
Square-Enix asks for fans’ opinions about a Final Fantasy VII remake

by March 6, 2010 0 comments

After latest news pretty much suggested that a remake would only happen once hell freezes over, they recently asked fans about their opinion for a remake of FF7 on their official Square-Enix Members Twitter account. It was immediately flooded with positive replies, so many in fact, that the author asked everyone to stop replying.

This is pretty much the first time Square-Enix themselves asked people about a remake.

Two days later, they even asked about fans’ opinions for a remake of FFVIII.

Here are the links to the respective twitter entries:

Japanese S-E Members Twitter

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  1. looneymoon
    #1 looneymoon 6 March, 2010, 17:03

    Ok, for a person who usually keeps skeptical about these things, all this remake talk is even making ME suspicious!

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  2. Wesley Muench
    #2 Wesley Muench 6 March, 2010, 18:11

    Oh I hope they do it! But why ask us? Are they going to decide based on what percentage of the replies endorse the idea? This looks promising.

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  3. Tifaeria
    #3 Tifaeria 7 March, 2010, 00:58

    UGH, They are now just fucking with us with all these questions and hopeful yet nonexistent answers! SCREW THEM! >:O

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  4. Celes Chere
    #4 Celes Chere 7 March, 2010, 01:08


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    • Vendel
      Vendel 7 March, 2010, 05:32

      You do.

    • Sollace
      Sollace 11 March, 2010, 07:09

      Damn straight.

  5. sloppygegger
    #5 sloppygegger 7 March, 2010, 05:11

    why are they asking us they already know what we want

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  6. Sephiroth_Owa13
    #6 Sephiroth_Owa13 7 March, 2010, 06:45

    Being one of the people that plays FFXI I know how SE loves to fuck around with people. This is either a huge cock tease or maybe they’re thinking about being nice, for once to their fans and do the remake.

    After all, we all know how SE loves to milk their cash cows. But I’m still doubtful about a it remake, because a remake could either bring a lot of new fans or they could fuck it up.

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  7. ZackFair1219
    #7 ZackFair1219 7 March, 2010, 08:41

    Jeez! I’m getting just pulling the subject out because they keep saying no! I mean, FFVII remake for the PS3 would be wonderful, but if they’re just going to keep getting our hopes up for no reason, they just better not even talk about it at all!

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  8. Ahvia
    #8 Ahvia 7 March, 2010, 09:57

    every time my heart stops hurting from the last time they crushed my hopes and dreams they bring it up again. this up and down cycle is wearing on my extra hard this year… because i am a sucker. ;__;

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    • Midil
      Midil 8 March, 2010, 03:41

      When I first read your comment, I thought “this reminds me of that Ahvia on lj” then I looked at you username xD

      This is making me hopefull because it’s the first time s-e has approached the fans about a ffvii remake and not the other way around.

    • Ahvia
      Ahvia 8 March, 2010, 09:25

      lmao oh god I’m a ridiculous caricature of… myself T______T hi

      Yeah, it’s making me hopeful too, which is what I’m worried about. :’C
      But it’s true, and asking follow-up questions about fans’ opinions is even more promising. I wish they would do so in a forum where I could reply in english and at length because I HAVE A LOT TO SAY TO THEM ON THIS MATTER.

    • iNSOMNiAC
      iNSOMNiAC 8 March, 2010, 11:02


      You and about 3/4 of the entire FFVII fandom, I would say. ;w;’

    • Ahvia
      Ahvia 8 March, 2010, 13:20

      lol well obviously :I and everyone in that 3/4ths has something completely different to say i’m sure. i just mean that if they’re actually interested in what fans think in detail, i hope they give them an opportunity to express it as something besides “DO YOU WANT IT YES/NO 140 CHARACTERS”

      most of the people on the “NO” side say so with stipulations like “‘CAUSE THEY’RE GONNA RUIN IT”
      can you imagine if they actually took fans’ concerns into heavy consideration on this? it could be mindblowingly awesome.

  9. Wesley Muench
    #9 Wesley Muench 7 March, 2010, 12:38

    I don’t know, isn’t this the first time they’ve instigated the discussion? Maybe they’re really considering it.

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  10. Clover
    #10 Clover 7 March, 2010, 14:52

    Do they have an English twitter account? It doesn’t seem fair to leave us out 🙁

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  11. OWA-2
    #11 OWA-2 8 March, 2010, 02:38

    Two or three years ago, they already asked us what game we(the FF-fanbase) wanted to see being remade the most.
    The majority answered FFVII, but nothing changed.
    Why it would be different now?

    They are just teasing us… Again.

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    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin 8 March, 2010, 06:26

      Eh? I don’t remember this at all.

    • OWA-2
      OWA-2 8 March, 2010, 10:25

      It was during a big event(TGS or E3, I don’t remember). There was this question and an urn(or something similar) to vote.
      After the event was over, they counted the votes and FFVII won.

