Script: Crisis Core Mission Descriptions- & Events

The game script in this page was extracted from the English European version of Crisis Core. The text has been copied exactly and even line breaks have been preserved.

Textual differences with the North American release are explained in the Crisis Core Version Guide, along with some key discrepancies with the Japanese version.

In the second page of this article, you will find the dialogue script used for events that take place during some of the missions.

The mission numbering (“X-X-X” where X is a number) is not used in-game, but is present in both official- and fanmade guides as it’s useful for navigating through the mission menus.

The missions are listed in this article same as they are in-game, in regards to their individual placements in their respective categories. See quick-links below to each main category.

Quick-links [Mission count]

– Category 1: Shinra Electric Power Company
– Category 2: Monster Research Project
– Category 3: Genesis’s Forces
– Category 4: To End the War with Wutai
– Category 5: Hojo’s Laboratory
– Category 6: Seeking Precious Items
– Category 7: Seeking Priceless Items
– Category 8: Zack, the Materia Hunter
– Category 9: Great Cavern of Wonders
– Category 10: Mysteries of the World


Shinra Electric Power Company

Category 1-1: Training Missions


Shinra’s Basic Training

This is a simulated battle against infantrymen.
The difficulty level is set low, so it should
pose no problems for a SOLDIER operative.
Relax and enjoy the training.


Shinra’s Advanced Training

This is a simulated battle against
Shinra’s new Gun Bull Heads.
You may have fought them before, but that
doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll win again.
Overconfidence may kill you…


50 Shinra Troops

You will be sparring with our infantrymen.
Though each individual poses little challenge,
the fact that they will appear in a constant
stream should even the odds.
Let us see how you fare.


100 Shinra Troops

It’s another practice session, but with
powered-up infantrymen–and more of them!
This should be pretty tough even for a
SOLDIER operative. Give it all you’ve got.


200 Shinra Troops

The troops are even tougher this time.
Can you survive while defeating a
seemingly never-ending stream of troops?
We look forward to watching you in action.


1000 Shinra Troops

Zack, we now understand just how strong you are,
so here is our last training session with the most
powerful infantrymen we have. They will seem truly
endless, coming at you again and again and again…
Are you ready for the ultimate sparring challenge?

Category 1-2: Security Department


Challenge from Security

Members of the Security Department have
requested a joint training session with SOLDIER.
Some of them seem to regard SOLDIER with a
passionate sense of rivalry. It’s only a training
session, but don’t take it lightly.


Second Challenge

Members of the Security Department have requested
another joint training session with SOLDIER.
They have robots to support them this time.
Proceed with caution.


Third Challenge

Members of the Security Department have requested
yet another joint training session with SOLDIER.
A statement from them reads: “We were holding
back in the previous sessions.” They are desperate
and may do anything to save face. Be careful.


Getting Serious

The persistent members of the Security Department
have sent SOLDIER another challenge to a joint
training session. Making excuses, they claim the
difference in budget between the departments to be
the reason for their losses.
Go show them exactly why we are combat experts.


Armed Challenge

Members of the Security Department have sent SOLDIER
yet another challenge to a joint training session.
It seems they have succeeded in securing funds,
and have new weapons at their disposal.
We in SOLDIER never blame a loss on the budget.
Win the session and teach them the meaning of dignity.


Last Challenge

Members of the Security Department, on a losing streak, have
yet again challenged SOLDIER to a joint training session.
They have used up their entire budget on this one.
We know we’ve had too many of these, but this one is
sure to be the last. Savor it for what it is.

Category 1-3: Weapons Development


Next-Generation Weapons

After vanishing from Wutai, Genesis has formed his
own army and commenced an attack on Shinra troops.
Shinra is developing new weapons to counter the
emerging threat. We want you to participate in
testing these weapons.


New Mechanical Weapons

The Shinra weapons that vanished with Genesis
reappeared in his forces’ hands.
To counter them, we have started developing new and
improved weapons. We ask for your support in testing
this enhanced gear.


To Quash Genesis’s Forces

The New Weapons Group, dedicated to developing more
powerful weapons, has obtained extensive operations
data on the weapons used by Genesis’s forces.
They have succeeded in developing new weapons
that should overwhelm their current arsenal.
We want you to participate in testing these weapons.


Experiments Gone Wrong

Hastily developed weapons designed to fight Genesis
have gone berserk. The testing site is closed off,
so there is no concern of damages spreading outside,
but we must bring the situation under control.
Destroy all machines inside the testing area.


Robots in the City

New weapons have been developed to counter
the elusive Genesis copies in the city.
Your cooperation is needed in the testing area
for us to obtain combat data for defending Midgar.


A Director’s Request

We have been asked by Director Scarlet at the
Arms Development Department to test new weapons.
This is a new version of an unmanned weapon
currently in use, and we must collect as much
combat data as possible.
Destroy all machines within the battle area.

Category 1-4: Plan for New Equipment


Urban Combat Operations

We have newly formed an urban combat force.
Final adjustments must be made based on combat
testing before they are sent out on real missions.
We ask for your participation in the city-themed
training environment.



One of Genesis’s secret agents has introduced a
virus to a fleet of our prototype weapons.
The weapons are now out of control and attacking
our own people. Track down the four large weapons
and destroy them!


Stolen Shinra Weapons

While Shinra troops were gearing up for battle with
Genesis, AVALANCHE, the anti-Shinra group, caught
them off-guard and stole their weapons for use
in their own offensive. Go to AVALANCHE’s base to
fight them and reclaim our weapons.


Destroy the Mobile Artillery

Mobile artillery produced to counter Genesis’s
weapons have gone berserk due to careless QA
testing. They have broken through the factory walls
and are now heading toward the residential district.
Destroy them before they reach the citizenry.


Testing New Weapons

We are going to conduct a test on new weapons
designed to combat Genesis troops and Wutai
remnants hiding in the caves. Enter the test dungeon
and fight against every weapon you encounter.


Weapons Comparison Test

We want you to participate in an evaluation
of next-generation Sweeper models.
Four new Sweepers have been placed in the
testing area; fight them one at a time.
The test is over when you have destroyed all four.

Category 1-5: Special Operations Arms Laboratory


Special Ops Weapons

The Special Operations Weapons Group uses
Shinra’s most cutting-edge technologies to create
the best possible machines without concern for
mass-production. We would like for you to help
us test these machines.


Special Ops Weapons Return

They may look the same on the outside, but
their internals have been extensively reworked.
The subjects are already in the testing area, so
if you’d kindly participate in our evaluation…


Tarantula Test

We have completed work on the Tarantula,
the latest machine designed to support us in
our plight against Genesis copies. It’s time to
test its performance by pitting it against you.
Please head over to the testing area.


Shinra Machines Unit

A new combat team has been formed, capable of
fighting more efficiently. We want to test their
abilities against SOLDIER before we send them off
to real combat. Gear up for a fight in the test area.


Better Death Machines

Plans to create powered-up Death Machines are
underway. As an intermediary step, we have released
a new model–but its true worth is unknown until its
testing phase, so we ask you to participate.
Please enter the testing area.


Final Versions of the Spider

The Spider robots have been overhauled and
redesigned to be rolled out as the Guardian Eyes.
There are presently four of them in the testing
area. Please enter and fight them whenever
you are ready.

Monster Research Project

Category 2-1: Monsters in Midgar



Monsters are teeming in the outskirts of Midgar.
Experts on the study of planet life say the monsters
pose a potential threat to Shinra.
We are unsure of the validity of these claims,
but an investigation is in order.


Approaching the Outskirts

The outbreak of monsters near Midgar has resulted
in a Sector 8 woman filing for damages. We cannot
afford to let litigation spread any further. Hurry to
the area and eliminate all monsters in sight.


Sightings in Sector 5

We still do not know the cause for the massive
number of monsters, but a Sector 5 resident
reports seeing them in the scrapyard in the slums.
Hurry there and eradicate the monsters.


