
FF Dissidia Duodecim New Character: Vaan

by November 10, 2010 0 comments

That’s right, folks, we finally have confirmation on those pesky rumors that have been flying around.

It appears that Vaan will added to the roster of characters in Dissidia Duodecim 012.  Don’t act so surprised. 😛

It is our first glimpse at a new costume for Terra, in the screen-shot on the very bottom of the scan.

A big thanks goes out to forum member DrakeClawfang as well as front page commenter Phi for finding this for us.


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  1. Ixbran
    #1 Ixbran 10 November, 2010, 10:18

    Wooo, Vaan!

    ish epic win!

    also, i found this game FAQ’s, there are pictures explaining terras new costume.

    now all we need is for someone to provide a full image of this artwork of her, then we know what were getting.

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  2. Sara
    #2 Sara 10 November, 2010, 10:32

    Yayyyy Vaan!!!! 🙂

    I knew he would HAVE to be in a Dissidia Final Fantasy game eventually!

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  3. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV
    #3 SkyGrinderomnislash7IV 10 November, 2010, 11:24

    Why waste a character slot on Vaan. I’m sorry, he has nothing to do with the story. I’ve heard the same argument about Tidus, but his fathers Sin, he loves Yuna, and his home dream world was killed by Sin. Maybe part of this is my personal distaste for XII, being my 3rd least favorite, of the only 4 FF’s I don’t like; but even then I can admit XII had a good story, and that Balthier is a pimp. I don’t mind androgyny, but Vann looks like more pansy then Kuja, who makes up for his character design by being an amazing villan with a great ultimate form. Feel free to disagree with me (I know some people love him), but I can’t stand Vaan. Here’s hoping they add Yuna or Celes next.

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  4. Galvanizer
    #4 Galvanizer 10 November, 2010, 11:37

    Good they chose Vaan. Hopefully this game will make him a badass as he wasn’t one in FFXII.

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    • SkyGrinderomnislash7IV
      SkyGrinderomnislash7IV 10 November, 2010, 11:41

      Well I’ll admit looks like he’s got some good moves, still don’t like him.

  5. kostas
    #5 kostas 10 November, 2010, 13:34

    who cares about this little brat , Vaan?

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  6. Fenrir30
    #6 Fenrir30 10 November, 2010, 16:02

    not really all that suprised really. Still dont like him regardless.

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  7. lightxpeed
    #7 lightxpeed 11 November, 2010, 11:45

    well why is only vaan added on the game cant you add 2 characters on every FF like on FF 8 pls include zell dincht and another example is add a character from FF 7 like genesis or angeal or the like do it on the other FF too soo it could be called a good game but plss include zell dincht of FF 8 on the game tnx

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  8. Fenzer
    #8 Fenzer 11 November, 2010, 13:15

    Well, think about how much place it needs on the UMD. They can’t add this much characters without sacrificing others.
    Be happy they can even put some in, i thought the UMD was already full.

    Well, Vaan isn’t much a surprise, i’m just wondering if he inherit the style of Firion, who is said to have a totally new style.

    Hoping Vaan will have a really LEVEL UP concerning his personnality here.

    I’m wainting for Locke now =D I just SO WANT him in. [Well, just imagine he tech ” Stealing ” were he stole a technique from the enemy. A real Dagger, that lacks Dissidia. ( Djidane is a thief, but his swords are just way too flashy xD )

    Well, Hoping Linoa for FFVIII, Vivi for FFIX, Yuna for FFX, and i haven’t play enough the other games ^^”

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  9. Okami925
    #9 Okami925 11 November, 2010, 21:23

    WHY??? Can’t they bring in Basch or Balthier!? Anyone but Vaan! D:
    Come on! Let’s bring in Gilgamesh! Locke! Auron! Even Seifer!

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  10. Ella
    #10 Ella 11 November, 2010, 22:12

    I have to admit I didn’t think much of Vaan in FFXII (the way the narrative just ditched him after they got to Bhujerba really put me off) but the idea of him in Dissidia has potential. If you think about it, he’s the only hero who can really go against Gabranth since Ashe had more to do with Vayne and Basch isn’t the vengeful type; Vaan lost his brother to Gabranth, and what’s more Reks didn’t HAVE to die, his injuries just ended up being too great for him to outlive his usefulness as a pawn. That’s a legitimate reason for them to fight (albeit a little cliched) and it gives Vaan a chance at being a more sympathetic three-dimensional character. I have to admit that the death of Reks and the way that the story forgot about it was incredibly jarring to me, and I hope that they use this solo appearence of Vaan to set it right. It’d be nice to finally see him mature as a character rather than just squawk in the background.

    I guess that’s probably it for new heroes unless they’re deliberately not adding an equal amount of villains to the roster. Wonder if they’ll add Seifer to Team Chaos instead? Anyway, thanks for uploading!

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    • Ixbran
      Ixbran 12 November, 2010, 05:42

      SE al;ready said there wouldn’t be an even amount of heroes or villains

      there’s a good chance we may only get 2-3 villains, and the rest being heroes.

  11. Fenzer
    #11 Fenzer 12 November, 2010, 14:50

    BTW, they also said that seifer isn’t much a possibility since he is a copycat of Squall!

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  12. Fenrir30
    #12 Fenrir30 12 November, 2010, 15:58

    @Ella: I never really thought of it like that……This could be a good thing. We will have to wait and see.

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  13. chocow
    #13 chocow 17 November, 2010, 12:11

    Please, bring Yuna from X-2! Plus, Zell and Amarant! Bring them all in!

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  14. Gilgamesh
    #14 Gilgamesh 27 February, 2011, 10:28

    so far we have 16 warriors of Cosmos and 14 Warriors of Chaos.
    Warriors of Cosmos
    Warrior of Light – Firion – Onion Knight – Cecil – Bartz – Squall – Zidane – Jecht – Shantotto
    Warriors of Chaos
    Garland – The Emperor – Cloud of Darkness – Golbez – Exdeath – Terra – Kefka – Cloud – Sephiroth – Ultimecia – Kuja – Tidus – Gabranth
    New characters
    Kain(Cosmos) – Gilgamesh(Chaos) – Tifa(Cosmos) – Laguna(Cosmos) – Yuna(Cosmos) – Prishe(Cosmos) – Vaan(Cosmos) – Lightning(Cosmos)

    i Have read that there will be as much Cosmos as Chaos characters.
    so seeing Desperado Chaos as a Bonus Character, i think that there will be 2 more characters.
    On finalfantasy wikia (see my website for the link) it says that from FFVI and FFIX 1 more character will come (one of each game) it still says TBA so i think we just have to wait for that.
    FFVI probably Locke and for IX i really have no idea cuz they all (except Quina) have a real good chance of getting in the game.
    thats my speculation.
    if someone knows more post it here please!

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  15. Gilgamesh
    #15 Gilgamesh 27 February, 2011, 10:29

    oh sorry here is the websiteXD

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