So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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The Wanderer of Time
Hell there are FFVII fans who still haven't bothered to get all the Comp games, or even AC/ACC. What does that tell you?

Absolutely nothing. There could be any number of reasons someone doesn't buy something.

I don't have Crisis Core. I want it, but I don't have a PSP. I would also buy Advent Children Complete if I had a Blu-Ray player. If I get either of these platforms, I'd buy the game/movie.

I don't want Dirge of Cerberus, because I don't play shooters.

I would play Before Crisis, if it were released in English on a platform I could access (ie, not WiiWare like The After Years).

I wanted Final Fantasy VII for a long time, but didn't buy it because I couldn't afford it. When I got a job and had money, I bought it.

I didn't have Advent Children for a while, because I couldn't find it for sale anywhere. When I did, I bought it.

Not buying a product =/= lack of interest in that product.


Higher Further Faster
Then that actually tells us alot, Drake. Look at all of your reasons for not getting these very things. How many reasons would people come up with to not get the books? Too expensive? Not interested? Don't like to read? Not a good reader? Lack of interested in the type of book it is?

SE just might not think it economically sound.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, let's get back on topic now please. We don't need this tangent.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yeah, let's get back on topic now please. We don't need this tangent.

To be perfectly honest, the only reason why I haven't closed this topic by now is because you made it.

EDIT: Unless this is the Love Triangle Thread under a different name, in that case, please excuse me.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It's iteration #2 of the LTD. The previous one is now in the archive.


Higher Further Faster
Why don't we all just stop posting in this thread, then when/if new peeps pop up and want to revive it they can. And then we can all jump in and counter their claims. :)


reality is a prison
I have a question...could one of the choices be neither?

I do believe that is the right answer. 9.9

Celes Chere

That's a good idea. A neither option should be up there for people who believe SE hasn't made a choice, and that it's up to the players interpretation. Or, for those who are neutral. =>
Or, for those who are neutral. =>
Neutral != up to interpretation/Cloud loves neither. Neutral means you aren't a shipper and your decision on the matter is based on facts rather than a preferred ship. Neutrals can believe Cloud loves neither, but not all of them do (see most of this thread). :awesome:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Neutral != up to interpretation/Cloud loves neither. Neutral means you aren't a shipper and your decision on the matter is based on facts rather than a preferred ship. Neutrals can believe Cloud loves neither, but not all of them do (see most of this thread). :awesome:


Based on compilation, there is no "neither" option. Neutrals to shipping may not care who Cloud loves and can and will say neither or both or whatever just because of that... they don't care. To them it's an irrelevant side story. And to be honest, the LTD is irrelevant to the overall compilation. What isn't irrelevant? Cloud and Tifa's relationship. It is the very foundation of Cloud's motivations and therefore essential to the plot. Even if you take all romantic context out of it, you can not separate Tifa's influence from Cloud. She's that vital.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Even if you take all romantic context out of it, you can not separate Tifa's influence from Cloud. She's that vital.
And I'm pretty sure many neutrals can see that. :monster:

Aerith is important too, but what drives Cloud the most is Tifa. This is revealed in the Lifestream scene. Why did he join SOLDIER? Tifa. Who told him to go after Aerith to the Forgotten City? Tifa. Who gave him the strength to fight again in AC/C? Zack Tifa. Who was the reason he had to reveal his secret crossdressing hobby to Aerith dress up and pretend to be a woman? Tifa. WHO DOES HE CURRENTLY LIVE WITH, RAISE KIDS WITH, AND WANTS TO HAVE A FUTURE WITH? Me TIFA.

To those people who says Aerith was the sole reason Cloud hates Sephiroth, STFU and smell the FFVII story. Did he say that he wanted to kill Sephiroth only because he killed Aerith? No. These people need to be reminded of the fact that Sephiroth burned down Cloud's hometown (therefore killing his mother who was his only family), fatally injured the guy girl he was actually stated to be in love with, and ruined his childhood vision of the great, sexy Sephiroth. Yeah, he killed Aerith (as Cloud also tried to do so). So they're basically saying the girl he was only with for two weeks who didn't even have his undivided attention during said period of time was more important than his hometown and his own mother. Wow, what a jerk, this Cloud. :monster:

I don't know. I've been reading too many comments on Youtube, and it's driving me insane. I'm the only one stopping me from making a Youtube account and replying to all the ignorant people who only ever saw AC/C and don't read from reliable sources. :awesome:

Neutral means you aren't a shipper and your decision on the matter is based on facts rather than a preferred ship. Neutrals can believe Cloud loves neither, but not all of them do (see most of this thread). :awesome:
This means I'm not a neutral because I worship Clack, right? :monster:

I've seen many neutrals who know Cloud loves/has feelings for/screws Tifa. Sometimes when I read fanfiction that doesn't focus on any romance or any pairing, I come across the authors saying they don't like Cloud or Cloud with anybody, but still they acknowledge the fact that Cloud having feelings for Tifa has more foundation than any other FFVII couples besides CidxShera, ZackxAerith, and VincentxHojo.