Defend the Slums

Residents of the slums have decided to take
matters into their own hands to fight
the monsters. Hurry there and eliminate the
monsters before any of the slum residents are hurt.


Road Closed

Monsters are prowling the road that connects
Midgar and Kalm. This has left members of a
mako reactor inspection team from Kalm stranded
in Midgar. You must eliminate the threat
and make the road safe for travel.

The title is “Highway Closed” in the North American version.


Truth in the Wasteland

It has been determined that the monsters in Midgar
are escaped samples from Hojo Laboratories.
We must keep this information confidential.
Go to the target zone and eliminate all monsters.

Category 2-2: Monster Reports


Slums of Midgar

This is a battle with monsters who claim the
slums of lower Midgar as their turf.
There actually is little strength to them;
perhaps you can use them to work out your
tactics for fighting against monsters.



This is a battle against monsters indigenous to
the Modeo region. The cold weather is not conducive
to a wider variety of monsters, but they should
have enough bite to make your sparring worthwhile.



This is a battle against monsters indigenous to
the Nibelheim region. Although Nibelheim offers
a wide variety of creatures, this mission will
primarily feature Bomb monsters.


Nibelheim II

This is a battle against monsters indigenous to
the Nibelheim region. Although Nibelheim is known
for a wide variety of monsters, this mission will
primarily feature cave-dwelling creatures.



This is a battle with monsters indigenous to the
Gongaga region. The remoteness of the region may be
a contributing factor to the variety of monsters.
Some are extremely dangerous. You have been warned.


World of Monsters

These battles will be against monsters that
have been catalogued by the Shinra Company.
You may not have encountered some of them before.
Use caution when fighting them.

Category 2-3: Monster Incidents


Unidentified Monsters

We have confirmed reports of an attack
by a monster resembling an Epiornis.
Go to where it was last sighted and purge
the area of all monsters.


Mass Elimination

We have information that a group of Titanis,
the newly discovered Epiornis-type monster,
is on the move. Hurry to their location
and eliminate all monsters in the area.


Aerial Monsters

We are receiving multiple reports of attacks
by flying monsters. Even worse, a battalion in
the area has been wiped out by the monsters.
Go investigate forthwith and look into what
exactly might have occurred.


Subspecific Movers

Reports have come in of monsters similar to
the Movers discovered in the previous mission.
Eliminate these dangerous entities.


The Sealed Cavern

A Shinra unit exploring the caves has reported a
monster encounter. We have instructed the unit
to evacuate the caves for now, but we cannot leave
the area as is. Your mission is to eliminate the
threats and secure the zone.


Operation: Desert Island

An employee has informed us about a monster
encounter on a desert island.
There seems to be no evidence of these creatures
making forays to the outside world, but they
should be eliminated for our security nonetheless.

Category 2-4: Unexplored Territories


A Solitary Island

Many parts of the world still serve as sanctuaries
for monsters, and we wish to identify as many of
these as possible. Shinra troops have entered one
such area and were wiped out. Get to the island and
uncover whatever mystery lies beyond its shores.


Wasteland Investigation

We received word that one of Shinra’s robot scouts
was destroyed by an unidentified flying object.
The incident took place in a region that has yet
to be explored. This is a suitable job for SOLDIER.
Go to the site now.


An Unknown Island

An entire Shinra investigation team was wiped
out by monsters in unexplored territory.
The team was unable to send any status reports;
we assume the monsters are brutal and bloodthirsty.
Please go investigate the site.


Excavation Site Survey

A giant monster lives in a closed mako excavation
facility. Go to the site and investigate. If the
monster is dangerous, it must be eliminated.


Cave-In Investigation

There was an inexplicable cave-in deep inside
the caves. Chances are monsters are to blame,
but we need you to investigate the area and look
into the cause of the accident. If monsters
were indeed the cause, you know what to do.


Whatever Stands in Your Way

The Volcano bomb monster you found in the previous
mission has been sighted in another cave.
A team was sent in to investigate, but their
progress was halted by totally different monsters.
Hurry over to the site.

Category 2-5: In Search of the Unknown


Investigation of the Caverns

While pursuing monsters you had reported on in
your last mission, we uncovered a new species of
creature. We would like you to conduct an
investigation on these mysterious, cave-dwelling


New Species Found

We have received word from our troops of a new
type of Mover. As you know, Movers possess
extremely powerful magic. We need SOLDIER to
fight this threat in place of the troops.
Get moving and face off against the Movers.


More New Species Found

We have received reports of a new breed of monster
in the caves, but obstructing the way forward are
the Mover EXs we discovered in the previous
mission. Go to the caves to eliminate them.


New Cavern Found

An undiscovered cavern has been unearthed.
At this time, we do not even know what kind of
life forms might be found there. We therefore must
ask a SOLDIER operative to conduct an investigation
by exploring within and collecting information.


Another Cavern

We unearthed another cave near the one you
explored in the previous mission.
We assume the presence of some monsters,
so head over to the site and gather
all the information you can.


The Great Beast

In this area, the natives refer to a creature
as the “Great Beast.” All we know is that it
is indeed extremely large; all other facts
are cloaked in mystery. Go to its supposed
location and find the truth about this creature.

Genesis’s Forces

Category 3-1: Genesis’s Forces on the March


Foes on the Waterfront

The coast guard has spotted Genesis troops,
so they’re likely to have an outpost near
the coast. Head there and vanquish the enemy!


Massive Machines

We have received reports of Genesis troops
hiding large-scale weapons in the caves.
Destroy them and stop their advance!


Eliminate the Copies

Genesis troops have been ID’d by scouts
on their way to the wasteland. Vanquish this
core group and stop the enemy from moving in!


Destroy the Death Machines

We have found a supply depot of Genesis troops!
We can slow their momentum by crushing this base.
Destroy the three types of Death Machines in
their main arsenal and shut down the base!


Eliminate the Death Machines

Genesis’s forces are reorganizing. There seems to be
no change in their weaponry, but the troops organized
around the Death Machines are not to be trifled with.
Attack them before they start mobilizing!


Midgar Defense Operations

Genesis troops have been sighted in Midgar.
The citizenry has been evacuated and the area
blocked off. Eradicate the forces before they
are able to infiltrate other areas.

Category 3-2: Major Offensives


Foes in the Slums

A group of Genesis copies that previously
attacked the Shinra Building has escaped into
the slums, promising to have their revenge.
Head for the slums and make sure that
that never happens.


Take Back the Carrier

Genesis copies captured for research were being
shipped to Midgar by a carrier, but the ship was
overrun by the copies.
You must get on the carrier, eradicate the Genesis
copies, and take back the ship.


Raid the Enemy’s Stronghold

We have uncovered the location to which the
Genesis copies were escaping via cargo ship.
There is no doubt that they have a stronghold there.
Deploy immediately and attack the base!


Enemy Attack Prevention

We have received word of Genesis troops in
the underground caves plotting an attack on
Shinra facilities. Destroy the Guard Scorpion
and put an end to their plans.


Pursue the Foes

Genesis copies were sighted in the rocky stretch
by the ocean. The area is unpopulated, but we
cannot let Genesis troops build another base.
Eliminate them!


Foes in the Wasteland

The unstoppable momentum of Genesis troops has
now reached the wasteland just outside of Midgar.
Defeat the commander and stop them from advancing
any further!

Category 3-3: Clash with Genesis’s Forces


Red Alert!

This is an emergency situation! Genesis troops have
raided the basement level of the Shinra Building.
Operations are continuing as normal to avoid a panic.
The enemy must be kept from entering the upper floors.
Head there discreetly and eliminate them forthwith.


Base in the Caverns

Genesis troops cannot be stopped.
They have set up a base in a cave near Midgar
and are preparing for their next attack.
Infiltrate the caves and destroy their weapons
to quash their plans.


Surprise Attack on Midgar

A battalion of Genesis copies has commenced a
surprise attack on Midgar. The base we previously
destroyed appears to have been a decoy. Hurry
to the site and smash the Genesis copies.


