SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
True, Sephiroth and Cloud does have the same gene but then we gotta remember by that time when Hojo was talking about breeding Aerith with S cells he didn't know Cloud and co was inside the Shinra building
I don't think the S Cells inside Cloud are going to be passed off to any offspring.

Also, if the CAltists could come up with some wacky blue cetra baby floating on a cloud theory just from what Hojo said no matter what, even if it's gross and we know Cloud would never do that to harm Aerith
You still have to wonder why anyone would take Hojo as a source for anything. Even on subjects he is knowledgeable about, the man's a twisted fuck.

Lol when did that happen? And no, I chose the name Nancy is because that's my nickname
Oh, even before Advent Children, but I put it into a parody sub of Advent Children I did when I was still in college, so it's been out and around for close to 20 years now.


Pro Adventurer
I don't think the S Cells inside Cloud are going to be passed off to any offspring.

You still have to wonder why anyone would take Hojo as a source for anything. Even on subjects he is knowledgeable about, the man's a twisted fuck.
Luckily now I know lol but if the CAltists knows they wouldn't care and says it's all a lie/fake :quote:

When I first saw the baby theory for the first time it pop up on Twitter/X I question myself why would the CAltists even rejoice about what that old dirty geezer says but we will never know what runs through their mind

Oh, even before Advent Children, but I put it into a parody sub of Advent Children I did when I was still in college, so it's been out and around for close to 20 years now.
Oh wow lol. I never came upon it or seen it so I didn't know about it


Fire and Blood
If pt.3 explicitly states/shows he does love her (hypothetically speaking) they have to break some hearts and they need to heavily lean into it.
You have to understand that the LT is not about who Cloud loves but about who the player loves best. This is seen in the GS dates, where you can see that at play - ie you get what you want, it may be romantic (Tifa, Aerith) or not (the others).

When it's about romance, nothing stops the players to see what they want to see and that's why despite the strong love that is shown between Cloud and Tifa, you can also read CA as romantic. This is the part that allows that.

However when true Cloud comes back, we discover that it was only an illusion. We cannot decide for him who he loves romantically. That is Tifa, it has always been, and that's why CT has been portrayed the way it was in Rebirth: even if you go the CA route, you won't be able to avoid all the CT romance. Because all the routes (CA AND CT) stop at the Northern Crater. Here you are stripped of Cloud, who expresses his wish; those routes weren't including the real him, so he has to disappear and reborn anew, like Gandalf did after his death.

And this new Cloud doesn't let you get in the way of his feelings. The affection mechanism is gone, and we get him say how it's always been in the Lifestream sequence. We get him say that Tifa has always been core to his character, how much he wants to be special for her; how much he wants to protect her, how he wants to be noticed by her - and that was why he thought he should become strong, become a SOLDIER. That when he was a kid he wasn't the greatest kid, thinking how he was superior to all the other kids (jealousy at play most probably), unable to join them in their kids' play.

In the way Cloud loves Tifa, there is no other place romantically for any other girl. He is fully devoted, 100% Tifa-wired. His character revolves around her, probably even more than her character revolves around him.


Well yeah if Aerith can't be with someone she adores, she will do everything in her power to protect and support another love of people she loves, she's not Sephiroth who wants to embrace and keep Cloud forever by his side, though to be fair if Sefikuras are grinning like cat who got the cream recently I'm not going to steal their jam.

I wanted to address this, I don't know about dark Clerith, I don't read FFVII fanfic except from long time ago, I remember the mirrorimage aeriseph, but recently there's been discourse about dark Cloti elsewhere, someone drew something or something, idk I didn't really go into digging up the details, but like why attack and drag them all over the Internet for it?, I'm hoping the people know its not actual healthy relationships, maybe they are using it as some sort of coping mechanism idk. We're all just complicated humans at the end of the day, and some of us are not ok, been hurt and broke, but still someone still stumbling somehow through hopefully to the end of life.


Pro Adventurer
You know, I've always felt that the 'debate' in FF7 is a bit of a sham. Because either the game is player choice or it's not player choice which would mean there's no debate either way.

Another thing is that shippers are basically primed to see everything as romantic, even things that aren't romantic. That is, after all, what it means to ship. And what we view as romantic is very subjective. So it might not be so much that the creators are ship-baiting but that shippers are ship-baiting themselves and each other.

