What do you think about Cloud?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Yeah it's easy to say that but... when depression is a chemical imbalance you can get depressed even if you have all that stuff. And I did so :monster:

People don't get depressed over nothing, and there's varying degrees of depression. There's always a cause, even if it's a legitimate medical condition, and not one brought about by events in a person's life.

Of course if I was in Cloud's position I would be depressed as well, but as I said I wouldn't be AS depressed as he was. That was my point. I never said I'd be devoid of it entirely.

I just wouldn't run away from the people who love and care for me. The last thing I'd want is to die in an abandoned church alone.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
People don't get depressed over nothing, and there's varying degrees of depression. There's always a cause, even if it's a legitimate medical condition, and not one brought about by events in a person's life.
Right and I'm saying if it's a medical thing, people might have all those things and still be depressed. But you seem to sorta agree with that so w/e :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You may just be mentally healthier than Cloud Dac. Not that that says much :monster:

That isn't for me to say, seeing as how I find myself hating both my life and myself every day at random times.

I often feel like I can't do anything right, like today when I was drawing which then carried over into the games I was playing.

It wasn't fun.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Right and I'm saying if it's a medical thing, people might have all those things and still be depressed. But you seem to sorta agree with that so w/e :monster:

Cloud doesn't have a medical condition that makes him inclined towards depression. At least he didn't in FF7, he was simply confused to an excessive degree.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh yeah the focus of this topic was Cloud, wasn't it? My b, carry on


Pro Adventurer
I never called Cloud any of that, lol. I don't prefer Zack because he doesn't 'whine'. I prefer Zack because he's a better character in my opinion. For... the reasons I already listed. Yeah, he was restless and sometimes naive, but he grew up. Yes... he jumped out of a helicopter.. in a digital sequence... not to mention he's trained for that shizz. . . Are you sure you played Crisis Core?

Yes but people do call Cloud emo and whiny, people call Squall emo and whiny, because he has trust issues and pushes people away. Yes, I have played Crisis Core... once, because I hated it. I'm saying that he jumped out of the helicopter like a kid.

I never said that he was, lol. Cloud had a lot of shit to deal with, and I don't blame him for it. I admire Zack had the strength to keep pushing forwards and sacrificed his life like he did. It doesn't mean I think Cloud is WRONG for being depressed.

It's not about being wrong or right, it's about how Cloud's character gets dissed because he has a mental illness, and I'm just saying that Cloud isn't a baby, because he's actually mentally ill in the head, because of the troubles that he's been through.

Yuffie calls him a pervert and he gets pretty offended. I don't think he LIKES being know as that. xD

Yet he still does it.

Um.. So? He calls the girl pretty... big deal?

The quote says that he makes a move on a girl, when he has a girlfriend. That's a pretty big deal.

What office lady? And did he ask her out? No. Did he dedicate his life to her? No. Was he in love with her? No. He's charming, and a flirt.

The one in the Shrina HQ, are you sure you've played Crisis Core ?

Still, he made a advancement on a girl, and that's not charming or sweet. Playboys are dirty, cheesy and creepy. How would you feel if you were Aerith and you found out, that he hits on every girl with a pulse ? You would wonder if he truly loved you, or if you were just the girl of the month.

Actually Aerith says in FF7 that he had alot of girlfriends, and he was always advancing on chicks and that he might of found somebody else in Gongaga, that doesn't sound 'charming' to me, that sounds like a cheater.

Some guys are like that. It doesn't make them bad people. Tbh, if the person I was with called someone else pretty I would not give one fuck. It's just a compliment, and I'd know who REALLY matters in their heart. Aerith obviously trusted Zack enough, and Zack loved Aerith enough to risk his life for her. I'm pretty sure the other girls don't mean a damn thing close to that to him. XD

Whut ? How are playboys not bad people ? They just see women as something to flirt with and not what's inside. That's nice, but that's just you, I know that alot of girls are uncomfortable with the playboy type. Aerith was extremely naive in Crisis Core, she was scared of the sky, and she didn't recognize that Zack was a Solider in Crisis Core, even though he was wearing the uniform right in front of her. Plus she was outside Zack's Shrina life, and they didn't see each other everyday, so how would she know that Zack was a playboy ? It sounds like she didn't find out, about Zack's flirting till she got older and more street-wise.