One Base at a Time

New sightings of Genesis troops are filtering in.
We have no choice but to crush their bases,
one by one, to stop their invasion.
Head for the caves where they were last seen,
and vanquish the enemy.


Rumble in Midgar

The supposed plans by Genesis’s main forces
to attack Midgar were merely a diversion.
A special operations unit has already infiltrated
Midgar. Eliminate the enemy on sight.


Regain the Mako Facility

A mako excavation facility has been taken over
by Genesis troops. If they were to obtain mako
energy, it would greatly boost their capabilities.
The facility must be taken back at all costs.
Eliminate the enemy in the facility.

Category 3-4: Genesis Evolution


Regain Shinra’s Materia

Some of the weapons possessed by Genesis troops
have apparently been powered up with materia stolen
from Shinra.
Sneak into the enemy’s base, destroy their weapons,
and get our materia back.


Powered-Up Copies

Powered-up copies of Genesis have been confirmed.
We had predicted that Genesis’s forces would
fortify themselves with these copies, and facing
defeat at their hands is not an option.
Eliminate the battalion.


Reinforced Copies

Genesis troops are successfully powering up
their copies, and we have found a battalion led
by copies of extraordinary magnitude.
They may be formidable, but you must fight and
eliminate them.


Return to Midgar

We have discovered that one of Genesis’s
special units has quietly snuck into inner Midgar.
Conduct a raid on their hideout and vanquish
Genesis’s forces before they make a move.


Destroy the Copy Factory

We have discovered one of Genesis’s bases where
toughened copies are being produced.
We must prevent them from strengthening their
forces. Eliminate the enemy inside the base.


Strongest Copies Yet

Despite the destruction of one of their factories,
Genesis troops have sent new types of Genesis
copies to the frontlines.
Only SOLDIER can take them out.
Destroy the new copies!

Category 3-5: The Strongest Copies


Intercept the Copies

Mass production has begun on new Genesis copies.
A team of these new monstrosities is fast
approaching Midgar even as we speak.
We can’t allow them to get any closer, so
go now and eliminate this army of copies!


Attack the Copies’ Base

There seems to be no end to how far Genesis’s
forces will go to strengthen their copies.
We have new intel on a base inside the
caves organizing yet another copy army.
Hurry to the caves and vanquish them!


Genesis’s Special Ops Unit

A special operations unit with a new Genesis copy
as its commander has entered Midgar.
They seem to be planning another attack on the Shinra
Building, but the Turks have discovered their hideout.
Head to the site immediately and eradicate the enemy!


Chase the Copies

With the continuous stream of copies successfully
defeated, Genesis troops have been cleaned out
of the Midgar area.
Let us take advantage of our momentum.
Raid the newly-found base and smash the remnants!


Defeat the Copies

Both SOLDIER and Shinra troops are destroying
Genesis’s bases one after another.
In retaliation, the remnants seem to be planning
a focused attack against the Shinra troops.
Vanquish the remnants before they gather!


The Last of the Genesis Troops

Genesis troops, having lost most of their
momentum, have been hiding out in their last base,
developing the strongest Genesis copies yet.
We have discovered the location of this base.
Vanquish the copies and eradicate the enemy!

To End the War with Wutai

Category 4-1: Pursue the Remnants


Wutai Units Found

We have spotted a detached Wutai army unit on
the outskirts of Wutai. We want to prevent any
further incidents from them in an already chaotic
political environment. Vanquish them before they
make a move.


Anti-SOLDIER Monsters

A detached Wutai force has trained monsters
to specifically fight SOLDIER operatives.
Defeat the anti-SOLDIER creatures and
eliminate the remnants.


Pursue the Deserters

Fort Tamblin has fallen, but many of their fighters
have escaped. They refuse to disarm in an attempt to
maintain the resistance. Allowing this to continue
would only sow chaos. A swift elimination is in order.


Wutai Remnants in the Slums

An escaped Wutai trooper is hiding in the slums of
Midgar. He seems to have joined with an anti-Shinra
element based in the slums, planning a strike against
the Shinra Building. You must quickly eliminate the
threats before they have a chance to make their move.


Stop the Intruders

Most of the Wutai remnants hiding in the slums
have been suppressed, but a group has slipped
through Shinra’s noose and is now headed for
the Shinra Building. Eliminate these intruders
at once.


Search for Wutai Remnants

Information from several sources points to the existence
of Wutai remnants in Fort Condor. Although facts cannot
be confirmed at this time, it seems entirely feasible.
Go to Fort Condor and conduct an investigation.

Category 4-2: Behind the Scenes


Foes in the Corel Mines

A group of Wutai remnants, different from the
one we were pursuing before, is massing
in the Corel Mines. Go to Corel immediately
and stop the remnants in their tracks.


Remnants in the Slums

Wutai remnants are hiding in the slums again.
They have joined forces with other anti-Shinra
elements, but now have large anti-SOLDIER weapons in
their arsenal. Eradicate them before they make a move.


Foes inside Shinra Building

The Wutai remnants in the slums were decoys.
A detached unit has entered the basement level
of the Shinra Building. Head to the site
immediately and eradicate the Wutai remnants.


March into Wutai

With the Wutai remnants eliminated from Midgar,
Shinra troops are gearing up to march into Wutai
and hunt down any remnants of anti-Shinra elements.
SOLDIER will provide support in this operation.
Head for Wutai and attack the anti-Shinra base.


Stubborn Wutai Remnants

While Shinra troops have crushed one Wutai remnant
base after another, one has maintained its
resistance and fends off any Shinra attack.
The Shinra troops have asked for SOLDIER’s assistance.
Head there immediately and crush the base.


The Five Saints of Wutai

Wutai remnants are apparently under orders from
entities dubbed the Five Saints of Wutai.
Defeating them would put an end to our conflict
with the remnants. Sneak into their base,
and eliminate the Five Saints of Wutai.

Category 4-3: The Crescent Unit


Defeat the Scout Units

The Wutai spy apprehended at LOVELESS Avenue has
provided us with information about Crescent Unit
scouts hiding in the slums of Sector 5.
Hurry there and eradicate the scouts.


Obliterate Advance Elements

The Wutai spy apprehended in the slum’s market
spilled the beans on advance elements of the
Crescent Unit, hiding in the Corel Mines.
Head there now and eradicate the advance troops.


Foes in the Wutai Base

We have obtained information regarding a Wutai base
inside Midgar from the spy apprehended at the Shinra
Building entrance. We think the spies are relaying
information to the Crescent Unit from this location.
Head there with all haste and destroy the base.


Mobile Units

Based on the information obtained from the Wutai
spy apprehended in the fountain plaza, we were able
to entrap mobile Crescent Unit troops.
They seem to be planning a raid on Midgar.
Go eradicate the rest of the mobile units.


The Enemy’s Stronghold

Interrogation of the Wutai spy apprehended in the
Exhibit Room has finally revealed the location of
their stronghold. We must bring anti-Shinra elements
under control. Hurry there and raid the stronghold.


Stop the Assailants

The Wutai spy apprehended in the park has
revealed the Crescent Unit’s true objective.
They are planning to exact revenge against you.
Infiltrate the base and crush the Crescent Unit
before they have a chance to catch you off guard.

Category 4-4: The Remnants Strike Again


A New Threat

Even with the Five Saints of Wutai eliminated,
Wutai’s anti-Shinra elements are still active.
The Crescent Unit has taken the saints’
place to bring the remnants together.
Raid the Crescent Unit’s base immediately.


Death Wish for Zack

With Shinra’s main forces in Wutai, the
Crescent Unit sneaked into Midgar yet again,
and they still want your head.
The Turks have found their hideout, so
conduct a preemptive strike to save your skin!



A Crescent Unit detachment has snuck into
Midgar, reaching the upper layers.
But this has actually worked in our favor–
their positioning has them trapped.
Head to their location and annihilate them now!


