Lv. 25 Adventurer
- piggles
He kinda has to be passive though because there comes a point in the story where both Cloud and the audience are led to believe that he’s not even a person, merely the product of an experiment…there’d be no reason for Cloud to believe it and have a mental breakdown if he was as aware of the lie as somebody would be if they were actively faking it up, so even though Cloud calls himself the “master of his own illusionary world”, I don’t think that’s meant to be taken so literally seeing as he still makes a point to answer Barret’s “pretty damn strong for an illusion” with an explanation of Sephiroth and Jenova’s influence
Well, in the remake we have:
- Cloud falsely remembering Tifa calling out to him as a child
- Cloud constantly being harassed by Sephiroth (and I want to reiterate, the reason Cloud is so special to Sephiroth is likely because he’s the one who managed to defeat him)
- Sephiroth making Cloud stumble through a vision of Nibelheim on fire before mocking him about killing his mother
- Cloud constantly having visions of the future, in particular with allusions to Aerith’s death (an event that Jenova nearly succeeded in having Cloud carry out himself in the OG)
- Cloud briefly turning into a zombie in the Shinra building, stumbling down a hallway and mumbling about Jenova while hearing Sephiroth’s voice during the Nibelheim incident
- Cloud freaking out at the mere mention of Jenova’s name by Aerith
- Cloud clearly still believing himself to be a SOLDIER and Hojo nearly spoiling the reveal before being carted away by the time jannies
- Sephiroth trolling Cloud into killing fate and pursuing him (in actuality being summoned by Sephiroth as we learned in the OG)
There’s just too much going on here with Cloud due to external factors (even more so now than in the OG I’d argue) for me to consider him to be any less of a puppet in Remake
Maybe I should be making my argument this way: like you say, Cloud is special to Sephiroth is likely because he knows Cloud defeated him. The time jannies try to keep things on course because something keeps interfering and trying to change how things occurred in the original game (again, most likely Sephiroth).
Sephiroth pulled out a copy of the original game, sat down and played through it. He took notes on what succeeded and what failed, learned from his mistakes and how he could do better. Sephiroth has decided he's going to create a remake of this game, one in which he wins. He's going to manipulate Cloud so that it actually works in his favor.
Sephiroth is turning Cloud into a liar because that is the point. He noticed the guilt he felt over something that was ultimately not his fault and kicking it up to an eleven. He wants him to feel really, really bad about it. He's turning the successful flukes into the features of his plan. Cloud is still his puppet. I put this in spoiler tags a few pages back because I didn't want to upset someone who may not have wanted to see it, but I'm just gonna post it naked (slightly revised):
Sephiroth knows Cloud's deepest wants and fears. Instead of forcing him to forget, he wants him to remember everything so that Cloud himself will tell the lie. Cloud has always wanted to be a SOLDIER. The mental breaking point will still be Sephiroth showing Zack at Nibelheim, but instead of it being about Cloud not being there, it will be about how Cloud was there. The onus is going to be on Cloud to admit the truth. He's not going to. Admitting it isn't an option because he still hasn't gotten his shame about not making it. Tifa is going to have her crisis of confidence in him, causing him to finally break and fall under Sephiroth's control and turn him into a vegetable. Cloud will have screwed over himself, which is exactly what Sephiroth wants.
Sephiroth has had the party defeat the Whispers. They can't derail his revised plans of world domination by keeping fate on course. And he's out for Cloud.
If we hadn't already played the OG, would we know those memories were false?
Cloud is more of a puppet than he knows, but less of a puppet than Sephiroth would like him to think. A degree of self-awareness is essential; Sephiroth couldn't torment him if he didn't still have some free will left. Jenova never completely controls him, but he (almost) never acts completely freely either. He's on a long leash. It's more fun for Sephiroth that way.
And more effective. And more interesting. And more fun.
Edit: to not double-post
I'll elaborate more on what I mean by Sephiroth taking notes from the original game.
He wants to take out Cloud, right? So he took detailed notes of the Lifestream sequence and Cloud later explaining himself. To really screw with his head, he should go after the things that Cloud himself has in his head.
In the Remake, Sephiroth taunts Cloud about the following:
-being weak
-not being able to save people
-wanting to become stronger
This all originates from the memory of Tifa falling at Mt Nibel. This memory is also the very one that restores Cloud's mind because it proves that he is human and not just a clone. He's able to recover mentally because of this. It is him remembering him who he actually is, which allows him to break free from Sephiroth's control. Sephiroth, looking at this says, "oh so this is what makes you tick..." What's particularly great about this is is that Sephiroth is a part of this memory too, since the Mt Nibel fall is what motivates Cloud to join SOLDIER to become just like him. So when Cloud falls into the church and has his little flashback to Mt Nibel, Sephiroth now shows up (new to the Remake) and reminds Cloud of this by saying:
"I am your everything."
Because Sephiroth literally did become his everything due to that incident. And he wants Cloud to see him that way again.
But Cloud has too much resolve. He's resisting. Sephiroth has to break him. He's got to take away the sources of his resolve. He has learned that Tifa is the ultimate source of that from what happened when Cloud finally broke at the Northern Crater. He no longer had any willpower left and could not fight back. And it was Tifa's doubts that caused the crisis of confidence. We know this because Cloud tells her it is only her opinion that matters. The Remake reinforces this point when Tifa comments that Cloud has "lost that hard edge." He asks her if it's a bad thing because he is sensitive to her opinion of him. This is one of those flukes that worked in Sephiroth's favor. It's something he should try to make happen again.
He knows how Cloud felt about deceiving everyone, intentional or not. Want to make that guilt worse? Make it real. In order to do that, Cloud has to become aware of the truth. Get him to do the lying all by himself. Instead of trying to deny Cloud his humanity, use it against him so he digs his own grave. It's been proven to Sephiroth that Cloud can kick his ass. Want to take him out? Go for his jugular.
Edit again: the big signal that points to the direction of Cloud becoming a liar
The Alone At Last scene with Tifa:
It starts with her asking him about his time since he left Nibelheim. Not if he really was a SOLDIER or not. He is startled by the question, pause to think about it, moves away and turns his back to her. He tells her vagaries about working for Shinra. She presses again, asking about after he quit, acknowledging that it's a sensitive subject. His response:
He gets mad at her and shuts down the conversation.
He has a problem talking about this, regardless of what he actually remembers (or doesn't remember at all). He's not willing to come out with it and is keeping it hidden. She didn't question his identity or whether or not the things he says are true. But regardless he refuses to answer her. For some reason, he's withholding information that should otherwise be relatively harmless to share. Whatever it is he remembers, he feels it's too sensitive to share. He's already hiding something. This is where it starts.
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