
OtWtaS – Lifestream Black & Lifestream White

by May 3, 2009 0 comments

A big thanks to Hitoshura who has now finished translating the new installment from the On the Way to a Smile book; the Lifestream White and Lifestream Black chapters.

*The content of this page has been moved*

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  1. jackswords
    #1 jackswords 10 May, 2009, 04:42

    So were the Cetra aliens, or actually born on the planet itself 1000 years or so ago?

    This has never been made clear where the Cetra came from.

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    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 10 May, 2009, 04:46

      The Cetra are not aliens. That’s a mistranslation in the original FFVII. All subsequent materials and CC state that the Cetra are indeed native to the planet.

  2. xceL
    #2 xceL 11 May, 2009, 08:34


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  3. Sweet Nightmare
    #3 Sweet Nightmare 17 May, 2009, 09:46

    You know…this would be really good…
    If not for all the freaking Clephiroth references. -.- Like the Yaoi fans needed more prodding. ((And is anyone else getting some mega Kingdom Hearts vibes from the whole Darkness and Memories stuff?))

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  4. Rain Misoa
    #4 Rain Misoa 19 May, 2009, 09:28

    This was an excellent read! Thank you so much for the translation. I really hope you translate the rest of the Cases; like Yuffie’s, Nanaki’s, Shinra’s and the rest. Thanks again!

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  5. KissTheRain
    #5 KissTheRain 26 May, 2009, 21:09

    Wow I thought this would be longer :O

    Anyways I enjoyed it, wasn’t too long for the better, and really didn’t have too much plot except a quick recap of Maiden with Sephiroth’s side too. You can’t have love without hate right.

    The beloved made me smile though, i’m such a Clerith sap xD

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    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 27 May, 2009, 23:10

      Actually, it’s got a lot of plot, especially on Sephy’s side.
      It also contradicts Maiden ever so slightly (She locates remaining Cetra Spirit, when there were none around, not even her mom’s in Maiden).

      Also, some would argue Seph’s side is about Love too.

    • FFVIIFan
      FFVIIFan 3 September, 2009, 18:36

      Sure. I mean one can easily also argue Zack wanted to bang all his guy comrades. I’d personally have to say Sephiroth’s novella has more to do with hatred than love, but eh, who’s to say I’m more sane than Clephiroth fans, right?

  6. Kain424
    #6 Kain424 4 June, 2009, 08:37

    So, where are the rest? I thought this was going to be a regular thing.

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  7. FinalFantasyAerith
    #7 FinalFantasyAerith 28 June, 2009, 17:04

    Such a super cool read!! Thanks for translating it 😀
    I still want to know about how Genesis comes back to life at the end of DoC (sorry for spoilers there if you didn’t play it yet) as in Crisis Core the two guys that pick him up talk about mother. They could be either Kadaj, Loz or Yazoo????

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    • fairheartstrife
      fairheartstrife 30 June, 2009, 13:09

      If you played DoC then you know the it’s NOT Kadaj, Loz or Yazoo.

    • FinalFantasyAerith
      FinalFantasyAerith 25 October, 2009, 19:02

      I Played DoC and I still didn’t get it lol but then I looked it up and realised how stupidly obvious it was ^_^ I’m a little slow at times as you can probably guess lol 🙂

  8. FFVIIFan
    #8 FFVIIFan 3 September, 2009, 18:26

    Interesting discussion. The only problem I see with the translation “beloved” is that it can be slightly different from the word “lover”. Saying Cloud is Aerith’s beloved only shows that Aerith loves Cloud but we don’t know if Cloud returns those feelings. I’ve been told, however, that the japanese word “koibito”(the word actually used here) ALWAYS shows a mutual love. If true, why translate it as “beloved” instead of “lover”? Or am I wrong about koibito equating to a mutual love?

