Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
- The Man, V
But don't you understand. She said she was over Zack. And Aerith Sue could never be lying. Not even to herself. She is perfect.
Fixed that for you.
But don't you understand. She said she was over Zack. And Aerith Sue could never be lying. Not even to herself. She is perfect.
Whilst I understand she saw some Zack in him, I really don't think Cloud acted that much like Zack. It was a cross between Zack and... whatever the hell Jenova was doing.Cloud was a Soldier like him. Acted like him. Was just like him. Aeris herself says she wants to meet the real Cloud -- meaning the Cloud she doesn't know.
HAHA good point. Talk about dropping EVERYTHING to save someone... I think his dignity took a pretty big drop from thatOooooohhhh let us all not forget that Cloud dressed up as a WOMAN of all things just so that he could infiltrate Don Corneo's mansion for the sake of rescuing TIFA. XD *is replaying FFVII and just did that part* lol
And don't try to tell me he did it because it was Aerith's idea. The whole point of their wanting to get into the mansion was to get to Tifa to make sure she was fine. That's what Cloud wanted to do. lol
Also, does anyone understand what Cloud and Aerith said to each other at the Honeybee Inn? "Hmm... so that's how you'll fool them." "Hhhmmmmmmmm... so that's how you fooled them." I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!
Whilst I understand she saw some Zack in him, I really don't think Cloud acted that much like Zack. It was a cross between Zack and... whatever the hell Jenova was doing.
I mean Zack was always happy and bouncy, and originally Cloud was, but after the Jenova thing he just seemed... well he wasn't very nice and didn't wanna help people. I'm not sure even he knew what he was doing. A SOLDIER he thought he was, but Zack he was not.
But the word "koibito" implies an actual, serious relationship.
I also found it funny that when Cloud spends the night at Aerith's he gets the memory of his mother telling him he should settle down with an older girlfriend that can take care of him and he's all "Not interested." Maybe I'm just giving the creators (and definitely the players) too much credit in assuming these lines are INTENTIONAL and giving us insight without hand-holding us through the narrative...
Yup. Go to Cloud's house and his mother dotes and fawns over him like any mother whose kid was just gone for two years. She says Cloud needs and older girl and he tells her he isn't interested.
This of course does make me think about how planned the flash of memory in Aerith's house was. Were the creators trying to screw with us? His mom saying get an older girl while he says no all while he's sleeping in Aerith's house? Is it a hint to us that his relationship with Aerith is nothing more than a red herring because in the end we find out he has feelings for another girl?
OR was Cloud just remembering, like his subconscious implies, the last time he slept in a nice comfy bed like this, which just so happened to be at his mom's house in Nibelheim before it all burned down? Maybe it as all just a coincidence?
Stuff to ponder.
It's both, and more. In narratives, Flashbacks and prequels are always important, as they alter how we view the 'present'
So anyone telling you that the past doesn't count or something is entirely in the past in a narrative is categorically wrong.
I guess what I meant was, is that memory important to the LTD or is it just all part of trying to show us how messed up in the head Cloud was?
Honestly, I feel that the whole argument about which point of view it is to be fundamentally flawed. While point of view can be revealing about a story, many writers will stretch the traditional boundaries if not flout them completely. The traditional definitions don't dictate the point of view that the writer uses; they describe patterns used in writing. Literary terms aren't a set of rules that writers follow.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is nothing in the piece to suggest that the statement "Cloud is the woman's friend, lover" is anything but an objective narration, regardless of whether or not the narrator is solely following Aeris. As a writer, I wouldn't put in something like that, state it so factually, and give no indication that the reader shouldn't trust the description. And as a reader, I wouldn't pick up on that either.
That's a simplification though. Limited narrators can also switch viewpoints. Harry Potter, for example, has a narrator limited most of the time to Harry's perspective. Sometimes, however, it switches to follow a character like Snape. But even when it's following Snape, it's still limited because it's only following that one character's thoughts. However, the third person limited narrator usually doesn't reveal information the followed character doesn't know.
Personally, I think of third person limited being characterized as the narrator vociferating the followed character's thoughts and feelings. It's a way of getting a closer understanding of the character without it being told from the first person. This emphasized difference is essential since it means that the third person limited narrator CAN stretch the boundaries of knowledge beyond just the followed chracter.
Either way, the context doesn't have much impact on this quote. Even if we take the statement "Cloud is the woman's friend, koibito" as being ONLY Aerith's understanding of their relationship (regardless of the fact that this same narrator notes when something is Aerith's thoughts versus what IS), they can't possibly make the further assumption that Aerith would have no justifiable reason to refer to Cloud as her koibito other than her sentiments towards him? "Oh, I WISH this guy was my boyfriend, so I'm just gonna call him that." Seriously?
Is that her official title? I guess I can't compete with that. I'll take my master's in lit and go home.We'll just call her "literary interpretation and analysis Clerith"![]()