So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Parasite Eve is a secret companion Japan-exclusive guidebook produced by FFVII's creators that detail Cloud and Aerith's ture relationship, and how canon Clerith is. Copies are guide hard to find though, copies on Ebay are sellling for like $1000 :/

It contains some selected short stories and artwork and the concepts behind the creation of the character.

I'm surprised TLS doesn't have the translations up yet. You should ask a moderator to get to work on it.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Funny I never got that from Parasite Eve. Maybe we got two completely different packages :monster:


Your Mom
Can someone tell me what the hell is Parasite Eve and why are Cloud and Aerith in it?
They're using that as evidence again? Oh that's so sad. I call it the Da Vinci Code mentality.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Parasite Eve is a secret companion Japan-exclusive guidebook produced by FFVII's creators that detail Cloud and Aerith's ture relationship, and how canon Clerith is.

Okay now what's it REALLY about?
They're using that as evidence again? Oh that's so sad. I call it the Da Vinci Code mentality.

Okay I guess it's a game and it has some artwork of Cloud and Aerith, right?
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
No. I am telling the absolute truth.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Notice that Tifa is shown standing by herself off to the side.
No she's next to Vivi, clearly they're in love :awesome:

In Parasite Eve II, there's a laboratory where Aya Brea tries to use a computer infected with a virus called "Fatekeeper". The anti-virus, "Cloud", is found inside the September issue of a magazine called "Aeris".
haha that's kind of cute.... Cloud the anti-virus... it's... not romantic but it's cute.
Also I just realized that this Clerith just copied and pasted from well no big deal I guess... I'm wondering if I should even bother with a retort or not.
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Higher Further Faster
lol Yuna is on the Itadaki disc twice. Anyone else notice that? XD

Okay now what's it REALLY about?

Okay I guess it's a game and it has some artwork of Cloud and Aerith, right?

Ask them how the flip Parasite Eve has anything to do with FFVII other than a couple names being thrown in there.

Oh and isn't the magazine in that game called Aeris? That's not her real name, it's a mistranslation! It's wrong! :awesome:
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I think finding Cloud 'inside' Aerith is pretty decisive proof.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda

A poster of Tifa can be seen on the wall during one scene of Xenogears. There are no cameos or references to Cloud or Aerith in this game.

OOOO. But they forget that Cloud references Xenogears while he has mako poisoning in Mideel. He repeats lyrics from a song from the game and mumbles "Xeno...gias..".

Clearly he saw Tifa's poster in Solaris, and is reaching out to her, his last shred of sanity(and in case you didn't know, shit like that is FUCKING ROMANTIC OKAY?).

It's CONNECTED, I swear. Strong proofz, ain't it. Yeeeeeeesssssss.

At 1:00 of this video of Itadaki's opening, what do ya see in the lower left of the screen? Looks like Cloud and Tifa interacting with each other. Guess he got tired of Aerith. :(

Also I just realized that this Clerith just copied and pasted from well no big deal I guess... I'm wondering if I should even bother with a retort or not.

Get ready to see more and more of this kind of thing the more you talk to Cleriths. You think they'd at least jumble the words a bit, y'know?
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
No. If they can't manage to do their own thinking, they don't deserve a response.
Well it's the closest I'm gonna get to a debate until TNC opens so I'm gonna take it. If anyone is curious here is my reply:

Actually never mind it's waaay to long and no one's gonna wanna read it.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
... actually... I uh... wrote something in the response that I didn't to want some people to see :P ... no one saw it right?
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Quexi, your response should, in full, be thus.

"If you are not going to argue with me, but copy and paste irrelevant and oft refuted websites at me instead of actually taking the time to form your own arguments in your own words, then there is no reason this should continue. Now, please. Within the actual story of Final Fantasy Seven and its canonical sequels and prequels, and not in obscure and baseless AU Symbolism, where is the C/A love? Please do be specific, and explain how by the standards you judge such things as romantic for C/A, C/T is not also romantic."

But I'd be curious to see your actual reply.


I know you all missed it. Yes a blast from the past! "LOL of the Day" pic time!


Remember folks. They would prefer Cloud dead than happy with Tifa.

Four years later I don't think this line of thought has changed much. Or maybe it just evolved into the spiritsex realm.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Okay that one made me laugh :awesomonster: I had no idea so many of them were sadist when it came to Cloud. Just another reason we get along ^_^;

.... and... okay here's my reply to her. She doesn't speak English very well so don't get on her about that. her responses are in the / / thingies

/I see no light for Cloud opens his heart to Tifa./
It's stated in the Ultimania that Cloud opened his heart to Tifa and she was the only one.

/So your opinon is Jenova wanted Cloud love Aerith? =))/
Yes Jenova is clearly a Clerith :P
No I mean that Jenova wanted Cloud to get close to Aerith so that he could eventually kill her... which of course Sephiroth ended up doing himself.

