
Dissidia – Character Vs Character lines

by January 14, 2009 0 comments

Within Dissidia, every character has a set of lines they state when beginning a match. About ten to fifteen of these are generic, but they also have a specific line for each of the other characters which makes for 528 unique introductions. I’ve gone through a translated these lines with help from the transcriptions posted at The Japanese Dissidia Wiki.

Note: The reason why characters on the side of Chaos also have lines for challenging him is because any character can face him in the Duel Coliseum.

Warrior of Light Garland
Vs Warrior: I have faith I will surpass you!
Vs Firion: Your feelings alone won’t lead you to victory!
Vs Onion: You should learn when to draw back.
Vs Cecil: What are you truly fighting for?
Vs Bartz: Learn this – there is a difference between recklessness and courage.
Vs Terra: I am sorry. You can rest afterward.
Vs Cloud: Hesitation will dull your sword!
Vs Squall: Are you prepared to know my true power?
Vs Zidane: Don’t think you can steal your victory!
Vs Tidus: Now know how inexperienced you are.
Vs Garland: Now is the time of destiny!
Vs Emperor: Discover the emptiness of your own treachery!
Vs CoD: My light shall pierce the darkness!
Vs Golbez: Continue to seek the light.
Vs Exdeath: Sink as you cling to the Void.
Vs Kefka: The joke ends now.
Vs Sephiroth: No words can reach you now.
Vs Ultimecia: You’ll stop neither time nor myself.
Vs Kuja: Your pride invites your own destruction
Vs Jecht: I will cut your chain to the cycle!
Vs Shantotto: This is blood lust is simply not normal.
Vs Gabranth: Did you not come to face the day?
Vs Chaos: Witness the soul of a hero!
Vs Warrior: Think you can overcome fate?
Vs Firion: You cannot fight on faith alone!
Vs Onion: What a reckless brat!
Vs Cecil: A warrior who has no hope in his eyes…
Vs Bartz: Can you endure even one blow of mine?
Vs Terra: I will not show mercy because you are a woman.
Vs Cloud: My sword can crush yours in turn!
Vs Squall: I’ve come to challenge the heart of the lion!
Vs Zidane: Even your soul shall be erased.
Vs Tidus: How impressive that you’ve separated yourself from that karmic spiral.
Vs Garland: Only one of us can be the strongest warrior!
Vs Emperor: There is no meaning in political power!
Vs CoD: The beast who revels in destruction!
Vs Golbez: Submerge yourself in darkness!
Vs Exdeath: Drowning in the Void shall be your ruin!
Vs Kefka: The time for your buffoonery is past!
Vs Sephiroth: Show me how a hero fights!
Vs Ultimecia: Show me how you surpass time.
Vs Kuja: You feel as though you cannot escape fate…
Vs Jecht: Ah, the man who was swallowed up in the spiral of karma.
Vs Shantotto: And this is the shameless woman famed for her strength.
Vs Gabranth: Your armor conceals a weak heart.
Vs Chaos: You and I carry the same burden.
Firion Emperor
Vs Warrior: To cross swords with you is an honor.
Vs Firion: I will even best myself!
Vs Onion: You will make a fine warrior.
Vs Cecil: You do not seize victory through kindness.
Vs Bartz: So, are you flashy when you play?
Vs Terra: Mmm… I won’t go easy on you!
Vs Cloud: Come at me with everything you’ve got, Cloud!
Vs Squall: Show me your roar!
Vs Zidane: You’ll never steal my will!
Vs Tidus: Your weapon is your cheerfulness.
Vs Garland: There is no meaning in fighting without faith!
Vs Emperor: People are not pawns! They have their own aspirations!
Vs CoD: You have far too much attitude.
Vs Golbez: You have another you need to face!
Vs Exdeath: Have you learned anything in your many years?
Vs Kefka: There is sorrow in that laughter.
Vs Sephiroth: This chill… what are you?