Wutai in the Slums

We have determined that the Wutai troops in the
slums are serving as support for the Crescent Unit.
If they find out that the Crescent Unit is no more,
they may take desperate measures. Head to the slums
immediately and vanquish the Wutai troops.


Anti-Shinra Base

The Crescent Unit, having failed in its assault
on Midgar, is now scheming to reunite all Wutai
remnants and expand the anti-Shinra movement.
These anti-Shinra elements must be crushed as
quickly as they appear.
Go to one of their bases and quell the rebels.


Anti-SOLDIER Weapons

We have received information on powered-up
anti-SOLDIER weapons under development in a Wutai
base. Go to the base immediately and eradicate
the Wutai remnants together with the new weapons.

Category 4-5: Annihilate the Crescent Unit


Neutralize the Commander

The Wutai remnants whose anti-SOLDIER weapons
we destroyed are regrouping, gathering their
commanders to plan future anti-Shinra activities.
We won’t give them the opportunity–raid their
base now!


Last of the Wutai

The Wutai remnants have lost their leadership,
and the Crescent Unit has slowed down without
their henchmen. Now is our chance, before they
reorganize, to attack their last base and
smash the Wutai remnants.


Crush the Crescent Unit

With the Wutai remnants obliterated, the Crescent Unit
has been defanged, unable to carry out any more
anti-Shinra activities. But we suspect they will
carry on with their lethal covert operations.
Continue to crush their bases.


Crescent Unit Annihilation

Most of the Crescent Unit bases positioned
throughout Wutai have been brought under control.
Their communication links grow weaker by
the day, so let’s continue to put pressure
on them.


Before They Regroup

The Turks have provided us with information on a
base where the Crescent Unit is reorganizing to
regain its power. Crushing this base would bring
us closer to forever eliminating the Crescent Unit.
Raid the base and halt their reorganization!


Wutai Suppression

With their bases lost, commanders of the Crescent Unit
have escaped into caves in the outskirts of Wutai.
Now may be our best chance at vanquishing the
Crescent Unit once and for all. Hurry to the caves!

Hojo’s Laboratory

Category 5-1: Sample Monsters Lv. 1


Experiment No. 101

Your battle with the summon made for valuable data.
I have used this data to create a new battle sim;
be my guest and give it a try if you’re up to it.
But I must warn you–though it is only a simulation,
the damage you receive will be very real.


Experiment No. 102

Bahamut! A rare find, indeed…
I thank you for such an invaluable sample.
I have created another battle simulation based
on this data, so have at it once you’re ready.


Experiment No. 103

I already know it’s a failure, so I’m not
especially keen on this…but I did recreate an
Angeal copy based on combat intel. It’s just a
monster with a little bit of intelligence.
On second thought, it’s probably a perfect match.


Experiment No. 104

A very intriguing sample. A Bahamut strain!
Genesis has more than a few tricks up his sleeve.
So, this is a simulated battle–with special
thanks to Genesis. Allow me to collect more
combat data while you dish out the hurt.


Experiment No. 105

Is Genesis dead?
Actually, that is of no concern to me–my interest
lay only in his abilities.
He showed remarkable growth for a failed experiment.
Far more promising than you.


Experiment No. 106

Too bad about Angeal.
He could have lived longer had he only returned to
Shinra. I would have preferred to get his body back to
my lab…but at the very least, I retrieved some data
from which I created a simulation of his final state.
Perhaps you might be able to tell just how
faithful a reproduction it is…

Category 5-2: Sample Monsters Lv. 2


Experiment No. 107

Is the hero really dead?
Things would have been more interesting if only
I had arrived at Nibelheim a bit sooner…
We’ll have to settle for a simulation based on the data
left in the monitoring system at the mako reactor.


Experiment No. 108

I wonder if Sephiroth gave his all fighting you?
It’s too bad the monitoring system cannot record the
subject’s mind as well. Still, the data shows
significant strength. Could he have accepted you
as a SOLDIER member? An interesting state he was in…


Experiment No. 109

Failures, failures, failures–what annoyances.
And yet I suppose even failures have value
as experimental subjects. This was a man
who used to constantly get in my way, but now
he will work for me as a test subject.


Experiment No. 110

A decent experiment, and a long time coming.
You have fought these numerous times before,
so they should look familiar to you. But as to
how they fight… You’ll have to see for yourself.


Experiment No. 111

Increasing any test subject’s parameters across the
board is a true challenge, so I have produced an
experiment who has one tiny additional skill.
Fight it, and you’ll see what I mean.


Experiment No. 112

This experiment has one particular ability raised
quite high. I am infinitely curious to see how it
fights, so hurry up and get in the ring!

Category 5-3: Sample Monsters Lv. 3


Experiment No. 113

I have performed some research on powering
up existing summon samples.
Starting off with the best ingredient always
makes a difference in the final results.
Now, let us commence testing.


Experiment No. 114

Hee hee hee…
This is truly an amusing sample. It wouldn’t
be a stretch to say it’s made especially for you.
I am eager to see how this test turns out.
Don’t keep me waiting!


Experiment No. 115

I have prepared an experiment that baffles its opponent
with its behavior. One with the simplest thought process
(like you) may just end up losing again and again.
That in itself would be a sight to see…but then,
which would I call the sample–you or my experiment?


Experiment No. 116

It’s been some time since I made an experiment
that simply boasted more physical strength.
At your level, you should be able to win…but
you might find several of its features rather


Experiment No. 117

The one problem with experiments is that they always die.
So I have created an experiment that is, put simply,
hard to kill. A possible vector to be sure, but if it
can be defeated by a SOLDIER operative, it’s a failure
in my book. Anyway, let me see you fight it, right now.


Experiment No. 118

I have managed to produce another experiment
based on your combat data.
It was a relatively simple process, yet the
experiment yielded very interesting results.
Indulge me and fight it.

Category 5-4: Sample Monsters Lv. 4


Experiment No. 119

I transplanted data from one experiment to
a different monster. Their thought processes
are different, but the basic parameters have
been increased, so I am curious to see if
it can be defeated by a SOLDIER member.


Experiment No. 120

I occasionally indulge myself in forming an experiment
from a unique monster. Even I cannot hypothesize what
kind of data to expect from this battle–all I know
is that it will be a very tough enemy for you. There
are more experiments in the works, so by all means,
keep yourself alive.


Experiment No. 121

Here is a long-standing experiment fortified by mako.
Unlike all the others in the past, it should display
combat skills beyond those of a SOLDIER operative.
But I can only know for sure by having you fight it.


Experiment No. 122

Another experiment with boosted power.
This one, again, should display combat skills beyond
those of a SOLDIER operative, but you just may be
able to defeat it. Let’s start the test.


Experiment No. 123

I have a feeling that using monsters as the
basis for my experiments was the wrong approach.
So here is an experiment based on non-monster
data. Something…just for you.


Experiment No. 124

Just as I had thought, the quality of the basic
materials is very important. I have made this
one from the best materials in my possession.
With this one, not even you could…

Seeking Precious Items

Category 6-1: Looking for Items


Closed Coal Mines

We have obtained information on monsters dwelling
in the closed coal mines. There is a possibility
that the mines were shut off with precious items
still inside. Please go investigate.


Desert Island Delights

We have obtained information on monsters
living on a desert island. You may also
be able to find some items there.
Please go investigate.


Scavenger Hunt

Monsters have appeared in the slums.
You must eliminate the threats before any of the
citizenry are hurt. We ask that you also conduct
a thorough investigation of the area.


In the Depths of the Caverns

We have obtained information of monsters
dwelling in the caves. You may also
be able to find some items there.
Please go and investigate.


Buried in the Caverns

We have obtained information about odd
monsters dwelling in the caves.
You may also be able to find some items there.
Please go and investigate.


Item in the Coal Mines II

We have obtained information on monsters
dwelling in the closed coal mines. You may
also be able to find some items there.
Please go and investigate.