I wanted to address this, I don't know about dark Clerith, I don't read FFVII fanfic except from long time ago, I remember the mirrorimage aeriseph, but recently there's been discourse about dark Cloti elsewhere, someone drew something or something, idk I didn't really go into digging up the details, but like why attack and drag them all over the Internet for it?, I'm hoping the people know its not actual healthy relationships, maybe they are using it as some sort of coping mechanism idk.
Ah, I think I know what you're talking about. I think that the current iteration of fandom's purity spiralling and people not getting that fiction is fiction -- no matter how dark/toxic/triggering -- contributed to that. As someone who has seen some truly disturbing things in fiction, there's a very nifty trick to it: don't like, don't read.


Pro Adventurer
Gotta edit in some stuff, had comments on phone XD
Exactly, that mountain dwelling kid from the sticks is enough, he was always enough. Clouds struggle to me isn't about accepting that he isn't Captain America, it's about his sense of self-worth being so low he can't see that he already is.
This is a problem I have with a lot of the CA arguments as well as a lot of the characterization of Cloud post FFVII. I think it lacks thematic congruency. The best Cloud, imo, is the one who isn't captain america as you put it. In my opinion Cloud should never be Zack, I think the idea of Cloud not being special was core to the impact of his story in the original, and the more the games portray him as "actually, he was always amazing" the less special that story is. I want Cloud to win because he has friends and because of his bonds with them, not because he's simply "him".
One of my favorite things about the OG was that Sephiroth essentially just went "who tf are you when you first meet him again (jenova) onboard the boat.
Is AC worth watching ? The current consensus is it's kind of a shitty movie.
I love it, but I take a very different stance on it than most people. I think a lot of people dislike it because they don't understand it, and a large part of that is because of Clerith. The idea that Cloud is pining over Aerith makes them blind to the subtlety of whats actually going on.
I'll come back to this later but the thing about Cloud is that it's an example of a still lake hiding deep waters.
There is a lot going on beneath the surface, but CA depends on instead hyperfixating on the shallow beauty of said surface, making everything below it irrelevant. The trick to loving AC is realizing that Cloud hasn't regressed, that his emotions and modus operandi is very different now and is a logical continuation of his story in FFVII.
I was 20 in 2007
I was 20 in 2007. Why are you young people on my lawn?

I would HOPE ReTrilogy ends not just the LTD but the franchise too. When you let a thing have too many pieces of media you eventually run it into the ground. I don't want that to happen to such a beloved franchise.
Yeah, I absolutely DESPISE the LTD by now. IMO, saying "the story is whatever you want it to be" is the same as saying "there is no story". All the LTD is doing is lessening the developers ability to tell the story as clear, impactful, and focused as possible.
When talking about the OG, sure, Cloud and Aerith were a thing. Not past the Northern Crater, though.
Hard disagree, I don't get why so many people say this. I really think this is peoples assumptions speaking. You didn't have the context back then so you were more willing to assume that tropes are correct.
I think Aerith and Cloud are presented far more romantically in the remake than in the OG. On a scale of 0 to 10 of how much romance there is I'd give Aerith and Cloud a 0 in the OG, there is literally nothing. I might bump it up to 1, with the caveat that the game ALSO had a 1 or higher on the scale of "portraying this romance as being somehow wrong".

This is the crux of the whole " why show romance if it's not romantic" thing, or the "the date is definitely romantic" position.
Yes, these are romantic situations, but that doesn't mean that these situations exist to serve to tell the story of a beginning romance. We always have to ask ourselves: "what purpose does this scene have in the greater narrative", rather than just looking at how an individual scene might be romantic or not. Don't look at the puzzle pieces, look at their place in the whole.

With just about every single "romantic" Aerith scene there is not just an undercurrent of romance, but also an undercurrent of showing how this romance is "not how it's supposed to be". The Tifa factor is always there, the Zack factor is always there, Cloud is obstinate, the Tifa reveal serves to explain why, on a second viewing we're supposed to understand why Cloud is so distant, even on the date with Aerith Tifa is always in the back of his mind, and the same thing goes for Zack. In context these "romantic" scenes serve to tell the story of Aeriths tragic attempts to move on from Zack and live her life, the fact that Cloud is channeling Zack in some way highlights that tragedy and adds more context. But this also serves to soften the inevitable failure somewhat. Her not getting Cloud is less painful if Cloud isn't truly who she's searching for. In rebirth I'd say the Cloud Aerith dynamic is made way more romantic than in the OG. Maybe a 3/10, the only problem is that the implication of the wrongness of it is also increased to about a 9/10.

