MOPIL, I don't know where this ridiculous defense of Tifa comes from, but it's a defense she herself doesn't even make. You're being less honest about the character than she herself ultimately is.
Hey, I'm just calling it as I see it. I can't force you to agree with me."
MyOwnPathInLife wrote:
The answer is "no" unless the recruiter is also the one giving orders to attack. Last I checked, Barret was the one calling the shots, not Tifa.
That's bull. Tifa is responsible for her own actions. Barret is not. She recruited a superbeing for the purpose of blowing up a reactor -- she alone is responsible for her own choices.
Cloud is responsible for his own choices too. He made the choice to accompany Barret. He made the choice to set the bomb. She's not the one ordering Cloud around."
MOPIL wrote:
Scarlet wasn't around for the planning but in Heidegger:
MOPIL wrote:
1. Unless Heidegger ordered the execution, responsibility falls on the soldier alone
2. Heidegger is as responsible as Reno and Tseng are for Sector 7 because he specifically ordered them to destroy the pillar. Guilt would be shared between them
To slightly paraphrase you, "President Shinra was the one calling the shots, not Heidegger."
And I wasn't actually asking for you to respond to the questions about Heidegger and Scarlet. I was giving you examples of analogies that would better fit the military example you had used previously.
Unless they outrank the commanding officer or are the CO themselves, recruiters have no control over the orders said CO gives a recruit.
MOPIL wrote:
The fact that they're a smaller organization makes it easier to determine individual guilt or innocence.
Precisely my point. Each person there knows what they are there for and is responsible for their choices in being there and contributing to the group's goals.
That also proves my point in that it makes it easier to determine who did what. Just as we don't hold Reeve responsible for Sector 7, Tifa shouldn't be held responsible for Reactor No. 1
MOPIL wrote:
Again, all she did was recruit Cloud. The rest of that first attack is Barret giving the order and Cloud choosing to carry out that order. Just as not every Shinra exec isn't guilty of the exact same atrocities, not everyone in AVALANCHE is guilty of the exact same crime.
By that logic, Tifa is more responsible than anyone save Barret. She provided the base. She provided resources. She even brought in additional manpower.
Are you going to call every army recruiter a war criminal because of another soldier's war crime?
MOPIL wrote:
Neither in game nor the novellas says that she outright planned or helped plan the attack. Hell, we don't even know if she knew every detail right before the attack.
Oh, bullshit. She knew exactly what was going down. Don't even try it.
Knowing is one thing. Having the ability to stop it is an entirely different matter. Reeve knew that they were going to bomb Sector 7 yet we don't hold him responsible for it do we? How do we know Tifa could have stopped them? Tifa is a strong woman but this is Barret and Cloud we're talking about here? Plus we don't know how good Biggs, Wedge, or Jessie are in a fight either. She couldn't go to Shinra because :
A: She had no reason to trust them because of the Nibelheim incident
B: Considering the lengths that they went to cover up Nibelheim, death would have been the least of her worries.
You want to talk about what the novellas say? Alright, let's take a look at Case of Tifa:
The Shinra Electric Power Company developed mako energy, and the world flourished because of it. The land was always bathed in light—but at the same time, the shadows turned a shade darker. The anti-Shinra group Avalanche worked to bring that darkness to the world's attention.
Mako is made by sucking away the life coursing through the planet.
Mako will lead the planet to ruin.
But their constant efforts were in vain. The world didn't change. Now that the world knew the blessings of mako, leaving it behind proved too difficult. Avalanche, hoping to change that, resorted to more extreme measures. Midgar, City of Mako, was home to many people, and so Avalanche blew up the mako reactor that produced the energy they consumed.
The reactor explosion wasn't a spur of the moment decision by a single individual. It was something the group as a whole planned when their initial efforts didn't change anything.
Let's read on further:
She had considered a small number of sacrifices unavoidable for the sake of a greater purpose. Any qualms she had were smothered by the self-absorption of knowing they were putting their own lives on the line.
From the outset, Tifa knew ordinary people were going to get caught in the crossfire. She chose to justify that to herself in various ways, though -- e.g. it was for a greater purpose and the members of AVALANCHE were willing to risk their own lives.