Category 6-2: Midgar City Development Department


Slum Development Plan 1

The City Planning Department is aiming to build
a more hospitable Midgar by eliminating the monsters
dwelling in the slums. The department has requested
that we exterminate the monsters and collect all
items in the slums area.


Slum Development Plan 2

The last slum cleanup mission was a success.
SOLDIER has again been assigned to eliminate
the monsters dwelling in the slums. Please head
to the slums now, exterminate the monsters,
and collect all items in the area.


Mako Excavation Site

With mako reactors falling under its management,
the City Planning Department is struggling
with the rise in consumption of mako energy.
Restarting a previously abandoned facility may
help combat the energy crisis. Go to the site
and check on the facility’s status.


Ingredient for Soma

The City Planning Department is also in charge of
manufacturing items circulated throughout Midgar.
They have found a colony of plants that are used
as an ingredient in Soma, useful for AP recovery.
Go there, take charge, and lay claim to the colony.


Making Phoenix Down

The City Planning Department, in its efforts to
improve the citizenry’s quality of life, has initiated
plans to manufacture phoenix downs. SOLDIER has been
assigned the task of searching for the ingredients.
Clear the area of monsters and look for what we need.


Underground City

The City Planning Department has planned to build
an underground city guarded from Genesis attacks.
However, monsters have gathered at the construction
site. Head over to the site, investigate the area,
and eliminate all monsters in sight.

Category 6-3: Zack, the Treasure Hunter


Items in the Plains

Monsters possessing items that can be used as
catalysts for materia fusion have been found in
the plains. We wish to exactly determine the
types of items and monsters present. Go to
the site, bash the monsters, and collect the items.


Desert Island Surprises

On a tropical island, we discovered a monster
that drops items which are useable in materia fusion.
We need more details on both the monster and the
items. Head for the island, take down the monster,
and grab the items.


An Item for Fusion

Every good SOLDIER operative who wants to power up
his materia needs items that can act as catalysts in
materia fusion. Therefore, we have established an
item search program. We have searched our database
and found a location where quality items can be found.
Please head there immediately.


Item in the Caverns

The item search program seems to be faring well.
The next search location looks promising, but
dangerous monsters may be on site. Nevertheless,
we look forward to the results.


Item in the Coal Mines

We now have information on monsters in the coal
mines carrying precious items. This will be
processed as part of the item search program.
Go to the mines now and obtain the items.


Items in the Wasteland

We have received word from the Turks that valuable
items are hidden in an untouched wasteland.
Only a SOLDIER operative can tackle this mission.
You are asked to head to the site and collect
the items.

Category 6-4: Zack, the Clean-up Guy


Monsters in the Caverns

A secret Shinra facility in the caves has been rendered
unusable due to the growth in monster population.
You must eradicate them. Know also that the leader of
the pack is said to be carrying an item. You may
keep all items you obtain during the mission.


In the Closed Coal Mines

Monsters have been happily–and heavily–breeding
in the closed coal mines. Eradicate them to protect
citizens in the surrounding areas. Also, the leader of
the pack is said to be carrying a rare item. You may
keep all items you obtain during this mission.


In the Secret Facility

Sahagins have been spotted inside Shinra’s secret
base. Hurry there and eliminate the monsters.
They are said to have stocked up on items, some of
them quite rare. You are allowed to keep all items
you obtain during the mission.


Hiding in the Wasteland

A Griffon has been spotted in the wasteland.
Hurry there and eliminate the monster.
The monster is said to possess a rare item.
You are allowed to keep all items you obtain during the
mission. If everything works out, it just may be worth
more than what you’re being paid for this mission.


Buried in the Plains

We have received word of a buried Shinra treasure in
the plains. There are, however, Scissor Chitens in
the area. These monsters are said to possess rare items.
You are allowed to keep all items you obtain during the
mission. If everything works out, the items may prove
more valuable than your compensation.


Ancient and Hidden

We planned to send a geological investigation team
to an unpopulated island, but the vicious monsters
roaming about pose a threat. Eradicate the monsters
to secure the area. Legend tells of an ancient
treasure buried somewhere on the island.
You may keep all items you obtain during the mission.

Category 6-5: Zack, the Corporation Crusher


City Planning Dept.

Evidently, a City Planning Department competitor is
hiding materials in the caves. Collect the materials!
You may keep all items obtained during this mission–
but stay sharp, as monsters are there to protect
the stash!


Space Development Dept.

We have information on a Space Development Department
competitor hiding materials in the caves.
Collect the materials! You may keep all items obtained
during this mission. However, be extra careful, as
monsters have been placed to protect the stash!


The Reporting Department

We have information on a Reporting Department
competitor hiding materials in the wasteland. Collect
the materials! You may keep all items obtained during
this mission, but be extra careful–they seem
to have placed monsters to secure their stash!


Security Department

We have information on a Security Department
competitor hiding materials in the plains. Collect
the materials! You may keep all items obtained during
this mission–but use caution, as monsters have
been placed to protect the stash!


Arms Development Dept.

We have information on a Weapons Development
Department competitor hiding materials in the caves.
Collect the materials! You may keep all items obtained
during this mission, but stay frosty, as monsters are
present to protect the prize!


Science Department

We have information on a Science Department
competitor hiding materials in the coal mines. Collect
the materials, but be extra careful–they’ve placed
monsters to secure their stash! You may keep all
items obtained during this mission.

Category 6-6: Counter-Mafia Project


The Don’s Secret

We have obtained information on items hidden by
Don Corneo, the mafia boss who controls the Wall Market.
The purpose of the mission is to bring Corneo’s
excessive forces under control. You are allowed
to keep all items you obtain during the mission.


The Don’s Second Secret

New information tells us that Don Corneo has
apparently hidden more items in the slums.
The purpose of the mission is to bring Corneo’s
excessive forces under control. You are allowed
to keep all items you obtain during the mission.


Secret in the Caverns

This just in: Don Corneo has hidden additional
items in the caves.
The purpose of the mission is to bring Corneo’s
excessive forces under control. You are allowed
to keep all items you obtain during the mission.


Secret on the Plains

Breaking information tells us that Don Corneo has
apparently hidden more items in the plains.
The purpose of the mission is to bring Corneo’s
excessive forces under control. You are allowed
to keep all items you obtain during the mission.


The Melancholy Don

New intelligence tells us that Don Corneo has
apparently hidden more items in the coal mines.
The purpose of the mission is to bring Corneo’s
excessive forces under control. You are allowed
to keep all items you obtain during the mission.


The Don’s Twilight

Sources tell us that Don Corneo has apparently
hidden more items in the wasteland.
The purpose of the mission is to bring Corneo’s
excessive forces under control. You are allowed
to keep all items you obtain during the mission.

Seeking Priceless Items

Category 7-1: Recall Missions


Freight Recall

A Shinra freight carrier has sunk near Mideel.
Some of its cargo has drifted to a desert
island in the area, and the last thing we want
is anti-Shinra elements procuring that cargo.
Get there and retrieve what is ours.


Black Market Recall

Certain Shinra-brand accessories were being traded
illegally in the slum marketplace. The employee
responsible has already been arrested, but some of
the accessories are still hidden in the slums.
Go there and recover all of the accessories.


Cargo Recall

Our cargo stolen by an anti-Shinra element has
been found inside the plate. The organization was
neutralized, but an AI weapon glitch prevented us
from reclaiming our precious cargo.
We have no use for malfunctioning machines–
destroy them and collect our goods!


Supplies Recall

SOLDIER supplies that went missing along with stocks
of Shinra weapons have been found in the wasteland.
Genesis troops have also been spied in the area.
Go to the site and collect all supplies.


Deputy Assignment

A SOLDIER 3rd Class was sent alone to reclaim
cargo stolen by Genesis’s troops.
He came back injured and dejected, and has been
pulled out of action.
Please head to the site and collect the cargo.