This Silver lining is NOT there in the inverse. If Aerith and Cloud is presented as genuine it's essentially just a hard "fuck you" towards Zack and Tifa, there is no silver lining here, they're just irrelevant characters compared to the aforementioned "HIM" and his ancient magical heroine stereotype.
Needless to say, I hate this interpretation with a fiery passion.
I'm fairly sure Cloud's mocap is also Zack's mocap unless I'm misunderstanding so of course he's not going to get between that, and I've Clotis citing him as being pro Tifa/Cloti.

Sitting at a distance is a romantic trope (I've just been playing a game again where the leads do the same, right up to the girl closing the distance because the guy kind of doesn't quite get it, and is kind of a goof sometimes) it's -because- he cares, and it's meant to parallel one of their previous dates where they get closer.

People can try to diminish or downplay Aerith's date as much as they want, fact is they used her as the romantic option on Cloud's profile and in the story digest of Rebirth Ultimania, and the developers said some dates were romantic, that's more than one, sure people on both sides can then try to split hairs over which is more romantic or dissect each date as much as possible going over every inch of framing, making OOC edits to make things look bad, etc but in the end they are both romantic even for those who try to make it small romance as much as possible.

If sitting in a distance is a romantic trope, then everything is. And indeed, everything can be, you have to look at it in the context of the characters and situations. For Cloud, and the context of him being in love with Tifa, him being continuously adverse to closeness with Aerith is NOT a good sign. Maybe in a different story where the new girl slowly steals the heart of the guy away from the girl he's always loved, but there are a bunch of reasons why this story is NOT that. Which is obvious in about every scene.

Imagine a situation where Cloud has to come clean about his feelings if this were the case: "Yeah, even though I was yearning for you my whole life, and shaped my aspirations on how to be worthy of you Tifa, a short time with Aerith while I was living a lie really makes me waver a bit." I don't think there's an easier way to make someone feel like shit about themselves than something like this happening. Really makes someone feel inferior to the other person
Basically this.

For the last twenty years now, I’ve gathered there is a great wish, fervent desire even, to openly talk about Cloud and Tifa in the same breath as Cecil and Rosa, Locke and Celes, Squall and Rinoa, Zidane and Garnet, Tidus and Yuna etc.

From those who also love the Zack and Aerith romance, there is a hope that maybe they can be more broadly discussed within the same respectful manner as other Final Fantasy romances, without it derailing into how Aerith actually loved Cloud more, how Zack didn’t matter, how Tifa is an unimportant character etc.
Yes, it is simply annoying to me that I can't talk about Cloud and Tifa without adding in caveats for what I essentially see as some conspiracy theory that everything we know about FFVII is wrong and Cloud actually ends up with Aerith.
Yuffie's date is specifically highlighted as funny/family while Aerith's is called romantic though, while CA might not be on the level as CT, I'd put it above Yuffie as romantic.

CAs aren't getting the date to have a non romantic scene, to enjoy a great friendship or whatever, to them, non romantic will mean negative, if it's all about how Cloud and Aerith are such great friends, might as well let her have the GS scenes with Tifa or Red XIII, her best friends.
Yes, but romantic doesn't mean "real", in the end the scene still highlights it's "just an illusion". The scene still serves to highlight how the two aren't right for each other.
So Tifa takes a leap of faith. The kiss is both good and bad tbh, because Tifa has a similar issue to Aerith. Take the Zack of Aerith anc switch it out for “the Cloud of my memories”. He looks similar, sometimes even acts similar, but something isn’t similar at all. Maybe I should try to get closer to this Cloud?
This has always been the thing. Both Aerith and Tifa are looking for the spectre of an old love in Cloud. The reveal being that Tifa was the one with the genuine romantic connection. She finds her lost soldier in fake Cloud, Aerith does not, but does find him again, tragically, in death, leaving Tifa and Cloud as their living legacies, the humans who did what the heroes couldn't. Through their shared love.
Of course they could use the "I met this person who changed my life" trope, but in doing so they totally devalue Cloud's strength of character, which has enabled him to overcome mountains.
This is what I meant about the still waters running deep thing. If we accept that Aerith is romantically significant to Cloud we essentially have to sacrifice all the depths of his character in favor of a pretty but shallow surface. Cloud would have all this backstory that serves to explain his character and his actions, but in this case we'd essentially be saying that all that backstory is irrelevant. They are merely some trivia that isn't really relevant to our current goings on. Clouds MO HAS to revolve around Tifa, because if it doesn't Cloud essentially has not deeper layers anymore. With each event in Clouds life we can pass in a "because" between them. Cloud is distant towards Aerith BECAUSE he has already loves Tifa, his fake persona was made BECAUSE he wanted to be a soldier BECAUSE he wanted to be noticed, BECAUSE he felt inferior BECAUSE Tifa fell of the bridge BECAUSE he followed her up the mountain BECAUSE he loves her.