Vs Ultimecia: You can’t fool me with that appearance! (Reference to how he was fooled by the Lamia Queen)
Vs Kuja: Be careful, I have an unexpected bite. (Reference to Kuja’s line towards him)
Vs Jecht: I’ll crush your fists.
Vs Shantotto: I can fight an opponent like you.
Vs Gabranth: You lack something worth protecting!
Vs Chaos: My dream will never vanish!
Vs Warrior: The radiance (of the Crystals) suits me better.
Vs Firion: You chase after naught but dreams, rebel.
Vs Onion: A child who does not know fear….
Vs Cecil: Won’t you join our side?
Vs Bartz: I do not associate with insolent fools.
Vs Terra: *laughs* …won’t you serve me?
Vs Cloud: Can you win with that shadow clinging to you?
Vs Squall: I see through your aloof facade.
Vs Zidane: Let’s see what entertainment a thief will bring.
Vs Tidus: Your karma is burdened with terrible sins.
Vs Garland: Brute strength cannot change anything.
Vs Emperor: This world can have but one emperor, and I am he!
Vs CoD: Come on, you grotesque creature.
Vs Golbez: Reveal your true self to me.
Vs Exdeath: There is no value in destroyers!
Vs Kefka: And now, you shall know true Hell!
Vs Sephiroth: A hero who abuses fate…
Vs Ultimecia: We shall decide the true ruler!
Vs Kuja: With your power, we could control humanity.
Vs Jecht: Suffer divine punishment, sinner!
Vs Shantotto: This day, I shall take your honor.
Vs Gabranth: I appear to have overlooked your submission.
Vs Chaos: I am no one’s servant!
Onion Knight Cloud of Darkness
Vs Warrior: I’ll do my best!
Vs Firion: Don’t you think you have too many weapons?
Vs Onion: Hmmm, an imitation of me?
Vs Cecil: Your power is kinda like mine.
Vs Bartz: Exactly how smart are you?
Vs Terra: I won’t lose!
Vs Cloud: If you keep worrying, how do you make progress?
Vs Squall: That is such a cool weapon.
Vs Zidane: Should I be a thief too?
Vs Tidus: With all that stamina, do you ever get tired?
Vs Garland: Don’t brag just because you’re bigger!
Vs Emperor: You won’t catch me in your traps!
Vs CoD: You will never destroy my feelings.
Vs Golbez: If you’ve got a problem, we can talk it out.
Vs Exdeath: The Void is not the be and end all!
Vs Kefka: Cowards never win.
Vs Sephiroth: Truthfully, haven’t you considered anything else?
Vs Ultimecia: I want my time with you to be short.
Vs Kuja: You’re just a tactician swamped in plans, aren’t you?
Vs Jecht: I won’t go easy on you, old man.
Vs Shantotto: You’re small, but you’re conceited too.
Vs Gabranth: What a rare weapon.
Vs Chaos: I believe in myself.
Vs Warrior: The light cannot phase me.
Vs Firion: Your hopes… are worthless.
Vs Onion: You cunning little brat!
Vs Cecil: Be it the light or the darkness, it will still gobble you up.
Vs Bartz: Your unattainable freedom is a foolish dream.
Vs Terra: Do not worry. The nothingness is gentle.
Vs Cloud: You challenge me with that clouded heart?
Vs Squall: Let’s see how you’ll try to shoot me.
Vs Zidane: In the nothingness, nothing can be stolen.
Vs Tidus: Enshrouding light is a cloud’s duty.
Vs Garland: The nothingness is superior to all else.
Vs Emperor: You only wear the emperor’s new clothes (tweaked for the joke)
Vs CoD: Shall we show the way to a deeper darkness?
Vs Golbez: Do I smell a wicked mind?
Vs Exdeath: I consent to return you to the Void.
Vs Kefka: Even your vulgar screams will be silenced.
Vs Sephiroth: Hero, your fate has been sealed.
Vs Ultimecia: Sink into the folds of time.
Vs Kuja: Award me with your lamentations.
Vs Jecht: In this world…. you’re still but a phantom.
Vs Shantotto: The same… no, this is something more…
Vs Gabranth: You have made a grave error in snarling at me.
Vs Chaos: I’m already devouring your chaos.
Cecil Golbez