Second Deputy Assignment

This is an emergency situation. Shinra accessories
have been stolen by Genesis troops that infiltrated
the plate. They are apparently too tough for the
SOLDIER 3rd Class operatives we sent in. You must
go there and get back the accessories.

Category 7-2: Precious Things


Search and Destroy

We have located one of Genesis’s underground
equipment bunkers. Destroying this facility
would put a heavy dent into their reinforcements.
Go there immediately, infiltrate the site, crush
the enemy, and collect their equipment.


Search and Destroy II

We have destroyed their factory, but Genesis
troops have built yet another in a new location.
You must raid the site and crush the enemy. However,
they have learned from the last attack and have
boosted their defenses. Proceed with caution.


Operation: Mako Reactor I

Monsters have appeared in a mako reactor construction
site, shutting down several working blocks.
SOLDIER must break through the closed-off blocks,
eliminate the swarm of insectoid monsters, and
collect any equipment left on site.


Operation: Mako Reactor II

There’s still trouble at the mako reactor
construction site. With more types of monsters
than before, we can only depend on SOLDIER.
Enter the construction area, eliminate the
monsters, and collect the equipment on site.


Operation: Mako Reactor III

The chaos at the construction site seems to
have settled down. Only one block is still
closed–if we can bring this final block
under control, our job will be done.
Please hurry to the site.


Accessories Recall

Troops carrying accessories have been attacked
by monsters. The troops have made it back, but
the accessories were left at the site.
You must collect the accessories while battling
the monsters in the area.

Category 7-3: ESP Development Project


P’s Precognition Lv. 1

One of our secret projects involves developing
extra-sensory perception. Test Subject “P” has
sensed an accessory component waiting to be found
in the caves. We ask that you go to the caves to
verify this claim.


P’s Precognition Lv. 2

P’s skills are improving by the minute.
In this session, he has sensed an accessory
component within the caves. Search the caves
and verify his extra-sensory vision.


P’s Precognition Lv. 3

We’re observing tremendous growth in P’s skills.
In this session, he has sensed an accessory
component within the coal mines. Go to the mines
and verify his extra-sensory vision.


P’s Precognition Lv. 4

Test Subject P’s growth knows no bounds.
In this session, he has sensed an accessory
component waiting in the caves. Head there
and verify his extra-sensory vision.


P’s Precognition Lv. 5

P’s skills are developing in unforeseen ways.
He is predicting events of greater importance.
In this session, he has sensed an accessory
component inside the building. Search the premises
and verify his extra-sensory vision.


P’s Precognition Lv. 6

Test Subject P’s skills have reached a new level.
He will be moving onto making more important
predictions. But in his last session, he has sensed
an accessory component in the slums.
Go to the slums and verify his extra-sensory vision.

Category 7-4: Contacts from P


First Contact

You probably know me as “P” from the precognition
tests. Now I am directly contacting you.
I was able to gain these skills thanks to you.
What I am about to tell you is my way of saying thanks.
Go to the caves–you’ll find a worthwhile accessory.


Second Contact

Hi, it’s me again.
“P” is my name. Predictions are my game.
I sense another accessory component waiting to be
claimed by you. If you trust me, go to the wasteland.


Third Contact

Yes, it’s me again.
My senses seem to grow sharper with
every mission you successfully complete.
I am confident you’ll enjoy this next one.
Go to the plains to find out if I’m right.


Fourth Contact

Yes, it’s me again.
My senses have never been as sharp as they are now.
This next one won’t let you down, either.
If you trust me, go to the wasteland.


Signs of Growth

Yes, it’s me again.
I think my senses are about to reach new heights.
Would you like to witness this for yourself?
Go to the coal mines to see what I mean.



It’s me again.
I think I have new powers,
and it’s all thanks to you.
I want you to have something.
Go to the plains, and it’s yours.

Category 7-5: Orphans Escaping


Boy in the Caverns

Several orphans broke out of a care facility run by
Shinra, stealing several accessories in the process.
The children have been returned to custody,
but the accessories have not been reclaimed.
Go to the area and collect all the accessories.


Eldest in the Wasteland

We have determined that one of the stolen
accessories is in the wasteland.
Head there and collect the item in question.
The child is highly trained and reckless.
Be mindful of the dangers in the area.


Girl on the Desert Island

We have determined that an accessory stolen by
one of the orphans is on a desert island.
You must head there and liberate the accessory.
The care facility in question was built to protect
orphans brought from various locations by Shinra.


Second Son in the Wasteland

An accessory stolen by one of the orphans has
apparently been left in the wasteland.
Hurry to the site and pick up the accessory.
By the by, we found out why the orphans ran away–
chalk it up to the harsh training forced upon them.


Twins in the Caverns

An accessory stolen by one of the orphans is
apparently in the caves. Hurry to the site and pick
up the accessory. By the way, the orphans are set
to be assigned to various battalions that
correspond with how hard they have trained…


Youngest in the Wasteland

An accessory stolen by one of the orphans is
apparently in the wasteland. Hurry to the site
and pick up the accessory. Additionally, this
incident has prompted the executives to review
the care facility’s management…

Category 7-6: The Accessory Craftsman


A Recruiter’s Departure

A legendary accessory craftsman is said to be
traveling all parts of the world, creating
valuable accessories. We have received word
that he is in the caves, working on a new accessory.
Go to the site and invite him to join Shinra.


A Recruiter’s Close Call

In the previous mission, it seems the craftsman
had already completed his work and left the site.
But we now have new, reliable information. He is
in the caves starting work on a new accessory.
Hurry there and recruit him into Shinra.


A Recruiter in a Slump

In the previous mission, the craftsman had finished
his work and left the site before you could reach him.
But our information is more reliable this time.
He is on a desert island working on a new accessory.
Hurry there and recruit him into Shinra.


The Irritated Recruiter

Last time, the craftsman had yet again finished his
work and left the site before you could reach him.
But this time, we have more reliable information.
He is in a building working on a new accessory.
Hurry there and recruit him into Shinra.


The Frustrated Recruiter

In the previous mission, it seems the craftsman had
already completed his work and left the site before
you could reach him. But we now have information from
a reliable source. He is in the slums starting work on
a new accessory. Hurry there and recruit him into Shinra.


The Determined Recruiter

The craftsman is apparently risking his life
to create the best accessory he has ever forged.
He is now in the caves.
Recruit him into Shinra before his work is
complete and his life is over.

Zack, the Materia Hunter

Category 8-1: Starting Out


Rematch with Ifrit

As a result of analyzing the materia you obtained
in your fight with Ifrit, we have succeeded in
trapping the creature–and chances are good that
you can get your hands on rare materia.
Hurry to the site.



We have received information of materia hidden
in the nest of an island-dwelling Raijincho.
Go to the island and obtain the materia.


Clash with Genesis Troops

We received word that Genesis troops are currently
transporting precious materia they had shamelessly
pilfered from Shinra. We take the security of our
materia seriously–so get it back!


Rematch with Bahamut

We thoroughly analyzed the materia you retrieved
during your fight with Bahamut, and we believe we
have isolated his current location. Hurry to the
site–chances are good that you can get your
hands on some more rare materia.


Escape from Hojo’s Lab

A monster has escaped from Hojo Laboratories.
The monster has been powered up by materia
and must be captured at any cost!
Hunt it down, and take its materia after
it has been subdued.


Mystery Materia

We detected a strong materia reaction in the caves.
Its source is unknown, as there appears to be
no presence of Genesis copies or Wutai remnants.
No mako eruptions have been reported either, so
conduct an investigation immediately.

Category 8-2: Mako Stones


SPR Mako Stone

A spirit mako stone has been detected in the
slums of Sector 6. Mako stones are invaluable
as research material for materia generation.
Hurry to the slums and obtain the mako stone.


VIT Mako Stone

We have detected a reaction from a vitality
mako stone in the suburbs of Mideel.
You will most likely encounter monsters in the area.
Use caution as you make your way to the mako stone.