Cloti is the "because" that ties this entire story together, without it it falls apart. Same with Aerith and Zerith. Without it it's just that what you see is what you get. All those events still happened, but the because is gone. You are simply left with "Cloud likes Aerith because.....she's more fun than Tifa or something, idk". "Aerith likes Cloud because....he's hot or something? Idk, he's pretending to be Zack, but that's irrelevant apparently so".
The story just dies, it becomes pathetic, worse than twilight level writing, the usagi drop of gaming romances.
However when true Cloud comes back, we discover that it was only an illusion. We cannot decide for him who he loves romantically. That is Tifa, it has always been, and that's why CT has been portrayed the way it was in Rebirth: even if you go the CA route, you won't be able to avoid all the CT romance. Because all the routes (CA AND CT) stop at the Northern Crater. Here you are stripped of Cloud, who expresses his wish; those routes weren't including the real him, so he has to disappear and reborn anew, like Gandalf did after his death.

And this new Cloud doesn't let you get in the way of his feelings. The affection mechanism is gone, and we get him say how it's always been in the Lifestream sequence. We get him say that Tifa has always been core to his character, how much he wants to be special for her; how much he wants to protect her, how he wants to be noticed by her - and that was why he thought he should become strong, become a SOLDIER
This is one of those things were I do wonder if it was consciously intended, but really it doesn't matter. What matters is it works. With Cloti the whole of the story is thematically congruent. All the pieces fall into place. Even every optional Aerith scene fits in the grand tale that's being told. With Clerith you have to assume the kiss doesn't really happen. It leaves open weird and depressing routes where Cloud and Tifa kiss and then Tifa has to watch as she's set aside for some dead girl. Or worse, reality changes to allow for alternate worlds just so YOU as a character don't get your happy end. It's a depressing assassination of every character involved. Meanwhile Cloti, including Aerith scenes is still a sweet story where Cloud, Tifa, Zack, AND Aerith all end up right where they have to be. Everyone is special, no one is left out, no characters are assassinated.....things just work.

but recently there's been discourse about dark Cloti elsewhere, someone drew something or something, i
Yeah, it was really a nothing burger, Cloud assaults Tifa in her sleep, as happens in about a billion doujinshi that no one complains about. But because this comic set a more serious tone it's apparently unacceptable, because we can't have serious discussions or stories about dark subject matter apparently. This is a classic "if you don't like it, don't read it" situation, but Cleriths tried using it to prove Clotis are evil because they defended this persons freedom of speech or something.

You know, I've always felt that the 'debate' in FF7 is a bit of a sham. Because either the game is player choice or it's not player choice which would mean there's no debate either way.
The thing is, it seems at times that SE wants their cake and eat it too. Not in the "both Aerith and Tifa as viable options" cake, but in that they both want the game to be players choice, but also not.
They're vague, but they're not concrete about the vagueness. They never go "Well, both Tifa and Aerith are viable love interests, if you play more for Tifa then the story is that Cloud loves her always and never waivered and Aerith was only projecting her feelings for Zack onto Cloud, and if you play for Aerith Cloud will have conflicted feelings about both girls but will fall in love with Aerith before she dies and then depending on personal interpretation either go on with Tifa or stay obsessed with Aerith".

They don't say that shit, instead they say stuff like them having no idea if Cloud and Tifa are a couple, and that all answers are valid, while also saying shit like "we have answers to EVERY THING IN THE STORY, even the meaning behind the number of birds in the sky" and "oh, we'll leave less room for interpretation this time and people have imagined stuff wrong".

When they say stuff like "I wanted to incorporate players feelings, but there are no branching paths" they never explain what that means? Does that mean the events are the same but the characters emotions change depending on play style? Does that mean that nothing changes even about the emotions but you can get scenes that reward your interest in a character? What?
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Fire and Blood
When they say stuff like "I wanted to incorporate players feelings, but there are no branching paths" they never explain what that means?
Well it's the affection mechanism Nomura was describing; he wants the player to be able to push a little, but in the end there's only one path that leads to Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
When they say stuff like "I wanted to incorporate players feelings, but there are no branching paths" they never explain what that means?

It's just FF7 OG description lol

I can say Tifa is my girlfriend, and show Aerith i'm not interested. But I have to go save her. She'll still talk about the date she owns me or ask Cait Sith in the middle of a temple if we are a great couple (excuuuuuuse me ? WTF girl) I was able to tell the game how I felt about Tifa, but it didn't care, I have to follow the script.

