New FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cover revealed and info from Dengeki PS3 interview
by Dark and Divine March 31, 2009 0 commentsThe cover for the Revised Edition of the FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania has been revealed. It features CG renderings of Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth.

New FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cover
The Revised Edition of the FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania will be release in Japan in April 16th and it will cost 1,900円.
Also, hitoshura has provided some quotes from the Dengeki PS3 interview:
– The novel comes out on April 16th. It includes Cases of Barret, Red, Yuffie, and Shinra, with changes to the existing Tifa & Denzel chapters. [It says ‘FF13 novel’ but talks about FF7’s characters, and gives OTWTAS release date, so it’s probably a typo]
– In the Case of the Lifestream, we’ll learn the secret as to why Sephiroth is so obsessed with Cloud
– It’s quite different from the original version, as the overall impression is different.
– It’s a lot easier to understand
– In the FF7 flashbacks **** does the narration, which’ll bring fans to tears. (The name is purposefully blocked out)
– There’s so much new footage you could call it a completely new film. There’s some scenes foreshadowed by CC.
Source: FF7AC Reunion
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I want more CG renders of FFVII Cloud, tbh. :monster:
Cloud looks anaemic, and it wouldn’t hurt to be a put smile on his face once in awhile.
And LOL@the Cloud love. I wonder if Sephiroth has any balls left.
I think when a high res picture of the cover appears you’ll see Cloud just looks serious. I totally don’t see what you’re talking about XD
Yeah, the CG renders of FFVII Cloud look fucking awesome.
Come on Mack. The same poker-faced look to the floor was the same shit he was doing in AC during his depression. It’s becoming a cliché.
He looks like he’s looking to the side, not the floor to me. And its a stoic expression, not one of depression. He’s not frowning or looking uneasy.
That’s because he has no facial expressions. At least not in FFVII, and besides a scowl or something, neither in AC.
Zack and (as far as I can tell) Sephiroth aren’t smiling either. THEY MUST BE SO DEPRESSED THE POOR EMO BOYS NO WONDER THEY HAVE GERARD WAY INVOlVED WITH THE NEW ACC SONG!!!!! D:
I don’t know. Still looks like he’s about to puke. D:
LOL well we’ll see for sure once a high res scan appears.
Nah, he looks like he’s ready to smack a bitch.
I think they probably just wanted to create a little tableaux of them looking in different tirections. Cloud just looks like he’s contemplating the meaning of life… or trying to multiply 7268 by 8453 😛
I just read the thread about this in the news section of the forum and wow was that hilarious. XD
In the Case of the Lifestream, we’ll learn the secret as to why Sephiroth is so obsessed and fixated with Cloud.
Wanna take a guess as to which story the yaoi fangirls will be after most?
Actually reading that makes me most excited for that story, but in a very non-yaoi way, mind you.
The cover art looks amazing….well…just waiting the pre-orders of the Ultimania …and I’ll pick up mine!
No, what Cloud is doing here is desperately attempting to not look at Sephiroth, in hopes that he will go the hell away and not attempt the man love.
Also, Mukki will narrate. Everyone sheds a tear for Mukki.
I shed a tear for Mukki. :'(
Maybe Zack will narrate. ^_^
“- In the Case of the Lifestream, we’ll learn the secret as to why Sephiroth is so obsessed and fixated with Cloud.”
Secret? What secret?
Everyone already knows that his fixation, is due to his pride being hurt by his many defeats at the hands of a man(Cloud) he considers inferior to him.
No no, that’s not the real reason.
The MAN LOVE is the secret.
Changes to the already released novels? Interesting, but feels a bit annoying. Now I have to read them again and compare in order to see what has changed.
Maybe Sephiroth’s obsession with Cloud extends beyond pride issues, but also a natural ‘attraction’ to Cloud as the only living experiment of the Jenova Reunion project. And no, by ‘attraction’ I don’t mean a completely unfounded MAN LOVE issue.
Wonderful cover.
Hope that Zack narrates the flashbacks; it would add a laid-back style to them.
Zack narrating the flashbacks!
Now that would be awesome!
This cover is so cool. I love the new CG renders we are treated with once in a while 🙂
Cloud is just awesome
Re: Flashbacks
Originally it was blanked out with three circles, which might mean that originally there were three letters (Japanese-wise) to the name. But there doesn’t seem to be many three-letter important characters :monster:
– Yuffie (yu-fu-i)
– Nanaki (na-na-ki)
– Reeve (ri- – – bu)
– Marlene (ma-ri-n)
– Sierra/Shera (shi-e-ra)
– Tseng (tsu-o-n)
– Rude (ru- – – do)
– Yazoo (ya-zu- -)
– Loz (ro-z-zu)
– Cissnei (shi-su-ne)
– Elfe (e-ru-fe)
– Fuhito (fu-hi-to)
– Rosso (ro – s – so)
– Domino (do-mi-no)
– Hut (ha -t- to)
– Socchi & Kocchi, Corneo’s henchmen (so-c-chi, ko-c-chi)
– Butch, Costa del Sol materia shop owner (bu-c-chi)
– Coats (ko- – – tsu)
– Dyne (da-i-n)
– Dio (de-i-o)
– Ester and Joe (e-su-to, ji-yo- -)
– Gast (ga-su-to)
– Buga and Hago, old people in Cosmo Canyon (bu- – -ga, ha- – -go)
– Godo (go-do- -)
– Gurin, the chocobo farm guy (gu-ri-n)
– Kurin, Gurin’s niece (ku-ri-n)
Oh man, if Butch the Costa del Sol materia shop owner narrates those flashbacks I just don’t know if there will be enough tissues in the world to hold my emotions back.
At first I thought for sure it was Zack (ザック) but then I remembered that it’s spelled with a SU on the end (ザックス).
Maybe it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s three characters, maybe they just chose that number at random. Or it’s a typo. Because to me, the fact that it’s supposed to bring us to tears makes it blatantly obvious that it’s Zack, because that’s probably the only person that would cause me to do so.
“In the Case of the Lifestream, we’ll learn the secret as to why Sephiroth is so obsessed and fixated with Cloud.”
Wow…I didn’t see that coming.
– In the Case of the Lifestream, we’ll learn the secret as to why Sephiroth is so obsessed with Cloud
Yaoi fans scream here.
I always assumed that there was a bit more between Sephiroth and Cloud than simply hurt pride. What else there is, I don’t know because, you see, its a secret.
“Cloud… I am your father.”
For some reason, I can actually see this in my mind, though in order for it to be possible Sephiroth would have had to have impregnated Cloud’s mom when he was fifteen, or somewhere in that general age area.
doesn anyone know where i could find a higher res pic of the cover?
In the future, after the book is out and someone has scanned it, probably.
I’m taking initiative and calling this an April Fools joke. If this announcement still holds true come the weekend, I will stand corrected.