So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Your Mom
if the Japanese creators wanted us to believe that Tifa was the koibito to Cloud, they would have said his name in the sentence instead of leaving it up to debate
Just one thing. Maybe I'm alone, but I really don't think Nomura premeditated that quote. Mwuahahaha, I shall slip "koibito" into an interview and let them stew! I think he was just being interviewed and spoke frankly. People are always saying "The Almighty Creators would have said/done THIS if they wanted us to think THIS," but I doubt they care about this stuff even a fraction as much as shippers do.
THIRD-PERSON LIMITED NARRATION OR LIMITED OMNISCIENCE : Focusing a third-person narration through the eyes of a single character. Even when an author chooses to tell a narrative through omniscient narration, s/he will sometimes (or even for the entire tale) limit the perspective of the narrative to that of a single character, choosing for example only to narrate the inner thoughts of that one character. The narrative is still told in third-person (unlike first-person narration); however, it is clear that it is, nonetheless, being told through the eyes of a single character.

Sorry for the big type. I just wanted to make sure it was seen.

Just because thats the reason you've made up fo it to not be Canon, doesn't make it true, I have no clue how long you people sat here making that into a reason but seriously get of the Crazy Train

To remind all the rapid Clotis who sit on this forum all day of what they don't have and make 'em ~jealous~.

Also, was it explained why The White Queen has the same IP as Alice/MadHatter? Another sister?

@Mako: :retreat:

I'm going to stop doing that now, I think I'm overstepping my bounds :awesome:

Rabid its said Rabid, Geez. Rapid is a pace of movement.

Rapid -
1. occurring within a short time; happening speedily: rapid growth. 2. moving or acting with great speed; swift: a rapid worker. 3. characterized by speed: rapid motion.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Back on topic, It could be talking about a number of men... or women. Like Alice said Johnny, Rude, Barret, Vincent, Cid, Don C., or Cloud if you think that way. But if it did not say Cloud's name you cannot logically assume it is in reference to Cloud.

Again....who else could it be? If she's being declared a lover, it has to be someone she actually loves too. Why are you trying to pin men on her she has no feelings for? Who else does Tifa show affection for and love? If she's a lover, she has to love them back.

Besides, the official English translation is sweetheart and that can be used by anyone to anyone. My grandmother calls me sweetheart and I call my niece sweetheart. So when it comes down to it, yes the koibito word was used. No, Cloud's name was not mentioned. And yes, the Official English translation of that sentence is in fact sweetheart. Meaning that the officials did not want the word to be translated as anything romantic in anyway.

They also officially called Rosso the Crimson a man in the Reunion Files. Does that mean the officials did not want Rosso to be seen as anything feminine in any way?

What does that mean? I few pages ago I saw someone say something rude about my signature and avatar and font size. I changed the size but I will not be changing my set. Sorry.

I was telling someone not to assume you're a dupe/sockpuppet of another member. That's all.

Just because thats the reason you've made up fo it to not be Canon, doesn't make it true, I have no clue how long you people sat here making that into a reason but seriously get of the Crazy Train

...So us "Cloti's" got a time machine, went back in time a hundred years, created an entire form of creative writing, just to "die for our 'ship?"

You must truly believe there's a vast right wing Cloti conspiracy to believe we created an entire form of creative writing to prove a point.

Way to go at missing the point to the tenth power.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Alice Kingsley

I just looked at your info and saw your age. My apologies, I won't be debating you anymore. It's unfair. I'm not being a wanker here, I'm serious. You aren't old enough to understand half the shit I would have thrown at you and you're barely old enough to understand the complexities of relationships and all the nuances involved. I can't expect you to keep up, so I won't.
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AI Researcher
Just because thats the reason you've made up fo it to not be Canon, doesn't make it true, I have no clue how long you people sat here making that into a reason but seriously get of the Crazy Train
It takes basic reading comprehension and simple knowledge of literature to see that's how these stories are written.