      At least this is what I heard. I wasn’t there personaly.

    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin Author 8 March, 2010, 13:32

      You sure you’re not confusing them with Kojima Productions? Because they did something like that. But I’ve never heard of Square-Enix asking fans about a remake. O.o

    • frogguts198
      frogguts198 8 March, 2010, 21:41

      I definitely remember them asking about remakes before so he didn’t make that up.

      All this talk is interesting though… FFVII is an amazing game but I still feel like a remake would take away much of the amazement of the game. I love the cartoony, yet serious, graphics of the game. It just works so well… plus I’m a fan of pre-rendered backgrounds so maybe I’m biased 😛

      But it would be cool to see a remake regardless since I’d still have the original to play if I wanted.

    • iNSOMNiAC
      iNSOMNiAC 8 March, 2010, 11:04

      If they are just teasing us, then why? I don’t see how annoying the fandom with false hopes is anything positive. 😡

    • Ahvia
      Ahvia 8 March, 2010, 13:39

      yeah ;___; at this point they know what they’re doing by bringing it up. but I thought the same thing when they would put in teasers like “SEE YOU AGAIN IN FF7” in the ultimania. it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve been teasing the fandom, though this is by far the most direct form of it. ;A;

    • iNSOMNiAC
      iNSOMNiAC 8 March, 2010, 15:43

      I’m just gunna calm myself and say they’re trying to build hype. @@ It has to be that. Has to beeee. TT__TT;

      I remember finishing Crisis Core, and there’s that damn bit at the end, “To Be Continued in FFVII”. I put on my rage face when that happened. Why do you taunt us soooo, SE?? D:

    • Kain
      Kain 22 September, 2011, 10:12

      Crisis Core is a prequel to the already existing FF7 released in 1997. So… yeah.

  12. Wesley Muench
    #12 Wesley Muench 8 March, 2010, 17:19

    What would they gain from teasing us? No, they have to be planning something. If not a remake, then at least another addition to the compilation.

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    • Tetsujin
      Tetsujin 9 March, 2010, 05:15

      What would they gain? Sadistic pleasure, of course! ;D

    • Wesley Muench
      Wesley Muench 9 March, 2010, 06:13

      “Sadistic Pleasure”? What from pissing off the people who pay their bills?

  13. Wesley Muench
    #13 Wesley Muench 9 March, 2010, 22:31

    They just released FFXIII… Square said a long time ago that Lightning is a female Cloud. Maybe now they’re going to get back to male Cloud?

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    • iNSOMNiAC
      iNSOMNiAC 10 March, 2010, 09:53

      Lightning IS Cloud. The crossdressing all those years ago really changed him, so he got a sex change and ran away from his old life-! oAo


      Seriously though, I hope they turn their attention back to the /real/ Cloud again. *high fives*

  14. Blayze
    #14 Blayze 17 March, 2010, 17:01

    The bastards need to quit teasing and get on with re-making FFVII if they’re going to. If they’re not, they should quit stiring the pot.

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  15. Faram
    #15 Faram 18 March, 2010, 05:33

    i dont give a fk about any other SE game!!! the only game i would like to play is a VII’s remake or a sequel to DoC….. what about Genesis and Weiss where are them????? I miss ALL the FF VII characters so much :S

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  16. Lynn Strife
    #16 Lynn Strife 18 March, 2010, 09:40

    I sooo hope they’ll make a remake! That would be so awesome!!! =D


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  17. Cerberus
    #17 Cerberus 19 March, 2010, 03:02

    It wouldn’t make any sense. If they goddamnit approach us just to tease, why would they? I mean, I think any gamecorporation understands how important it is not to mess up with customers and players all the time.

    I quess they’re serious. How many projects do they have going on right now? FF XIII is ready, the onlinegame should be also, I don’t really remember, Dissidia is done and so on. What else could take their time and resources?
    It may be, that since they are not telling players FF XV yet, I believe that they really ARE on the remake.

    It would be just damn easy way to get such an amount of money! And if they so love to milk out cash from us, then they must do it. No other gameseries sells as well at SE than FF in the world.

    (Yeah, I may be just damn hopeful, but I quess it’s what this world needs.)

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    • DaySekay
      DaySekay 24 March, 2010, 08:19

      How about Versus?

      That game just went down with such speed, even though it created more hype then the entire FFXII plot. lol

  18. Aniron
    #18 Aniron 22 March, 2010, 20:15

    I want the remake! SE you hear me?

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  19. Faram
    #19 Faram 23 March, 2010, 10:39

    lol, read the last question, yesterday’s interview

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    • iNSOMNiAC
      iNSOMNiAC 23 March, 2010, 17:00

      Oh come ON, SE!! Even your own employees want to remake it, so REMAKE IT ALREADY! D’x!
