
Tifa Lockhart Character Profile p.42-47

by November 20, 2008 0 comments

And along with Aerith, Tifa Lockhart’s translated character profile from the FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania is up!

Tifa Lockhart
Compilation of FFVII: FFVII – AC – BC – CC – DC – LO

Character Profile

Height: 167cm
Blood Type: B
Date of Birth: 5/3
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Weapon: Glove
First Person Pronoun: 私 [Watashi]
Voice Actor: AC, CC, DC, LO – Ito Ayumi

The fighter who hides a surprising amount of power behind her beautiful, well-featured appearance. Apart from being Cloud’s childhood friend, she is also the woman who understands him all too well and devotedly supports the mentally-weak side of him. Although she seems spirited and cheerful, she actually has a family-oriented and modest personality, often paying attention to her surroundings. Filled with hatred for ShinRa, which had snatched her hometown away from her, she was once a member of the anti-ShinRa organization AVALANCHE led by Barret and immersed herself in their radical activities.

In Final Fantasy VII

Possessing both the face of a woman and a warrior,
Cloud’s Childhood friend.

Age: 20

「 Hey, Cloud. 5 years ago ・・・・・・. ・・・・・・ No, forget it. I’m too afraid ・・・・・・ to ask. 」

She was reunited with Cloud during one of AVALANCHE’s activities, and invited him to join the organization in order to watch over him after finding many strange aspects in his speech and behavior. During the time they were participating in the anti-ShinRa activities together, they ended up fighting with Sephiroth for the sake of AVALANCHE’s aims, which was to 「Save the Planet」, as well as for her and Cloud to settle their past. Although she was unable to stop his ego from crumbling and becoming Sephiroth’s puppet, she persevered in helping him stand up once again after that incident.

Out of goodwill for Cloud, she didn’t voice out her personal thoughts. There, her suspicions about Cloud, whose strange speech and conduct conflicted with facts from the past, also . . . . Some lives being sacrificed in order to save the Planet was unavoidable — the Mako Reactor was blown up whilst having that thought in mind. However, after finding out that many lives were taken because of that, she was hit by regret.
She ventured into Lifestream together with Cloud. Amidst the course of him trying to ascertain his memories, they became aware of the thoughts/feelings which each other was holding.

「 You came for me. The promise . . . you kept it afterall. 」

Trivia 1

The Ever Active Sense of Fashion.

Tifa can be seen in various outfits in FFVII. A light blue one-piece dress at 8 years old the time her mother died … sporting a cowgirl fashion during the incident in which Nibelheim was set ablaze … and a figure hugging purple dress when she infiltrated Corneo’s mansion. Being fond of fighting without weapons, her basic attire consists of parts which seem suitable for easy movement. However, is it part of Tifa’s style to never exclude a skirt?

「 People have so many things pent up inside of themselves ・・・・・・。
  And they can forget so many things ・・・・・・ 」

Limit Break

Final Heaven

Brandishing her right hand, she concentrates her fighting spirit into her clenched fist. With the fist that starts to emanate light depending on the amount of spirit energy gathered, she deals a massive blow to the monster!
The spirit energy that is sent into the monster through her fist starts to destroy it from within, crushing it together with a big explosion.

In Advent Children

Believes in the strength not to yield to “Memories”,
Continues to support Cloud, who has closed his heart to others.

Age: 22

She opened the bar 7th Heaven in Edge, the city built following the aftermath of the Meteor Disaster. Still bearing the pain from her past, she lived together with Cloud, Marlene and Denzel, a boy who had sought shelter at the slum’s Church. However, Kadaj’s gang, who were planning the advent of Sephiroth, came attacking at the place where she was searching for Cloud, who had left home suddenly. Together with the help of her friends from two years ago, she stands at the battlefield in order to protect the present and future of her “family.”

A look of irritation crosses Tifa’s face as she receives a call addressed to Cloud, who had left without so much as a word.

「 He’s not here anymore. 」

I want to see Cloud — Marlene’s honest words, which reflected what Tifa felt in her own heart, caused her to smile. The present Tifa isn’t just Cloud’s childhood friend, but also the mother of the ‘family’ they were forming in Edge.

「 We’ll lecture him. 」

Loz, the stranger who appeared suddenly at the slum’s church and whose true colors were unclear. In order to protect the nearby Marlene, the secret techniques of hand-to-hand fighter Tifa explode!

Compilation Check

Tifa as a first rate cook and face of Seventh Heaven.