Rabid its said Rabid, Geez. Rapid is a pace of movement.

Rapid -
1. occurring within a short time; happening speedily: rapid growth. 2. moving or acting with great speed; swift: a rapid worker. 3. characterized by speed: rapid motion.
In joke -
A joke originated or appreciated by the members of a particular group.

Oblivious -
Not aware or informed.

They also officially called Rosso the Crimson a man in the Reunion Files. Does that mean the officials did not want Rosso to be seen as anything feminine in any way?
no wai.

I guess it's true. The official RF translations said it. Rosso must have a penis.


Your Mom
Just because thats the reason you've made up fo it to not be Canon, doesn't make it true, I have no clue how long you people sat here making that into a reason but seriously get of the Crazy Train
Who said CoLW isn't canon? It's most certainly canon.

And kiddo, I've taught university English classes. I'm far from being a crazed, teenage fangirl shipper. Put the mirror down.
And, of course, when writing in third person, people use third person pronouns and nouns. Hence the he, she, and "The Woman." Only in first person would she use first person "I, Me." It makes plenty of sense for the novel to narrate the way of "The Woman."

Wow...Really...? I'm sorry but its written in a way the writer talks of Aerith, because your listening to them talk when you read, not Aerith. Its impossible for her to reference herself as "The Woman" No matter what you say.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal


Wow...Really...? I'm sorry but its written in a way the writer talks of Aerith, because your listening to them talk when you read, not Aerith. Its impossible for her to reference herself as "The Woman" No matter what you say.

.....How is that you are not grasping what a basic form of writing is? It's third person restricted.

Do you not understand that it's Aerith's thoughts and feelings, being expressed by third person perspective writing?
The fortune telling with deep meaning.
Cat Ceith’s divination about the direction toward Sephiroth turns out three consequences. Disregard the previous two, the noticeable one is the third result which becomes the chance for him to follow the party—“What you’re looking for would be yours, but you’ll lose something very dear.”
As the storyline moves on to the event of Forgotten City, the “something very dear” can be read as losing Aerith, and it also hint the event of Cloud’s reaching his self breakdown when the story goes to the Northern Crater.
Omega Page 151, the marked tidbit explaining CS's last fortune telling.
The last fortune telling from Cat Sith No. 1.

After solving the puzzle about Cat Sith's replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith's affinity.
The result of it turns out "Aerith-san's star and Cloud-san's star! They promise a great future!" After that, it will become a sad prediction if we get to know what would happen afterward. But if we can catch the meaning of the "future" from another angle, we can see hope.....perhaps.
Cat Sith's lines which seem to expect Cloud and Aerith's wedding now makes it more painful.

How about that...? Sorry for the size I wanted to make sure you couldn't ignore it, But hey they are being compared to a Married Couple.


AI Researcher
Wow...Really...? I'm sorry but its written in a way the writer talks of Aerith, because your listening to them talk when you read, not Aerith. Its impossible for her to reference herself as "The Woman" No matter what you say.
Because she's not referring to herself, that's the narrator.

But do you notice how the narrator doesn't know what Sephiroth is planning in Lifestream White? Because it's limited to what Aerith knows or feels.

That's the definition of 'third person limited'. 'Third person' as in 'her, she, the woman', and 'limited' as in only focused on one character.

Just because you don't know something, doesn't mean people are making things up.

How about that...? Sorry for the size I wanted to make sure you couldn't ignore it, But hey they are being compared to a Married Couple.
No offence, but I'm not going to take the word of some biased C/A translation who has lied and make shit up in the past :awesome:


Your Mom
I just looked at your info and saw your age. My apologies, I won't be debating you anymore. It's unfair. I'm not being a wanker here, I'm serious. You aren't old enough to understand half the shit I would have thrown at you and you're barely old enough to understand the complexities of relationships and all the nuances involved. I can't expect you to keep up, so I won't.

