anytime C/T are on the screen together. "Get away from my boyfriend you desperate bitch! He is MINE!

I mean Aerith's"


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Anything with a pair of tits is fanservice you fanboyfag.

Open your goddamn eyes already.

Anything that has a vagina and isn't hideous is fanservice in some form or another.

Hence my qualifier of 'just'

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Anything that has a vagina and isn't hideous is fanservice in some form or another.

Unless, apparently, it's in a pink, cleavage-revealing dress unbuttoned up to the crotch.

Not that I mind the fan-service. Bring it on. :monster: Just not in front of my mom, who's worried I might dress like the chicks in the games I play. *facepalm*

Incidentally, I was revisiting the Lifestream incident (dunno if this has been brought up before)... When Tifa reveals that she'd been watching the newspapers for news of Cloud, the "child" Cloud says something like "Tell him that later, he'll probably be happy." What bearing does that have, if any, on the LTD? Do we just say "Oh, well, Cloud would be happy if Barret looked him up in the papers", "Of course he'd be happy (in a completely non-romantic fashion), he wanted to be noticed by her" or is there any romantic significance to him being happy about it?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Because it'll be all the more sweeter when he dumps her ass for Aerith after all that bullying Tifa did to him as a kid :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah when she cried under the Highwind... pay back for all the times she made Cloud cry.

... Cloud is a cold bastard o.o
and then he says to her days later "I want to start a new life with you"
Total fucking payback...

dude Im starting to think I could sell this :D


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Unless, apparently, it's in a pink, cleavage-revealing dress unbuttoned up to the crotch.

She's still fanservice.

Not that I mind the fan-service. Bring it on. :monster: Just not in front of my mom, who's worried I might dress like the chicks in the games I play. *facepalm*

Incidentally, I was revisiting the Lifestream incident (dunno if this has been brought up before)... When Tifa reveals that she'd been watching the newspapers for news of Cloud, the "child" Cloud says something like "Tell him that later, he'll probably be happy." What bearing does that have, if any, on the LTD? Do we just say "Oh, well, Cloud would be happy if Barret looked him up in the papers", "Of course he'd be happy (in a completely non-romantic fashion), he wanted to be noticed by her" or is there any romantic significance to him being happy about it?

Interestingly, the JP line says he'll 'Definitely' be happy.
On its own, no. Nothing. BUT, we know WHY he wanted to be noticed by Tifa- the crush. The 'He'll be so happy' in the scene where we meet the real Cloud and affirm that he left for SOLDIER for Tifa's notice, that links the two together in the narrative. So Cloud will definitely be happy, because Tifa noticed him, like he left town to join SOLDIER to get her to do because of his crush.


Tifa isn't really someone's lover. More likely someone made a mistake/wrong word usage when they wrote the reunion files. See what I did thar?
...not really what I was saying. Anywhooozle

In AC and ACC they should've shown her doing something not Cloud related.
What does this even mean? Everyone's doing something Cloud related. It's his fucking story, he drives it.

[quote]Incidentally, I was revisiting the Lifestream incident (dunno if this has been brought up before)... When Tifa reveals that she'd been watching the newspapers for news of Cloud, the "child" Cloud says something like "Tell him that later, he'll probably be happy." What bearing does that have, if any, on the LTD? Do we just say "Oh, well, Cloud would be happy if Barret looked him up in the papers", "Of course he'd be happy (in a completely non-romantic fashion), he wanted to be noticed by her" or is there any romantic significance to him being happy about it?[/quote]
Ja, we are told that adult/present Cloud would be happy to know that Tifa was interested in him. That's because Cloud has a plan. IT'S ALL PART OF THE PLAN.

He wants Tifa to confess her undying love for him so that he can get back at her for bullying him in the past, going "neener, neener" as she weeps on his shoulder while he's dreaming of spirit sex with Aeris.

Tifa is a tragic character.

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Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
onewingeddemon said:
He wants Tifa to confess her undying love for him so that he can get back at her for bullying him in the past, going "neener, neener" as she weeps on his shoulder while he's dreaming of spirit sex with Aeris.

Tifa is a tragic character.

So is this the truth exposed? Or a really bad dream for Tifa. :P


Your Mom
Cloud was her friend, her koibito -- a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected.

Someone who knows Japanese correct me if I'm wrong, but koibito wouldn't be used between two people who simply have mutual feelings of attraction or affection, would it? They'd need to have an established relationship. Much as the English "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" would require more than a mutual attraction to be used. Two people would've needed to actually talk about this and reach an understanding that, yes, they want to be together romantically and are in an exclusive relationship.

