
Mog’s Fantastic Journey: All of the Towns and Cities of FFVII And What I Think of Them Part 2

Sorry about the long stretch with uh, nothing, guys. From now on I actually plan to keep this updated around the board. Holidays are busy, you know? DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT HEY LOOK HERE BUDDY NOBODY’S INNOCENT OKAY

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Final Fantasy’s Definitive and Absolute Power Level Tier List

Because we here at TheLifestream forums are geeks, we’ve had a thread running for a little while now on who the most powerful villains and heroes of the Final Fantasy franchise are. As well, I’ve had an interest lately in

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dissidia Final Fantasy – An Analysis by Squall_of_SeeD & Makoeyes987

As if it weren’t apparent from our site’s coverage, Dissidia: Final Fantasy is a game that’s very close to my heart. And as it turns out, it’s a game that’s very close to Squall_of_SeeD’s heart too. So it was only

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The Love Triangle of FFVII – An Analysis by Squall_of_SeeD

Ahh, the Love Triangle of Final Fantasy VII. It is arguably, the most passionately discussed topic of all of FFVII fandom. Going by the comments on this site, at least. Today, we post the next article from his FAQ, written

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding FFVII – An Analysis by Squall_of_SeeD

Excerpts from an FAQ article on FFVII written by Squall_of_SeeD, answering some of the frequently asked questions about plot points in FFVII and the Compilation thereof. The FAQ is hosted in its entirety on GameFAQs, where it includes this information

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