You're right. I'm feeling a bit guilty myself.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
How about that...? Sorry for the size I wanted to make sure you couldn't ignore it, But hey they are being compared to a Married Couple.

...Too bad the exact same book says his Fortune Telling skills are dubious and usually wrong. :monster:


AI Researcher
Technically, they aren't even been compared to a married couple, but one who might get married, in Cait Sith's imagination :awesome:


Just going to post that you guys (and gals) need to chill the fuck out, :monster:.

Also, this thread is seriously lacking in TxA pr00fz and discussion. Y'all know that is cannon, and rapid, and :monster:.



[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
You're right. I'm feeling a bit guilty myself.

We could always debate each other...? I don't know if I could skew myself far enough to reach pinkertown, but I could try...

In the meantime, yeah, that's one of the bad things about the net. You never know if the person you're talking to is a college grad with a fancy degree or a high school freshman who's biggest life experience was getting tongue at the theater. :loopy:


Great Old One
I guess to debate good I gotta stalk people first and take screencaps of other peoples forums :shifty: Darn it....
No. The requirements for debating well include: pink goggles, the mind of an eight year old fan girl who can’t let go of the fact that a man and woman living with each other will eventually have sex, and some sort of contribution to promoting hatred on a fictional pairing, whilst bringing in Nazism.

Looks like you’re all set! :awesome:

I don't really care if you give it to me the crew of FFVII already did :D It means as I've seen oh so many C/T Supporters say that Aerith didn't force Cloud on the Date. Cloud obviously Agreed to go on a date for a reason.
Up till the Lifestream scene, it’s the player’s choice whether or not Cloud or Aerith even go on the date. Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret are also Cloud’s date options. If the player get’s Aerith’s date scene, she pushes him out of the door – not my idea of affection. Not only that, but in the actual date scene, Cloud gets to choose whether to kiss the dragon or Aerith. If the player chooses the dragon, how is that romantic? Also, while Aerith and Cloud are aboard the gondola, she confesses to wanting to know the real Cloud, meaning during the whole time they were together, she only held a desire for wanting to know who he really was, not getting to actually know him/get to know him more.

No they are Lovers because the Writers of FFVII say so.
Are you forgetting that the writers have stated Tifa as a koibito too?

Ah yes would you mind giving me said quote I would love to see where Clouds name is Mentioned, to put Aerith's Koibito statement against Tifa's I'd say Aerith wins because hers mentions Said Koibito.
It’s Aerith’s thoughts throughout Lifestream White, not a stated or an official fact by Square Enix. Aerith’s point of view does not compute into Cloud’s thoughts as well, unless you’re trying to tell me that Cloud and Aerith also share the same mind and heart…?

On the other hand, you can easily tell to whom they’re talking about when it states that Tifa is a mother, an ally in battle, and a sweetheart. No, it doesn’t mention to whom she is a mother to, to whom she is an ally to, or to whom she is a sweetheart to. But you can find out yourself with common sense. Tifa is a mother to Marlene and Denzel. Tifa is an ally to AVALANCHE and the gang. Tifa is a lover to Cloud (AND NO, UNLESS IT’S BEEN SHOWN THAT TIFA HAS HAD ROMANTIC FEELINGS FOR JOHNNY OR RUDE, IT HAS TO BE CLOUD).

Yes I know how it makes you skin sizzle.
Well, it is a hot summer day.

So because its a book about Aerith, it doesn't count? Thats Hilarious! the Writer still wrote it say that they are lovers who cares who he used as a vessel to do it. Please I don't need to take a Class to learn that.
Okay, but I really do recommend you taking some classes on your grammar.

You know Cloud matters too? Just cause she(Tifa) loves him doesn't mean he loves her.
I find it really ironic that even as you say this, you consider Aerith’s point of view to be Cloud’s as well. Is that a new thing going on for you Clerii? That Cloud and Aerith share the same heart? Mind?