Vs Warrior: With this sword, I will surpass you.
Vs Firion: We shall cross swords for the sake of our dreams.
Vs Onion: Your light is still so young.
Vs Cecil: This is where I fight myself.
Vs Bartz: I’ll help you be serious.
Vs Terra: Do not fear fighting.
Vs Cloud: Let’s find our answers together!
Vs Squall: I am allowed to challenge you as a comrade in arms.
Vs Zidane: If it is with you, our fight shall be cheerful.
Vs Tidus: There is no room for talk.
Vs Garland: War gives birth to nothing of value!
Vs Emperor: You can’t despise what you rule.
Vs CoD: The darkness, shall clear the skies.
Vs Golbez: Fight me, brother!
Vs Exdeath: Even if you’re powerful, you are still helpless.
Vs Kefka: How can you not feel the pain you cause!
Vs Sephiroth: What coldness you carry in those sad eyes….
Vs Ultimecia: Hope is beyond time!
Vs Kuja: Know the importance of bonds of friendship!
Vs Jecht: You have broken your vows!
Vs Shantotto: I feel something deeper than darkness within you.
Vs Gabranth: Do you share my anguish?
Vs Chaos: I entrust the hearts of my friends, to this sword.
Vs Warrior: Light that strong shall inspire jealousy.
Vs Firion: Challenge me with the weapon of youth.
Vs Onion: Come here, brave knight!
Vs Cecil: Can you best me?
Vs Bartz: You must do more than seek freedom.
Vs Terra: Those who fear have no future.
Vs Cloud: Leave, weak-hearted one.
Vs Squall: That ferocious look suits you.
Vs Zidane: You shall be but a memory.
Vs Tidus: Do not avert your eyes from reality.
Vs Garland: A sorrowful knight who has forgotten loyalty…
Vs Emperor: Your own appetites shall consume you.
Vs CoD: I shall capture a cloud in this fight.
Vs Golbez: I shall be the one to judge myself.
Vs Exdeath: The Void shall become your nightmare.
Vs Kefka: Such a suspicious man…
Vs Sephiroth: Do you not seek an understanding?
Vs Ultimecia: Now, observe the events of this time.
Vs Kuja: Two who are bound by jealousy….
Vs Jecht: Love can be a sinful thing.
Vs Shantotto: My opponent must be strong, like you.
Vs Gabranth: Hatred will consume you!
Vs Chaos: Be it harmony or discord, I am beholden to neither.
Bartz Exdeath
Vs Warrior: – We are with the light! …How was that? (Making fun of how he mentions the light at every opportunity.)
Vs Firion: You’re really hard to mimic.
Vs Onion: Did I also go through a phase like that?
Vs Cecil: Cecil is Cecil. That’s how I like it.
Vs Bartz: Wow! I’m looking good.
Vs Terra: It’s important to walk with your head held high.
Vs Cloud: Act before you have the chance to hesitate!
Vs Squall: Smile once in a while!
Vs Zidane: Of course I’ll win.
Vs Tidus: Teach me a new technique.
Vs Garland: Don’t you have any fun other than fighting?
Vs Emperor: How greedy is it to want everything?
Vs CoD: This weather doesn’t look so good… (making a joke about her being a cloud)
Vs Golbez: If you’re worried, you should take a trip.
Vs Exdeath: The world will always revive itself.
Vs Kefka: You look like you’re having too much fun.
Vs Sephiroth: That is a BIG katana.
Vs Ultimecia: You can’t stop me or time.
Vs Kuja: Quit flying around like that.
Vs Jecht: We’ll fight with our fists!
Vs Shantotto: Sorry if I knock you down a peg.
Vs Gabranth: Let’s end your sorrow.
Vs Chaos: Let’s go one-on-one.
Vs Warrior: You have found the end of the light.
Vs Firion: I will smash your dreams.
Vs Onion: You look so tiny.
Vs Cecil: Fall into the depths of torture!
Vs Bartz: You could become my right-hand man.
Vs Terra: Liberate your true self.
Vs Cloud: You only know futility.
Vs Squall: You shall be beautiful on the brink of death.
Vs Zidane: Give it your all, for your time ends now.
Vs Tidus: You are one of the Void (Refering to Tidus being merely a dream)
