
New Dengeki Playstation interview info with Tetsuya Nomura on FFVII AC Complete

by April 1, 2009 0 comments

• The entire article below was a lame April Fools joke •
It should neither be taken seriously nor cited as a reference

A new scan from the previous Dengeki Playstation interview with Nomura has surfaced online and we’ve got even more new info regarding Advent Children Complete! Here are some more translated portions that highlight the key features of the movie.

Edit: I have to apologize for some confusion regarding the scan and translator. Our staff member Ondore translated this Dengeki scan and I accidentally messed up the smaller image’s link to the full size scan in the post. I’ve gone ahead and fixed it. You should be able to see the scan much clearer now and see that it’s readable. Also, I fixed the source link as well. Again, thanks Ondore for the interesting, and rather…controversial news.


“Aerith had originally been seen as just a happy surprise for the fans, but her role in the story is much more. Expect her to play a bigger role throughout the story, on both a worldly, and in some cases, more personal scale for the characters.”

“Originally, Red XIII spoke very little but this was not our intention. Please enjoy the numerous humorous lines of Red XIII in the film.”

“In the original, Cloud clashed with Sephiroth once again after two years. Like the other reunions of this movie, his battle with Sephiroth stirs up old emotions of the past. In the previous edition, Cloud was triumphant against Sephiroth. But Cloud can’t always be victorious. The new rendition may surprise you.”

“In the original, we included Denzel to act as a firm connection to someone else for Cloud, one we didn’t get to address originally. In the new edition, Cloud wishes to rescue Denzel both out of his own responsibility, but also to preserve his connection with, well… you can see for yourself when it comes out [laugh]”

“The changes we’ve made to the movie include quite a lot of additional scenes detailing Cloud’s complex relationship with the deceased heroine Aerith. Later in the film, fans will be glad to see he is finally able to overcome his grief for Aerith, the woman who died before his eyes, and continue his life with this woman he cherishes.”

“At Nojima’s request, we’ve included the original ending of the 20 minute movie, but if we just repeated the same ending, it wouldn’t have been interesting. So you might be surprised to discover the truth about the message the children are delivering from a ‘special woman.'”

“There’s quite a lot of information in the story, so new viewers can enjoy the story without confusion. But this leaves old viewers who already know this a bit bored. So the idea was that while a lot of what we show is important, what’s truly important is what’s not shown. With that in mind, pay attention to what you don’t see as much as you pay attention to what’s there. You’ll be surprised at what’s in what isn’t there.”

Source: FF7AC Reunion

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  1. sloppygegger
    #1 sloppygegger 1 April, 2009, 22:19

    slowly but surely im starting to think this is true

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  2. sloppygegger
    #2 sloppygegger 1 April, 2009, 22:22

    i give up my eyes are hurting from looking my laptop to much
    maybe there will be more on this tomarrow?

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  3. Shademp
    #3 Shademp 1 April, 2009, 22:29

    Come on sloppygegger, there isn’t even anything on FF7AC Reunion which is the supposed source. Credit to Mako Eyes, if it was him, for convincing me that the guy interviewed was Nomura. Some things really sound like stuff Nomura would say.

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  4. Jackie
    #4 Jackie 1 April, 2009, 22:37

    Wow, this was a good prank.

    It would be funny if it was true.

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 2 April, 2009, 05:10

      How so? It’s so much funnier as a prank than the truth. XD

  5. Aerith
    #5 Aerith 1 April, 2009, 23:01

    I believe Aerith wants Cloud to overcome his grief of losing her and be with Tifa and his ‘family’. It does not mean he will be WITH Aerith once he gets over her, it more or less means he will let her go, forgive himself and be with Tifa. This “complex relationship” merely means he will come to terms with what he thought and felt when she died and she may help him overcome them. It does not mean to try and insinuate that they are supposed to be together. Even if he did have feelings for her or not, she is gone now and it leaves him with Tifa. Aerith loved Zack once too, and, same as Cloud if she had feelings for the blonde or not, Cloud is alive and she is gone, so it makes sense in the end. This is how I see it though ^_^.

