
New Advent Children Complete Trailer & Translated Dialogue

Jump Festa was this weekend, and of course, Square-Enix debuted a new trailer for Advent Children Complete. Hitoshura has been so kind as to translate a synopsis and script of said trailer so you can read for yourself the new

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New Advent Children Complete Trailer

A new Advent Children Complete trailer has surfaced, featuring the footage debuted at the Tokyo Gameshow this year. Thanks our forum user Dacon for bringing this to our attention.

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Dissidia Update

News scans surfaced today, revealing Tetsuya Nomura’s artwork for Shantotto and Firion’s and the Emperor’s EX-modes. Also, the cover for Dissidia has been revealed in full.

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Square releases Final Fantasy VII… Snowboarding?

Source: Kotaku   The most epic episode in the growing Compilation of FFVII (if it’s an official title in the compilation, which I severely doubt) is Final Fantasy VII: Snowboarding, a game for Japanese cellphones which costs about $3,-. The

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ACC to include a new (short) movie?

Probably old news, since the source we got a link to from OWA-2’s date is in mid-October, but it’s very interesting nevertheless. Christian Nutt of Gamasutra reports in the 1UP Yours podcast that Advent Children Complete will include a new

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More Cloud Vol 1 Information

Some more informaiton has been released on the mysterious Cloud Message from yesterday. We will be including an update when we have a more throrugh translation of the information. There may be a second volume to be released soon. The

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Cloud Message ad appears in PS Blitz magazine reports of a page-filling advertisement in PS Blitz magazine. Inasfar as we can see the page (there’s only a quick picture available at this time – check back for updates on that btw), it’s a close-up of Cloud as he

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