Vs Garland: The be and end all of the cycle, is the Void.
Vs Emperor: Eternal rule is found in the Void
Vs CoD: Your “Nothingness” is a lie.
Vs Golbez: I will seal your heart in the Void.
Vs Exdeath: You are powerless to change the nothingness that is the power of the Void.
Vs Kefka: You are a fool who understands nothing.
Vs Sephiroth: The Void lurks in the darkness of your heart.
Vs Ultimecia: Your manipulation of time shall degenerated!
Vs Kuja: Such an attachment to life…
Vs Jecht: I will erase your sins.
Vs Shantotto: My magic is my power.
Vs Gabranth: I shall be the one to judge you!
Vs Chaos: Chaos is but one thing the Void will eclipse.
Terra Kefka
Vs Warrior: I wish to become more like you.
Vs Firion: You’re not helping anyone when you hesitate.
Vs Onion: Do we have to fight?
Vs Cecil: When you change, the world will change as well.
Vs Bartz: Can’t you be serious?
Vs Terra: Who…are you?
Vs Cloud: If there is only fighting, there will be no progress.
Vs Squall: I only fight to find my answer!
Vs Zidane: What do you plan to steal from me?
Vs Tidus: I envy your cheerfulness.
Vs Garland: You’re not afraid to fight?
Vs Emperor: Don’t you have any regard for life?
Vs CoD: Even if you hurt me, it will get you nothing!
Vs Golbez: What do you want?
Vs Exdeath: Whatever you leave behind, will be used against you! (Tweaked for meaning)
Vs Kefka: I’ve found the future I want to protect.
Vs Sephiroth: No matter what you take, you can not regain your own…
Vs Ultimecia: Time will not stop for you.
Vs Kuja: You do not abide by the rules.
Vs Jecht: You have nothing to protect.
Vs Shantotto: Such magical power, this is the first I’ve seen it!
Vs Gabranth: Are you burdened with a sorrowful fate?
Vs Chaos: I couldn’t never stand back and do nothing.
Vs Warrior: I hate your type most of all.
Vs Firion: Gah! You’ve got to be sweaty (with all of that stuff he carries)
Vs Onion: Bad boys… shall be punished!
Vs Cecil: Be a good boy now. (The way he says this is really creepy)
Vs Bartz: Let’s take it easy.
Vs Terra: Won’t you come back to me?
Vs Cloud: You stink… of immaturity! (This is actually a pun – the word for immaturity is the same as the one for the scent of grass)
Vs Squall: I found something cool!
Vs Zidane: By the by, let’s keep it snappy.
Vs Tidus: May I play with your balls?
Vs Garland: The fightin’ protozoa! (Don’t look at me like that – I just translate the line, I don’t have to understand it)
Vs Emperor: You’re completely useless!
Vs CoD: Please go back to being a fossil.
Vs Golbez: Have you written your will?
Vs Exdeath: How can you have destruction without death!
Vs Kefka: Let’s go, you lady killer.
Vs Sephiroth: So, what’re you going to in the end?
Vs Ultimecia: May I take your power?
Vs Kuja: Could you not float away?
Vs Jecht: So it’s brawn over brains?
Vs Shantotto: You have some world shattering power?
Vs Gabranth: Finally! Are you the underdog?
Vs Chaos: …you smell like death.
Cloud Sephiroth
Vs Warrior: Show me the power of light.
Vs Firion: You… remind me of a friend.
Vs Onion: If you’re a warrior, then show me your spirit.
Vs Cecil: Don’t think, just fight.
Vs Bartz: Stop rushing, I’m getting ready.
Vs Terra: I’ll do what I can.
Vs Cloud: Can I…. bring myself to win?
Vs Squall: Let’s fight with pride!
Vs Zidane: Don’t even think about opening your big mouth.
Vs Tidus: How can you have fun doing this?
Vs Garland: There is no such thing as an unbreakable chain.
Vs Emperor: I am no one’s tool.
Vs CoD: The darkness will only tear you apart.
Vs Golbez: Who are you fighting for?
Vs Exdeath: You don’t know true despair…
Vs Kefka: No one understands a word you say.