Edgar never was promised to anyone. Irvine pretty much only hit on Selphie, especially when he got more interested. Zidane likes girls - he stopped hitting on them when he got serious with Garnet. Edge... called all of the girls pretty, when he wasn't with ANYONE. That does not make them womanizers.

Edgar hit on Terra and Celes and Relm and Relm is ten years old, he also promised a young girl that he would marry her when she got older. How is that NOT a womanizer ?
Edge hit on Rosa and said that she was hot, and then he spends most of the time trying to get in Rydia's bed.
Zidane hit on all of the girls in Lindblum, the girl who worked in the Lindblum bar and Garnet. Are you sure you know what a womanizer is ?
Irvine's idea of a good party was having Selphie and Rinoa in his squad, and he hit on Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie btw.

Uhh... he cried when Angeal died. He was VERY upset reading Aerith's last letter. When he question what he was fighting for, he seemed very conflicted. He is not ALWAYS happy. I'm defending Zack beause what you're saying about his character is inaccurate to me. I really don't mind Cloud, so why should I defend him?

That's not depressed, that's grieving. Depressed is when you feel worthless and suicidal. Grieving over a death is different than having a mental illness.
I was pissed off when I said those things about Zack, because he always gets support, while Cloud gets called all of these horrible things. Well, I'm defending Cloud because what is being said is not accurate to me, and I knew that as soon as Zack got no love, that people would come running to his save, but Cloud gets dissed all day for being whiny etc, and nobody cares.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Actually Aerith says in FF7 that he had alot of girlfriends, and he was always advancing on chicks and that he might of found somebody else in Gongaga, that doesn't sound 'charming' to me, that sounds like a cheater.
My only issue with this is that cheaters generally have intent to hurt or don't love the person they're with. I don't think Zack had any intention of hurting Aerith. I think he thought what he was doing was okay. I think if Aerith had approached him and told him to stop, he probably would have. I think it's also a case of him not realizing what he had when he had it.

Just my two cents

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Yeah I didn't remember that shit at all, but it has been a while so I didn't want to say anything.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I think she referred to him as a "ladies man". But that could simply mean that ladies like him.


Pro Adventurer
Aerith "I think it was 5 years ago. He went out on a job, and never came back." "He loved women, a real lady's man. He probably found someone else..."

I was wrong about the alot of GFs part, but it still says that he was a ladies man and loved chicks.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

Come on guys, she's PARAPHRASING:

"I think it was 5 years ago. He went out on a job, and never
came back."
"He loved women, a real lady's man. He probably found someone

NM beaten to it
I mean yeah it's a little different from what she said but the point still stands. She knew Zack was a flirt.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I love women and a lot of female friends.

Am I ladies man? :awesome:

I wish lol

Celes Chere

Yes but people do call Cloud emo and whiny, people call Squall emo and whiny, because he has trust issues and pushes people away. Yes, I have played Crisis Core... once, because I hated it. I'm saying that he jumped out of the helicopter like a kid.

They do, but I'm not one of them. I think it's not legit to hate a character just because the other character you like gets ragged on but that's just me, idk. I hate Squall because he's an asshole, no other reason really than that. Now if we want to talk about characters I dislike because they are whiney, then let's look at Rinoa. ;P Cloud's okay in my book. But not a favorite. It annoys me in general when people toss around the word "emo" so yeah. How is jumping out of a helicopter = acting like a kid? Lol. He's trained for that stuff.

It's not about being wrong or right, it's about how Cloud's character gets dissed because he has a mental illness, and I'm just saying that Cloud isn't a baby, because he's actually mentally ill in the head, because of the troubles that he's been through.

