So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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It's hilarious how they'll play "Pass the Tifa" among all the guys in FFVII she has absolutely no interest in. Johnny, Rude, Zack, Barret, and Vincent. Just fucking hilarious.

Cloud - Tifa have feelings for him
Others - Tifa don't have feelings for them

.......WELL OF COURSE IT CAN'T BE CLOUD. IT CAN'T. Get it into your rabid brain. It must be the others. Cloud won't let Tifa have feelings for him. Because those feelings for Cloud, belong to Aerith.

ZACKxTIFA FOREVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11123canon!! :awesome:

And your icon is seriously awesome. I love it. :monster: Truer words were never spoken.

yrly. Thank you!~ :monster:


The Wanderer of Time
It's hilarious how they'll play "Pass the Tifa" among all the guys in FFVII she has absolutely no interest in. Johnny, Rude, Zack, Barret, and Vincent. Just fucking hilarious.

I never got that either. Do a rundown.

Johnny - one-sided, next.
Rude - ditto, next
Zack - so popular and yet so unfounded. Next
Barret - Next
Vincent - I guess if Tifa can't have the emo she wants, she'll go for one a bit older.

You forgot TifaxCid and TifaxReno too. I've even seen a KH pairing with a supposed OC, "AxelxXifta", no points for figuring that one out.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I never got that either. Do a rundown.

Johnny - one-sided, next.
Rude - ditto, next
Zack - so popular and yet so unfounded. Next
Barret - Next
Vincent - I guess if Tifa can't have the emo she wants, she'll go for one a bit older.

You forgot TifaxCid and TifaxReno too. I've even seen a KH pairing with a supposed OC, "AxelxXifta", no points for figuring that one out.

Tifa's Nobody created when she granted her light to a lightless Cloud a La Namine's creation?

Actually, that's brings up an odd point- of the Nobodies we have seen originals of, the majority haven't shared a hair color with their original person...

What I'm getting at, of course, is the utterly bollocks but hilarious concept that Axel is somehow Cloud's Nobody.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
..How could Cloud have a nobody? He never lost his heart!

Hence the 'utterly bollocks' idea.

Of course, it's technically not 'losing your heart' that creates nobodies, since 'Heartless' Sora still had his, just nothing else, and Kairi never actually lost hers, but Namine still came about through Kairi granting her own light to Sora.

And technically, the heartless aren't heartless- they have PLENTY- and the nobodies are bodies, so yeah, terminology != rational.


Hence the 'utterly bollocks' idea.

Of course, it's technically not 'losing your heart' that creates nobodies, since 'Heartless' Sora still had his, just nothing else, and Kairi never actually lost hers, but Namine still came about through Kairi granting her own light to Sora.

And technically, the heartless aren't heartless- they have PLENTY- and the nobodies are bodies, so yeah, terminology != rational.

..........................wat. I have to say, KH is a complicated game! :monster: I just played it and ignored all that other shit. > The meaning of the game.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Do we really need to get into the KH buw baw ya ya talk again?


I could forgive Matsumoto but putting up a Neliel icon is blatant sexual harassment. She's the embodiment of all beauty and I can't even post coherently with that icon staring me in the face. :wacky:

On topic, KH is rather irrelevant, but I just had to say something about such bizarre fan theories such as that. And Ryushikaze started it :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Which is just them making stuff up again for their ship. That's the scary part, that they so easily convince themselves of their own lies. I mean, if you make up a lie to make your ship look more canon, you'd think you'd still realize it's not true.

They don't really make stuff up. They have one person tell them what they want to hear and they go with it. IE A lot of people told them koibito means lover and they didn't listen, but when one person said "Well it might not mean that..." THAT'S the person who mattered. So to them, it's not lies at all. I don't even think they realize they're doing it tbh.

I don't fault them... I can't. When you believe that strongly in something, you do things like that. I've been there, trust me. It doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you a little naive.

Oh noes. Both Cloud and Tifa's true loves are cheating on them in the after life. WITH EACH OTHER!!!!
WIN! :joy:
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I could forgive Matsumoto but putting up a Neliel icon is blatant sexual harassment. She's the embodiment of all beauty and I can't even post coherently with that icon staring me in the face. :wacky:

Oh lawl. :awesome: Nel is one of my favorite characters. ;.;
If I would have used an avatar with her breasts, I bet you wouldn't even be able to type. Who would make a breast-avatar anyway?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh lawl. :awesome: Nel is one of my favorite characters. ;.;
If I would have used an avatar with her breasts, I bet you wouldn't even be able to type. Who would make a breast-avatar anyway?

LOL she's one of mine too. Definitely. Manga needs more Neliel damnit.

And I'd much prefer her face. Her breasts are nice but yeah. :monster:

Quexinos said:
They don't really make stuff up. They have one person tell them what they want to hear and they go with it. IE A lot of people told them koibito means lover and they didn't listen, but when one person said "Well it might not mean that..." THAT'S the person who mattered. So to them, it's not lies at all. I don't even think they realize they're doing it tbh.