Vs Sephiroth: I want to end this with you.
Vs Ultimecia: Leave my memories alone.
Vs Kuja: We’ve just met and I want to leave.
Vs Jecht: You’re nothing special.
Vs Shantotto: Such a deceptive appearance.
Vs Gabranth: Should I sever you from your past?
Vs Chaos: You won’t even make me shake.
Vs Warrior: I will steal your everlasting light.
Vs Firion: I’ll scatter your flowers over you.
Vs Onion: Have you bid your future farewell?
Vs Cecil: The darkness shall consume you.
Vs Bartz: Think you can mimic my power?
Vs Terra: Fear the power of destruction.
Vs Cloud: You ignorant traitor.
Vs Squall: You’re a beast who understands nothing.
Vs Zidane: Your world is an illusion.
Vs Tidus: I will wipe that smile off your face.
Vs Garland: Welcome to your final battle.
Vs Emperor: I am the chosen one.
Vs CoD: You are the most vile type of monster.
Vs Golbez: Sleep with your despair.
Vs Exdeath: The one to destroy everything shall be me.
Vs Kefka: You grate on my ears.
Vs Sephiroth: There can only be one original.
Vs Ultimecia: The past and the future are nothing.
Vs Kuja: Can’t you abandon your naivety?
Vs Jecht: My strength is more than you can handle.
Vs Shantotto: You’re former hero? ….How trivial.
Vs Gabranth: Shall I add another wound to your collection?
Vs Chaos: Now to murder a god….
Squall Ultimecia
Vs Warrior: I’ll outshine even you.
Vs Firion: We live to fight.
Vs Onion: I don’t like kids.
Vs Cecil: Only the strong survive.
Vs Bartz: How can you be so optimistic?
Vs Terra: You only need to take one step forward.
Vs Cloud: Scared you’ll lose?
Vs Squall: I… he’s only me.
Vs Zidane: Acting recklessly won’t help you.
Vs Tidus: Aren’t you finished with the past?
Vs Garland: I never miss my trophy!
Vs Emperor: I want you dead.
Vs CoD: I’m not afraid of you.
Vs Golbez: What do you believe in?
Vs Exdeath: Hmm, do you simply miss your home?
Vs Kefka: The time for jokes is past.
Vs Sephiroth: Who needs a washed-up hero.
Vs Ultimecia: I’ll liberate time from you.
Vs Kuja: We’re here to fight, not talk.
Vs Jecht: I also have something to protect.
Vs Shantotto: I only want to deal with one Sorceress.
Vs Gabranth: Another stray….
Vs Chaos: I won’t even spare your solitude!
Vs Warrior: Are you satisfied with that tiny glimmer?
Vs Firion: Such a simple boy…
Vs Onion: Hmph, my opponent is a child?
Vs Cecil: Entrust your body to temptation.
Vs Bartz: Don’t you understand anything?
Vs Terra: Nothing will move when the gears stop.
Vs Cloud:They say that our past never disappears.
Vs Squall: You’re not in your realm here.
Vs Zidane: Do you think you are fit to be my opponent?
Vs Tidus: I am more than a match for a chatterbox.
Vs Garland: In the end, you are also time’s slave.
Vs Emperor: Time already rules everything.
Vs CoD: Think you can rival me?
Vs Goblez: It would be best for you to be docile.
Vs Exdeath: The Void is merely another part of space-time.
Vs Kefka: Do you plan to joke with me?
Vs Sephiroth: Return to being just a memory.
Vs Ultimecia: Who are you, false Sorceress?
Vs Kuja: At least you fight with proper etiquette.
Vs Jecht: Does it feel like you are trying to escape an endless hallway?
Vs Shantotto: The title of Sorceress is mine.
Vs Gabranth: What have you lost in the past?
Vs Chaos: After all, you are but time’s victim.
Zidane Kuja
Vs Warrior: I’ll dominate you in this fight.
Vs Firion: This won’t be so simple…
Vs Onion: Would it be weird if I made you cry?
Vs Cecil: Let’s get serious!
Vs Bartz: Hey, Bartz! Time for a match!
Vs Terra: A girl? I don’t think I can do this…
Vs Cloud: Wouldn’t you be more popular if you were just more cheerful?
Vs Squall: If I win, I get your weapon!
Vs Zidane: An imposter? I’m still superior!
