
Additional New Characters and Abilities in Western Release of Dissidia Final Fantasy

by May 9, 2009 0 comments

In an interview with Final Fantasy Union, Director Takeshi Arakawa and Producer Yoshinori Kitase reveal some of the new additions and changes for the US version. One of them being new character appearances and abilities for the playable characters.


Final Fantasy Union: You’ve mentioned there are some differences between the Japanese and Western versions; will there be any other differences?

Takeshi Arakawa: You can see new abilities for the characters, which are only available in the overseas version. Also there are some characters which don’t appear in any events in the Japanese version but they do in the western version.

FFU: So there will be a few more cameos?

Takeshi Arakawa: Yes, that’s right.

You can read the rest of the interview here.

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  1. Tennyo
    #1 Tennyo 9 May, 2009, 03:00

    That’s really interesting. I wonder how that works out…

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  2. Isabella
    #2 Isabella 9 May, 2009, 03:03

    New cameos? Now that’s intriguing.

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  3. CelesChere
    #3 CelesChere 9 May, 2009, 03:12

    New characters?

    Kain and Celes ftw!

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  4. Andalegogo
    #4 Andalegogo 9 May, 2009, 03:44

    Zack confirmed??!! XD


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  5. レン
    #5 レン 9 May, 2009, 04:22

    For the love of all that is holy, I hope they add Ashe so the game will be less of a sausagefest!

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    • OWA-2
      OWA-2 9 May, 2009, 19:00

      Or Celes. Or Beatrix.

  6. Dark & Divine
    #6 Dark & Divine 9 May, 2009, 10:21

    They’ll probably add a villain to FFXI and a hero to FFXII, imo.

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  7. Tetsujin
    #7 Tetsujin 9 May, 2009, 11:00

    They said there’ll be cameos in the cutscenes. I don’t think there’ll be any more playable characters.

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  8. Cthulhu
    #8 Cthulhu 9 May, 2009, 11:01

    They could pull a Nintendo and chuck unrelated characters in. like. Goofy. Or Snake. Or Mario. :monster:

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  9. Tetsujin
    #9 Tetsujin 9 May, 2009, 11:16

    No. Just no. :monster:

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  10. Tetsujin
    #10 Tetsujin 9 May, 2009, 18:38

    Also, I want a cameo by Lightning. ;D

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  11. OWD
    #11 OWD 9 May, 2009, 21:07

    Lightning? Why? Why would they include a character we haven`t seen yet?
    I want some girls. Like some ass kicking by Celes or Tifa (since she be a martial artist). Zack would be nice, but Cloud id pretty much copy him, so a pointless addition imo, although not out of the question since they undoubtedly wanna push CC.

    There will hopefully be no Genesis.

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  12. Tetsujin
    #12 Tetsujin 9 May, 2009, 22:11

    We haven’t seen Lightning? Eh?

    By the time Dissidia is released, we might even have a playable demo ready. So why not? And she IS a FF main character. It would make less sense to have some random secondary characters appear there.

    Reply to this comment
    • VC03
      VC03 11 May, 2009, 15:05

      They said they wanted to put Lightning and Noctis in Dissidia, but they don’t want to ruin the surprise by showing off their moves before the games are out. After seeing Lightning’s moves for myself, I’m glad they made that decision — she’s totally something I’ve never seen from a FF heroine.

      As for a playable demo outside Japan, it wouldn’t be possible unless they do one for the 360 as well. At this point it seems highly unlikely that they would want to waste resources just to translate a 5GB demo, but anything is possible!

    • LEgacyofDark
      LEgacyofDark 13 May, 2009, 21:48

      “They wanted to put Noctis and Lightning”, let me guess, you came up with that on your own or you just like to lie…?

      Gabranth and Shanttoto where themselves a big stretch for the the game team, and to even say they talked about using characters of an unreleased game is an outrageous lie.

      Wana prove it to me, or rather us?

      some proof would do nice.

    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 13 May, 2009, 21:57

      “Also, we’d wanted to include Lightning from FFXIII, but its staff thought that it wouldn’t be a good idea to reveal the abilities she uses in FFXIII here first, so we gave up on having her in the game.”

      You should actually check out our site more, lulz.

    • LEgacyofDark
      LEgacyofDark 15 May, 2009, 22:39

      You are partly correct, but tell me, where in that is Noctis even mentioned…?

      The person who wrote the comment regarding Noctis and his presence was, well, pretty much lying…

    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin 16 May, 2009, 15:42

      Or god forbid that someone actually makes a mistake. >_>

  13. Suzaku
    #13 Suzaku 10 May, 2009, 13:13

    It says new cameos in the events / cutscenes. Nothing about new playable characters. Don’t get yourselves hyped up so much. 😛

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  14. Tetsujin
    #14 Tetsujin 10 May, 2009, 16:57

    I wonder if this one will actually have an online mode. =/

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  15. Shademp
    #15 Shademp 10 May, 2009, 21:06

    What character would make sense to appear?

    Maybe the narrator appears in person.

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  16. Splintered
    #16 Splintered 11 May, 2009, 15:16

    Hopefully they’ll add someone from 12. Just sayin’ But it doesn’t seem they’ll be new playable characters, which is a shame.

    Still, I’ll take what I can get.

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  17. LEgacyofDark
    #17 LEgacyofDark 11 May, 2009, 18:45

    LOL on every person that thinks there will be any more playable characters…

    Read the whole interview, and check what Kitase said, or maybe, I’ll just spare you the trouble.


    “…no new characters will become available in the overseas version.

    keep dreaming…

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    • gvgn
      gvgn 5 September, 2009, 00:40

      k we will. thank you.