Well uh, tough shit? Characters get bashed all the time. I agree with you that he shouldn't be put down since he had his reasons and at the same time I DO agree that he needed a slap to the face to bring him back to reality. And Tifa gave him one. XD

Yet he still does it.

Natural flirts... usually don't realize it.

The quote says that he makes a move on a girl, when he has a girlfriend. That's a pretty big deal.

But the quote is of him calling the girl pretty. The ones you are referring to. I do not consider that "hitting" on someone. So some people's idea of hitting on someone are different than others, I guess.,

are you sure you've played Crisis Core ?


Still, he made a advancement on a girl, and that's not charming or sweet. Playboys are dirty, cheesy and creepy. How would you feel if you were Aerith and you found out, that he hits on every girl with a pulse ? You would wonder if he truly loved you, or if you were just the girl of the month.

Zack never made any REAL advancements, though. At least not in my opinion. He loved Aerith. He's not dirty, or creepy. Cheesy, maybe. He doesn't hit on every girl with a pulse though, lol. Obv Cissnei was denied... big time. No.. I wouldn't. I wouldn't take them calling someone pretty as a threat. Feeling threatened like that shows lack of faith in your relationship. I won't judge until I see it, and if Aerith saw it and she said something I can bet Zack would have stopped. Lol, but she didn't say anything. And she did know he spent time with girls. Yet, the two still loved each other. So clearly she did not have a problem.

Actually Aerith says in FF7 that he had alot of girlfriends, and he was always advancing on chicks and that he might of found somebody else in Gongaga, that doesn't sound 'charming' to me, that sounds like a cheater.

She said that in FFVII when she knew he was dead. :I

Whut ? How are playboys not bad people ? They just see women as something to flirt with and not what's inside. That's nice, but that's just you, I know that alot of girls are uncomfortable with the playboy type.

I don't consider Zack a play boy so.. that's my point. A play boy is a cheater, or someone that is not dedicated to one person. A play boy is more like Edgar, and since he has no girl he's promised too he can hit on whatever he wants imo.

Aerith was extremely naive in Crisis Core, she was scared of the sky, and she didn't recognize that Zack was a Solider in Crisis Core, even though he was wearing the uniform right in front of her. Plus she was outside Zack's Shrina life, and they didn't see each other everyday, so how would she know that Zack was a playboy ? It sounds like she didn't find out, about Zack's flirting till she got older and more street-wise.

CCU states that Aerith got slightly jealous that Zack got to be around other girls.

Edge hit on Rosa and said that she was hot, and then he spends most of the time trying to get in Rydia's bed.

Yeah, he said she was hot before he was interested in anyone else. Later, he's pretty focused on just Rydia.

Zidane hit on all of the girls in Lindblum, the girl who worked in the Lindblum bar and Garnet.

Um.. so? He wasn't dating anyone then. Once he fell for Garnet all other girls were dust to him.

Are you sure you know what a womanizer is ?

Yes... I have had experiences with such scum. :/

Irvine's idea of a good party was having Selphie and Rinoa in his squad, and he hit on Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie btw.

So he appreciates fine ladies, I do too. Am I a womanizer? I know he hit on them. But he was pretty focused on Selphie later on. He doesn't see a woman and INSTANTLY love her, you know. So what if he hits on girls if he's single? That's what normal people do.


Pro Adventurer
They do, but I'm not one of them.

/ is happy <:

I think it's not legit to hate a character just because the other character you like gets ragged on but that's just me

Whut ? Your supporting Zack because I ragged on him. I don't hate Zack, he helps Cloud, he cares about Genesis even though Genesis is causing him troubles, I respect Zack and ship with madly with Cloud, I don't hate him. Though he isn't one of my top favorites.