Vs Tidus: Can you keep up with me?
Vs Garland: This will be your grave.
Vs Emperor: You look so proud of yourself…
Vs CoD: Wait a minute, are you really a lady?
Vs Golbez: Give me everything you got!
Vs Exdeath: Think you can catch me?
Vs Kefka: This should be easy.
Vs Sephiroth: I need to be serious, or this could be trouble.
Vs Ultimecia: What a stubborn lady.
Vs Kuja: Opposites aren’t so different.
Vs Jecht: You can’t win, old timer.
Vs Shantotto: If I win, can we go on a date?
Vs Gabranth: You gonna judge me too?
Vs Chaos: This is the big time. (He’s making a theater joke.)
Vs Warrior: When it receives the light, the moon shines all the brighter.
Vs Firion: They say with dogs, their bark is worse than their bite (He uses a Japanese equivalent of this phrase)
Vs Onion: Such an uncute kid.
Vs Cecil: The light doesn’t suit you.
Vs Bartz: You’ll envy my victory.
Vs Terra: So you are the little bird who won’t fly…
Vs Cloud: Your fight ends here.
Vs Squall: I shall break that self-confidence.
Vs Zidane: I want to experience your true power.
Vs Tidus: Aren’t you the simple one.
Vs Garland: Scurry like an insect, Garland.
Vs Emperor: You honestly think you can rule me?
Vs CoD: Stop showing off.
Vs Golbez: What an eyesore. Get out of my sight.
Vs Exdeath : You feel like being a nuisance?
Vs Kefka: I hate incompetence.
Vs Sephiroth: I shall clip your wings.
Vs Ultimecia: Shut up, you old woman.
Vs Kuja: We’ll see who is the real thing.
Vs Jecht: You can’t even manage an ounce of grace.
Vs Shantotto: Between you and me, who will come out on top?
Vs Gabranth: Should I wag my tail for you? (Sarcastic, obviously)
Vs Chaos: Discord… such a pleasant sound.
Tidus Jecht
Vs Warrior: My speed won’t lose!
Vs Firion: Two young companions make for a perfect friendship!
Vs Onion: I’ll apologize for this later!
Vs Cecil: Don’t be hard-headed, take it easy!
Vs Bartz: Energy is everything!
Vs Terra: Take it seriously! That’s the rule!
Vs Cloud: Don’t dilly-dally, just go!
Vs Squall: If you have something to say, just say it!
Vs Zidane: Don’t get caught up in the moment!
Vs Tidus: I’m the only ace here!
Vs Garland: We don’t have time for sermons!
Vs Emperor: What the hell is “Uboar” anyway? (Referring to the Emperor’s death cry)
Vs CoD: Even in the darkness, I’ll find the goal!
Vs Golbez: I don’t want to fight an old guy….
Vs Exdeath: Could you just get lost so we can get this over with?
Vs Kefka: I’m going to out-preform you!
Vs Sephiroth: Being an adult doesn’t make you cool!
Vs Ultimecia: Time Compression? That makes my head spin…
Vs Kuja: You have well-defined abs.
Vs Jecht: This is my story’s final chapter.
Vs Shantotto: You’ve got such a tiny body….
Vs Gabranth: Isn’t that helmet heavy?
Vs Chaos: Will this be the end?
Vs Warrior: Aren’t you radiant?
Vs Firion: This gonna be Sir Jecht’s deam.
Vs Onion: You remind me of a certain kid…
Vs Cecil: You’re clearly defined by black and white.
Vs Bartz: Been adventuring for a while?
Vs Terra: You should just retreat little lady.
Vs Cloud: Don’t just hit with the blunt side.
Vs Squall: So if you’re a lion, what does that make me?
Vs Zidane: Is that a tail?
Vs Tidus: Let’s settle this.
Vs Garland: You do have your own style.
Vs Emperor: You have to fight from the heart.
Vs CoD: Heh, this ain’t so bad.
Vs Golbez: We are a pair of similiar comrades.
Vs Exdeath: If you can erase as you please, then this trouble is needless.
Vs Kefka: Think you stand a chance with me?
Vs Sephiroth: We’re both stars here, so let’s make this a showstopper!
Vs Ultimecia: There’s no meaning in just manipulating time!
Vs Kuja: If we get to quarreling, you’re gonna lose.
