I'm preaching to the choir a bit, I realise, but I just have to weigh in on the latest LTD deception doing the rounds: "all dates are equal, no romance is canon, you can pick who you like and it's part of the story and by design"
I can't stress enough how this talking point is actually a not-so-subtle act of subterfuge. It's essentially saying, ah, yes, maybe in your game Aerith loves Zack and Cloud loves Tifa, but in my game Cloud loves Aerith (and Tifa/Zack fade into obscurity) and that's just as valid! It's a roundabout way of arguing head-canon trumps actual canon, what you believe is more important than what the reality is.
Ultimately this "everyone wins" sentiment may come across as favourable to many, I see it oft upvoted on Reddit for example, it is nothing less than a way to write Tifa's entire character out of the narrative. Aerith has a role, she's the last of the Cetra, she has control of not one but two distinct ways of saving the entire planet from the disaster that is yet to come. Tifa cannot do this, all she can do is heal Cloud's broken mind, support him and stand by his side as his love interest.
Similarly, it removes everything Zack fought for, everything he continues to fight for, his purpose and motives. He already became a hero in Crisis Core, he's long over that, his last thoughts at the finale and his first thoughts in Remake were "I need to get back to Aerith" - Aerith's own story makes no sense if it's not coupled with her continued longing for Zack. Indeed, her entire arc with Cloud is based on the narrative that she feeds his SOLDIER fantasy with the bodyguard role in a desperate attempt to relive her lost romance. It's not some footnote or minor plot point that changes depending on one's actions. It's the story.
So too, the Gold Saucer dates are not an easter egg. One is not anymore "canon" than the other. Cloud is Cloud and his personality and interests don't change one way or another. I recommend everyone use the menu to watch all the GS dates and if at any point you think "hang on, that one must not be canon" then I suggest you're barking up the wrong tree on the story - because one, and only one, of the dates is unambiguously romantic.
As noted earlier, the dates are enlightening because they show how Cloud and co would react with each character in that given situation. I loved watching Barret step in to defend Cloud from the VR and give him relationship advice (careful observers will note the Tifa's Theme motif plays briefly here) For the girls, the devs are telling us that if you put Cloud and Tifa there he's going to kiss her, but put Cloud and Aerith there and he won't.
These things are not equal. It's being spelled out and if you can't see that then that's a you problem.