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  1. Death Sin

    Nicest Member

    Serah. Even though she calls me rude and a jelly-head >____>
  2. Death Sin

    Hope For Western Type-0

    Well it seems there's reason for us to rejoice after all: Dunno if this was posted already but the information does seem legit :) EDIT: Gematsu confirmed the type-0 western version as well...
  3. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    I can pretty much vouch for that since its pretty close to the Portuguese word "verificar" and that undoubtly means "to verify; to confirm" in my mother language. There's definitely no room for second meanings/interpretations on this one. In fact, it kinda baffles me how one can even associate...
  4. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Well, in his defense Cloud was under Sephy's influence back then, so we can cut him some slack there. :) Still, its possible this was yet another of those deep, symbolic meanings that Square left for us to (over) analyse, people... We just have to believe and it's gonna be there!! :monster: <j/k>
  5. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    That's even more visible in fighting games, for example. In fact, putting couples against each other isn't even something that several other companies and videogames haven't done before Square... Just look at the Snes Ranma fighting games for example (where you can have Ranma fight Akane), the...
  6. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Well, at least its entertaining for most part... But, yes, how can someone even belief its possible to twist the meaning of such a direct, clear statement is way beyond me.
  7. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Yeah, I'm sure they could have... not. In all seriousness, though... However claims that should actually be thankful for never doing that stretch since, for one, doing it so would have been quite a fallacy on itself and, secondly, such a statement would have been throughfully disproved by now...
  8. Death Sin

    Who did you get for the date?

    The first time I was nice to both girls but like Ryu I didn't take Aerith to see Dyne and got Tifa as my date. The second time I had both girls in my party at all times and ended up getting Aerith. In later replays I actually aimed to get the Yuffie and Barret dates but I admit most of the...
  9. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Damn, I really never knew about any of that... I really have missed a lot these last couple of years I've been mostly out of the whole FF7 fandom, haven't I? Can't say I regret it, though... If that's how things went with some people, then its clearly a case where you should stop and re-evaluate...
  10. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Well, no one told me this as I have seen it with my own eyes now... if the Northern Crater was supposed to serve as a neutral ground for both sides to be able to discuss on equal terms, then it has apparently (and rather saddly, IMHO) failed on that department. It's not my place to point fingers...
  11. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Well maybe (just maybe) that happened because the arm the ribbon was placed on coincidentally was the one that displayed the rather gruesome effects of Cloud's Geostigma. Kinda seems like you're trying to see too much meaning it this when it makes perfect sense that he would keep it concealed...
  12. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    I don't doubt at all what you said because I do remember browsing ACF and seeing that mentioned quite a few times myself. I honestly don't think there was any "backpedaling" from the Cloud/Tifa side (at least that I ever noticed) and the arguments about the word "koibito" and its usage on both...
  13. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Oh, I am well aware of that (sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my last post). What I meant was that I'm still baffled how the usage and meaning of the koibito word could be twisted to such leights just because it went against some people's favored pairing. And I say this mostly because the usage...
  14. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    That whole "koibito" thing still baffles me, seriously. Anyway... Ryu, I completely see your point and although its a bit sad, I cannot say that I don't understand where you are coming from. Still, as I said before, hopefully the endless denial and BS will be limited only to a small few and...
  15. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Saddly, yes, its quite likely that some might refuse to acknowledge factual truth even if its presented in all sorts of forms before their very eyes... I suppose the power of fandom can go beyond the point of common sense in some cases but, hopefully, that will only be applied to a very small...
  16. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Well, not trying to play the Devil's advocate here (nor I think I should to begin with since every forum has its own mod policy and that should be respected) but since that particular forum seems to be organized mainly in prol of two different factions (Cloti and Clerith) you have to understand...
  17. Death Sin

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    I honestly don't know how it's even possible to "interpret" the new translations without the confirmation that Cloud and Tifa are indeed a couple. I admit that sometimes things may be vague enough to be left for personal interpretation but I think this particular matter has been made pretty...
  18. Death Sin

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Well, I think we all agree it would make Cloud feel better, at the very least... heheh. But I think Tifa knows how to reach out for Cloud if he ever derails... She's the person that better understands him, after all. And Mako, I must say that your avatar is really awesome. Barragan needs love...
  19. Death Sin

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    What, are you implying that's not really Ifalna in COLW? Noooooo!! My hopes and dreams have been shattered ;_; <j/k, btw :monster:>
  20. Death Sin

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Yeah, its definitely the Zack/Aerith interactions that I think were a bit off... Especially with Crisis Core and AC/ACC in mind. But I think that, overall, it portraits Aerith well and dwelves on quite a few important aspects like her Cetra heritage, her confusion and her role at the end of FF7...
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