

Pro Adventurer
Hot damn. This console sounds shittier and shittier with each passing day.

My favorite thing with the Kinect is that when it's "Off," ALL it listens for is "Xbox On." ...Then it's freaking listening you idiots! I'm sure no hacker could EVER figure that out.


And that internet call-in thing is completely horrible. Like he says, military are screwed, as are everyone if Microsoft's servers are down. And imagine this - you haven't signed on in a couple days, you turn it on one night and your internet happens to be down, but you're looking to play a single player game. WELP, TOO BAD!

What a piece of dogshit. You couldn't GIVE me one of these things. Boy do I hope no one buys this thing.

Going over the recap a thought popped into my head.

How many Xbones are going to be returned by less tech savvy parents whom bought the xbone for there kids?
Internet availability is extremely sporadic in the US and there are still a ton of homes that either have slow/expensive net via satellite/ Dial up, or have no net at all.

I just cant help but to think that a portion of these house holds will get there kids an Xbone, and then either they have a hard time figuring out how to get the console to ping the server to let it play, or will realize to late that they cant use the console at all due to no net.

I for one will be searching for Xbone return rates, charts, what ever in the weeks that follow after its release :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I find myself fearful that Sony will be too dumb to capitalize on this. Seriously, ALL they have to do is walk up on stage and say, "Yeah...we're nto gonna do any o' that shit. Enjoy your games," and leave. And bam, game over. Publishers could threaten to no support them all they want, but call their bluff. Sony can survive on their own devs long enough that people would buy the not-shit console and publishers would have to come crawling back.

If Sony IS as stupid as I fear. Then it's going to be a loonnng console generation. And probably the last (except for Nintendo).

See, I'm on the other side of things. Sony's console reveal was exactly what I expected, and they're been playing VERY closely with the Indy Devs, and other Developers for what they want to do with a Console. Microsoft's reveal didn't come off feeling like that at all, so I HIGHLY doubt that Devs would bail off of the PS4 for something like supporting used games.

I think that Sony should get into what they are doing, and just make little points and build up the bridges that Microsoft is burning, but not dwell entirely on what they do that MS doesn't. They just need to make a good showing and give clear answers for what the fans want, to dominate E3.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah while I do hope that they take a moment to capitalize on MS's mess ups this last month I hope they dont go full retard with it as well.

Anyone remember the Droid Does campaign?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah while I do hope that they take a moment to capitalize on MS's mess ups this last month I hope they dont go full retard with it as well.

Anyone remember the Droid Does campaign?

I remember that campaign.

Speaking of which, I can't help but wonder if this push by Microsoft is gonna spark Google/Android to make a closer partnership with Sony/PS4. THAT could be dangerous for them.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice

Gabe posted it in the
I didnt feel like posting this in the xboxone thread nor felt like it deserved its own thread..
- but it hasn't been posted here.

EDIT: OUT FOXED BY MERE SECONDS!! ...but mine has quotes~ :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It's telling that his only complaints on the Wii U are 'Lack of games' and 'silly controller'


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


AI Researcher
I like how you can turn the PS3 on by using the controller itself. Sure, it means you have to look around for it, which is a minor annoyance if it isn't somewhere obvious (things have a habit of moving around when you want them). But you're going to need the controller anyway to use the console to do anything.

That is a much better idea than creepy Kinect always watching and listening. (Unless you turn it off and then it only listens a little?)


Chloe Frazer


Pro Adventurer
The title of this story is "Xbox One: Microsoft defends pre-owned games rules", but I think it should be "Microsoft half-heartedly compromises on pre-owned games rules". This is the first time I've heard them say that games can be "transferred" once free of charge, but only to people who have been on your Xbox One friends list for 30 days.

BBC News said:
Microsoft has clarified its position on selling and buying pre-owned titles for its new Xbox One console.

Confusion arose after it appeared the company would impose a fee for playing pre-owned games, a move that was highly unpopular with gamers.

The company has now said in a statement that games can be traded in, but only at "participating retailers".

Games can be freely passed on to friends, Microsoft added, but only once.

"Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends," the statement said.

"There are no fees charged as part of these transfers.

"There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once."


I wouldn't be surprised if they changed their rules again before launch. They're making a right mess of the PR, if nothing else.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

It's telling that his only complaints on the Wii U are 'Lack of games' and 'silly controller'

And Lack of games will probably no longer be a complaint by the time XBone and PS4 are out and the next console generation is in full-gear, as it will likely have a large amount of games by then in comparison to its competitors, due to having been released way earlier. I honestly don't get what all of this complaining about the Wii U is about. The only things I don't like about the Wii U are its stupid-sounding name(which will probably grow on me over time) and the 3.5 hour battery life of the controller. The rest of its features seem pretty neat, especially Off-TV play.


Pro Adventurer
I dont know about you guys... but when I lend my games to a friend I eventually want to get it back lol.

This one way trade bull shit is retarded, fuck that noise :monster:


Pro Adventurer
It doesn't say if the person receiving the game in a trade can then trade that same copy with someone else...I hope to think that yes, it is possible, but since it seems not a single intelligent person heads MS, I wouldn't be surprised if he/she couldn't.

I wouldn't be surprised if they changed their rules again before launch. They're making a right mess of the PR, if nothing else.

MS cares only about what they want. For that matter they'll have to fix a ton of stuff after the release of the new Xbox, just like what they are doing with W8 atm. Just as their smarter competitors in the PC market are trampling all over them, so it appears Sony will do the same for the gaming market if this keeps up.


Pro Adventurer
It doesn't say if the person receiving the game in a trade can then trade that same copy with someone else...I hope to think that yes, it is possible, but since it seems not a single intelligent person heads MS, I wouldn't be surprised if he/she couldn't.

Alot of the recaps (and I believe the one on the last page of this thread) Indicate that once the game is transferred to another player that it can no longer be transferred to another.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
no games for a $400 console is a pretty big "only"

Yes, and that only can be corrected by publishing more games for it, which Nintendo needs to fucking do, along with fucking advertise.

Meanwhile, the flaws for PS4 and the Bone are rather instrinsic design flaws with how the consoles are even envisioned.


wangxian married
>nintendo being intelligent about marketing

dream big, ryu. dream big.


unsavory tart
In Nintendo's defense, they're being moar intelligent than Microsoft.
That's not much of a defense all things considered.

I could take a picture of a half eaten sandwich, post it on the internet with a note saying "Fuck you, sincerely Microsoft" and that would probably go over better than the conference. They could probably hire me for head of marketing.


Harbinger O Great Justice
@AllTheEras: I just sent you a message about why that was happening. It should be resolved now.

X :neo:
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