    + Angel-Winged Demon +

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  6. TruPain
    #6 TruPain 1 April, 2009, 23:17

    whats all the crap around Cloti and Clorith…?
    what the hell are you thinking? thinking that in ACC Cloud will just “let go” and have a cope of coffee with Tifa…?
    seriously, Cloud is Cloud…
    besides, youve all seen Dirge of Cerberus, in that game Cloud is just Tifa’s friend, if ACC changed that than it would start a direct conflict within the FFVII world…
    so, yeah…dream about something else…

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    • BBM
      BBM 2 April, 2009, 00:25

      All you’ve seen in Dirge of Cerberus with Aerith and Cloud is… well, nothing.


    • Sky
      Sky 2 April, 2009, 04:35

      Yeah and we don’t see anything with Cloud and Tifa either. Actually, Tifa spends more time with Barret than she does Cloud. Heh heh. :monstermonstermonster: Annoying, isn’t it?

    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 2 April, 2009, 04:41

      ….I find that hard to believe considering Cloud and Tifa live together.

    • BBM
      BBM 2 April, 2009, 04:54

      Cloud spends more time with Tifa at least. :monster:

    • CelesChereeCelesChere
      CelesChereeCelesChere 2 April, 2009, 05:04


      Annoying, isn’t it?

    • Sky
      Sky 7 April, 2009, 05:24

      Sorry, but I’m still not your preciosu troll. It’s even been proven. Quite frankly, the only trolls around are you guys. Heh.

    • BBM
      BBM 8 April, 2009, 00:42

      Just ignore her, you guys. She obviously came here and paraded in because she just wants more attention from us. I guess trolling the forum wasn’t enough for her. :monster:

    • Jackie
      Jackie 2 April, 2009, 00:39

      Hell yeah!

      Too bad this is a prank.

    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 2 April, 2009, 04:36

      DoC doesn’t tell you enough about Cloud and Tifa to make any judgment. For ACC to be more blunt about their relationship changes nothing, only reinforces what we already know.

      But April Fools anyway. XD

    • BBM
      BBM 2 April, 2009, 04:55

      April’s Fool joke is epic. :monster:

      It made me laugh.

  7. Blazing782
    #7 Blazing782 1 April, 2009, 23:21

    Dirge says nothing really about Cloud/Tifa’s relationship. All it says is that they are living together by then. Honestly guys, if you cant see the blatantly obvious preference of the creators (Cloti) then you are really just lying to yourself now.

    Wow, that bit about the Cloud vs Sephiroth fight is kinda surprising. I wonder if they really are going to change the outcome of the battle…

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    • Sky
      Sky 2 April, 2009, 04:35

      Actually, the creators lean more towards Clerith. ;3

    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 2 April, 2009, 04:37

      ….Not really.

    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 2 April, 2009, 04:45

      It’s actually pretty darn obvious that the end result is Cloti. ;3

    • CelesChere
      CelesChere 2 April, 2009, 05:06

      The creators lean towards Clerith?

      Quite the imagination you have there.

    • Ashley
      Ashley 2 April, 2009, 12:34

      Actually, they do hint at Clerith way more.

      I actually have stuff to back it up with, lol. Cuz I’m that pathetic.

      1. In Maiden Who Travels the Planet, Aerith admits she loved Cloud more.
      2. His (Cloud’s) mother says he needs someone who is older and can take care of him. Aerith is a year older than him and she always seemed to open his eyes to things. AND, in the original Advent Children, it’s HER words that really help Cloud to get over things, not Tifa’s. In fact, he just makes up excuses when talking to her.
      3. An original image by Amano is of Cloud and Aerith. There have been no original artworks of Cloud and Tifa.
      I have more but I can’t think of them at the moment, lol. Cuz it’s 6:35 in the a.m. where I am now and I fail at life in the morning.

    • BBM
      BBM 2 April, 2009, 12:42

      1. Maiden isn’t canon in my opinion, but if you really think it is, then Aerith herself in Maiden states that she didn’t know who the real Cloud is: “She was happy. She finally knew the real Cloud.”
      2. Just because Cloud’s mother wants him to get an older girlfriend doesn’t mean that Cloud wants an older girlfriend. In fact, he said he was ‘not interested.’ Oh right, and let’s not forget that Tifa’s the only person Cloud’s ever ‘opened his heart,’ up to.
      3. Amano dropped out of the project, which then Nomura replaced with, and created his own new designs.