So, how is it at all possible to take the above line from CoLW literally and not figuratively? Even if you played the game as Cloud falling for Aerith and ignoring Tifa, when in those two weeks together did they sit down and discuss their mutual feelings and decide to commit themselves to each other in an exclusive relationship? Cloud was unaware of Aerith's feelings for most of the game, so how is it that he considered her his girlfriend?

In my wholly uneducated, simplistic mind, the "symbol of what was important to her" is the most important part of that sentence.


Someone who knows Japanese correct me if I'm wrong, but koibito wouldn't be used between two people who simply have mutual feelings of attraction or affection, would it? They'd need to have an established relationship. Much as the English "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" would require more than a mutual attraction to be used. Two people would've needed to actually talk about this and reach an understanding that, yes, they want to be together romantically and are in an exclusive relationship.

So, how is it at all possible to take the above line from CoLW literally and not figuratively? Even if you played the game as Cloud falling for Aerith and ignoring Tifa, when in those two weeks together did they sit down and discuss their mutual feelings and decide to commit themselves to each other in an exclusive relationship? Cloud was unaware of Aerith's feelings for most of the game, so how is it that he considered her his girlfriend?

In my wholly uneducated, simplistic mind, the "symbol of what was important to her" is the most important part of that sentence.

Well logically there are only two possibilities for this statement.
1.Aerith is just wrong/confused about Cloud
2. The symbol explanation

Myself? I have no problem with either one.

But some refuse to believe that Aerith could be wrong. About anything. And they desperately want C/A to be canon. So if Aerith says Cloud is her boyfriend then by SE Cloud and her were lovers at some point. Even though we have absolutely no evidence for that. At all. We even have official statements that make the possibility impossible.

At this point you start getting into ignoring how the story was told. Or even that Aerith's opinion overrides the creators.

Then again this is from the same people when presented with 'Cloud was happy' respond with "no he wasn't!"


Your Mom
I have trouble with the "Aerith is confused" line of thought. She may have been so during life, but you'd think death would bring new insight.

... Then again, the dead Aerith of COL isn't quite the all-knowing goddess of MOTP.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well we did find that one site that said koibito can be one sided but it's extremely rare. And I think if it is one sided it's like .. well the example I saw was if a bad guy in a movie says the good guy's GF is his koibito :monster:

But I guess I'm alone in thinking Aerith isn't delusional and that Cloud must have shown her some kind of affection at some point even if we didn't see it :awesomonster:


Your Mom
But I guess I'm alone in thinking Aerith isn't delusional and that Cloud must have shown her some kind of affection at some point even if we didn't see it
But as I said above, is showing her "some kind of affection" enough for them to be boyfriend/girlfriend? At best, she was attracted to him and he was attracted to her, but they're still a few steps short of being in an exclusive relationship. Two weeks, folks.

Or is this like in junior high, where two people are going steady after spending their lunch hour together?

Quex, why are you against the idea that the sentence isn't meant to be read literally?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
First off I don't think koibito is really... like ... totally serious. It's more lighthearted... I think anyway. I think aijin is the one that's really serious, sit down and talk about it kind of stuff.

Quex, why are you against the idea that the sentence isn't meant to be read literally?
Because it doesn't make sense to me I guess. It's an interesting theory, but can you honestly tell me if the same line was in Case of Tifa you guys would be saying that?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
First off I don't think koibito is really... like ... totally serious. It's more lighthearted... I think anyway. I think aijin is the one that's really serious, sit down and talk about it kind of stuff.

Because it doesn't make sense to me I guess. It's an interesting theory, but can you honestly tell me if the same line was in Case of Tifa you guys would be saying that?
Aijin means mistress and usually has the connotation of being illicit in Japanese. Just so ya know. :monster:

And I know I would realize that it is just from Tifa's perspective and we don't have Cloud's word on it, though he has implied several times that he does seem to romantically love her.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And I know I would realize that it is just from Tifa's perspective and we don't have Cloud's word on it, though he has implied several times that he does seem to romantically love her.
I'm talking about the symbolism thing.


Your Mom
First off I don't think koibito is really... like ... totally serious. It's more lighthearted... I think anyway. I think aijin is the one that's really serious, sit down and talk about it kind of stuff.
Most of the people I've asked have said it indicates a serious, exclusive relationship, that you wouldn't use it for someone you're casually dating. But as a non-Japanese speaker, I'm perfectly willing to be corrected on its connotation if it's not accurate.

It's an interesting theory, but can you honestly tell me if the same line was in Case of Tifa you guys would be saying that?
The context is different. You're comparing two people who knew each other for two weeks to two people who are living together and raising children. Apples and oranges.
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