
New Dengeki Playstation interview info with Tetsuya Nomura on FFVII AC Complete

by April 1, 2009 0 comments

• The entire article below was a lame April Fools joke •
It should neither be taken seriously nor cited as a reference

A new scan from the previous Dengeki Playstation interview with Nomura has surfaced online and we’ve got even more new info regarding Advent Children Complete! Here are some more translated portions that highlight the key features of the movie.

Edit: I have to apologize for some confusion regarding the scan and translator. Our staff member Ondore translated this Dengeki scan and I accidentally messed up the smaller image’s link to the full size scan in the post. I’ve gone ahead and fixed it. You should be able to see the scan much clearer now and see that it’s readable. Also, I fixed the source link as well. Again, thanks Ondore for the interesting, and rather…controversial news.


“Aerith had originally been seen as just a happy surprise for the fans, but her role in the story is much more. Expect her to play a bigger role throughout the story, on both a worldly, and in some cases, more personal scale for the characters.”

“Originally, Red XIII spoke very little but this was not our intention. Please enjoy the numerous humorous lines of Red XIII in the film.”

“In the original, Cloud clashed with Sephiroth once again after two years. Like the other reunions of this movie, his battle with Sephiroth stirs up old emotions of the past. In the previous edition, Cloud was triumphant against Sephiroth. But Cloud can’t always be victorious. The new rendition may surprise you.”

“In the original, we included Denzel to act as a firm connection to someone else for Cloud, one we didn’t get to address originally. In the new edition, Cloud wishes to rescue Denzel both out of his own responsibility, but also to preserve his connection with, well… you can see for yourself when it comes out [laugh]”

“The changes we’ve made to the movie include quite a lot of additional scenes detailing Cloud’s complex relationship with the deceased heroine Aerith. Later in the film, fans will be glad to see he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”

“At Nojima’s request, we’ve included the original ending of the 20 minute movie, but if we just repeated the same ending, it wouldn’t have been interesting. So you might be surprised to discover the truth about the message the children are delivering from a ‘special woman.'”

“There’s quite a lot of information in the story, so new viewers can enjoy the story without confusion. But this leaves old viewers who already know this a bit bored. So the idea was that while a lot of what we show is important, what’s truly important is what’s not shown. With that in mind, pay attention to what you don’t see as much as you pay attention to what’s there. You’ll be surprised at what’s in what isn’t there.”

Source: FF7AC Reunion

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  1. Tennyo
    #1 Tennyo 1 April, 2009, 11:30

    *geeks out* Oh my I want this film I want this film.

    Yay for more Red XIII lines! And funny ones, too. w00t

    Aerith having a bigger role? Awesome. Show her face more PLEASE!!! Flower field wasn’t enough, and in the church the lighting made her look weird. Also, they’d better be replacing Mena Suvari. The limited lines Aerith had in AC made it so that she didn’t sound too terrible but any more than that and I’m scared for a KHII repeat. D: Hope they use Andrea Bowen from CC even though I didn’t find her to be the greatest either.

    And the comment about Cloud not always being victorious against Seph? Oh my oh my this is what REALLY has my interest piqued! I’m fangirling SO MUCH OVER THIS! *squees*

    Also a couple of those comments seem very Cloti. 🙂

    Reply to this comment
    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 1 April, 2009, 11:33

      ….Well to be honest, I’m a bit bugged by the “able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.” bit. Seems a bit…inconsistent with what the Compilation has been showing. Yeah, Aerith is in his heart but…how does he continue his life with a dead woman? Just strikes me as somewhat bizarre…But..yeah.

      And I have no idea how Cloud can’t be victorious with Sephiroth. That’s like rewriting history or…something.

      I dunno. Crazy Nomura is crazy. XD

    • Isabella
      Isabella 1 April, 2009, 11:36

      He’s trying to sell some discs, man. Cut him some slack. BSing is his specialty!