No, she didn't know that innocent bystanders were going to be killed in the crossfire. None of them did. Note her exact words after Sector 7:
"Are you saying it's our fault. Because AVALANCHE was here? Innocent people lost their lives because of us?
By "sacrifices" she means her own life if need be as well as any soldiers Shinra would doubtless send her way. She's simply saying that she was willing to fight to the death if said soldiers came after her or her comrades.
The novella doesn't stop there, however:
She hated Shinra and Sephiroth so much it hurt. Then she joined Avalanche. Yes. It started with my own personal grudge. The anti-Shinra, anti-mako slogans Avalanche adopted were the perfect way to mask her true motives. But the loss of life was too great, even when weighed against the planet they were trying to save. And if it was all for one person's revenge...
The guilt waited its turn deep in her heart.
Her justification for knowingly participating in activities that would lead to civilian deaths was a bullshit lie. She was lying to herself. She let other people die for her own vendetta. It's right there, plain to see.
So she wanted revenge. Revenge is a common motivation for heroes.And I say again she had no intention of involving innocent bystanders in her battle against Shinra. Read what she says after Sector 7.
MOPIL wrote:
And again, if the recruiters don't give the orders to attack, the recruiters aren't responsible for anything the recruit does.
You can't really believe that someone who recruits another for the purpose of carrying out destruction and murder has no claim to the blame when said destruction and murder gets carried out. That's absurd.
Army recruiters expect recruits to go after soldiers, not innocent bystanders. No recruiter is responsible for a soldier becoming a war criminal.
MOPIL wrote:
Also, said recruits could have walked away or refused to carry out an order.
Damn straight. Each person is responsible for their choices. Tifa's speak for themselves.
And then we have a novella to speak for them too.
MOPIL wrote:
Just saying "we" is a vague statement at best. That doesn't mean she's claiming responsibility for both bombings.
Hey! What's gonna happen to Marlene!?
Cait Sith
Doncha worry none, Marlene's in a safe place. She's with Aeris' mama.
What was that scratching just now!?
As long as Marlene is safe, who cares what else happens, right?
I been itchin' to say this to ya fer a while now!
When ya blew the Midgar No. 1 up, how many folks d'ya think died?
...that was for the life of the planet. Ya gotta expect a few casualties.
Cait Sith
A few? Whaddya mean 'a few'? What may be a few to y'all is everythin' to them who died......
Protect the planet. Hah! Y'all sure sound good!
Ain't no one that'd go against ya. So ya think ya can do whatever y'all want?
I don't wanna hear that from no one in Shinra...
Cait Sith
......nuthin' I can do 'bout that...
Stop it!
Cait Sith...... Barret, he knows what he did.
What we did in Midgar can't be forgotten no matter what the reason.
Look at that closely: "What we did." They're talking about reactor no. 1.
Here's the line from the Japanese version if you need it: 私たちがミッドガルでやった事は、どんな理由があってもけして許されない……。
Tifa said "watashi-tachi" (私たち
![Wink ;) ;)](/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif)
-- that's "we."
Again, just saying "we" doesn't prove anything. She could be talking about both reactors and even then she's not claiming individual responsibility for the No. 1 attack. If Cait Sith talking about both reactors, don't you think he would have mentioned both reactors?
MOPIL wrote:
She could be just claiming involvement for the second reactor attack and as I keep saying, there's no proof that anybody was killed then.
Oh, yes, because she should feel guilt amounting to self-loathing over blowing up what you claim was an empty building. Could you at least be consistent with your argument on this?
She feels guilt and self loathing because she blames herself for Sector 7 and Midgar's destruction during Meteorfall. That's why she adopts Denzel.
MOPIL wrote:
Again, I stress that there is nothing outright saying that she masterminded or helped to mastermind the first reactor bombing.
And, again, you are verifiably wrong. Tifa's own thoughts in Case of Tifa tell us she knew what was coming.
I say again, nobody knew that the Reactor No. 1 attack was going to be the disaster that it turned out to be. The only reason that first bomb killed so many is because Jessie made the bomb too powerful.
Next you're going to tell us that Tifa wasn't really a member of AVALANCHE, or that she just accidentally activated the lift down to her basement one day and discovered that they had built said basement without her knowledge and were using it as a base to plan terrorist activities, also without her knowledge.