    For Tifa’s case, aren’t a lot of people saying she’s the girlfriend/sweetheart/lover of Cloud(NVM that Cloud’s name isn’t even attached nor do we even know if Nomura was referring to roles or simply talking about her characteristic traits). I mean, for Tifa’s case, all these definitions used seem to show something mutual. Why isn’t it the same in Aerith’s case? D:

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  9. Aria
    #9 Aria 12 September, 2009, 14:29

    I read through the last few pages of comments.
    People who can’t or don’t translate should shut up and enjoy the translations.

    Thank you, Hitoshura, by the way for translating. T’was a lovely read. n___n

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  10. FinalFantasyAerith
    #10 FinalFantasyAerith 25 October, 2009, 19:00

    I’m going to settle of the relationship arguements now by saying this
    It’s obviously Claeritirotifack!!! They all just love each other equally!
    Yes I know this made no sense whatsoever but all of the relationship arguements get a little tiresome 🙂

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  11. sadafava
    #11 sadafava 2 December, 2009, 07:21

    visiting flower field? hmm i thought he was just DRIVING BY while taking orders for his delivery, huh? i think that calling video was just showing us how aerith watches over cloud, NOT cloud visiting aerith often. besides aerith was removed in acc anyway. acc is like the final director cut

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    • FinalFantasyAerith
      FinalFantasyAerith 31 December, 2009, 13:45

      Well, there are flowers on Cloud’s desk…the same as the ones found in the fields shown. That clearly indicates that he stops to pick flowers(unless you’re saying those flowers just walked onto his desk). Therefore, one can easily conclude that, yes, he does visit/stop by flowerfields.

      Whether Aerith was removed or not, I don’t think, really matters. Flowers are symbolic of her. If Cloud visits/stops by flowerfields, it indicates that he thinks of flowers which, in turn, says he thinks of Aerith. Considering the fact that SE has stated his feelings for her are undying, I don’t think this conclusion is farfetched at all.

    • Agravain
      Agravain 9 January, 2010, 20:39

      This woman died for him, his friends and the planet. Whether he loved her or not, the LEAST he can do is visit somewhere to pay his respects every so often.

      He also visits where Zack died a lot. They both meant a lot to him, if your friend dies you pay your respects and you remember them, whatever they did for you.

      Visiting the flower fields and having the flower on his desk, imo anyway, isn’t something conclusive either way.

      Nice translation! Good to see 🙂

    • FinalFantasyAerith
      FinalFantasyAerith 21 January, 2010, 11:21

      You misinterpreted the point of my post. My main argument was that he doesn’t just “drive by” flowerfields as people are saying and that flowers indicate Aerith so it doesn’t matter much whether her image actually shows up on film or not.

      As for your post, true that he also stops by where Zack died. However, it’s never been stated that Cloud has “undying feelings” for Zack, that Zack is in a love triangle with Cloud, nor has Zack himself ever referred to Cloud as his koibito. It’s crystal clear then that Zack is merely a friend. Aerith’s case cannot automatically be assumed to be of that nature. As you’ve said, one can argue Aerith also died for Tifa, for Barret, for the rest of the planet, etc. However, unlike Cloud, they’re not shown connected to flowerfields in any way. Again, all I’m saying is that it’s not crazy/farfetched to argue Cloud loves Aerith. Never said that it was conclusive.

    • Vendel
      Vendel 7 February, 2010, 04:43

      Yes it is crazy. Because Cloud loves Tifa. Fucking flowers? Give me a break.

  12. FinalFantasyAerith
    #12 FinalFantasyAerith 8 March, 2010, 12:11

    Tell that to Cloud.
    I’m not the one obsessed with flowers and flowerfields.

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    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 15 March, 2010, 20:07

      Neither is Cloud. Remember, he’s headed home to 7th heaven at the end of AC/C.

    • FinalFantasyAerith
      FinalFantasyAerith 19 March, 2010, 12:06

      He is. I have no other explanation for the number of flowerfield pictures strewn all over his room and flowers left on his desk…not to mention Cloud+flowerfields has been a recurring theme in recent Cloud merchandise and other games like Dissidia.