With cooking being one of her forte, Tifa makes use of that special skill to manage a restaurant bar. The first business that she operated was the bar which concealed AVALANCHE’s Seventh Heaven hideout, She stands at the shop while waiting for her comrades from AVALANCHE to return, gaining popularity as a cook and the face of Seventh Heaven in the meantime. However, the shop vanished along with the Sector 7 slums as a result of the plan used by ShinRa to crush AVALANCHE. The Seventh Heaven which appeared in AC/DC was opened in order for her to move on and overcome her sorrow for the AVALANCHE comrades lost, as well as her guilt for the many lives sacrificed.

[FFVII] Seventh Heaven was so named as it was a place of repose in the Sector 7 Slum. Tifa’s handmade cocktails and food makes even her AVALANCHE comrades behave themselves. [AC] The second generation of Seventh Heaven is located in Edge, Midgar’s new adjoining city. It was Barret who suggested opening the shop and its name was proposed by Marlene, his adopted daughter.

「 You’re late . . . . . . 」

Tifa, who collapsed at the slum’s church where the memory of Aerith still lingered. Cloud, who had came to save her, always seems to be a tempo late . . . . . .

「 Which is it, a memory or us? 」

Even though being burdened with painful “memories” is the same for everyone - Unable to do much for Cloud who is always dragging around his regrets for the past, she subconsciously raises her voice. She found Denzel, who had been brainwashed by Kadaj, at Edge’s Plaza and frantically tries to awaken his consciousness.

「 Because Cloud can do it if it’s possible. 」

The companions who had saved the planet two years ago gather together in Edge! Combining their strength, they provided assistance to Cloud, who had cast away his doubts. Tifa, watching over Cloud warmly as he regains the strength to move forward. Having been together with him since they were young, she is able to believe in his recovery for certain.

Compilation Check

A close friend as well as rival?
The complicated emotions she feels towards Aerith.

「Both of them share feelings for Cloud 」 — Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s.

Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world. This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith’s death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was “the child which Aerith brought here” and took care of him. In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.

[FFVII] Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.
[AC] Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex. [AC] Tifa, smiling towards Aerith’s presence. Cherishing Aerith is Tifa’s honest feeling.

In Dirge of Cerberus

In order to protect the people from the insane group,
She was tasked to destroy the mako reactors.

Age: 23

Responding to the calls of Reeve, head of the WRO which worked tirelessly to restore the World, she headed to Midgar to aid in the destruction of the fiendish DG SOLDIERs. With Yuffie and Vincent using Cid’s airship, Cloud, Barret and herself broke in together on land, engaging in a hard battle with the Mako Reactor group that the enemy was using.

「 Leave this side to us! 」

She contacts Vincent via her cellphone. Amidst the noisy Barret and serious Cloud, she consolidates the main points and reports them. Sitting in the passenger seat of the armored vehicle, besides Barret who was driving, Cloud was also alongside on the Fenrir to provide assistance.

In Before Crisis

Took advantage of her encounter with the Turks,
Lead Sephiroth and the rest.

Age: 15

Appeared in the chapter which depicted the details of the Nibelheim incident five years prior to FFVII. Saved from an attack by monsters at Mt. Nibel thanks to a Turk, she took the opportunity to assume the role of a guide for the Mako Reactor investigation team. She seems to be in a state of worry about Cloud, but is able to hear about him from bits and pieces of her conversation with the Turk.

「 Do you know a boy named Cloud? 」

Seemingly worried about Cloud after he had left the village, she asked the Turk who had saved her whether he knew about him. Tifa, whose precious village has been burnt, erupts in rage. However, it doesn’t look like she’ll be able to oppose Sephiroth . . . . . .
The familiar reminiscence scene from FFVII - She made a promise with Cloud, who had called her to the water tower, that he would “Protect her when she was in a pinch.”

「 When you become a SOLDIER and I’m ever in a bind . . . . . .
  Cloud, come and save me, all right ? 」

Trivia 2

The white cat which linked Tifa to people.

In BC, a white cat made an appearance as Tifa’s pet. Besides creating a chance for Tifa to encounter the Turks, it also lead Zangan to her after she was slashed by Sephiroth and sustained heavy injuries. As for it’s absence in FFVII, was it perhaps due to it being warned by the Turks and running away before Hojo could turn it into an experimental subject?

[BC] Reaching Mt. Nibel while chasing after the cat that had ran away, she met one of the Turks and took up the role of a guide. [BC] Playing a part in saving the life of Tifa, who had been on the verge of death, was her cat. This new fact was revealed in BC.

In Last Order

Her beloved village engulfed in flames,
That was what the injured Tifa saw . . . . . .

Age: 15

Similar to BC, she appeared as a person concerned with the incident where Nibelheim was set ablaze. The village where she was living in was razed by Sephiroth, and she sustained heavy injuries and collapsed at the Nibelheim Mako Reactor. As to her realizing that “Cloud had rushed over when Tifa was in a pinch” – note that the explanation that “both of them regained the lost memories of that time when they were inside FFVII’s Lifestream” becomes a feasible point.