/Sorry... But after Aerith died, after Cloud found himself, do you see any chance of his character? He changed for a long time before Aerith died./

I'm not sure what you're asking sorry :(

/Cloud always talk about money before he did something for other people. Something like that happened with Tifa and Barret when they asked Cloud help the Planet. ...
Maybe shes pleased that the flower was sold, because the worried look on her face had vanished. If this smile costs only one gil, it is a good purchase." (Final fantasy Dismantle)/

Hmm I haven't read the dismantle, and that's a very sweet thing for Cloud to think. This may have been Jenova's doing as well, but again, I think it's possible Cloud had some feelings for Aerith when she was alive. I won't argue with that. I just feel that once he found himself, his feelings for Tifa were much stronger and he realizes who he was truly meant to be with.

/And when he met her again, he tried to be her bodyguard for one date. After rescued Aerith out of Shinra and brought her with him, he stoped talk about money./
See above.

/I see no. That's Aerith again. If she never comeback to heal Cloud, if Cloud couldn't hear her voice, if Cloud couldn't see her face, Tifa and other people will never can come closer to Cloud. I see nothing Tifa can do for Cloud./
It's been officially stated that Tifa was the catalyst for Cloud to get off his butt and do something. Aerith helped true, but without Tifa, he wouldn't have done anything at all. And of course Cloud wants to be forgiven by Aerith. He let her die and that was a huge loss for him. His friend died right in front of him and he couldn't save her, of course he'll want to be forgiven.

/When Tifa started to say something about the past, his memories, Cloud only though about Aerith first. That's Aerith again, who saved the world at the end of FFVII, who came back and help Cloud forgive himself. When he saw her at the first time in FFVII AC, he nearly cry. There's something only Aerith can do. Tifa can't, other people can't but Aerith can do it for Cloud./

You make it sound like I'm trying to say that Aerith wasn't important to Cloud. She was, she was very important to him. But everything you've stated here can be attributed to his guilt, not romance.

/Sorry? WTF? Tifa never be planed to be in KHII at first so I see no light for Clotis here./
But she was in KH2, in fact she helped Cloud find his light. That's pretty important. In fact, Tifa IS light from what I understand... maybe Cloud's light?

/She was planed to be in KH:FM only for fun./

/And in the opening of Itadaki street special, hello! Where's Tifa? Oh... She is in the opening, too. 2 or 3 secs before the opening ends. Never showed together with Cloud./
That's not true at about 1 minute you can see her and Cloud interacting with one another in the left corner....

/In Parasite Eve, Cloud and Aerith can be seen together in the official Amano art of them titled "Tranquility" (the one of them sitting together, surrounded by birds and animals). It's like an Easter egg/

I guess your argument is that Amano only showed the canon couples right? This was all in very early stages of development so who knows what was vs what came to be. I guess I don't really have a rebuttal argument except that Tifa didn't come into production until later. All the artwork of Cloud, Aerith and Barret had all ready been drawn by then.

/In Parasite Eve II, Cloud and Aerith's names appear yet again. In the laboratory, the computer there has a virus called "Fatekeeper". The anti-virus, "Cloud", can be found in a magazine called "Aeris" (Sept. issue)./
That's... nice but... I guess I don't see how this proves the couple is canon :P

/Disks 1, 2, and 3 of FFVII International as developed for Advent Pieces Limited have pictures of Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth. (The other members of Avalanche, including Tifa, are shown on Disk 4.)/

/In Final Fantasy IX, there was a soldier and a flower girl who greatly resembled Cloud and Aerith. The soldier ("Pluto Knight VII", as in Final Fantasy VII) declares that he is very lucky at having met such a beautiful flower girl in a destroyed city (here we see an allusion to Midgar, a city destroyed at the end of FFVII). The flower girl remarks, "He's cute, but he isn't exactly Mr. Personality." This statement fits Cloud perfectly, because we all know that he was not the most personable guy in the world. Also, the fact that these two can be found right outside a church in Alexandria hints to Cloud and Aerith, as they were first properly introduced in Aerith's church during FFVII./
So do these two become an official couple then?

/On the Itadaki Street Game Disk, Cloud and Aerith are standing next to one another like Tidus and Yuna, and Squall and Rinoa. Tifa stands by herself to the side./
Tifa is next to Vivi... Tifa X Vivi anyone?

/At one point in the game, you need to obtain the October issue of Aeris magazine in order to teach Rinoa's dog a new technique. Also, there's a shop in the city of Esthar called "Cloud's Shop". If you buy enough items at this shop, they will be given to you wrapped in a ribbon. Ribbon remind you about Aerith?/
No it doesn't, sorry.

/Something like that DID for cloud and Tifa? No./


/She wanted to have a relationship with Cloud like Aerith. That's what I can tell you for sure. Just like she wanted to have a relationship with Denzel like Cloud./
I agree, she wanted a relationship with Cloud and was jealous of Aerith being able to get close to Cloud so quickly...