Sounds suspiciously like a cult leader disseminating the doctrine to their members :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

I could forgive Matsumoto but putting up a Neliel icon is blatant sexual harassment. She's the embodiment of all beauty and I can't even post coherently with that icon staring me in the face. :wacky:

On topic, KH is rather irrelevant, but I just had to say something about such bizarre fan theories such as that. And Ryushikaze started it :monster:

I didn't start it, nor did I claim it as so- I labeled it as bollocks, plain as day- I just ran with it.

They don't really make stuff up. They have one person tell them what they want to hear and they go with it.

And all hail her popeness, too.

IE A lot of people told them koibito means lover and they didn't listen, but when one person said "Well it might not mean that..." THAT'S the person who mattered. So to them, it's not lies at all. I don't even think they realize they're doing it tbh.

Confirmation Bias, natch.

I don't fault them... I can't. When you believe that strongly in something, you do things like that. I've been there, trust me. It doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you a little naive.

Naiive isn't the word, but delusional would be too mean.

Oh lawl. :awesome: Nel is one of my favorite characters. ;.;
If I would have used an avatar with her breasts, I bet you wouldn't even be able to type. Who would make a breast-avatar anyway?

She said, as if she hadn't already made several.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Speaking of cults and boobs, I remember on Sonic CulT girls would write Sonic CulT on their boobs and take a pic and send it to the owner. I did this as well,... when he posted my pic people were like "Those are the best boobs we've had yet." That really made me feel good ^_^ They've since been removed but I wouldn't be surprised if someone still had it.... :awesome:

What? That WAS on topic, cults and boobs were being talked about. -_-


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
... I... don't have it anymore. Nor do I wish to take a new one. o.o;

And it wasn't spam, it was on topic. We were talking about Cults and boobs :monster:
They don't really make stuff up. They have one person tell them what they want to hear and they go with it. IE A lot of people told them koibito means lover and they didn't listen, but when one person said "Well it might not mean that..." THAT'S the person who mattered. So to them, it's not lies at all. I don't even think they realize they're doing it tbh.
Yes, this happens too, which makes it a lot worse. I'm talking about the ones that are making the stuff up though, I have to wonder what's actually going through their minds when they do.

I don't fault them... I can't. When you believe that strongly in something, you do things like that. I've been there, trust me. It doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you a little naive.
The bolded part would give them a bit of an excuse if it weren't a fictional pairing.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
... I... don't have it anymore. Nor do I wish to take a new one. o.o;

And it wasn't spam, it was on topic. We were talking about Cults and boobs :monster:

So write something FF7 cultish on them and send THAT pic in.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm talking about the ones that are making the stuff up though, I have to wonder what's actually going through their minds when they do.
TBH I'm not convinced they're not all trolls.

The bolded part would give them a bit of an excuse if it weren't a fictional pairing.
... I really want to bring something up here but it'd turn into a religious debate I'm sure so... as I've said, I've been there so I know what they're thinking and how they feel. I think it's why we get along so well. ^_^

So write something FF7 cultish on them and send THAT pic in.

How about just "The" would that work?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
TBH I'm not convinced they're not all trolls.

That's some dedicated trolling.

... I really want to bring something up here but it'd turn into a religious debate I'm sure so... as I've said, I've been there so I know what they're thinking and how they feel. I think it's why we get along so well. ^_^

Oh, bring it up. If it goes to off topic, I'll punt it where it belongs.

How about just "The" would that work?

... I really want to bring something up here but it'd turn into a religious debate I'm sure so... as I've said, I've been there so I know what they're thinking and how they feel. I think it's why we get along so well.
I wasn't thinking religion per say, but there are a lot of good things out there in the world to believe in and support. Believing in a fictional pairing to the point that others think you've lost it a bit... not so much.

TBH I'm not convinced they're not all trolls.
Double negatives make my brain hurt. You think they could be all trolls? I would almost prefer that over them being all cultish and illogical.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
When I said the troll thing you guys know I just meant the ones who make stuff up right? Not the whole site. And yes it is some dedicated trolling, but have you seen what they do to Chris Chan? Stopping by a forum to make something up every so often is nothing compared to that.

I wasn't thinking religion per say, but there are a lot of good things out there in the world to believe in and support.
Well it's just I think the bible is fictional so... to me it's the same thing.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
When I said the troll thing you guys know I just meant the ones who make stuff up right?


Not the whole site. And yes it is some dedicated trolling, but have you seen what they do to Chris Chan? Stopping by a forum to make something up every so often is nothing compared to that.

Elaborate, please.

Well it's just I think the bible is fictional so... to me it's the same thing.

And? It is fictional. Or at the very least extremely heavily fictionalized, self contradictory, etc.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Have you seriously not ever heard of Chris Chan?...
Eh I don't wanna get into it here, maybe I'll PM you or catch you on AIM or something.

And? It is fictional. Or at the very least extremely heavily fictionalized, self contradictory, etc.
This is why I like you...
When I said the troll thing you guys know I just meant the ones who make stuff up right?
That's what I was half assuming, but wanted to ask to make sure. I'd agree with Ryu that it's dedicated, since some of them have been doing this for how long? I mean, to do it for a couple weeks for lulz I get, but to do it for years and never get caught... I'd be impressed.

Well it's just I think the bible is fictional so... to me it's the same thing.
Ah, I see where you're going with that... and will leave it at that.
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