Same if I promise Aerith to show her the Highwind one day, she still dies, and my subconscious is still explaining to Tifa i'm her simp.

Here is your "incorporate players feelings but no branching paths"

Or tl;dr = You can choose who you want to go to Disneyland with


Pro Adventurer
Well it's the affection mechanism Nomura was describing; he wants the player to be able to push a little, but in the end there's only one path that leads to Tifa.
Yeah, I think so to...BUT, that's my interpreting that line. They could have been concrete about it.


Pro Adventurer

Unless it's something like this (which the one in the CA date is demonstrably not), then no, hard disagree that sitting apart is a romantic trope.
Edit: A little late to that party, but I just caught up haha


Pro Adventurer

Unless it's something like this (which the one in the CA date is demonstrably not), then no, hard disagree that sitting apart is a romantic trope.
Edit: A little late to that party, but I just caught up haha

I think I could accept this CA interpretation if there were no points of comparison in the FF7 spectrum.

Because yes, why not, Cloud might be embarrassed. We could be dealing with a character who likes to play aloof in order to be desired...

... But the problem is that there is an element of comparison. In exactly the same situation at exactly the same time.

And that's Tifa. Whom he can't stop looking at when she's looking away, and with whom he takes the lead when she's the one who doesn't dare take the first step.

That's why I can't go along with this interpretation. Because we've seen how he reacts when he wants the moment to be romantic or when he's interested in the girl in front of him (because you know, he's gonna kiss her)

So yes... I'm really sorry if anyone takes it the wrong way, but I don't see anything on screen other than someone comforting a dear comrade (who just mentioned her ex again when we're supposed to tell her we saw him die with our own eyes)

I don't feel like I'm being sneaky when I say this or that I'm trying to diminish the slightest impact that doesn't go my way. I just feel like I'm being logical about what I'm being shown and told on the screen.


Pro Adventurer
Hard disagree, I don't get why so many people say this. I really thing this is peoples assumptions speaking. You didn't have the context back then so you were more willing to assume that tropes are correct.
I think Aerith and Cloud are presented far more romantically in the remake than in the OG. On a scale of 0 to 10 of how much romance there is I'd give Aerith and Cloud a 0 in the OG, there is literally nothing. I might bump it up to 1, with the caveat that the game ALSO had a 1 or higher on the scale of "portraying this romance as being somehow wrong".

This is the crux of the whole " why show romance if it's not romantic" thing, or the "the date is definitely romantic" position.
Yes, these are romantic situations, but that doesn't mean that these situations exist to serve to tell the story of a beginning romance. We always have to ask ourselves: "what purpose does this scene have in the greater narrative", rather than just looking at how an individual scene might be romantic or not. Don't like at the puzzle pieces, look at their place in the whole.

With just about every single "romantic" Aerith scene there is not just an undercurrent of romance, but also an undercurrent of showing how this romance is "not how it's supposed to be". The Tifa factor is always there, the Zack factor is always there, Cloud is obstinate, the Tifa reveal serves to explain why, on a second viewing we're supposed to understand why Cloud is so distant, even on the date with Aerith Tifa is always in the back of his mind, and the same thing goes for Zack. In context these "romantic" scenes serve to tell the story of Aeriths tragic attempts to move on from Zack and live her life, the fact that Cloud is channeling Zack in some way highlights that tragedy and adds more context. But this also serves to soften the inevitable failure somewhat. Her not getting Cloud is less painful if Cloud isn't truly who she's searching for. In rebirth I'd say the Cloud Aerith dynamic is made way more romantic than in the OG. Maybe a 3/10, the only problem is that the implication of the wrongness of it is also increased to about a 9/10.

Alternatively this doesn't hold true. If Aerith and Cloud is presented as genuine it's essentially just a hard "fuck you" towards Zack and Cloud, there is no silver lining here, they're just irrelevant characters compared to the aforementioned "HIM" and his ancient magical heroine stereotype.
Needless to say, I hate this interpretation with a fiery passion.
Well, I agree with everything that you've said here.

I should have elaborated a bit more, but yeah, Cloud and Aerith had a 'thing' in the OG technically, but when Aerith is chasing a ghost and Cloud is acting the part of that ghost, do they really?

Imagine a situation where Cloud has to come clean about his feelings if this were the case: "Yeah, even though I was yearning for you my whole life, and shaped my aspirations on how to be worthy of you Tifa, a short time with Aerith while I was living a lie really makes me waver a bit." I don't think there's an easier way to make someone feel like shit about themselves than something like this happening. Really makes someone feel inferior to the other person
Basically this.
To add a little bit more on this, a version of this story where Cloud still has romantic feelings for Aerith after he regains himself has seriously negative implications for his character. Refer to the final scenes of the game, and Advent Children.

