Maybe that is a good way to see it, but personally I think Cloud has shown feelings for both women and maybe in a "love/friendship" way, but in love and wants to love forever yadda yadda crap no. I think he is single atm, and well has been the whole compilation.
Sorry, but with the arrival of Denzel, the idea of Cloud being single is utterly ludicrous. Few things are used to more cement couples in fiction than granting them a child they consider is theirs.
Especially when on several occasions, direct parallels between Denzel's old parents and Cloud and Tifa are drawn.
If Cloud was meant to be dating either, I really think it would have been more clearly stated that he is or has been in a relationship with them.
And if Laguna was meant to be Squall's father...
Sorry for calling you biased, I thought you were trying to infer that there was a conclusion because you thought Cloti was canon. I'm sorry. D:
Imply would be the correct word there.
And just because people have come to a conclusion does not make them biased. Bias is shown in the argument/ thought process leading to a conclusion, not in the conclusion itself.
And again, I stress that the 'kiss' in FFVIII is not there. Never actually shown. Only implied to happen, even if it is obvious.
'Obvious' and 'implied' are not mutually exclusive, people.
Mako- correction, it's the woman who's been called the lover from someone else's- IE, His- perspective.
To say nothing of the wearing the pants comment.