I just... got extremely mad. Because poplaur characters, if you bash them, then you get trolled, trashed, insulted and kick till your down. But if you insult say Barret, nobody gives a shit. I said before, I knew that Zack was going to get support, while Cloud gets called bad things, and nobody bats a eyelash, or they agree with it.

whiney, then let's look at Rinoa. ;P Cloud's okay in my book. But not a favorite. It annoys me in general when people toss around the word "emo" so yeah. How is jumping out of a helicopter = acting like a kid? Lol. He's trained for that stuff.

I love Rinoa Q-Q But that would be going off topic..... I feel the same way about Zack, that you feel about Cloud. <:

It's the way he does it. He does this " Oh yeah " ! face to Angeal. He doesn't take his time calmly and plans the right time for the jump. I thought the way he did it was rather kiddy, but that's just a opinion.

Well uh, tough shit? Characters get bashed all the time. I agree with you that he shouldn't be put down since he had his reasons and at the same time I DO agree that he needed a slap to the face to bring him back to reality. And Tifa gave him one. XD

Well I'm not fond of Zack, so tough shit in return I guess. I find him to be a huge playboy, so meh.

Natural flirts... usually don't realize it.]

How do you know, you don't study psychology.

Yet, the two still loved each other. So clearly she did not have a problem.

That's because she didn't know that Zack was a flirt till later on. How can you have a issue with something you don't know about ? Aerith was a cetra, but she's not like Cait Sith, she's not a spy.

She said that in FFVII when she knew he was dead. :I

Doesn't matter. She knew then that he was a flirt, and that he loved women, and flirting with them.

I don't consider Zack a play boy so.. that's my point. A play boy is a cheater, or someone that is not dedicated to one person. A play boy is more like Edgar, and since he has no girl he's promised too he can hit on whatever he wants imo.

A playboy is somebody who hits on women IMO.

CCU states that Aerith got slightly jealous that Zack got to be around other girls.

So ? Most relationships are like that, flirt or not. When you have a crush on somebody, you don't want them to be around anybody else.

Yeah, he said she was hot before he was interested in anyone else. Later, he's pretty focused on just Rydia.

He called Rosa hot, and then he jumped for Rydia. Doesn't matter, he's still a playboy.

Um.. so? He wasn't dating anyone then. Once he fell for Garnet all other girls were dust to him.

Not truuuue. When had his on eye on Garnet, he still asked the Lindblum pub girl for a ride on a airship before the Fest of the hunt. So even though he knew and flirted with Garnet, he still had other chicks on his mind.

So he appreciates fine ladies, I do too. Am I a womanizer? I know he hit on them. But he was pretty focused on Selphie later on. He doesn't see a woman and INSTANTLY love her, you know. So what if he hits on girls if he's single? That's what normal people do.

Do you want ladies in your bed like Irvine does ? Then yes, then you are. Irvine walks around with a porno mag, and he mentions that he loves Guns and women. He only focused with Selphie because Quistis told him to GTFO, and Rinoa and Squall had a thing going on. Clearly, you don't believe in love in first sight.

Umm, okay....? Rrriight, clearly the men I know are not normal... and if you think that a man like Irvine who hits on all of girls of the squad is normal, then clearly you must hang around with alot of flirts. :/

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Celes Chere

Whut ? Your supporting Zack because I ragged on him. I don't hate Zack, he helps Cloud, he cares about Genesis even though Genesis is causing him troubles, I respect Zack and ship with madly with Cloud, I don't hate him. Though he isn't one of my top favorites.

You don't hate Zack but you think he's a naive, womanizing, two-timing, child? Okay. That doesn't make much sense to me. XD

Because poplaur characters, if you bash them, then you get trolled, trashed, insulted and kick till your down.

Cloud is by far more popular than Zack, though.

It's the way he does it. He does this " Oh yeah " ! face to Angeal. He doesn't take his time calmly and plans the right time for the jump. I thought the way he did it was rather kiddy, but that's just a opinion.

Oh... well I thought he was cute and badass seeing as he did kick ass after he landed but... :monster:

How do you know, you don't study psychology.

Lol, okay. How do you know about play boys and feminism? You don't study sociology, or women's rights, or have a degree in it.