MAG Mako Stone

We have detected a reaction from a magic
mako stone near Mount Corel.
You will most likely encounter monsters in the area.
Use caution as you make your way to the mako stone.


HP Mako Stone

We have detected a reaction from an HP mako
stone in the plains.
You will most likely encounter monsters in the area.
Use caution as you make your way to the mako stone.


ATK Mako Stone

We have detected a reaction from an attack mako
stone in the wasteland northeast of Cosmo Canyon.
You will most likely encounter monsters in the area.
Use caution as you make your way to the mako stone.


LCK Mako Stone

We have detected a reaction from a luck mako
stone in the Mythril Mines.
You will most likely encounter monsters in the area.
Use caution as you make your way to the mako stone.

Category 8-3: To Hell and Back


EM Hell in the Building

An abnormal electromagnetic field has been activated
in a building, damaging the machinery we planned to
use in our site investigation. Shinra troops cannot
enter with monsters swarming inside.
Find the cause of the abnormality and eliminate it.


EM Hell on the Island

An abnormal electromagnetic field has been activated
on a desert island, damaging the machinery we planned
to use in our site investigation. Shinra troops
are at a stalemate with monsters swarming the area.
Find the cause of the abnormality and eliminate it.


EM Hell in the Wasteland

An abnormal electromagnetic field has been activated
in the wasteland, damaging the machinery we planned to
use in our site investigation. Shinra troops cannot
enter with monsters swarming the area.
Find the cause of the abnormality and eliminate it.


EM Hell in the Mines

An abnormal electromagnetic field has been activated
in the coal mines, damaging the machinery we planned
to use in our investigation of the site. Shinra troops
cannot enter with monsters swarming the area.
Find the cause of the abnormality and eliminate it.


EM Hell in the Plains

An abnormal electromagnetic field has been activated
in the plains, damaging the machinery we planned to
use in our investigation of the site. Shinra troops
cannot enter with monsters swarming the area.
Find the cause of the abnormality and eliminate it.


EM Hell in the Caverns

An abnormal electromagnetic field has been activated
in the caverns, damaging the machinery we planned to
use in our investigation of the site. Shinra troops
cannot enter with monsters swarming the area.
Find the cause of the abnormality and eliminate it.

Category 8-4: From a Hot Treasure Hunter


Suspicious Mail 1

This message, from someone who claims to be
the “treasure princess,” is suspect.
You can apparently meet this person if you
head for the plains. Please go there and
confirm the information’s accuracy.


Suspicious Mail 2

It seems the “treasure princess” has recruited
you as an ally. You now have orders to hunt for
a treasure in the ravine. We assume you feel
bad for making her cry the last time. To curb
that guilt, head for the ravine.


Suspicious Mail 3

The orders this time (from you-know-who) are
to look for a treasure in the plains.
We know you’re only going along with her to make
up for making her cry. She’s probably playing you,
but if that’s okay by you, head for the plains.


Suspicious Mail 4

Our “treasure princess” seems quite upset,
though it’s obviously not her place to get mad;
she’s the one providing faulty information.
But, if you can act the grown-up and not get cross
with her, you can head for the marine caves.


Suspicious Mail 5

The “treasure princess” is threatening to fire you.
It must be welcome news for you, but we should make
an effort to defend SOLDIER’s honor.
We suggest you head for the coal mines
if only for that reason.


Suspicious Mail 6

You have more orders, and a challenge to a
duel, from our “treasure princess.”
We have had quite enough of this child,
so if you’re as fed up with her as we are,
head for the marine caves and tell her off!

Category 8-5: Anonymous Hints


Treasure Info 1

This message from an anonymous source hints at
a secret treasure to be found in the plains.
If it gets into the wrong hands, it may
become a threat to Shinra’s very existence.
Go there and protect our interests!


Treasure Info 2

Another anonymous note hints at a secret
treasure hidden in the marine caves.
If it gets into the wrong hands, it may
become a threat to Shinra’s very existence.
Though the claim is dubious, we should make sure.


Treasure Info 3

Another note from someone (who insists on
anonymity) hints at a secret treasure hidden in
the caves. Contrary to this claim, we doubt that
it poses a threat to Shinra. Accept this mission
if you want to play along with her games…


Treasure Info 4

Our favorite anonymous source sends yet another note
that hints at a treasure to be found in the coal mines.
You may have to spend some money in order to
obtain this item, but if you have the time and
the finances, go check it out.


Treasure Info 5

She still thinks she is anonymous,
and her note tells us about a treasure
to be found somewhere inside the plate.
You should go to the area…and get to the
bottom of how she got your mail address.


Treasure Info 6

“Anonymous” seems to have barely escaped an
unannounced summon appearance. She now
tells us about a secret treasure in the cave.
It may be dangerous, but we still need to
determine the security breach through her.

Category 8-6: Yuffie’s Notices



We have received notice from Yuffie that she is
attempting to nab some treasure. Based on previous
information, the treasure must be in a dangerous
place. Head for the caves, take the treasure,
and protect Yuffie!


Another Notice

Another notice from Yuffie. She seems to be headed
for the marine caves this time, but the area is
known to be rife with vicious foes! Yuffie’s
life is in danger–get to the caves and stay


Final Notice

Yet another notice from Yuffie–this time she’s
headed for the coal mines.
She’s probably not in danger of losing her life,
but the area is teeming with monsters.
The treasure might be worth the trouble.



Another notice from Yuffie laying claim
to some treasure. She talks tough as usual,
but she might be lost in the wasteland.
We’re a little worried about her.
Please go there for our sake.



An S.O.S. message from Yuffie.
Specifics are unknown.
We’re relatively confident she is safe,
but head out…just to be sure.



Another message from Yuffie, with no subject
or punctuation in the main body of the mail.
She could be in real trouble this time.
…Then again, maybe not. The decision whether
to go or not is yours.

Great Cavern of Wonders

Category 9-1: Invitation to the Underground


Underground Caves

We unearthed a second subterranean den near
the great northern cave. We cannot determine
whether it was naturally formed, or made by
human hands. Shinra sent in a science team,
which never came back. This is where you come in.


Deeper into the Caves

The caves are larger inside than previously thought.
Headquarters has decided on a thorough investigation,
but this is going to be a long-term mission.
Proceed slowly and with caution.


Marks of an Intruder

Evidence of human life has been found deep inside
the caves. We are obviously not the first ones in.
Investigate the surrounding area; if you encounter
hostiles, you are free to eliminate them.


Genesis’s Interception

We are still unsure of Genesis’s goals, but the
fact that he has deployed troops to these caves
indicates that something inside interests him.
Eliminate Genesis’s forces while exploring the caves.


Behind the Scenes

A SOLDIER operative in our investigative
unit has been taken out by Genesis’s troops.
Hurry to where this SOLDIER operative was
deployed, and eliminate the enemy.


Genesis’s Threat

Genesis troops have proven to be stronger than
initially imagined. They must be neutralized
for our investigation to move forward.
Eradicate the enemy in the surrounding area.

Category 9-2: Stirrings


A Third Power

We have received reports that there is a third
party, other than Genesis troops, in the caves.
Head immediately to the area, confirm their
identity, and if hostile, eliminate them.


Weapons Out of Control

Gun Bull Heads have been sent in to fight against
both Genesis and Wutai forces, but something has made
the machines unable to distinguish between friend and
foe. We have no choice but to enter the deployment
area and destroy our own machines.


Continuing into the Caves

This is another request for an investigation
into the caves. All reports suggest Genesis’s
forces are still active. You must proceed with
the investigation while eliminating the enemy.


A New Path Discovered

We have reports of a new route found inside
the caves. We assume neither Genesis nor
Wutai forces are aware of this path as yet.
Commence your investigation immediately.


To the Lower Levels

We learned much from the previous mission,
including how to descend to lower levels.
We have decided for you to continue your
investigation. Begin your mission immediately.