    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 1 April, 2009, 11:42

      First of all, I don’t think Nomura is saying that Cloud is going to move on with Aerith. I think he’s implying that after he gets over Aerith he’s moving on with another woman that is special to him. 🙂

      Also obviously Cloud will win. But maybe this time it won’t be so easy. 🙂

  2. KuraudoStrife
    #2 KuraudoStrife 1 April, 2009, 11:36

    Very interesting information…

    “In the original, we included Denzel to act as a firm connection to someone else for Cloud, one we didn’t get to address originally. In the new edition, Cloud wishes to rescue Denzel both out of his own responsibility, but also to preserve his connection with, well… you can see for yourself when it comes out [laugh]”

    Very interesting to hear that…. and glad to know that we’re gonna have some surprises. Thank you Mr. Nomura, your interviews always cheer me up!

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  3. Tennyo
    #3 Tennyo 1 April, 2009, 11:40

    I just had another thought. If this is another April Fool’s joke I’m going to have to lay the smack down on you, Mako. Major time.

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    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 1 April, 2009, 11:42

      Don’t know why you’d say that, didn’t we already did our April Fool’s joke? :mon:

      I’m surprised by this shit too. I’m but a mere humble publisher.

    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 1 April, 2009, 11:43

      That could have been a decoy for all we know. It was an obvious joke, so maybe post that first, then post another less obvious joke since we won’t be expecting a second.

    • BBM
      BBM 1 April, 2009, 11:47

      Oh, yeah, definitely. I would smack you if this was an April’s Fool Joke.

      Do not anger the Cloti fans. D:

      But seriously. This interview just… confuses me now.

    • Arianna
      Arianna 1 April, 2009, 14:52

      I will join my sisters in battle!

  4. lunar_crimson
    #4 lunar_crimson 1 April, 2009, 11:51

    This must be a joke. >_> Nomura does not give a shit about the LT.

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 1 April, 2009, 12:09

      lol Maybe he suddenly started to care. 🙂

    • Cthulhu
      Cthulhu 1 April, 2009, 20:16

      Then why did he create it in the first place?

  5. Dark and Divine
    #5 Dark and Divine 1 April, 2009, 12:37


    Lots of interesting stuff, specially:

    “In the original, Cloud clashed with Sephiroth once again after two years. Like the other reunions of this movie, his battle with Sephiroth stirs up old emotions of the past. In the previous edition, Cloud was triumphant against Sephiroth. But Cloud can’t always be victorious. The new rendition may surprise you.”

    Anyway, Yay for some Red XIII love!

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  6. ForceStealer
    #6 ForceStealer 1 April, 2009, 12:59


    lol. Can’t, freaking, wait

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  7. Fenrir/Cerberus
    #7 Fenrir/Cerberus 1 April, 2009, 14:14

    Wow, it looks like they’re actually added a lot of depth to the characters and beefed up the storyline. This sounds far more impressive than I had originally anticipated. I can’t wait for this to come out.

    WOOHOO!!! RED XIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EDIT: Will this or the original AC be canon?

    Reply to this comment
    • sosaidtheraven
      sosaidtheraven 1 April, 2009, 15:11

      the original we’ll no longer be canon, since it seems they’re remaking it more than reediting it.

    • Zephyr
      Zephyr 1 April, 2009, 18:40

      Considering that ACC is meant to be a replacement, you can throw AC out the window now…hurrah for rehashing!

  8. ForceStealer
    #8 ForceStealer 1 April, 2009, 14:39

    This, Nomura said before that it’s not an update to AC, but a replacement.

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  9. sosaidtheravenen
    #9 sosaidtheravenen 1 April, 2009, 15:15

    Damn, can this be more intriguing? Now that’s a switch from last weeks Famitsu interview. ok…

    “Expect her to play a bigger role throughout the story, on both a worldly, and in some cases, more personal scale for the characters.” – I really didn’t want more Aerith than we got in the original cut, but it seems they’re really making this into a Cloud & Aerith story, something I’m not at all interested in.

    “fans will be glad to see he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.” – don’t know about you guys, but to me it’s pretty obvious they’ve decided to shove the Clerith-thing down our throats. Yes, very glad about that. not.

    “In the previous edition, Cloud was triumphant against Sephiroth. But Cloud can’t always be victorious. The new rendition may surprise you.” – Though the premise sounds interesting, I will honestly not be surprised if Aerith comes to the rescue. Is that it?

