Fairheartstrife, I didn't think it was possible for your sigs to get any snarkier. Thank you so much for proving me wrong.
I don't think any April Fool's joke we pull will ever top our first one sadly. That had the perfect combination of circumstance, creative minds, and Compilation material being released to truly be a legendary prank. But that won't stop us from trying.
By the way, I saw this, and felt it deserves special addressing:
By the way, if a Clourith over their at TLS forums made an essay supporting Clourith would they post it on the front page like they did for the Cloti essay, or would they ignore it? You should ask them that.
If they could write an essay that cites numerous creator commentary sources that state Cloud had a romantic relationship with Aerith and has feelings for her now, while giving a point by point explanation as to how these sources refute the ones in Squall_of_SeeD's article. Sure. If they're confident that their interpretation is the one that matches up the creators I'd be more than happy to host it. But if it's the same old Devotion.com/Clerith.com stuff, then they're gonna have to do better than that.