「 ShinRa . . . . . SOLDIER . . . . . You! I hate it all! 」

Running around a Nibelheim that was reduced to a sea of flames in search of her father, she heard from her master, Zangan, that the disaster was Sephiroth’s doing. Encountering defeat while trying to exact revenge on Sephiroth, she was severely wounded. The difference from FFVII is that she retains her consciousness in this depiction and is aware of Zack and Cloud rushing there.

Trivia 3

Papa?” “Father?” Tifa’s spoken style.

The feature of LO is that it partially has its own unique interpretation based on FFVII. However, both are different in the way Tifa’s wording was expressed. Whereas Tifa called her father ‘Papa’ in FFVII, she calls him ‘Dad’ in LO and ‘Father’ in front of other people. It also included a more matured impression of her compared to the original version. In addition, she also calls Zangan ‘Master’, which was absent in FFVII.

[LO] Tifa, yelling out ‘Dad!’, rushed over to her father who was on the verge of death and held him tightly. Compared to FFVII, her cowgirl form looks more adult-like.

In Crisis Core

Holding the hope of a reunion in her heart,
The young lady who waited for the SOLDIERs.

Age: 15

She was placed as the ‘village girl who met the protagonist Zack at Nibelheim where he had been assigned to’. When she heard that there would be SOLDIERs coming to the village, she looked forward to being reunited with a Cloud who had became excellent/praiseworthy. However, she was unable to meet with him and though disappointed deep down, she lead the SOLDIERs towards the Nibel Reactor. Alongside the figure from Cloud’s recollection scene in FFVII, Tifa’s situation prior to Mt. Nibel and the Reactor is revealed.

During the time that Zack and the others were in the Mako Reactor, monsters came attacking. Worriedly watching over the soldier who had collapsed while protecting her, could that soldier perhaps be . . . . . .

「 You are the SOLDIERs sent here to do the investigation? 」

Tifa Map

— Nibelheim
A small village which Tifa was born and grew up in. When she was 15, it was burnt by Sephiroth and she herself sustained life-threatening injuries.

— Midgar
She was transported here on the verge of death by Zangan. After she had recovered, she met Barret and commenced anti-ShinRa activities.

— Mideel
A village in which Lifestream gushed forth periodically. Tifa descended into the Lifestream together with Cloud, and wandered around his spiritual world.

Tifa Lockhart – Timeline
[Compilation of FFVII]

[ μ ] – εуλ 1987/5/3

· Is born.

[ μ ] – εуλ 1995

(Age 8 )

· FFVII – Nibelheim
Grieving over her mother’s death, she went to climb Mt. Nibel where only the dead were said to be able to pass through. In the process, she fell from a suspension bridge along with Cloud, who had been running after her. Suffering severe injuries, she was in a coma for 7 days.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0000

(Age 13)

· FFVII/BC – Nibelheim
Went to the water tower that Cloud had called her out to. She received the promise that he would “save her when she was in a pinch” from Cloud, who had said that he wanted to become a SOLDIER.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0002/9/21

(Age 15)

· BC – Nibelheim
Saved at a mountain trail by one of the Turks who had arrived to investigate the cases of workers continuously going missing at the Nibel Mako Reactor, she undertook the role of a guide for the investigation group.


· FFVII/BC/CC – Nibelheim
As the guide for ShinRa’s investigation team, she led Sephiroth and Zack around.


· FFVII/BC/CC/LO – Nibelheim
In a rage after her father was killed by a berserk Sephiroth, she went after him only to be defeated instead. Her life was saved after Zangan rescued her and transported her to Midgar.

· Midgar
She became acquainted with Barret, whom she had a mutual understanding with as a fellow companion who also harbored resentment towards ShinRa. She joined the group which he had formed, called AVALANCHE.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0007

(Age 20)

· FFVII – Midgar
She was reunited with Cloud again at the Sector 7 Slum Station. However, feeling that his speech and conduct were strange, she invited him into AVALANCHE so that she could keep an eye on his condition for a while.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0007/12/9

· FFVII – Midgar
Welcomes Cloud back after he had returned from blowing up the No.1 Reactor, and manages to get his agreement to cooperate with them from thereafter.

· FFVII – Midgar
Went to blow up the No.5 reactor together with her AVALANCHE comrades, but was separated from Cloud after being involved in an explosion from ShinRa’s trap.

· FFVII – Midgar
In order to uncover the true motives of Corneo, who was sniffing about the hideout, she infiltrated Corneo’s mansion. There, she met up with Cloud and Aerith.

