So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Your Mom
I can totally see who voted and stuff. I won't be evil and list who voted but yeah. I wish the one's that voted would come out and actually explain their vote if they didn't...instead of just running off and stuff. :monster:

And how many share the same IP address? :monster: Just remembering the ACF craziness.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So setting them up as a potential couple (only to make her death mean more) does not mean Cloud shows romantic interest in her. That's what Ryu and everyone else want people to understand... or prove him wrong by pointing out a situation in the game that proves otherwise.
Yes I understand now, Mako explained it :monster:
And how many share the same IP address?
Probably 10 :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
And how many share the same IP address? :monster: Just remembering the ACF craziness.

Only the two that we know about because apparently they're friends or something :awesome:

But yeah. I'm still waiting for the ACF shenanigans of dupes registering to vote. Some good ole' wank would be fun!


Higher Further Faster
The problem is you act like anyone who thinks Cloud loved Aerith is delusional when people here have pointed out that it seemed the game was going in the direction of Cloud and Aerith being the true couple until she was killed. Yes a lot of the stuff WAS optional, but the fact that they put it in there makes me think they wanted at least some people to see the game going in that direction. Several people saw a relationship developing. FFS I saw it I mean... come on if I saw it...

Here's the thing, though. When I took an English literature class back in high school, we learned a special term for a literary device known as a "red herring." Essentially, a red herring is another term for a "false clue." We learned this term while studying And Then There Were None by Agatha Christy. In that book, people die based upon a certain line of a poem called, "Ten Little Indians."
One of the "Little Indians" was said to be killed by a red herring. We are lead to believe in that book that the person who died for this verse was really dead, yet in the end it is revealed that he was still alive and, DUN DUN DUN the real killer.

Because, you see, this is what stories do. They make you think one thing, only to pull the rug out from under you later on in a huge twist, in which you find out that what you thought all alone was wrong, and that something else is happening.

Essentially, this is what Cloud's apparent relationship with Aerith on the first disc is. The story makes you think that something is going on between them. Not only does this set up a twist toward Tifa later on, but it also may have shielded early players from being able to guess that Aerith was going to die. I mean really, the hero's true love dieing in an RPG? Especially since she was a member of your party! Why do you think her death is so infamous? Because it was so unexpected!

This isn't even the only red herring in the story! The entirety of the back story of Nibelheim is one big red herring. We are lead to believe that Cloud is a former member of SOLDIER. SE wanted to lead us down that path for a reason as well, just as they wanted to give us the potential to lead ourselves down the path that Cloud loves Aerith.

Red herrings are what make a story interesting. The harder it is to guess what's coming the more rewarding the big reveal later on will be.

This is not to say that Aerith's importance is diminished. On the contrary she's probably the second most important after Cloud still. And perhaps Cloud did start to develop feelings for her, or maybe it was platonic. The point is that in the end, the big reveal centered around the fact that he loved Tifa as well, maybe even more so, and that so many of the things that had lead Cloud to that point in his life find their roots in his feelings for her.

I mean honestly, can you really say that the game would have been as fun if we had known all these things from the very beginning? No way! It would probably have been boring.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But.. but I've said I understand that now... why do you people keep arguing with me after I've shut up? :( That was a good post though, thanks.

And I actually DID know about Aerith's death before hand, I spoiled that by accident :monster: I still had fun though, I didn't know about the other stuff.
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Higher Further Faster
Sorry Quex, but the way you were talking make me think otherwise. OOOO RED HERRING YOU SEE?! :awesome:

Also I knew she would die as well, but I mean early early players way back when FFVII was new. There was a point in time in which people did not know she would die, just as how once upon a time nobody knew that Vader was Luke's father. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Explaining why you voted for who you voted for would be greatly appreciated, yes. This is more than a simple poll, after all.


yes well..must i? i just believe from what i know from movies and the ultimania and proof and just everything i seen in the games and watching the movie and seeing quotes from nomura, that i know its cloud and tifa, or i could be wrong..aerith votes are rising, and maybe im wrong about cloti..
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Great Old One
aerith votes are rising, and maybe im wrong about cloti..
Aerith votes are rising, yes. But so are Tifa votes. Unless there's a sudden uproar Cloud/Aerith fans trying to beat out the poll by voting for Aerith, I highly doubt that Aerith would surpass Tifa.

And even so, just because Aerith votes are rising, does that really change your mind about a pairing? Say if there were a sudden uproar of Cloud/Aerith fans coming in here (or same IP Addresses), and voting for Aerith, would that change your mind? Your opinion shouldn't change because of two added votes on a silly poll.


u are true A, this is a bit silly poll vote. I don't know the argument as to y it should be cloud/aeris, but surely nowadays its cloud and tifa come on, even i have changed my own mind about this. jeez.


no no dont get me wrong, im cloti all the way, a C/A uproar wont change my opinion because i stuck with cloti a yr after ff7 came out in 1997. but i wanna know if its multiple accs on the same IP, or are pple just voting without knowing facts..tifa and cloud are proved time and time again.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
no no dont get me wrong, im cloti all the way, a C/A uproar wont change my opinion because i stuck with cloti a yr after ff7 came out in 1997. but i wanna know if its multiple accs on the same IP, or are pple just voting without knowing facts..tifa and cloud are proved time and time again.

They could be voting out of preference. Let's not be too assuming as to say that Aerith voters are using multiple accounts to vote for her. We have no way of knowing that. Only the mystical powerful people who can see IPs do. :awesome:

But really, if we have that many Aerith voters, I wish at least one of them would come here and debate seriously.

Don't be shy. We don't bite. :awesome:

Is there a current topic I missed? I want to join the discussion. :monster:


hmm yeah, cloti is official (i think), the evidence in everything says cloti and u can easily tell its tifa and cloud. but cleriths dont wanna step foward and admit and dont wanna debate maybe because they think they are right but cant back it up and just assume 'its clerith because i said so and i want it to be tht way' or 'well i voted for clerith, even though there is no evidence of it so i wont say a word"


isnt cloti official? i dont wanna say official, coz ive had pple say "well they might make another compilation thingy and they might split cloti up" and im like "bs"


Higher Further Faster
I'm certainly of the opinion that it is, I'm just saying, sometimes you just have to walk away when you're down. Maybe they have.


i dont want cloti to split up =[ they r my fav couple...oops, pple get ticked when called a couple, thn they ask for teh proofz..

anyway, i believe its official, aerith is a mother figure, waiting to dissolve into the LS, and all is well with marlene and denzel and the family. (so i hope)


Great Old One
hmm yeah, cloti is official (i think), the evidence in everything says cloti and u can easily tell its tifa and cloud. but cleriths dont wanna step foward and admit and dont wanna debate maybe because they think they are right but cant back it up and just assume 'its clerith because i said so and i want it to be tht way' or 'well i voted for clerith, even though there is no evidence of it so i wont say a word"
The people who have voted for Aerith most likely have a reason to believe that Cloud and Aerith are canon. Like Tennyo said, they're probably not saying anything because they don't want to debate.
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