
Link to the Original: Final Fantasy V- p. 488 of the Dissidia Ultimania

by February 11, 2009 0 comments

CuriousACfan has translated another portion from the Dissidia Final Fantasy Ultimania. This time the, “Link to the Original: Final Fantasy V” section is up! Enjoy!

FFV stood out in the FF series with its cheerful atmosphere. Dissidia FF is loaded with bits of FFV’s pleasantness.


The reason the good luck charm is called “partner”

Bartz carries a chocobo feather as a good luck charm. This feather came from Boko the chocobo, who he traveled with in FFV. Therefore, it’s called his “partner” because it has a strong connection to Boko for Bartz.

When Bartz enters his EX Burst, the cry of a chocobo accompanies its footprints as feathers whirl by.

Return of the Spellblade ability

During Bartz’ EX Burst, “Rapidfire Dual-Wield Spellblades,” he first puts the power of magic into the swords. The effect seen in this part of the move is drawn from FFV’s “Spellblade” ability.

The deep relation between Bartz and wind

In FFV, passion was the “essence of the wind,” and in this work, a crystal is the heart of the journey for Bartz. Bartz’s use of the wind as an expression in this work is also drawn from the original.

(Note: The original line was “journeying” was the “heart of the wind,” but this line was changed to “passion” was the “essence of the wind” in the GBA release.)

Exdeath’s lines about how “All that is shall be returned to nothing.

In Shade Impulse C1-5, Exdeath confronts the warriors of Cosmos’ side. The lines Exdeath says at this point are taken from the last battle of FFV, when Exdeath transforms into Neo Exdeath.

Gilgamesh’s sword isn’t the strongest sword?

The Gilgamesh summon occasionally reduces the Brave of the one who summoned him to 1. This is derived from the imitation of the Excalibur sword, Excalipoor, which couldn’t inflict more than 1 damage.

This line, from when the sword’s status as an imitation was determined, appears in Dissidia FF.

Not done yet! More links to FFV

•The message seen when acquiring the Gilgamesh summon stone is a reference to what he says before the fight with him on the Big Bridge.

•The message seen when acquiring the Leviathan AUTO summon stone comes from Leviathan’s lines in Istory Falls. In addition, Bartz’s line “It talks!?” is what he said in regard to the turtle sage Ghido.

•Ability assistant Krile says “My heart is warm,” a reference to when she received Galuf’s powers.

•Most of Ability assistant Galuf’s lines, such as his introduction, come from his lines where he had amnesia in FFV.

Battle Voice Pick Up

“The wind is calling me.”―Bartz:At battle start
LINK:This is the line he said in FFV when he decided to take on the crisis of the Wind Crystal and go with Lenna to the Wind Shrine.

Aww man, I just can’t win.“―Bartz:After defeat
LINK: When he got slammed by Krile at Tycoon Castle in FFV, he mumbled, “Geez, I can’t win against this kid…

You are who you are! Believe in yourself!“―Bartz:When fighting Cecil
LINK: This is a reference to his line in FFV at the time it was revealed that Faris is a woman, “Who cares? Faris is Faris!

You sure like floating around.“―Bartz:When fighting Kuja
LINK: An incident during his childhood is the cause of Bartz’s fear of heights. The sight of Kuja constantly slicing through the air is an unbelievable sight to him.

Anger and hatred could not defeat me.“―Exdeath:At battle start
LINK:During Galuf’s heroic final battle in FFV, Exdeath said “All the hatred in existence would never be enough to defeat me!

How could the void …
―Exdeath:At defeat
LINK:In the last battle of FFV, just before Exdeath is swallowed by the void and transformed into Neo Exdeath, he says this line.

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