And on Tifa's side of things: This would be unbelievably detrimental to her relationship with Cloud. Tifa's a relatively insecure person, her hearing that the man shes loves, loves another (at the same time or not) would have an even more profound impact on her than it already would on the average person simply because she's insecure, and she is especially when it comes to her relationship with Cloud (worried he's going to leave, if they can be considered a family or not, if he loves her etc.). It would essentially be all her worries from CoT come true. I don't remember where it's from, but somewhere it's stated that Tifa has 'complex feelings towards Aerith as a woman', so having these complex feelings actually be founded would make it harder for Tifa to cherish Aerith's memory, and would leave a bad taste in my mouth that Aerith had a comparable impact on Cloud (in a romantic sense) in a few weeks while he wasn't entirely himself to the impact Tifa had on him since he was a child, the impact that Tifa had on him in 18~ years. (since Cloud missed out on five of them).

The way I'm going to put this might sound silly or something, but from what I gather, Cleriths seem to think either:

18 years with Tifa=a few weeks with Aerith (while he's not himself)

18 years with Tifa>=a few weeks with Aerith (while he's not himself)

18 years with Tifa<a few weeks with Aerith (while he's not himself)

(I'm getting the number 18 from the two years that passed from ff7 to Advent Children)

Again, this reeks of "Tifa isn't as amazing a person as Aerith. Tifa needs to spend years more time with Cloud to make the same headway that Aerith can in only a couple of weeks in his eyes", and I absolutely hate it. Elevating a character by showing how they're supposedly so much more amazing and better than this other person will never benefit said character, it will only make the unlikeable.

Yet again, the main argument against Clerith comes back to: Tifa and Zack.

The thing is, it seems at times that SE wants their cake and eat it too. Not in the "both Aerith and Tifa as viable options" cake, but in that they both want the game to be players choice, but also not.
They're vague, but they're not concrete about the vagueness. They never go "Well, both Tifa and Aerith are viable love interests, if you play more for Tifa then the story is that Cloud loves her always and never waivered and Aerith was only projecting her feelings for Zack onto Cloud, and if you play for Aerith Cloud will have conflicted feelings about both girls but will fall in love with Aerith before she dies and then depending on personal interpretation either go on with Tifa or stay obsessed with Aerith".

They don't say that shit, instead they say stuff like them having no idea if Cloud and Tifa are a couple, and that all answers are valid, while also saying shit like "we have answers to EVERY THING IN THE STORY, even the meaning behind the number of birds in the sky" and "oh, we'll leave less room for interpretation this time and people have imagined stuff wrong".

When they say stuff like "I wanted to incorporate players feelings, but there are no branching paths" they never explain what that means? Does that mean the events are the same but the characters emotions change depending on play style? Does that mean that nothing changes even about the emotions but you can get scenes that reward your interest in a character? What?
A quote I always think about when stuff like this is brought up is Nojima saying:
"Inside, I felt one thing was for sure: Cloud and Tifa would be together. Everybody would be back home where they belonged."
If there really isn't an answer to this whole fiasco, then why does the head writer know for sure that Cloud and Tifa belong together?

Nomura might like being vague at times because he's just like that, but Nojima certainly isn't incredibly vague about this subject.


Pro Adventurer
I think I could accept this CA interpretation if there were no points of comparison in the FF7 spectrum.

Because yes, why not, Cloud might be embarrassed. We could be dealing with a character who likes to play aloof in order to be desired...

... But the problem is that there is an element of comparison. In exactly the same situation at exactly the same time.

And that's Tifa. Whom he can't stop looking at when she's looking away, and with whom he takes the lead when she's the one who doesn't dare take the first step.

That's why I can't go along with this interpretation. Because we've seen how he reacts when he wants the moment to be romantic or when he's interested in the girl in front of him (because you know, he's gonna kiss her)

So yes... I'm really sorry if anyone takes it the wrong way, but I don't see anything on screen other than someone comforting a dear comrade.
I saw it as romantic on my very quick watch, back when it was just part of leaks. On a closer watch, it was just very bittersweet to me, even without the comparison.

That said, I agree with you. With Tifa's date just there for everyone to see, the difference between how Cloud reacts in each is so easy to see (even much more than in the OG dates, if I'm remembering those correctly.)