Now excuse me, I have to watch some crazy fat kid dancing on youtube.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Now excuse me, I have to watch some crazy fat kid dancing on youtube.

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@I Am Not Me:

Funny thing about all that. Some Clerii tried to argue once that when Cloud has his big speech he mentions his mom and Tifa, so Tifa's only as important to Cloud as his mom. XP

I understand the beginning of the game where you have a lot of control over Cloud being "up for interpretation"... but that's all fake Cloud anyways. Who cares if fake Cloud wants to say he liked sleeping beside Tifa, or [insert nice comment to Aerith here]? It's meant to add to the fact that Cloud is messed up and not himself.

Also, I completely agree on the whole "only wants to get Sephy after he kills Aerith". What are they doing for the first half of the game then? Her death is another factor that makes him hate Sephy even more, but there's a big chunk of the game where Cloud doesn't even mention Aerith. If I'm remembering correctly, it's not until they are talking about the Cetra and Holy again that Aerith is really brought up after she dies.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Funny thing about all that. Some Clerii tried to argue once that when Cloud has his big speech he mentions his mom and Tifa, so Tifa's only as important to Cloud as his mom. XP

Isn't that shipping Cloti rabidly though? :monster:

What, so they don't think Cloud loves his mom or something? Seriously, that is HEARTLESS. Unless Cloud was beaten up by his mom everyday of his young life, I don't believe there's any reason for him to think of his own mother any less than a woman he didn't even have a year to get to know. His mother gave birth to him, raised him, took care of him, was there for him when nobody else was... I'd say she's pretty important.

Or maybe this is just me being my family-oriented self. I won't be choosing some guy I have a crush on for my mom, I tell you that. :monster:

there's a big chunk of the game where Cloud doesn't even mention Aerith.

I think I remember that. That was probably what made me open my eyes to Cloti on my first playthrough. After Aerith's death, many things happened all at once, and we get the big reveal on the real Cloud and Tifa and the Nibelheim incident. I don't think there was much of a place to mention Aerith there, unless it had something to do with the Cetra.

Oh, Aerith was mentioned place with Professor Gast, I think.


reality is a prison
so Tifa's only as important to Cloud as his mom.
Well Cloud was a momma's boy from what I saw so she must be pretty important. :lol:

But what, what I swear some say that Cloud thought of his mom at Aerith's so wouldn't Aerith be linked to Cloud's actually mother?

Along with a neither button, there should also be a both option added too I believe. I'm sure there are people that think Cloud loves both, cause he is a bad ass playa. :neo:
The point of bringing up the "as important as his mom" comment is that it makes no sense. It was one of those, "I have no more points that you haven't already countered, so here's one!"... and they didn't seem to realize that not only was it not a negative, it was irrelevant.

Oh, Aerith was mentioned place with Professor Gast, I think.
You're right. I think those scenes are optional from what I remember, but you see Aerith's parents and what happens to them. I don't remember the party talking too much about what you see though, kind of like how you see the Zack flashback but nothing is really said by the team after you see that scene.

I would never try to play down Aerith's importance, because she's one of my favourite FF characters ever. However, if Cloud is sincerely mourning the loss of his one true love, he has a really funny way of showing it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The biggest reactor to the information you glean from the icicle inn tapes is Tifa, actually. But yes, as I've said on many an occasion, where is the pining for the dead girl that's supposed to be going on?

Nothing about his acts or thoughts indicates he wishes to pursue her or laments not being able to pursue her.

So, I ask, where is this pining? Where is the evidence of a romantic intent-Intent being more concrete than an attraction, which would certainly be natural and expected but does not indicate he intended to do something more- to pursue Aerith? We have by his words and actions an intent towards Tifa, but none towards Aerith.

How is it 'neither' or 'up to interpretation' with a clear imbalance towards Tifa, unless your standards are so ridiculously high NO FF couple is legitimate.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Don't you guys get it! Only FF couples that kiss are canon! So only Tidus/Yuna is canon :rage:
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