    “At Nojima’s request, we’ve included the original ending of the 20 minute movie, but if we just repeated the same ending, it wouldn’t have been interesting. So you might be surprised to discover the truth about the message the children are delivering from a ’special woman.’” – I don’t really see how they can put this scene in the context of the movie and make her be Tifa as originally intended, so it’s reasonable to speculate it not her, specially admitting they want it to be different. More Aerith? thank you very much. Not!

    that personally discouraged me from buying this thing… not an Aerith hater or anything, but I’m just so uninterested in her story with Cloud. I was hoping they’d invest more into fleshing out the “family” theme, but alas.

    Reply to this comment
    • sosaidtheravenen
      sosaidtheravenen 1 April, 2009, 15:36

      oh, and this…adding to my already long rant.

      “In the new edition, Cloud wishes to rescue Denzel both out of his own responsibility, but also to preserve his connection with, well… you can see for yourself when it comes out”

      Nomura seems to think we’re THAT clueless about what’s going on :). Cloud believes Aerith lead Denzel to him, ehh… “but also to preserve his connection with, well…” oh, let me help you, Aerith, right? thanks for that brain exercise… Don’t want to make any false conlusions before the show, but seems too obvious from what he gives away. I guess they’ll really put an end to the LT thing, pretty dissapointing for those who invested into Cloud & Tifa, what a waste that is…

    • GeoMill
      GeoMill 2 April, 2009, 00:39

      Actually, that line can also mean Tifa. Denzel is considered their “child”, as he is part of their unit and connects them as a family. And family, as it has been mentioned various times before, is one of the top themes of the movie.

  10. yunachan
    #10 yunachan 1 April, 2009, 16:14

    is this supposted to be a joke? XD because in the Ultimania here it’s all Cloti, you know..? and now, THIS seemed very Clerith.. and i thought ACC was supposted to show the “family-relationship” some more. well, if this is real.. i don’t mind. i will always love both couples! ^-^ and Aerith is my fav character, so i really wanna see her some more.

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 1 April, 2009, 20:47

      I thought this seemed rather Cloti to me. A “complex relationship” with Aerith doesn’t mean romantic. 😛

  11. Tet
    #11 Tet 1 April, 2009, 16:23

    I think Nomura is just trying to fool us by beating around the bush or something.
    But yay for more RedXIII dialogue!

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  12. cherrymilk
    #12 cherrymilk 1 April, 2009, 16:29

    More Aerith? What part of ‘dead’ do you not understand, Square? /sigh/

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    • namake
      namake 1 April, 2009, 20:41

      Apparently, a lot. XD

  13. SteveElMonk86
    #13 SteveElMonk86 1 April, 2009, 17:36

    Aw, man…and here I was hoping that Cloud and Tifa won in the end. Eh, oh well. Or maybe we’re just reading too deeply into this. Alas, matters of the heart are always complicated. I’m excited to hear more from Nanaki, though. He hasn’t been treated well in the Compilation. Poor guy. Overall, this all sounds very exciting. I can’t wait to see it.

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  14. Shademp
    #14 Shademp 1 April, 2009, 17:38

    Is this another april joke?

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    • Inaheart
      Inaheart 1 April, 2009, 18:22

      That’s what I was wondering.

  15. MissSugar
    #15 MissSugar 1 April, 2009, 17:56

    are they kidding me?

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  16. Dark and Divine
    #16 Dark and Divine 1 April, 2009, 17:56

    I have to be honest with you.

    I don’t see how…

    “The changes we’ve made to the movie include quite a lot of additional scenes detailing Cloud’s complex relationship with the deceased heroine Aerith. Later in the film, fans will be glad to see he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”

    …gives any indication of Clerith.

    It says “…deceased heroine Aerith.” and “…he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”

    If anything, it insinuates that Cloud was able to overcome the loss of Aerith and will return to live again with Tifa beyond that point, together with Marlene and Denzel, forming some sort of “family”.

    Really, it is amusing, but at the same time sad, to see how Cloti fans get all fired up when they see the words “Cloud” and “Aerith” in the same sentence, and how Clerith fans react the same way when replacing “Aerith” for “Tifa”.

    Get over it, please!

    I couldn’t care less about the Love Triangle, but, for me, it is pretty obvious that Cloud is meant for Tifa and Aerith is meant for Zack.

    Really, people, your fanatical demeanour about the LT is getting a bit too annoying for my taste.

    Anyway, don’t mind me!

    Carry on!

