Wanted to share some thoughts after taking a bit of a break from FF7R.
For me, FF7R lacks a certain "pick up and play" quality I enjoy in other games. I need to be in a "story first" mindset to get into it. This is different from something like DMC5, which I still boot up weekly. DMC5 is great because I can engage with each component I enjoy separately. For example, sometimes I like to
test stuff in the training room, sometimes I soak in the environment during a mission. Sometimes I just rewatch cutscenes in the gallery.
I'm not saying that FF7R is inherently bad because it lacks that "pick up and play" quality. My two favorite games are "story first". And I like that FF7R has nontraditional pacing, balancing its "dungeon" and "town" chapters. I just really wish FF7R had a cutscene viewer lol.
Another reason I needed a break is burnout. For two months I consumed and regurgitated everything FF7R. Listening to soundtrack rips at work, organizing my playthrough thoughts in Notepad++, collecting high-quality character renders. After beating the game a third time I desperately needed a taste breaker.
However, I recently watched
Game Score Fanfare's excellent soundtrack analysis and could feel those FF7 juices flowing again haha. I already have my next playthrough planned out: fresh save file, enable automatic weapon progression, and NO treasure. Basically I want to make FF7R feel more like an action game, which
Tim Rogers has convinced me is what the developers wanted to create all along. This has the benefit of making the game shorter
and more challenging. I've also got to do all the side quests. I have a weird thing where I have to make NPCs happy, otherwise I feel wrong.