Please compare/contrast. ^^
Give me an example of the evidence that convinces you all the other FF pairings are canon first. I wish to have fully defined goalposts first.
I swear there is a quote saying Tifa calls Marlene her daughter. Of course it is not with Barret, but it is mentioned.
That's in CoT, and in that same novella, she calls Cloud a young father with his children, those children being Denzel and Marlene. So yes, once they become the family of 3, Tifa considers Marlene her daughter and Cloud her daddy.
]Ryu, my question is why are they called "childhood friends" in DoC and other parts of the compilation if they are lovers now?
In DoC because they just recycled the FF7 manual- Cloud is called an Ex-SOLDIER for freak's sake.
Well la dee da, thanks Square for leaving out the character that was going to be one of the 3 main at a time. Seriously, I know why they did it though, Barret isn't that popular and I have never met a fangirl for him, that's why. I count Barret as part of the family, although not as directly as Cloud & Tifa.
Barret was 'popular'- or at least important- enough to get one of the first three OTWTAS Novellas, before anyone else, even characters like Nanaki and Yuffie who have tended to be more popular.
Denzel had 0 popularity, being a brand new character, and was added as part of the family.
It is not popularity that decides who is part of the family, but rather the constraints of the story.
@Wolverine-I don't really have anything to say back, except that was a well written display of the family and I agree.

....and I was a LukexLeia fan. XD
So... you agree that Barret is not part of the family as considered by Cloud and Tifa, or anyone other than Marlene?
]Did they miss Tifa's "fuck me" smile to Cloud. Only if Cloud was a sheer homo, he could not resist that. XD
Hell, even if he was, he might be rethinking his sexuality, even though it's not a choice.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the DoC manual just regurgitate what was said about them in the FF7 manual? Cloud and Tifa still childhood friends, Cloud still an ex-SOLDIER, etc? It doesn't sound like they rewrote a whole lot for the DOC manual when it came to recapping the characters. They really only needed to rewrite Aerith's, because ... her status changed.
Pretty much, yes. And Aerith's only changes to reflect her now being dead, mentioning neither of the two major acts she did post-mortem.
I know, I know that they were childhood friends, but why if she is more important to Cloud than just a childhood friend, why do they only call her that? If she is fucking Cloud then I would like to see an honary title. And possibly one that is better than:
A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins, who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life.
1- That just means she won't be forgotten
2- That statement was said 'first' about Cloud's promise to Tifa, using the same characters and everything. So if it's romantic for Cloud to never forget Aerith, it's also romantic to never forget the promise.
3- An important woman to him and also a part of the family. The mother of the family they were forming in edge, among her roles in the world is that of someone's beloved, They revealed their mutual feelings to each other. Their dialogue underneath the highwind was Risque, and implied risque acts come the fadeout, Cloud believes his live can succeed where all other times it has failed because he has Tifa with him this time, in a different way than before.
As Hito has told us several times, this is a Japanese euphemism for "won't forget her," which is why it was translated that way in the English version. It doesn't have quite the dramatic implications in Japanese that the Clerith want to give it. Of course, that's assuming you want to trust that sneaky Hito.
He's totally untrustworthy, ever since he turned traitor and stopped translating the proper pinkness!