Vs Jecht: In this fight for the championship, I’m the best.
Vs Shantotto: Aren’t you cute, little lady.
Vs Gabranth: You got to be sweltering in that.
Vs Chaos: I’ve been waiting a long time to face you.
Shantotto Gabranth
Vs Warrior: I hope your good with that shield.
Vs Firion: The spell is mightier than the sword.
Vs Onion: Such a brazen boy.
Vs Cecil: That darkness doesn’t suit you.
Vs Bartz: I make frivoluous associations.
Vs Terra: You can not escape from me now.
Vs Cloud: I would expel you for that hair cut. (as if this was a school setting)
Vs Squall: In my opinion, this lion is but a kitten.
Vs Zidane: So you’re like a Mithra, but not quite.
Vs Tidus: Even an erased dream can hold, huh?
Vs Garland: Cycles are so trite.
Vs Emperor: Think you can rule me?
Vs CoD: I’ll send you back to the darkness.
Vs Golbez: Doubt cannot be hidden by armor.
Vs Exdeath: Isn’t there nothing inside of you?
Vs Kefka: I’ll teach you the difference in rank between us.
Vs Sephiroth: I’ll fight you to your heart’s content.
Vs Ultimecia: Think I have time enough for some destruction?
Vs Kuja: Narcissism is so unfashionable.
Vs Jecht: I hate unrefined men.
Vs Shantotto: The quality of those puppets has improved. (Refering to XI’s automatons)
Vs Gabranth: No one can judge me.
Vs Chaos: I’m the real destructive force here.
Vs Warrior: Illuminate my jet black blade!
Vs Firion: Dreams are but illusions in the end.
Vs Onion: That which you wish to protect cannot be defended.
Vs Cecil: Why do you embrace the darkness in your fight?
Vs Bartz: Try and stop my sword!
Vs Terra: There is no meaning in an uncontrollable power.
Vs Cloud: You have no right to call yourself a warrior!
Vs Squall: Your attempt to be a lion makes me laugh.
Vs Zidane: You stick out like a sore thumb here.
Vs Tidus: The powerless have no rights to the future.
Vs Garland: Make your hatred your power!
Vs Emperor: You are not suited for the throne.
Vs CoD: I will clear this overcast sky.
Vs Golbez: I shall judge your sins.
Vs Exdeath: Show me the power of the Void!
Vs Kefka: I will not lose to one of the injust!
Vs Sephiroth: Do you truely hate this world?
Vs Ultimecia: Your trickery will not fool me.
Vs Kuja: Come, I’ll show you no mercy!
Vs Jecht: Sanguine bonds are most unpleasant things.
Vs Shantotto: At the least, you do have a large ego don’t you?
Vs Gabrath: No man can escape his past!
Vs Chaos: Not even chaos can erase my hatred!
Vs Warrior: The light shall never expunge the darkness.
Vs Firion: Witness a jet-black nightmare.
Vs Onion: This abyss cannot be measured by such childish wisdom.
Vs Cecil: All bonds are severed in the whirl of chaos.
Vs Bartz: Like all Humans, you posess an insatiable desire for power.
Vs Terra: The desire for destruction is in your basest instinct.
Vs Cloud: I see through you to your fragile heart.
Vs Squall: Even lions cannot climb over the edge of chaos.
Vs Zidane: You continue to hide behind that facade?
Vs Tidus: I shall give the eternal dream its conclusion.
Vs Garland: The perpetual cycle is now closed.
Vs Emperor: Compared to me, you are naught but an ignorant insect.
Vs CoD: The nothingness could not even best a grain of chaos.
Vs Golbez: Your sins will never be erased permentatly.
Vs Exdeath: The power of the Void is still several levels below mine…
Vs Kefka: Nilhism rests in your warped buffoonery.
Vs Sephiroth: Liberate the hatred that rests within you.
Vs Ultimecia: The time stream cannot exist amid chaos.
Vs Kuja: Your fall from virtue has not prepared you for the end of it all.
Vs Jecht: Find comfort in your beastial urges.
Vs Shantotto: Be ashamed of your arrogance and pride.
Vs Gabranth: A helpless dog chained to his past…

