
Mog’s Fantastic Journey: All of the Towns and Cities of FFVII And What I Think of Them

by December 21, 2009 0 comments

Hey guys, Notorious M.O.G. here. I don’t usually write for the front page, but hey, people seem to like what I have to say about the towns and cities of FFVII, so I thought I’d take all of the suggestions to make it a front page article and turn it into reality. Thanks for your support, guys!

As for the nature of this article, it’s an editorial, as in, just my subjective opinions. After the awesome and delightfully controversial Tier List, some people were all like, “WAH THIS IS SOMEONE’S OPINIONS THIS SHOULDN’T BE FRONTPAGE STUFF”. Hey guess what boners; professional newspapers have editorials too. There ain’t news to report all the time. It keeps things fresh and interesting, so keep your eyes open, this won’t be the last one on here. Viva La Lifestream!

By the way, this whole thing started as a forum post, so if you want to take part of that and see where the magic began, check it out here. With that said, let’s get started.


Midgar is easily one of my favorite RPG locations of all time. Having FF7 start here and stay here for a few hours is one of the best things that could have happened to it. Some people loathe the fact that so much time is spent here in the beginning, but really? Really? Seriously, I love all of the world of FF7, but compared to Midgar, as soon as I left, it took me a while to actually warm up to the rest of the game world. Midgar just hit me like a brick. I absolutely love it here.

However, you spent very little time at the top of the plate, which is something they tried to address in CC (and they did so-so), and I hope they address that in a potential remake. At the end of FF7, you spend what, like a second or so there? And of course you go to Shinra Tower, which doesn’t really count towards what I mean. So that leaves…

The Slums, oh, the slums! Seriously, SE aimed at the ‘fantasy world version of the ghetto’ target and hit it dead on. Drunks, prostitutes, badasses, poor kids, and gangsters, you have it all, here. What I really liked about it though, is the atmosphere.

I’m sitting here typing this, and there are a lot of ‘dangerous place’ like towns and cities in RPGs, but FF7 is the only game that to me, has actually nailed the atmosphere of the slums being a dangerous, dirty, and shady place. It could be the music, Under the Rotting Pizza, which remains one of my favorite songs in the entire OST, but I also feel is the dialogue and the attitude of the inhabitants. Unlike a lot of RPGs, they don’t go around ‘WAH I’M SO HUNGRY AND POOR’, no, they act more like actual inhabitants of the slum, and that’s angry. Angry at Shinra, angry at their circumstances, and generally just angry at everything. Another personality trait I noticed is also another realistic one, and that’s acceptance. It ties into what Cloud said; “I know… no one lives in the slums because they want to. It’s like this train. It can’t run anywhere except where its rails take it.”

A lot of the slum inhabitants just accept their lot in life and deal with it the best they can. They eat, sleep, play, work, and screw, doing the best with what they got, their own way. In that way, the slums stuck out to me as a real place, and I, playing Cloud, Barret, and Tifa almost felt ‘at home’ there because well, I guess it’s because we’re terrorists, but still. In a remake, please don’t neglect the slums. Hell, make it more expansive, and dare I say, longer.

Whatever you do though, don’t make it like you made the slums in Crisis Core. Because in CC you fucked them up.

-The music did not fit with a slum at all. Could you imagine this beat in your head walking down Watts or a New York slum or something? I want the music to accompany the mood of an undercover drug deal, somebody getting stabbed or a bum sleeping next to a kerosene fire, not dapper doo dan shit.

-You’re not supposed to see the sky in the Slums, ever. Not that it’s my decision to make, but the fact that you saw the BRIGHT BLUE SKY peeking out in the CC slums really killed the atmosphere. The original game flat out tells you that the Slums are super polluted and never sees daylight, and hell, Aerith also tells you that she’s never seen the sky. FF7 circumvented this brilliantly by having every camera angle in every location in the slums give the appearance of a dark, dank visuage. The ONLY think you should see when you look up is industrial pipes and Midgar’s asscrack. No sky. Ever.

-The inhabitants are too happy. You can’t really tell they’re living in a slum. I realize in the above I said the inhabitants deal, but in CC they’re downright elated. “I JUST GOT BACK FROM WALL MARKET DOO DAA DEE DOO” fuck that, you should be more worried about tetanus, bitch.

But yeah, nevermind the rant about CC’s Slums, but Midgar itself remains close to my heart.

This is the first part of an ongoing topic, guys! Discuss, discuss, discuss and stay tuned for Kalm! Since this is a frontpage article, I’ll update every two days or so, and follow behind the continuous forum posts (since that’s where it started) to keep discussion fresh on here.

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  1. Squall_of_SeeD
    #1 Squall_of_SeeD 21 December, 2009, 22:50

    ‘Bout damn time! Glad to see this up here, Mog. Keep it coming!

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  2. Shinra_Grunt
    #2 Shinra_Grunt 22 December, 2009, 00:47

    Yea I agree, the slum in CC was way too happy. I mean the people in the slum dressed like the people above; is Square that lazy to makes to some npc dressed in rags, COME ON! Good post.

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  3. Ahvia
    #3 Ahvia 22 December, 2009, 10:40

    I love this as a front page feature! The world of FF7 is as close to my heart as any of the characters but it doesn’t get nearly as much attention. and yeah, Midgar is pretty much the coolest above all else.

    Regarding the CC slums, every time I could see the edge of the plate while wandering about I felt a little betrayed, even though in my head I was like “Well, I guess this is what it’s supposed to look like.” FF7’s environment shots always felt almost “in-doors” because I always had the impression that the piles of junk blocked out all the rest of the scenery.

    wait a sec, yeah, didn’t it always look like it was night-time on top of the plate in Crisis Core? why the hell is it a bright day underneath?

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  4. sloppygegger
    #4 sloppygegger 22 December, 2009, 12:15

    are there slums in new york, I would not know, I don’t live in America

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  5. Kyrara
    #5 Kyrara 22 December, 2009, 13:59

    So, when there is (supposed to be) a massive steel plate above the slums. how comes it rains in Aerith’s church at the end of CC?

    I don’t think ShinRa would be nice enough to build in some sprinklers…

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    • Ahvia
      Ahvia 22 December, 2009, 18:08

      lots of things have fallen from the upper plate into that church, there’s plenty of holes for rain by now… and even in the original rendered backgrounds, there’s sunlight filtering in, so rain really isn’t a stretch.

  6. Splintered
    #6 Splintered 22 December, 2009, 16:02

    I totally agree about Midgar, it was my favorite location in the FFVII world and I always felt sad to leave the place after the highway chase. It was such a dreary atmosphere and didn’t feel like SE was trying too hard.

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  7. Daniel
    #7 Daniel 12 July, 2010, 10:19

    Midgar is a cyberpunk place. The punks with colored mohawks, bleeping neon lights, tight streets, houses made out of rusty metal and poor patches, poorness and overall green lights are all cyberpunk elements, think the OVA Akira, or most animes made around that time and you’ll get the overall idea. Cyberpunk used to be on trend back then.

    And it’s widely known that cyberpunk has lost it touch ever since year 2000 or so hit, and it’s not recovered from it.
    It seems directors (worldwide) are having a hard time recreating the cyberpunk feel. So it might be a real problem to have the slums with the same old feel.

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