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Cookie Monster

Not a bug per say, but with the upgrade, most of the fields in Account Details are now limited to 15 characters. You may want to extend those a little. :monster:

EDIT: Also, is there a way we can upload images for signatures, or can it only be done via URL?


The AKA field is set to 15 characters, this means that people won't be able to change profile details if their AKA fields currently have more in them (i.e. you Road). Basically when you go to save it'll give you a message like "error" because your AKA field has more. I would just change it to "Road" then it'll let you save, new AKA field rule is to pick your most-used one name and never change it. Also hey Road you've been missed as usual <3

Unfortunately no. There's a Xenforo plugin to do it but I couldn't find one for Xen 2.x which is what we're on. We'd definitely be able to write something in, but do we need to hack it or can people just get by using image links?

It's weird as fuck that Xenforo supports uploading images to actual posts really easily but somehow can't enable the same damn feature for user signatures. But here we are.


Thanks <3


What's the craic with the Content Creator sexion? Are we all meant to be able to see it or is it meant to be hidden or did you do the permission mask thing I suggested?
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I like to think Xf is still in active development, so features like uploading signature images might be added later. Right now we're on Xf 2.0.9, and Xf 2.0 was released in November 2017. Mind you though, looking at the release history, it looks like they worked on it for two years (1.5 was released in August 2015); not sure what they've done between 1.5 and 2.0.

I've had the pleasure (urgh) to look at the code yesterday, they're doing some fucky stuff. I mean you can tell they've spent a lot of time on polishing and standardizing it, but there's still a load of weird architectural decisions;

* Full template system on the one hand, 3000+ line files with html being concatenated on the other which is then referred to via 'proprietary' xml-like tags like <xf:userbanner> or something.
* Neat small files that do a single thing on the one hand, but they return a string which is a dynamicly generated bit of code that is evaluated elsewhere

But hey, it's fast, it's got low dependencies (unlike discourse, urgh), etc.

Re: content creator, IIRC it's like a private section for content creators?


3x3 Eyes
As it stands, Content Creator has been split into three sections, only one of which is hidden. The first public segment is for recent releases to the community, enabling thoughts, feedback and opinions. The second public segment is for anyone to make suggestions on future content, of if they would like to get involved. The third segment is the hidden one for Content Creators only, which allows for crucial links, resources, versions of videos, and anything else that needs to be kept private, private.


What's the craic with the Content Creator sexion? Are we all meant to be able to see it or is it meant to be hidden or did you do the permission mask thing I suggested?

I went with a hybrid - there's nothing in any of them yet but as Claymore said there are 3 sections. Two are open and the other is for projects that are better left private til they're released/ sensitive files like TLS graphics etc. we might not want to be public in case someone knocks an idea or whatever. I made a sticky in there basically saying keep it professional, no chit chat etc.

The other two sections are supposed to be public yeah :)

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
This was already brought up on Discord, but I figured I'd bring this up here too.

In Firefox and Edge, the badges for forum rolls (Moderator, Donator, Great Old One, etc.) don't show up. Instead you see all the text names one after the other.


Ergo, V
Not exactly a bug as such but when using the mobile version there isn't an obvious way to click on the last page of a thread.


Great Old One
I've made posts in the private feedback section about various permission rights - to not spam any further in there lol I want to add that it's not new threads requiring approval that makes me not being able to view them, because it's the same for older posts as well :monster: (I'm not allowed to view my own threads)


Pro Adventurer
I second what @Ergo mentioned about not being able to go to the last page of a thread on the mobile version, like so:


Could I also make a suggestion to add page numbers...
89DE3B39-37E8-4F44-A4CF-0367E1B9A093.jpeg the top of the screen in addition the bottom if this is possible?

Appreciate all the great work!!


Great Old One
@BforB @Ergo

On mobile:
  • If you click on the date it will take you to the last post made in the thread.
  • If you have unread messages in a thread, clicking on the title will take you to your first unread post.
  • (If you don't have unread messages in a thread, clicking on the title will take you to the first post in the thread.)

Also you can fast travel to the bottom by using the arrows :monster: Just takes a bit getting used to.
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So, the banner image issue has been "fixed"

By which I mean for some bizarre reason Firefox (and presumably other browsers) display an extra 20 pixels in height. I've "resolved" this by changing the banner image to 220 pixels in height (chrome shows 200px exactly, it simply crops so there's no change to how it looks on Chrome).

I also did this at the suggestion of @Radigar , which would have fixed the issue without me having to edit images:


So fab, thanks for that.

The icon issue I don't know what to do about, that was written by Yop and should be displaying correctly.


So, the banner image issue has been "fixed"

By which I mean for some bizarre reason Firefox (and presumably other browsers) display an extra 20 pixels in height. I've "resolved" this by changing the banner image to 220 pixels in height (chrome shows 200px exactly, it simply crops so there's no change to how it looks on Chrome).

I also did this at the suggestion of @Radigar , which would have fixed the issue without me having to edit images:

View attachment 1502

So fab, thanks for that.

