So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Your Mom
And following on that thought, how is there no indication they're in a relationship in AC/C? They live together, raise kids together, their interactions are definitely those of a couple. If I observed two people on the street who behave the way C/T do, I'd assume they were a couple. I wouldn't need to see them kiss or hold hands to know it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Ryu told me the only couple to kiss was Tidus and Yuna...

Ryu :kermit:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well. Squall and Rinoa, but I'm totally open to not remembering FFVIII.

They don't kiss.

It is IMPLIED that they kiss, but no kiss is seen. And as with the highwind scene, even if it is riduculously implied, if we don't see it, it didn't happen.
Similarly, Cecil and Rosa, Laguna and Raine, and Wakka and Lulu never had sex.


Higher Further Faster
Squall and Rinoa kiss at the very end of the game though, don't they? When the Garden is sailing off and they are on the balcony. Don't tell me that's just implied, it was pretty obvious. :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Squall and Rinoa kiss at the very end of the game though, don't they? When the Garden is sailing off and they are on the balcony. Don't tell me that's just implied, it was pretty obvious. :P

It is obvious, but It is only IMPLIED that they kiss. The actual act is never seen. Hence my snark about three pairings known to have biological children never having sex.

And don't get me wrong, when I say 'implied' I don't mean 'is somehow iffy', I just mean 'is not outright stated'

Laguna being Squall's dad is only implied, but it is implied with a sledgehammer.


reality is a prison
Wolverine said:
However, if Cloud is sincerely mourning the loss of his one true love, he has a really funny way of showing it.
Vincent does it better, Cloud's just a wanna be emo widow. :awesome:

Quexinos said:
Don't you guys get it! Only FF couples that kiss are canon! So only Tidus/Yuna is canon
Oh dayum, they are just about my least favorite canon couple. D: Maybe...
Tennyo said:
Squall and Rinoa kiss at the very end of the game though, don't they?
I thought it was pretty obvious too, not just implyed. Oh gawdz, I better go watch the clip again I guess. U.U


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
There is no neither option. The LTD is going towards someone. If you really think that no woman is specified then you should probably open your eyes.

If you're neutral, then that means you have an open mind, and are only going to follow the evidence. And there is definitely a conclusion.

So no. You either choose your pairing and conclusion or don't vote. No third option. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
How about both? Can we have both... a little three some action with Tifa Cloud and Aerith? :awesome:

And I think by neutral she simply means there's evidence both ways and she hasn't made up her mind yet... not so much "neither" but "undecided" would be a better way to describe it.
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reality is a prison
That is true, I'm just being silly aren't I now?:monster:

And from following the facts, that are heavily smeared with opinion of both sides, I can't really pick one with the perks that each of the sides get.

And isn't it a bit biased one your part saying there is a conclusion?

How about both? Can we have both... a little three some action with Tifa Cloud and Aerith?
I agree, 3 ways are definatly okies on my part. :D


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well, undecided and neutral aren't the same. Get decided and then you can vote. :monster:

And it's not biased to say there's a conclusion. There is. It's been stated repeatedly. Whatever the conclusion is that you see, is up to you. But this is not 1996. You aren't just choosing Cloud's feelings. The Compilation has outlined Cloud having feelings for someone now. And if you can't figure it out and make your own judgment then there's no reason for you to vote.


reality is a prison
Maybe that is a good way to see it, but personally I think Cloud has shown feelings for both women and maybe in a "love/friendship" way, but in love and wants to love forever yadda yadda crap no. I think he is single atm, and well has been the whole compilation.

If Cloud was meant to be dating either, I really think it would have been more clearly stated that he is or has been in a relationship with them.

Sorry for calling you biased, I thought you were trying to infer that there was a conclusion because you thought Cloti was canon. I'm sorry. D:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
He is not single if he's living with someone. He is not single if one of the women has been referred to as his lover.

Then you have the fact that he's been called a lover from another woman's perspective. And Cloud having feelings for one of the women that he's loved since childhood and is coincidentally living with and raising a family with.

Calling him single is a flagrant ignoring of reality. There is no single Cloud, and that's probably the most obvious thing in the Compilation from the get go. He has "feelings" he has realized with someone.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Maybe that is a good way to see it, but personally I think Cloud has shown feelings for both women and maybe in a "love/friendship" way, but in love and wants to love forever yadda yadda crap no. I think he is single atm, and well has been the whole compilation.

Sorry, but with the arrival of Denzel, the idea of Cloud being single is utterly ludicrous. Few things are used to more cement couples in fiction than granting them a child they consider is theirs.
Especially when on several occasions, direct parallels between Denzel's old parents and Cloud and Tifa are drawn.