That's because she didn't know that Zack was a flirt till later on.

She did know, though. CCU said so.

Doesn't matter. She knew then that he was a flirt, and that he loved women, and flirting with them.

Kay. And she still loved him.

A playboy is somebody who hits on women IMO.

Then every man alive is a play boy. Unless he's gay.

So ? Most relationships are like that, flirt or not. When you have a crush on somebody, you don't want them to be around anybody else.

And yet she loved Zack without expressing her jealousy and he loved her back. So... I don't see your point.

truuuue. When had his on eye on Garnet, he still asked the Lindblum pub girl for a ride on a airship before the Fest of the hunt. So even though he knew and flirted with Garnet, he still had other chicks on his mind.

He and Garnet were not very serious back when that happened. Later in the game he says how he misses her smile, her laugh, how he can't live without her... and does not think about other women the entirety of this time.

Do you want ladies in your bed like Irvine does ?

LOL. You have no idea how hard I am laughing, but yes, yes, I do.

Then yes, then you are.

Watch out, ladies. ;D

Irvine walks around with a porno mag, and he mentions that he loves Guns and women. He only focused with Selphie because Quistis told him to GTFO, and Rinoa and Squall had a thing going on. Clearly, you don't believe in love in first sight.

So... I like porn too. So? If you try with a girl that doesn't like you you move on, right? Yeah.. uh, relationships take time imo.

then clearly you must hang around with alot of flirts. :/

No, just regular guys and gals really. XD And I don't mind if they flirt. O_o


Pro Adventurer
You don't hate Zack but you think he's a naive, womanizing, two-timing, child? Okay. That doesn't make much sense to me. XD

Because he helps Cloud, he could of left Cloud alone to be collected by the Shrina while he went for it to find Aerith, but he didn't. He stayed by Cloud's side like a true friend, and he helped him while he was Mako poisoned. Also he wanted to help Genesis, even though Genesis wanted to hurt him.

Cloud is by far more popular than Zack, though.

Alot of people prefer Zack over Cloud.

Oh... well I thought he was cute and badass seeing as he did kick ass after he landed but...


Lol, okay. How do you know about play boys and feminism? You don't study sociology, or women's rights, or have a degree in it.

How do you know ? D: I could. I've studied psychology for a couple of years, if that counts for anything xD

She did know, though. CCU said so.

Well.. she still didn't like it, telling Cloud in Gongaga.

Kay. And she still loved him.

Still, she wasn't happy about it.

Then every man alive is a play boy. Unless he's gay.

I guess all of my male friends are all gay then.


Even though most of them have GFS, and one of them is married now.

And yet she loved Zack without expressing her jealousy and he loved her back. So... I don't see your point.

Again, she wasn't happy about it. It's not like she said to Cloud, oh btw Zack was a bit of ladies man but I still want to be with him.

He and Garnet were not very serious back when that happened. Later in the game he says how he misses her smile, her laugh, how he can't live without her... and does not think about other women the entirety of this time.

Still Zidane was still flirting on one than more girl, but you don't seem to have a issue with that so whatever.

LOL. You have no idea how hard I am laughing, but yes, yes, I do.


So... I like porn too. So? .

Anime tentacle rape doesn't count. I mean a actual porn magazine, with real women inside, no tentacles included.

No, just regular guys and gals really. XD And I don't mind if they flirt. O_o

GD 4 U.
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Dedicated Fan
Zack this, Zack that...could you please stop arguing and focus on the main subject of this thread?!

Oh, and by the way...I just had to post this:

Celes Chere

Alot of people prefer Zack over Cloud.

Yes... but not as much until Crisis Core. Cloud has been HIGHLY popular since 1997. A lot more popular than Zack, and he still is.

How do you know ? D: I could. I've studied psychology for a couple of years, if that counts for anything xD

And how do you know anything about me? You assumed the same thing as I did about you. ;P kay... that doesn't make you better than the rest of us. <XD

Well.. she still didn't like it, telling Cloud in Gongaga.