    • Ryushikaze
      Ryushikaze 3 April, 2009, 16:28

      Ashley, Sky, if you wish to discuss this topic, the forum itself would be a more proper place to conduct the in depth discussion. That said, Formal invitation to come debate your claims on the merits is hereby officially extended to the both of you, if you think your claims can pass muster.

  8. OWA-2
    #8 OWA-2 1 April, 2009, 23:23

    “there isn’t even anything on FF7AC Reunion which is the supposed source.”

    Yup. Obvious April Fools’ joke is obvious.

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    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 2 April, 2009, 03:00

      I don’t see why our translator Ondore doing this isn’t proof enough for you…I’m hurt.

  9. Blazing782
    #9 Blazing782 1 April, 2009, 23:27

    ^^ unless, of course, your right…

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  10. lunar_crimson
    #10 lunar_crimson 1 April, 2009, 23:38

    lol wow this topic got huge. As for my earlier comment, my statement may have been blunt and a liddo exaggerated, but I don’t doubt Nomura cares about the LT. I just don’t think he gives as much a shit as this interview seems to imply. It’s quite blatanly obvious the majority of the content of this interview is to cater to those who are interested in the LT. I’m more familiar with Nomura outright evading this controversial topic. Anyways, I would ask what were the interview questions, but I’m not in the mood for heated discussions right now. O_O

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  11. BBM
    #11 BBM 2 April, 2009, 00:30

    Click on the scan, and you’ll see whether or not this is really a fake. :monster:

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  12. StrifeClouds
    #12 StrifeClouds 2 April, 2009, 00:31

    Click on the link to FF7AC Reunion. This blows, I hate April Fools Day

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 2 April, 2009, 05:13

      I thought it was pretty epic myself. XD

  13. Dark & Divine
    #13 Dark & Divine 2 April, 2009, 01:05

    Hey, Mako just uploaded a high resolution pic of the interview!

    And it is indeed true!

    Click it if you don’t believe it!

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    • Makoeyes987
      Makoeyes987 Author 2 April, 2009, 03:00

      Of course. Why would Ondore tell a lie?

  14. SteveElMonk86
    #14 SteveElMonk86 2 April, 2009, 02:18

    Ah, so it was all a prank. Well, it felt pretty damn realistic. I, for one, am relieved. I’m a Cloud/Tifa kind of guy, so hopefully that sticks around. Still, a shame about the Nanaki part. I wish THAT was true.

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  15. Zephyr
    #15 Zephyr 2 April, 2009, 02:37

    LMAO. Lovin’ that larger image.

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  16. DillyDally
    #16 DillyDally 2 April, 2009, 02:44

    Geez. I believe a lot of pinkers will get angry about this joke….
    Whoever did this is a genius, I almost believed it.

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    • Tennyo
      Tennyo 2 April, 2009, 04:43

      lol I think that was the point. XD

  17. GeoMill
    #17 GeoMill 2 April, 2009, 03:24

    But Nanaki should have more lines >w>
    Loved it.

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  18. Arianna
    #18 Arianna 2 April, 2009, 03:28

    You DIE now. Grrrrrr… 😛

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  19. BWAngel
    #19 BWAngel 2 April, 2009, 03:55

    Nice April Fools joke, I thought I was loosing my mind (which happens on a regular basis.) Anyway, I remember reading a post that the Interview wouldn’t be out on news stands until tomorrow (unless my mind is playing with me, which is does a lot as well.)

    Edit: Also, Is it me or has an article been published already that looks exactly the same as the pic? I know it is an April Fools joke, but I’m just saying…

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  20. Nancysing
    #20 Nancysing 2 April, 2009, 04:24

    “Originally, Red XIII spoke very little but this was not our intention. Please enjoy the numerous humorous lines of Red XIII in the film.”
    Replace that with Cait Sith, and I would be happy if this had been true. Oh well.

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