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  1. Dark & Divine
    #1 Dark & Divine 14 January, 2009, 12:58


    There’s a bunch of interesting lines here, but this one takes the gold:

    “May I play with your balls?”

    Ah, Kefka, you crazy loveable clown!

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    • Nick
      Nick 20 February, 2009, 02:48

      That line is wrong actually (as are many others on the list). He’s dismissing Tidus as a child, telling him “Run along and play with your balls or something.” He’s referring to a Japanese childrens game that literally translates to “ball rolling.” Sorry, but no innuendos.

  2. Cthulhu
    #2 Cthulhu 14 January, 2009, 16:07

    lolz, all of ’em are pretty… lame, actually :monster:. Not that I’d be able to think of anything better, of course – how much is it anyways, 12 times 12 or something? Oh well, still, great justice on translating all that, I know I wouldn’t have the patience even if I did have the skill (or the illness, lolz)

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    • Schala-Kitty
      Schala-Kitty Author 15 January, 2009, 00:10

      It’s 23×23-1 which makes for 528.

  3. Ravynne
    #3 Ravynne 15 January, 2009, 15:09

    I love the ones vs. Sephiroth. 😀

    Tidus: Being an adult doesn’t make you cool! (lol)
    Ultimecia: Return to being just a memory. (because that’s original)
    Bartz: That is a BIG katana. (I thought it wasn’t a katana?)
    Firion: This chill… what are you? (your DEATH, FOO’)
    Warrior of Light: No words can reach you now. (so true)

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  4. Sora
    #4 Sora 19 September, 2009, 11:01

    Tidus and Zidane are funny!! xD

    Being an adult doesn’t make you cool!
    What the hell is “Uboar” anyway?

    Wait a minute, are you really a lady?
    If I win, I get your weapon!

    The english ones are similar to those quotes. 😀

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