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    • sosaidtheravenen
      sosaidtheravenen 1 April, 2009, 18:26

      I’m not really much of a Final Fantasy fan, game-wise, I only like FF7 for the story, so I’m not really all into the whole Love Triangle thing myself. But what appealed to me when I saw AC (which aside from being pure eye-candy didn’t offer much) was the “family theme”, which I thought had a lot of potential. I really like the Cloud and Tifa characters, their history and how it progressed to where they are now, so for people who really look into it and invest into this subplot, it’s kind of dissapointing. I wouldn’t care at all if it was yet another anime couple, but their relationship is actually interesting, involving and overall deep. And, I personally felt a bit irrated myself with Cloud dwelling so desperately in his past, when he clearly could have a future in the now. The Cloud Aerith thing is just stagnant and boring for me.

      [quote]It says “…deceased heroine Aerith.” and “…he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”[/quote]

      Right. It says clearly “this woman”, the one refering to in the same sentence. So, unless someone screwed the translation, I’d say it’s legit.

    • Zephyr
      Zephyr 1 April, 2009, 18:48

      I couldn’t agree more. Relax children, its Cloud and Tifa, that’s not going to change. “This woman” refers to Tifa not Aerith, unless she is miraculously revived…and if she is, I will kill Square.

      Edit: I smell an April Fool’s joke

  17. CelesChere
    #17 CelesChere 1 April, 2009, 18:10

    I guess Clerith is canon. /wrists

    Lmao, jk Aerith has more dignity then to settle for Cloud when she has Zack. ;))

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 2 April, 2009, 05:18

      Zack has a better personality, better hair, is is more beefcake macho/looks like a guy. Hmmm…. now who would I pick if I were her…?

  18. Shademp
    #18 Shademp 1 April, 2009, 18:20

    I didn’t see any Claerith, but it just seems too good to be true that Red XIII will get more lines. Although VERY intricate, I smell deceit…

    If this is true, I wonder what Nomura really means by “Cloud not being victorious”…
    NO SEPHIROTH! YOU KILLED CLOUD! YOU’VE CREATED A TIME PARADOX!! *then Denzel from the future comes in and saves the day*

    In some earlier drafts they had Kadaj surrounded by Cloud and the whole gang. Maybe they will ‘partially’ use this and have AVALANCHE save Cloud during all the impaled-in-chest-shenanigans. Barret will say,
    “Your ten minutes are up”. Would be very shocking since we’ve seen no indication of their presence, and Cloud keeps on fighting alone after being impaled so yeah… Maybe Aerith swoops in and heals him in-battle. Just speculating; obviously Cloud can’t save his ass in the same manner as before.


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  19. StrifeClouds
    #19 StrifeClouds 1 April, 2009, 18:33

    Or maybe Cloud & Seph kill each other off. That would be so much better than the poor guy getting shot in the back by Yazoo & Loz then getting blown up by them. I never liked that, not fitting for Cloud.

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  20. sloppygegger
    #20 sloppygegger 1 April, 2009, 18:42

    what?,oh no,no,no that mean that…read this

    But Cloud can’t always be victorious. The new rendition may surprise you.”

    that mean he die?

    as a Cloti I don’t like this

    Later in the film, fans will be glad to see he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”

    continue his life with this woman he cherishes and they also say Cloud can’t always be victorious

    so cloud MAY die and he is with aerith the woman he cherishes

    _____________a very sad Cloti fan

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    • ´MissSugarar
      ´MissSugarar 1 April, 2009, 18:53

      What nonsense! Cloud will definitely NOT die..he’s alive in Dirge Of Cerberus, which is set after 1 year of AC.

      “Later in the film, fans will be glad to see he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”

      Seriously this doesn’t make any sense to me. It says he gets rid of his guilt, so apparently he’s finally able to let Aerith go. And at the same time he continues his life WITH her? How’s that possible since he’s living with his family after AC?

    • sosaidtheravenen
      sosaidtheravenen 1 April, 2009, 18:55

      “continue his life with this woman he cherishes and they also say Cloud can’t always be victorious

      so cloud MAY die and he is with aerith the woman he cherishes”

      – well they pretty much confirmed there’s the ending with Cloud receiving a letter, or w/e, form some mystery woman, and he lives in DoC.

      BTW, if this article is a HOAX for April 1st, I gotta say you’ve outdone yourselves! I’ll just clap real loud.

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