Oh damn, I had this really long argument, and then accidentally pressed back and lost it. So I'll summarize it with this.
Clerith: You only need on example to establish a precedent, but Rassler/Ashe, Yuna/Tidus(though he was revived there was a definite "love even when gone" esque to them), Laguna/Raine, Vincent/Lucrecia.
Yes, and all of those pairing had established the romance, proper romance, Pre-mortem.
The final fantasy series is not a stranger to tragic loves and epic loves. A Clerith can interpret their favorite pairing as either of those. Yes, they might not have the "mountains of evidence" Cloud and Tifa fans have, but they do have facts and they do have hints, and they are allowed to speculate. The creators of Final Fantasy encourage speculation, they always have.
Yes, but there is a difference between speculation based on facts and wild speculation.
And all the tragic and epic loves are ones where it is known that the romance existed pre-mortem. Clerith want to say this epic post mortem love exists purely because they want an epic post mortem love for their Mary Sue.
And they can translate the relationship between Cloud and Tifa as intimate and one that resembles a couple, but is completely platonic. Yes, they worked out problems as a couple but they lacked the romantic framework in their intimacy that other couples had in the past. Hence “more than friends, less than lovers.” I happen to think that it does work with a little bit of romantic love, but it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility that a CloudAerith fan sees it without.
Eh, seeing C and T's interactions in CoT, AC/C and beyond as platonic both ignores the concept of parsimony, and also ignores the basic commonalities of how romantic couples, and couples in the midst of personal crisis are depicted in fiction.
My only problem with this whole thing is calling a couple "canon." Canon means it's official- approved by the staff and creators. There is no canon coupling of FFVII. There might be bias to one side, but nothing is official. And I happen to believe it never will be.
And thus there's no canon FF6, 9, 12, etc. pairing. Because those couples haven't 'been approved' by the creators either. Seriously, it's a ludicrous standard and I hate that people only ever seem to fucking apply it to FF7.
Ew, seriously? I haven't been into comic books in a long time, but I remembered Storm as a badass super chick who didn't need a guy to complete her.
So, they just married her to the "other black dude" for no reason? That's stupid D:
I think it was political in nature, but fuck if I can recall exactly why. The marriage has pretty much had no impact on anything as far as I can recall.
Is that a quote from something?
And I really do think there's enough evidence to declare Cloud and Tifa canon but you know that already
If Locke/ Celes, Irvine/Selphie, Steiner/Beatrix, etc. etc. etc. count as canon, then there's more than enough to count C/T as the same. As such, they won't say 'CLOUD AND TIFA' any more than they will say 'STEINER AND BEATRIX'
Oh... pfft... yeah I thought there was some official source that said that and I was like "Why are people ignoring this?"
Yeah the bias used to be on CxA's side from what I understand, and a lot of CxT fans were victimized... now they're doing the victimizing. Way to become what you hate

(it's a joke don't hurt me)
Oh, we didn't mind being victimized. We minded being victimized while they claimed to be the victims.