Pro Adventurer
I just caught up and I think I'm confused lol. This whole discussion started from Clouds mocap actor saying Cloud was concerned for Aerith when he asked if she still likes Zack in Gongaga, right? Then something about the ultimania stating that Cloud is jealous of Zack came up? But if I remember correctly, there's not really any of that sort of commentary in the Rebirth ultimania around scenes. In the Remake ultimania it states that Cloud was jealous/had complicated feelings when Aerith brought Zack up at the park.

There's really nothing to suggest that those feelings have carried over, especially as Cloud himself begins to prioritize his relationship with Tifa, in Rebirth. This is why a lot of people take issue with the idea of Cloud having feelings for both women because it begins to make him look very fickle and cruel.

If he's jealous of Zack in Gongaga, why do his eyes immediately track Tifa as he murmurs to himself about finding another time for them to be alone/talk things out when Aerith is standing right next to her and is clearly upset? It's just a bit "ugly", if you will, which is why I do believe Yama when he says Cloud is pure and showing concern for Aerith and not jealousy. Not that I needed him to confirm that, anyway. I think it's pretty obvious just from how the scenario is presented--especially if you pay close attention to how Cloud actually acts when he's jealous since he wasn't acting like that at all.

Anyway, in my opinion, concern is better than jealousy as it shows Cloud has an emotional investment in Aeriths wellbeing which is what any shipper of CA should want, so I don't see the problem.


Pro Adventurer
I saw it as romantic on my very quick watch, back when it was just part of leaks. On a closer watch, it was just very bittersweet to me, even without the comparison.

That said, I agree with you. With Tifa's date just there for everyone to see, the difference between how Cloud reacts in each is so easy to see (even much more than in the OG dates, if I'm remembering those correctly.)
And that’s them trying to preserve the same feeling as the original. A quick read is supposed to lead you one way, but more knowledge of what’s really going on reveals the truth.

When they make these scenes or even write about them in guides, they have to assume the reader hasn’t played the original, so they won’t say anything that directly spoils a twist that will be in the next game.


Pro Adventurer
I just caught up and I think I'm confused lol. This whole discussion started from Clouds mocap actor saying Cloud was concerned for Aerith when he asked if she still likes Zack in Gongaga, right? Then something about the ultimania stating that Cloud is jealous of Zack came up? But if I remember correctly, there's not really any of that sort of commentary in the Rebirth ultimania around scenes. In the Remake ultimania it states that Cloud was jealous/had complicated feelings when Aerith brought Zack up at the park.

There's really nothing to suggest that those feelings have carried over, especially as Cloud himself begins to prioritize his relationship with Tifa, in Rebirth. This is why a lot of people take issue with the idea of Cloud having feelings for both women because it begins to make him look very fickle and cruel.

If he's jealous of Zack in Gongaga, why do his eyes immediately track Tifa as he murmurs to himself about finding another time for them to be alone/talk things out when Aerith is standing right next to her and is clearly upset? It's just a bit "ugly", if you will, which is why I do believe Yama when he says Cloud is pure and showing concern for Aerith and not jealousy. Not that I needed him to confirm that, anyway. I think it's pretty obvious just from how the scenario is presented--especially if you pay close attention to how Cloud actually acts when he's jealous since he wasn't acting like that at all.

Anyway, in my opinion, concern is better than jealousy as it shows Cloud has an emotional investment in Aeriths wellbeing which is what any shipper of CA should want, so I don't see the problem.
I don't understand what's going on here People thought Cloud was jealous? in the Gongaga sequence where his face is stone walled?. I also don't understand people referring to OG as proof for anything, to be honest, since theres a lot of things in OG that are very much not present in Remake. Like the whole jealousy that Tifa had in the prison cells or anything like that. Which i am so thankful for because we instead get focus on Tifa and Aerith's friendship and character moments not based around the main character boy love interest. Can we not just have Cloud be concerned for a friend who keeps mentioning and looking for a boy who Cloud thinks is dead? thats just showing Clouds development as a character not some stupid shipping crap.


Aaw Tim and Colette, lol. I played that too, haha.

Anyway you can see why sitting at a distance doesn't bother me, especially giving the Ultimanias say they have a thing of being at a distance then getting closer.


Pro Adventurer
We’ve had the debated canonical Maiden Who Travels The Planet, that arguable canonicity and character assassination as it pertains to Aerith’s treatment of Zack aside
No Zerith blame Aerith rejecting Zack here. When we know how OOC Zack was compared to his CC depiction, we understand. I can even prove that by showing the chat in our circle. And this is not only how he feels towards Aerith, it's also how he feels towards Sephiroth that are OOC.