Duh silly me I totally forgot its Called "Normal Life" not "Final Fantasy" thats why when I look up "FFVII/CloTi Proofs" it says "Not Real You Moron" Because why would there be FANTASY love in a Game Called Final Fantasy? Why not have that Sig someone already accused me of being one?
No one accused you. You put yourself into the spot by bringing Nazism and something completely taboo.

*Checks quote* hm? Nope Cloud Never says "-with you Tifa" You like to give things you own subtext don't you?
And yet, they still do it together. If Cloud didn’t want Tifa, she’d be more than happy to back away and let Cloud live his free life, along with Aerith in a flowerfield. But he doesn’t want that. He wants Tifa and the children, which is why he’s still living with them.

But of course, Tifa’s a domineering bitch, so that can’t be helped.

You can't expect to debate like that, "I have proof but you have to find it yourself!" Thats not homework. Science and Math is homework, you knwo something that will do my life good. This, this is like a hobby...Not my life. Okay don't bend you unopened book then.
Stop acting hypocritical when you can’t debate a tiny rat’s ass.

Theirs a book for figures of Speech?!-ISBN_9780613719667.html?isrc=b-search

Don’t worry, it’s for grades four to six.

-and the book is Called "Romeo and Juliet", an in the Introduction it states great a many time that Romeo and Juliet are indeed on an others lover, so anyone reading it would of course assume Romeos Koibito to be that of Juliet.
Cloud and Aerith is hardly a romantic tragedy. More like a one stint date night.

Then don't post Seriously you are the one who referenced me being a Clerith/Pink Jack boots in the first place, thats what this is right? Its not Like im a... Er...izaN[Spell it backwards] I'm related Jewish myself. I just take it offensively when you preach it to me about being one for Game lame ass game LTD.
One thing I can’t fucking stand is people trying to act as the victim. I saw the signature: something about Cloud Strife/Cleris being the genoicide of Clotis? And if you consider it as a ‘game lame ass LTD,’ why would you have anti-Cloti graphics in the first place? If you don’t take this seriously, then you certainly are contradicting yourself, as hating a fictional pairing seems pretty serious to me. Instead of hating on a pairing, just enjoy yours and don’t be a bitch bully.

I just looked at your info and saw your age. My apologies, I won't be debating you anymore. It's unfair. I'm not being a wanker here, I'm serious. You aren't old enough to understand half the shit I would have thrown at you and you're barely old enough to understand the complexities of relationships and all the nuances involved. I can't expect you to keep up, so I won't.
Leave it to the teenagers. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Age doesn't mean jack, so no need to even bring it up. If they feel they can come in here and debate, let them. It's an irrelevant point. You don't need to be of a certain age to know the facts and debate. They have debate clubs in schools, after all. :monster:


unsavory tart
Wow...Really...? I'm sorry but its written in a way the writer talks of Aerith, because your listening to them talk when you read, not Aerith. Its impossible for her to reference herself as "The Woman" No matter what you say.
Because she doesn't reference herself in the traditional sense. It's third person. It's like replacing "Tifa" and "The woman in black." It does not change the POV of the story, it simply means that the personal pronoun was changed to a moniker.

This is not even a pairing debate... it's just reading comprehension.
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what just transpired within the last hour was so bad it gave me cancer..jk

i missed u quex!!! XD *leaps*

amongst a serious note, this person doesnt really know what a debate is clearly..and its making my head spin at the insanity. course im not one to talk because i dont hardcore debate on here, but i at least know truth and fact from opinion and falseness.


AI Researcher
No srsly, ya'll should listen to Cait Sith. He knows what he's on about. Just listen to this glowing ~official~ praise:

Cait Sith, self-styled fortune telling machine. In addition to predicting Sephiroth's whereabouts when he joins your party, he gives other predictions now and again, such as how their adventure will go and Cloud and Aerith's compatability. However, these predictions are rarely correct, and his skill at telling the future is dubious.

That cat and his mantic mechanical moogle got all the answers.
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