· FFVII – Midgar
Failed to stop ShinRa’s plan of dropping the Sector 7 plate. Aerith was taken away to the ShinRa Building.

· FFVII – Midgar
Was captured during an attempt to rescue Aerith, but managed to escape to the streets during the turmoil caused by the murder of President ShinRa by Sephiroth. Went after Sephiroth together with Aerith and the rest.

· FFVII – Northern Crater
Attempting to settle things with Sephiroth, she was disturbed by his words. Besides only being able to watch over Cloud who had broken down, she also lost consciousness due to an impact during their escape and became a captive of ShinRa.

· FFVII – Junon
Charged by ShinRa with the crime of bringing about chaos in the world, she was to undergo a public execution in front of the television cameras. However, she was rescued by her friends.

· FFVII – Mideel
She was reunited with Cloud, who had been poisoned by Mako. She separated from her companions in order to nurse him.

· FFVII – Junon
Falls into the Lifestream. She finds out about the truth of five years ago in Cloud’s spirit world and helps him regain his true self.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0008/01

· FFVII – Northern Crater
Together with her companions, they emerged victorious in the final battle with Sephiroth and prevent the descent of Meteor.

· Edge
After visiting several places together with Cloud and Barret, she opened the bar “Seventh Heaven” on the advice of those around her. She was given custody of Marlene from Barret, who had left on a journey. Together with Cloud, the three of them began living together.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0009

(Age 22)

· Edge
Cloud brought Denzel back from the slum’s church and from then, it became the four of them living together.

· AC – Midgar
While visiting the Sector 5 slum’s church in search of Cloud, who had left home, she was attacked by Loz. She was defeated in battle while protecting Marlene.

· AC – Midgar
Together with her companions, they crushed Bahamut SHIN, which had been summoned by Kadaj. She went to welcome Cloud who had returned after settling his personal battle.

[ ν ] – εуλ 0010

(Age 23)

· DC – Midgar
Hastened to Vincent’s assistance together with her former companions and fought the DG SOLDIERs.

No comments yet

  1. Marcela
    #1 Marcela 20 November, 2008, 18:36

    cloti much?
    it seems the canon has been stablished
    great translation

    Reply to this comment
  2. lonestar
    #2 lonestar 29 November, 2008, 14:26

    Looking back at the pictures/scenes. Cloud and Tifa somehow always manage to get touchy. BTW. I love the name given to this site.

    Reply to this comment
  3. Tennyo
    #3 Tennyo 11 December, 2008, 07:45

    Awesome. I’m so glad you uploaded this! I have my reference points back! 😀

    BTW do you have the bonus CC Ultimania profile for Tifa that was on ACF?

    Reply to this comment
  4. Arina
    #4 Arina 13 March, 2009, 02:38

    Tifa’s love seems one-sided to me…

    Reply to this comment
    • lana
      lana 26 April, 2009, 04:48


  5. Ravynne
    #5 Ravynne 27 July, 2009, 20:01

    Funny how they point out how all of Tifa’s outfits include a skirt right BEFORE the AC section, in which she wears shorts.

    Reply to this comment
  6. Kaszi
    #6 Kaszi 29 November, 2009, 04:14

    Yo the picture of her at the very beginning of this page, where did it come from???
    (Like is it just fan-art or official stuff???)

    Reply to this comment
    • Vendel
      Vendel 30 November, 2009, 10:33

      The one at the top? I believe that is an official 10th anniversary render of her in her FFVII outfit.

  7. Seunia
    #7 Seunia 2 May, 2011, 18:27

    It´s Tifa´s birthday tomorrow! 😀

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  8. Shinra Guy
    #8 Shinra Guy 21 September, 2011, 22:16

    Nice to see official acknowledgement that Tifa and Aerith were close friends DESPITE being love rivals; the notion that some fans have that they hate each other is stupid.

    Reply to this comment
  9. CG
    #9 CG 5 October, 2012, 23:26

    Tifa is an AMAZING character. Definitely my favorite out of all of them.

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  10. Orah
    #10 Orah 6 September, 2013, 17:33

    i dunoo…people think tifa making cloud promise meant she liked him. she made the promise as a friend because he was leaving. honestly my first impression was that tifa wanted to leave the village and wanted cloud to save her if she got in trouble afterwards i dunooo….thats just my opinion lol

    but i dont think she liked him like “that” on the tower. a girl can think a boy is “cute” and still not take an interest in him. she liked him when he left (ironically).

    Reply to this comment
  11. Nickamano
    #11 Nickamano 9 January, 2020, 20:52

    So glad I found this. A few other sites list the original game beginning in ’06. Which would have made Tifa 19.

    This information seems much more accurate and exhaustive.
    Thank you.

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