The name of my divination machine is not Dotty!
The collection of Cait Sith's fortunetelling.
The 'daté' thing mentioned above. I don't think the 'name' isn't about the actual name, but more 'the name' (as in that title/reputations/etc.) not just being a pretence.
Cait Sith ambushed in Gold Saucer and waited for Cloud's gang. He introduced himself that "I'm a fortuneteller here."
In "FFVII" Cait Sith lies in wait for Cloud and the others in the Gold Saucer, and introduces himself as the fortune-telling machine there.
(yeah, it's literally 'here', but Japanese uses direct quotes a lot and it really doesn't matter.)
But this is never an absolute lie, fortunetelling is Cait Sith's innate specialty.
This isn't an outright lie; fortune-telling being originally a speciality of Cait Sith's.
His extraordinary ability is shown as "tickets" in FF7, and is also revealed as surmises of destination in BC.
Some of what he says in "FFVII" is nonsense, but he does show considerable skill such as in getting the destination exactly right in "BC".
The location of Sephiroth: "What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose something dear."
The development from now on: "Ordinary luck. It will be an active fortune."
Future developments (in Corel Prison). No point leaving out the name.
I don't know if that was what he said in the English game/cba looking for it.
>「おふたりの相性、ぴったりですわ! エアリスさんの星とクラウドさんの星! すてきな未来が約束されてます!」
The affinity between Cloud and Aerith: "You are perfect for each other! Aerith's star and Cloud's star! They show a great future!"
The place to find "Support Materia".
The direction to every door in the Reactor.
- Location of the Support Materia
- The direction to the doors in each part of the mako reactor
I'm just nitpicking now