Signs of Materia

A strong materia reaction has been detected
inside the caves; some sort of materia may be
buried in the soil. Please head to the site
and collect the materia.

Category 9-3: In Search of What?


To the End

The full scope of the caves still eludes us.
The subterranean depths keep growing larger, and
we have no choice but to explore them bottom to top.
Go to your assigned area and begin the investigation.


Genesis’s Challenge

Activity by Genesis troops has been confirmed deep
in the caves yet again. They seem to be conducting
a search inside the caves armed with new weapons.
Head to where they were last seen and eliminate them.


Genesis’s New Weapon

The new weapons in Genesis’s arsenal
seem to possess overwhelming power.
These must be destroyed to halt the
enemy’s offensive.
Move to their position with all haste.


Genesis’s Super Weapon

Genesis troops have readied stronger weapons,
and only a SOLDIER 1st Class can survive their
attacks. Infiltrate the caves and destroy the
prototypes before they get the chance to go online.


Wutai’s Best

Wutai troops thought destroyed have been sighted
in the caves. Their best troopers have quietly
moved to the lower levels of the caves. Their
goals are unknown, but we must halt whatever
plans they have. Vanquish the Wutai elites.


No More Wutai

The Wutai in the caves have been eliminated.
Let us take this opportunity to further explore
the deeper levels. Monsters have been confirmed
as present, so you must continue fighting as
you move downward.

Category 9-4: Realm of Demons


Genesis’s Ambition

Genesis troops are advancing again.
Their new frontline weapons are dealing
massive damage, but yielding the caves
to them is not an option.
Vanquish this worthy enemy now!


Genesis’s Passion

New Genesis copies, using tactics we’ve never
encountered before, are readying an army and
marching into the caves with unstoppable momentum.
Pursue them and stop their advance to prevent
them from achieving their sinister goals.


A Fresh Start

Genesis troops are no more.
Wutai forces have vanished.
There is nothing left to do but keep moving
deeper into the depths of the caves.


Machines Gone Haywire

Shinra’s weapons are acting up; something in
the caves is making them go berserk. Destroy
our machines to keep them from hurting our
own people.


Only for SOLDIER

Our own machines have gone berserk, and the
losses we have experienced are unacceptable.
We are pulling our troops out of the caves,
but SOLDIER must keep moving forward. Take
out any monsters in your way!


Only for 1st Class

The monsters we’ve encountered are so
ridiculously powerful that SOLDIER operatives
are struggling to stay in the fight. 2nd and
3rd Class operatives cannot go any further.
We’re counting on you.

Category 9-5: Unknown Energy


Hojo’s Monsters

It seems monsters have been released from Hojo’s
lab into the caves. They are unlikely to
distinguish friend from foe. Though we may be
breaching the chain of command, you are permitted
to fight back if they attack you.


Further Below

We are thoroughly impressed that you have
eliminated Hojo’s monsters–no offense to him.
With your abilities, we are confident that you
can handle any foe that comes your way.
Keep up the pace and move forward.


Unusually Strong Monsters

If our data is correct, these monsters are
unusually strong; the caves must be the cause.
We are analyzing the monster data from the areas
we have already covered, but it’s not enough.
Please go deeper and collect more data for us.


Abnormal Power

We are fairly certain that the monsters inside
the caves are being strengthened by an unknown energy.
The energy seems to grow as we advance further down.
Descend to the next level and help us find the cause.


A Lonely Journey

You are the only one left exploring these caves;
any other SOLDIER 1st Class operatives have
long since retired.
The monsters are becoming increasingly vicious.
Proceed with caution.


Even Deeper

We have confirmed the existence of Guard Hounds from
the area you covered in the last mission. They may have
gone berserk by themselves, but it is more likely that
there was an external stimulus. Please gather more
information as we continue to analyze our data.

Category 9-6: Doors to the Unknown


Toughest Monsters

An analysis of the data tells us that the monsters
in these caves are exponentially stronger than they
are above ground. Even those that are relatively
docile above ground become belligerent in these caves.
We trust you, but do not let your guard down.


The Lowest Tier

You have almost reached the lowest level of the caves.
We will give you all the support that we can.
You may look forward to this mission’s compensation.
Good luck.


Weapons Gone Haywire

It is now clear that the mysterious energy can
influence not only monsters, but machines as well.
The mechanical weapons go on unprogrammed rampages
powered by a seemingly endless supply of energy.
You’re the only one who can solve this mystery!


Biomechanical Threats

Though mechanical, the Master Blades you encountered
in your last mission had taken on biological behavior
from the unknown energy.
The energy seems to have properties beyond our imagination.
It’s almost within your reach!


Life Form of Energy

Analysis of the mysterious energy has led us to believe
that not only does it make machines behave like living
organisms, but any other life form killed by it could take
on an entirely different behavior. Evidence suggests that
a few of our men have disappeared in the lower levels.
Don’t let anything take you by surprise!
Keep your courage up and move forward!


The Reigning Deity

After analyzing the mysterious energy’s effluence,
we are sure that its source is just beyond here.
There’s no telling what you may find, but
we’ve come too far to turn back now.
We look forward to reading your report, Zack!

Mysteries of the World

Category 10-1: Cactoid Secrets


Where’s the Cactuar?

One of our executives has lost his pet Cactuar.
It seems the prickly pet has disappeared with
classified company information in its hands.
This security breach must be dealt with at once.
A door-to-door investigation by Shinra has revealed the
Cactuar to be in the wasteland. Exterminate it on sight.



The Cactuar found in the last mission was only a
look-alike. Another thorough investigation by Shinra
has revealed the Cactuar to be in the wasteland.
This one has got to be our executive’s Cactuar!
Exterminate it immediately!


Cactuar Found?

If we leave things as is, it is only a matter of time
before sensitive information is leaked and heads roll.
We must, for the sake of these heads, find the Cactuar
at all costs. Further investigation has determined its
location to be in the wasteland. There is no time to lose!

Category 10-2: Tonberry Quests


Find the Tonberry!

Our president’s personal chef has requested
that we reclaim his prized knife of legend.
Investigation has revealed that a Tonberry in the
coal mines is currently in possession of the knife.
Defeat the Tonberry and claim the cutlery!


Tonberries Everywhere

The kitchen knife possessed by the previous
Tonberry was not the chef’s legendary knife.
But we have new information about another
Tonberry with the chef’s precious cutlery.
Hurry there and defeat the Tonberry!


Master Tonberry

Despite the number of Tonberries in the last
mission, not one held the chef’s legendary knife.
But the latest news is the most reliable yet.
The Master Tonberry in the caves is in possession
of it! Go slay the Master Tonberry!

Category 10-3: Fun in the Sun!


Vacation Time

You are hereby granted a vacation to Shinra’s
own resort, Costa del Sol. We hope the time off
will relieve some of your stress.


Vacation for Real

Your previous break was rudely interrupted
by an attacking Genesis battalion, so here is
your permit for a real vacation in Costa del Sol.
We hope you enjoy your time off.


Please Make it a Vacation

We never would have thought Sahagins
lived in the waters of Costa del Sol.
Please enjoy some real time off at our
exclusive resort. The third time is the charm!

Category 10-4: More Fun in the Sun!


You Need a Vacation

Even the meteorological bureau was surprised to
hear that the rise in water temperature at
Costa del Sol was being caused by Bombs.
We can’t blame you for convulsions of nature,
so here is your permit for another break.


We Hope It’s a Vacation

We don’t know what else to call it but bad luck;
both you and Dr. Hojo were taking your breaks
at Costa del Sol at the same time. You deserve a
real vacation, so here is your permit.
Please try to make it count this time.


Is it a Vacation Yet?

If word had come out that Costa Del Sol had an
abnormal growth in its sea worm population, it
would have spelled the end for our prized resort.
As a token of our appreciation for defending its image,
here is a permit for one last vacation at Costa del Sol.
But, we’re sorry to say this is your last one…

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