/It's a small romantic here. Cloud couldn't share his pain for anyone, even Tifa.
Cloud knew about Zack's death and Zack was his good friend after Aerith died. But, his wound is Aerith, not Zack./

I'd say it was both, he has regret for both Zack and Aerith in AC/C.

/If Tifa really understand Cloud like the way she said, I'm sure that she will find out where he is, heal his wound and help him live a normal life. But Tifa couldn't do anything. Even that "family", Barret's idea./

Oh not the Barret argument...

See here's my problem, I think you're assuming you know too much about Cloud. Have you ever been so depressed you've shut everyone off? Even the most important people in your life become a burden to you. You just wanna bury your head in your pillow and sleep. You don't want anyone to help you. All you can think about is the mistakes you made.

I've been there. I had friends try to pull me out and they couldn't. I had my BF try to pull me out but he couldn't. My family as well... I just couldn't go on. I was lost... it's not that I didn't love them, but I didn't want to burden them with my problems. I became very introverted and just wanted to be left alone. Know what did help? A week in the mental hospital. Does this mean I'm romantically involved with the doctors there? No it doesn't.

I know Cloud was going through because I've been there. Doesn't mean I didn't love everyone, it just means I was in so deep that I couldn't get out by myself. Eventually I pulled out of it thanks to meds and my friends... but I don't think that it's fair to say because Tifa couldn't pull him out all by herself that he doesn't love her. Tifa's not a therapist and she didn't know how to handle it. She did the best she could and eventually became the catalyst that pulled Cloud through his problems.

/Can she make him laugh? make him cry? Make him live on?/
See above.

/Even in FF7:DC artbook. Cloud and Tifa's relationship only is childhood friends. Nothing more, nothing at all./
Okay... as kids they were childhood friends... grown up they're... more.

/Funny! So you should wait to Nomura dies to read his interview./

Nomura's dead? O_o

/I think nothing change with Case of Tifa. If he came home earlier and spends more time for Tifa, Denzel and Marlene will talk about it in CoD./

But they weren't in Case of Denzel, just Denzel was... and the fact that he mentioned Tifa and Cloud as part of his family makes me think they've worked it out.

//Not following you...//
But can't say something. =))/


/In the HW, there's some choice for you. =))
It's opinion choice box. Sorry. I never feel a special or something with that scene now and then.
And that is the only one scene Cloti fan can talk again, and again. Should I say BORED?/

All right I'll just make my point:

Most Cleriths think that Tifa was rejected under the Highwind, or that they decided to be just friends. We know Tifa loved Cloud deeply, so she must have told Cloud and he either rejected her to the point where she cried so hard that she was embarrassed that she cried.

So here's my question:
What kind of an asshole is Cloud to reject Tifa to the point where she cries where she's embarrassed about it... then goes to her a couple days later and says, "I want to start a new life with you." and leads her on? That's like insensitive asshole of the year award right there.

/When you read his interview, you build a story about Cloti. But, no, I see nothing./

Then WHY did he mention Cloud and Tifa then start talking about marriage and love? Do you think he just randomly mentions marriage in love whenever he talks?

/The original just for Cloud, Aerith, Barret! Nothing for Tifa at first! Nomura created Cloud first, and then Aerith.
And if you want to see Amano's art, i can show you some:/

Okay thanks.

/And Kistage is the one who wrote the HW scene, not Nomura. Nomura and Amano had nothing to do with that scene. That's how I feel nothing special for it./

Okay but my point still stands, see above.

Anyway I'm having fun with this so I hope I'm not bothering you. This is why I want TNC to open, I want to discuss stuff like this =P

Lemme know if I'm bugging you, I'm having fun =P
There's just something kinda embarrassing about me in there but... oh well, it's not like you can't find it when searching ED.

okay italicized her text so it's easier to read.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
You really should whip out the pic of Aerith and Sephy as "Canonz" based on Amano's art. **eyeroll** Jesus, they have the lamest arguments I have ever read. **sigh**

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You really should whip out the pic of Aerith and Sephy as "Canonz" based on Amano's art. **eyeroll** Jesus, they have the lamest arguments I have ever read. **sigh**
What about the Squall and Selphie art? Clearly canonz. :wacky:


reality is a prison
Shadowfox said:
And the points they use are all the same. It's like they all read the same (pink?) manual for how to argue in the FFVII LTD.
Can we say original?

FHS said:
You really should whip out the pic of Aerith and Sephy as "Canonz" based on Amano's art.
Well the arguement is the put the main hero with his lover and friends and the main heroine with the villian. Couldn't it be easily said that Aerith and Cloud were just friends?


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Can we say original?

Well the arguement is the put the main hero with his lover and friends and the main heroine with the villian. Couldn't it be easily said that Aerith and Cloud were just friends?

Nothing can be said about that art because it was "concept" art. Half the story was still up in the air and all the characters--Tifa, included--hadn't been fully realized or fleshed out.

Using that image of Cloud with Aerith as "proofz" is ridiculous.

But that's the thing, it's not about compilation with them, it's about hunting for clues in a giant "I Spy" love story. :sigh:
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