      I imagine Cloud would be headed back to the 7th Heaven at some point. He lives there. No arguments there. How that proves anything else though, I’ve yet to see.

  13. DarkRose_93
    #13 DarkRose_93 13 March, 2010, 14:08

    Cloud was her friend, her beloved — a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected.

    That clearly says that she cares about him for who he is. not because of Zack.

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    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 15 March, 2010, 19:37

      Actually, it says nothing of the sort either way.

      Anyways, no one is saying ‘she cares about Cloud only because of Zack’, but the official materials do expressly say Aerith overlaps Cloud with her first love, that she falls for Cloud because of her feelings for Zack, and that she only realizes what she’s done later. A day thereafter, she leaves the party and dies. She really had no chance to get to meet the real cloud pre-mortem, she only glimpsed the real Cloud behind his false persona. So, yes, she cared about Cloud, no one denies this. What we point out is that she fell for Cloud because of Zack. Even she says this on the date.
      And again, DR, that quote literally says nothing about loving Cloud ‘for cloud’, just what he was to Aerith.

    • Crazytalk
      Crazytalk 9 July, 2010, 09:54

      But- remender Aerith only went for Cloud because he was acting like Zack, and remind her of Zack in Final fantasy VII the game, also it’s because of the jenova cells as a.k.a mako poisioing Cloud had that made him act like, which is why Sephy kept saying ” Because Cloud… you are a puppet” which he was till in disc 2 Cloud becomes his REALSELF , not as I remind and act like zackself … So that’s why Aerith like Cloud and Cloud had feelings for her, that’s the whole reason and you would have known this if you played the whole series gaming like crisis core-FFVII- and well if you seen final fantasy VII : Adevent Children Complete, which Cloud was just kind of depressed and that he wasn’t able to forgive himself on what had happen to Zack and Aerith, (besides that they had alrready forgiven him) … and well Dirge of Cerberus is just about well… mostly out Vincent past and present … XD

  14. Cloud Strife
    #14 Cloud Strife 5 April, 2010, 14:54

    he just refuses to dissapeare……damn you Sephiroth!!!

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  15. Pilber
    #15 Pilber 16 May, 2010, 15:10

    Just a thought, as Zack appears in Advent Children does that mean he didn’t allow the planet to erode his spirit. Did he return to the life stream or stay in that sort of puragtory?

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    • Vivivi
      Vivivi 11 July, 2010, 15:04

      I think Aerith was keeping him from being absorbed into the Lifestream.

  16. Crazytalk
    #16 Crazytalk 9 July, 2010, 09:38

    O_o Nothing diffrent from here, Aerith is dead but alive in the lifestream, Sephy is dead but alive in the lifestream, with a crazy obsessed talk, anyhow…nothing instresting here, expect wondering were Zack is since he somehow is reunited with Aerith??? O_o

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  17. Vivivi
    #17 Vivivi 11 July, 2010, 15:04

    Why is everyone so concerned about who loves who forever and ever? There is more to life than romantic love, and look how many marriages end in divorce.

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  18. Teresa
    #18 Teresa 11 July, 2010, 15:10

    Question: did Sephiroth have to make those 3 bodies, or could he have possibly possessed someone already living on the Planet?

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  19. Kevin
    #19 Kevin 9 October, 2010, 08:58

    I’ll explain everything:

    1) Aerith doesn’t love cloud, she loves zack, and she could feel zack inside of cloud

    2) I think the whole FFVII Story is an imagination of cloud, and he never get really up with the mako poison, let me see: he sees tifa and fall in love for her, she imagine then her fighting for world sake with him a man with a barrel gun hand, a wolf/dog, a puppet O.o, a meteor no one eve cared about, and sephirot, no one ever cared about this too
    3) Sephirot for cloud (zack too remember) is: the wish to become a hero (zack) that part he is missing… that’s why he’s seeking to be complete, cloud want to be cloud but he still feel something inside him (zack) and continue living as him
    4) the real cloud, is the one with the glasses in AC, he’s totally different from the cloud we saw in ffvii

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