Um.. what? She never expressed her dislike of it TO ZACK and she still loved him. Doesn't matter what she said to Cloud, and I don't ever recall her saying that to Cloud.

Still, she wasn't happy about it.

Then she should have said something. But she didn't. And they were still intimate and truly in love so... who cares. <XD

I guess all of my male friends are all gay then.
Even though most of them have GFS, and one of them is married now.

Hey, you're the one that said all men who flirt are playboys. Are you saying those that have GFS and are married are playboys because they've flirted in their life time?

Still Zidane was still flirting on one than more girl, but you don't seem to have a issue with that so whatever.

He was also single... he's allowed to.

u mad bro?

Anime tentacle rape doesn't count. I mean a actual porn magazine, with real women inside, no tentacles included.

I do watch real porn



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Alot of people prefer Zack over Cloud.

More people prefer Cloud.

How do you know ? D: I could. I've studied psychology for a couple of years, if that counts for anything xD

I guess that makes you an expert in fictional characters.

Still Zidane was still flirting on one than more girl, but you don't seem to have a issue with that so whatever.

Can't flirt with more than one person at a time? is there also a time frame before you're allowed to move on to flirting to someone different?


Anime tentacle rape doesn't count. I mean a actual porn magazine, with real women inside, no tentacles included.

Is it not porn? Anyway, mind your p's and q's. Did you mean this as a joke or are you being rude?

Also does anyone still look at porno mags? Anyway, she's seen real porn. So have I. So have most people. Doesn't make anyone a bad person.

btw, love at first sight, even if it does exist, doesn't mean that everyone falls in love that way. And it doesn't mean people can't flirt.

But then again, I don't have a degree in psychology so what do I know.

yeah it is.



Pro Adventurer
Yes... but not as much until Crisis Core.
Yeah that was way back in 97. Crisis Core has been out for years now, and he has made a impact on alot of fans. It doesn't matter if Crisis Core came out last month, or ten years ago. Zack and Cloud are both pretty poplaur FF guys, still when it comes to Cloud vs Zack, Zack is usually preferred.

And how do you know anything about me? You assumed the same thing as I did about you. ;P kay... that doesn't make you better than the rest of us. <XD

Lol, I'm not saying that I'm better than anybody. I didn't say that I studied psychology for a while than quit because I failed and I'm alllll aweeeesome, no I didn't.

I'm just supporting a fictional character, because he's getting picked on for all the wrong reasons.

Um.. what? She never expressed her dislike of it TO ZACK and she still loved him. Doesn't matter what she said to Cloud, and I don't ever recall her saying that to Cloud.

I didn't say that she disliked Zack, I said that she wasn't happy about Zack being a flirt when she's talking to Cloud. Well it says alot, and if you're going to ignore something important about Zack and Aerith's relationship that you love to death, then your fault I guess. Don't ignore the sadness of loss at the end of the relationship between them.

Then she should have said something. But she didn't. And they were still intimate and truly in love so... who cares. <XD

Why ? She was in love at the stage, and she was still pretty naive. As said before she didn't get street- wise till the OG.

Hey, you're the one that said all men who flirt are playboys. Are you saying those that have GFS and are married are playboys because they've flirted in their life time?

No I said that men who flirt on one than more girl are playboys.

He was also single... he's allowed to.

Whelp, Zack had a GF at the time when he was still flirting. That's not single.

u mad bro?

Not really.

Celes Chere


I'm not ignoring anything about Zack and Aerith's relationship. Their tragic ending is what makes me so attracted to the couple. Well, one of the things. Aerith was naive, but she wasn't stupid.

And men have flirted with more than one girl certainly. You do not love one person your entire life, unless you are lucky enough to find that person right away. Many people go on multiple dates and through many relationships before they find the right person. He had a gf and he called a girl pretty... COMPLIMENTS ARE FORBIDDEN.

also I'm glad you're not mad because I'd tell you not to take things so seriously. I certainly am not. <XD
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