The icon issue I don't know what to do about, that was written by Yop and should be displaying correctly.
I dunno if it's cos I have an itsy bitsy monitor or whatever, but I could only see like a well zoomed Cloud ear on the banner before and now I can see the whole image and like Sephiroth too so THANKS FOR DOING THIS it looks really good <3


I dunno if it's cos I have an itsy bitsy monitor or whatever, but I could only see like a well zoomed Cloud ear on the banner before and now I can see the whole image and like Sephiroth too so THANKS FOR DOING THIS it looks really good <3
Same here, I didn't realise we were suppose to be able to see Sephiroth on this banner :P


Great Old One
@Cthulhu re: badges,

content: url(role_icons/donator.png);

Firefox doesn't like that apparently, it wants a ::before if you're to use content: url. Or, you know, just using background instead. An' shit.

(Also lol did you check out the languages for the code tag, it's got all sorts of weird shit in there)


Pro Adventurer
@Cthulhu , @Lex
This code should fix the issue:

/* Fix for Badges in Firefox by Radigar */
@-moz-document url-prefix() {

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner>strong,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner>strong {
            display: none;

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.administrator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.administrator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/admin.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--action {
        content: url('role_icons/community-manager.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.donator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.donator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/donator.png');

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.great-old-one::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.great-old-one::before {
        content: url('role_icons/great-old-one.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.moderator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.moderator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/moderator.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.tls-creator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.tls-creator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/tls-creator.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.staff-emeritus::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.staff-emeritus::before {
        content: url('role_icons/staff-emeritus.png')



Pro Adventurer
This was already brought up on Discord, but I figured I'd bring this up here too.

In Firefox and Edge, the badges for forum rolls (Moderator, Donator, Great Old One, etc.) don't show up. Instead you see all the text names one after the other.

What's weird is I only noticed this issue last night with the badges. I use Firefox primarily and when the new site first went live, all those badges were visible for me. Idk what happened.


@Cthulhu , @Lex
This code should fix the issue:

/* Fix for Badges in Firefox by Radigar */
@-moz-document url-prefix() {

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner>strong,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner>strong {
            display: none;

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.administrator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.administrator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/admin.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--action {
        content: url('role_icons/community-manager.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.donator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.donator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/donator.png');

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.great-old-one::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.great-old-one::before {
        content: url('role_icons/great-old-one.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.moderator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.moderator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/moderator.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.tls-creator::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.tls-creator::before {
        content: url('role_icons/tls-creator.png')

    .message-cell.message-cell--user .userBanner.staff-emeritus::before,
    .message-cell.message-cell--action .userBanner.staff-emeritus::before {
        content: url('role_icons/staff-emeritus.png')


Thanks, issue should be resolved. Maybe not for Edge though.

I also gave you the TLS Creator badge because you're supposed to have it and you didn't. I'm catching the stragglers as they post :monster:


Pro Adventurer
@Lex for Edge works the same css rules but you can target this navigator with:

@supports (-ms-ime-align: auto) {

instead of

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
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Also done. If Yop wants to edit his original code to apply to everything else we can remove it from extra.less when the time comes.


Pro Adventurer
I found other issue with old media BBcode for youtube videos. The width size of the table generated by this bbcode isn't responsive.

Issue thread
Window Chrome resized:

Android device:

Testing new XF BBcode:


By the other hand I realized that now that the server has its own SSL certificate there is some mixed content being served by http instead of https. This issue make that some threads lost web browser security signal (Google advice). For some of this issues are complicated to solve because are images linked from old posts, but in other cases they are about images that appear in the users signature.

This could be fixed noticing to the users to use images from a secure sources with https and in that cases where the source server not support https they could reupload and relinked this images for a better forum visualization
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If everyone could use the media tag rather than manually typing the bbcode for youtube that will stop this type of thing from happening :monster:

In fact, you can literally just paste a youtube link and when you post it'll automatically post the video rather than the link. Where possible avoid manual BBCode and use the buttons in the post editor (unless you're sure the BBCode will work).


Also done. If Yop wants to edit his original code to apply to everything else we can remove it from extra.less when the time comes.

Whaddyamean with this? I'm having a hard time parsing this :monster:. I've put the css for the badges over in the messages template instead of extra.less, but, should move it over there.

Looking into the youtube issue now; old posts can get their bbcode changed to a width 100% or something, will look into disabling or discouraging use of the youtube tag.

edit: Okay I've updated the output of the old youtube and youtubehd tags so that they match Xf's format; I think (if Xf is similar to vB) the rendered posts are cached though, the change isn't visible yet. Could probably hit a button to regenerate it. I've removed it from the example / documentation page too so it should be harder to find. In either case, it shouldn't be obvious anymore that the youtube tag is being used vs the native detection. Will that work?

Also are there any other leftover bbcodes we could do without? Blinkies for example is neat, but probably very much broken and hasn't been used in forever. pxsize was good for a laff but eh. Are gifv and gfycat working automagically now? I'll remove those from the list too if they're no longer necessary.
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