The bar wasn't even originally hers. In Crisis Core, there's an easter egg where a guy is planning to open up a bar and trying to determine a name. Guess what the official answer is. As for the basement, it could have been built in before she was given ownership and just converted into a base for AVALANCHE.
MOPIL wrote:
As for Shinra personnel being killed, that's all a matter of gameplay. (L1 + R1 is there for a reason.) I've played through the Sector 5 mission more times than I can count and not once have I run into a human enemy inside or on the way to the reactor.
That depends on whether the Special Combatant enemy (a variation of the Grunt enemy encountered in the first reactor) is a human-type or machine. It's probably a human-type. They disappear in a solid state like the MP enemies instead of flying to pieces as they fade away like Sweepers and 1st Rays.
Compare also to the Mighty Grunts in the Shin-Ra Building. Their red armor flies off in an animation like when machine-type enemies are destroyed, but the personnel wearing that armor fade in a solid state when killed thereafter. If killed in a single powerful attack that depletes all of their HP while their red armor is still on, they fade in a solid state, red armor and all.
You'll also notice that the three Mighty Grunts encountered on the 59th floor of the Shin-Ra Building appear as human guards on the field map before shouting "Destroy the intruders!" and rushing into battle with Cloud, Tifa and Barret. Likewise, the four Mighty Grunts posted on the next floor appear as human guards on the field map.
Furthermore, the smaller suit of armor they all wear beneath their red armor is similar to that of the Grunt and Special Combatant enemies.
So, yeah, I'm calling it: there are human personnel that can be fought in the no. 5 reactor. You are correct, however, that this is an element of gameplay and may not necessarily reflect who is in the facility.
Again L1+R1 is there for a reason.
In any case, the no. 1 mako reactor is the more relevant matter.
MOPIL wrote:
I use the word "terrorist" very loosely, if at all. Terrorism isn't so much about the means of the attack, as it is about who's being targeted. Despite the civilian deaths, AVALANCHE wasn't out to just kill everyone in sight.
They are terrorists, carrying out large-scale sabotage and destruction for political purposes aimed at overthrowing the established order, and done with little to no consideration for collateral damage, up to and including deaths among the civilian population. They're terrorists.
So are we terrorists for overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Were the resistance movement in Iraq terrorists for overthrowing him. Were the French Resistance terrorists for acts of sabotage against the German Occupation.
MOPIL wrote:
Bombed Mako Reactor No. 1 - Civilian casualties
Bombed Mako Reactor No. 5 - No casualties mentioned or proven
- Bombed unsuspecting people of Kalm (and either executed them or fed them to Hojo)
- Bombed unsuspecting people of Corel (not so much bombed as torched and massacred)
- Dropped the plate on unsuspecting people of Sector 7
- Feeding the Nibelheim survivors to Hojo
- Project Jenova
- Deepground
I never said that there weren't any similarities, but you have to account for differences as well.
If they were the same, AVALANCHE wouldn't be heroes. That doesn't change that they made some choices that made them more similar to Shin-Ra than they initially believed themselves to be.
I say again, I never disputed the fact that there were similarities.
MOPIL wrote:
You completely missed my point. Neither in the game nor in the novellas does she outright say that she planned or helped plan the attacks. Her offering aid and succor would be , at most, "Obstruction of Justice"
Though our real-world criminal offenses likely don't apply wholesale to FFVII's setting, obstruction of justice doesn't apply here, nor does perverting the course of justice. Tifa's actions would be charged as straight-up conspiracy to commit terrorism.
Okay, I'll give you that, though I still say she doesn't deserve to be executed for that.
MOPIL wrote:
Headcanon at best. We don't know what happened or how long those power outages lasted. Plus one would think a city as advanced as Midgar would have backup power sources reserved in the event of a reactor malfunction.
I wasn't talking about within the fiction, as it didn't sound like you were ("... last I checked, a power outage didn't warrant getting tossed in a gas chamber"). But it would apply either way if it resulted in any of those things.
In our world, yes it would. However there's no mention in-game or the novellas that it did, is there. Besides, we don't know the structure of the upper-plate cities to be sure where each individual sector had a hospital or not.