If Cloud was meant to be dating either, I really think it would have been more clearly stated that he is or has been in a relationship with them.

And if Laguna was meant to be Squall's father...

Sorry for calling you biased, I thought you were trying to infer that there was a conclusion because you thought Cloti was canon. I'm sorry. D:

Imply would be the correct word there.
And just because people have come to a conclusion does not make them biased. Bias is shown in the argument/ thought process leading to a conclusion, not in the conclusion itself.

And again, I stress that the 'kiss' in FFVIII is not there. Never actually shown. Only implied to happen, even if it is obvious.
'Obvious' and 'implied' are not mutually exclusive, people.

Mako- correction, it's the woman who's been called the lover from someone else's- IE, His- perspective.
To say nothing of the wearing the pants comment.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Let's not forget Nojima saying Cloud and Tifa belonged together... and no it does NOT mean they belong in the same location
(I don't care if it's not an official emote, I'm going to use it)
And the marriage thing in the interview that came up recently. And Cloud wanting to start a new life with Tifa and it's different then before...and them admitting their feelings for one another and living together... ect ect.. :monster:


OHGAWD. Squall and Rinoa kissed eachother, ok?
Cloud and Aerith didn't.
Cloud and Tifa didn't.
No, it's not up to the players choice. It always ends one way. On the first disc, you can make a choice. But it's meant to confuse you, with the plot-twist and everything.

Cloud and Aerith didn't.
Cloud and Tifa didn't.

^ No, this doesn't mean both or no ones are canon.

To be honest, Cloud and Tifa were more intimate with eachother. And every FF game doesn't have to end like a fairytale. Cloud was back to normal, he had his Tifa. Tifa had her hero, who she didn't knew was there for her during the Nibelheim thingy. They found eachother again. < I actually thought their story was touching.

.....Ahh, it feels good to be back here again. :monster:
But it's meant to confuse you, with the plot-twist and everything.
That's the best part, how it's so obvious to anyone that anything nice towards Aerith is meant to make you think, "well... maybe..." and then she dies suddenly. The only shame is that some people got caught up in it to the point that they ignored the rest of the game because they didn't want to be wrong, had already made up their mind, etc.

I can understand Aerith fans being upset that she's not the one Cloud loves, especially if you miss the Zack flashback. It would have been nice if they had given you a little more to go on for the Zerith relationship so fans of her would have been less defensive at the fact that Tifa is the only woman he ever loved.

And then we get CC, which smacks you over the head with it. I have to say I truly believe that all the adorable Zerith in that game was put in their for that exact reason, so Aerith fans could be more satisfied with her love life and see her relationship with Cloud for what it really is.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
And then we get CC, which smacks you over the head with it. I have to say I truly believe that all the adorable Zerith in that game was put in their for that exact reason, so Aerith fans could be more satisfied with her love life and see her relationship with Cloud for what it really is.

Except some people still just won't accept it. No matter how harshly and painfully it was pounded over everyone's heads that Zerith was the actual tragic love story in FFVII, people still claim to NOT SEE IT and go all OMG CLERITH IS SO SAD AND TRAGIC AND BEAUTIFUL AND WHO THE F IS ZACK???'';111oneoneone

Poor, poor Zack. :sadpanda: He doesn't deserve the anti-fans, really.
No, he doesn't. To be honest I like him better as a character than Cloud. It's just people who have already made up their minds to the point that Aerith saying, "I don't like Cloud anymore and I'm going to lifestream cuddle Zack now." and Tifa telling Cloud she's pregnant wouldn't convince them.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It's just people who have already made up their minds to the point that Aerith saying, "I don't like Cloud anymore and I'm going to lifestream cuddle Zack now." and Tifa telling Cloud she's pregnant wouldn't convince them.


Because for some, to have their "preference" NOT be the "OMG TWU WUV" story is painful. It's not about which couple is better, or more wonderful, or specially magical-- it's about which couple IS. Period.


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
If Cloud was meant to be dating either, I really think it would have been more clearly stated that he is or has been in a relationship with them.

I can see why you've taken this position but Balthier and Fran didn't need that and neither did Vaan and Penelo. They're not the only examples either.

And again, I stress that the 'kiss' in FFVIII is not there.

For anyone who has not seen this scene or needs to be reminded:

0:40 - 0:55

That kiss isn't implied, it's shown. They pull into an embrace, their heads come together, I'm sure if you zoomed you'd explicitly see their lips touching but that isn't even necessary and then they tilt their heads. The kiss is right there in front of the viewer's nose.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Jesus, you don't see the kiss. You only see their heads together during the embrace. That doesn't contradict anything Ryu said, since he said it was implied, not shown fully. Now stop talking about a kiss from FFVIII in the FFVII LTD thread.
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