I also dont get why this novella keeps being brought up, when others written by Benny Matsuyama in FF10 and Resident Evil never get the same treatment in their respective fandoms and people just accept it as non-canon or semi-canon that is overwritten by latest material (because we acknowledge Benny wrote it by all of resourcess he had as Ultimania and Guide Bookwriter/editor). People in FF10 fandom can still say Benny's novella about Yuna in both FF10 and FF10-2 Ultimanias arent canon ALTHOUGH they hate what Nojima writes in Will and X2-5.

Why is it not the same case as FF7?
Fuck the LTD


I'm sure CAs aren't allowed to HC Cloud being jealous when talking to Aerith in Chapter 8 GS either, I mean how dare they even suggest such a thing.


Pro Adventurer
I'm sure CAs aren't allowed to HC Cloud being jealous when talking to Aerith in Chapter 8 GS either, I mean how dare they even suggest such a thing.
I mean... HC is HC for a reason lol it's when people tout their HC as canon that's the issue. I don't HC his line in chapter 8 as jealousy bc he says the exact same thing to her even if he's alone. If he's jealous of the idea of her spending time with someone else, why not offer to stay and hang out with her? She could politely reject him and the scenario of him exploring GS alone could continue but that's not what happens. He's just neurotic, in my opinion. But idc if anyone headcanons him as jealous in that moment, it just doesn't logically make sense to consider him being jealous in that moment canonically.

EDIT: Also, his dialogue changes when he talks to Tifa if he's alone. Tifa actually won't mention that she has a headache if Cloud is exploring GS by himself and just encourages him to go off and have fun. Why does the dialogue shift for Tifa and not Aerith? Idk because I'm not the devs lol but they DID shift it, so they could've shifted it for Aerith as well if they wanted to convey that Cloud is jealous of the hypothetical new friend(s) Aerith could be making.
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IMHO they could have avoided this by having Tifa and Red handle the Gongaga stuff rather than Cloud bringing up romance and Aerith being like wow you really went there and all that boy you like is a dead loser, if they wanted the party concerned about Aerith, much better ways of handling it.


Pro Adventurer
Aaw Tim and Colette, lol. I played that too, haha.

Anyway you can see why sitting at a distance doesn't bother me, especially giving the Ultimanias say they have a thing of being at a distance then getting closer.
Wonderful game that one, even if it's so poorly localized that everyone sounds like poets.

Anyway, in that case, you'd remember that both Tim and Colette are very shy characters (to the point that even Colette's internal monologues are ran at 2x speed and are longer than her actual spoken dialogue) and they still sat closer together in that scene.

Just pointing out how they're (this one and the times Aerith invites Cloud to sit next to her) different from each other.


Pro Adventurer
IMHO they could have avoided this by having Tifa and Red handle the Gongaga stuff rather than Cloud bringing up romance and Aerith being like wow you really went there and all that boy you like is a dead loser, if they wanted the party concerned about Aerith, much better ways of handling it.
Not really. Cloud speaking bad about Zack when Zack was, unbeknownst to him, his late best friend, is important. It adds to the feelings of guilt Cloud would harbor towards Zack if he was going around talking shit about him, when in reality Cloud forgot him and that he was basically his only friend, and an extraordinary friend at that. Zack is relevant to Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith, that's why they handle the situation and not Red, because he has nothing to do with Zack.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
That's why I can't go along with this interpretation. Because we've seen how he reacts when he wants the moment to be romantic or when he's interested in the girl in front of him (because you know, he's gonna kiss her)

So yes... I'm really sorry if anyone takes it the wrong way, but I don't see anything on screen other than someone comforting a dear comrade (who just mentioned her ex again when we're supposed to tell her we saw him die with our own eyes)

I don't feel like I'm being sneaky when I say this or that I'm trying to diminish the slightest impact that doesn't go my way. I just feel like I'm being logical about what I'm being shown and told on the screen.
This is exactly where I stand with it. I wasn’t going to be invested in Cloud and Tifa if it goes both ways between the girls.

I’m only invested because the game has been building these couples and I want to see where that goes (CT and ZA). If Cloud could have feelings for two girls I would have most likely left Rebirth the same way I left Remake, neutral and uncaring. Because it wouldn’t make sense to me that Cloud can have feelings for Aerith and Tifa, when Tifa loves him, Zack loves Aerith, and Aerith can have feelings for two people as well while saying she doesn’t really know Cloud. It’s too convoluted and I just wouldn’t like that.

I want to see Aerith and Zack reunite as the game has been building, and I want Tifa and Cloud to progress as they do in OG.
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